• last year
How do you usually use up Christmas leftovers, and do you have any go-to recipes or creative ideas? What are your tips for reducing food waste during the festive period?
00:00Ah, reducing food waste over Christmas, whilst you eat it, so that's going to reduce food waste.
00:07That's for recipes, you're joking.
00:09Yeah, OK, no.
00:11I can do some, I can put some butter on a slice of bread, but that's about it.
00:16It's always got to be a Christmas sandwich, that's number one, and it's got to have, I think,
00:19I don't know if you've seen Friends, but they do a layer in the middle of bread, soaked in gravy.
00:23It's got to be done.
00:24And then once the sandwich has gone, kind of classic curry, sometimes a turkey chilli.
00:29We use the carcass as well to make stock, stick that in the freezer, maybe use it for next year's gravy.
00:34Don't really like any waste.
00:36I basically freeze my food, I'm a student, so I know the value of having food.
00:41So I do end up making a lot during Christmas Day, and then I just freeze it and have it over the next week or so.
00:47So we normally have a buffet on Boxing Day, and my dad makes a turkey soup,
00:52and he ends up freezing quite a bit of the turkey soup for whenever else we fancy in the year.
00:57Me, absolutely anything. Everything and anything.
