(Adnkronos) - La campagna ‘Natale solidale’, lanciata da Aisla a Roma il 21 novembre, ha raggiunto la cifra record di 230 mila euro di donazioni. Con il supporto di Galbusera Tre Marie, NeMo e SlaFood, Aisla ha celebrato questo traguardo importante in occasione dell’evento conclusivo della campagna, il Christmas party di Milano. Presso lo store di Galbusera in Piazza San Babila, si sono riuniti volontari, sostenitori, persone con Sclerosi laterale amiotrofica e le loro famiglie, tutti uniti da un obiettivo comune: la solidarietà. Ad oggi la sla non ha una cura, ma, come ha sottolineato la presidente di Aisla Fulvia Massimelli ‘la cura deve solo essere trovata’, proprio per questo il sostegno alla ricerca gioca un ruolo fondamentale nella lotta alla patologia.
00:10It is the intention of the Christmas Party, the final event of the Solidary Christmas of Aisla,
00:15which has brought together volunteers, supporters, people with SLA and their families
00:19around a common goal, solidarity.
00:22Last November 21, a Solidary campaign was launched in Rome with the direct streaming
00:27for research and during the Christmas Party an extraordinary goal was announced.
00:32The funds raised have reached the figure of 230,000 euros,
00:36a concrete result and an example of collective commitment.
00:39SLA is an incurable disease, the only hope we have and we entrust all our hopes to research.
00:47Therefore, everything that has been given to us will be dedicated to research,
00:51because it is not true that there is no cure, you just need to discover it.
00:55So I thank all those who have contributed to buy the chocolate,
01:00have contributed to donate and have donated.
01:03With this little gesture you can make a huge difference, because you will give us a future.
01:11For the president of SLA Food, the promise made during the awareness campaign,
01:16that of the donation, was finally kept.
01:19This happens at a particular moment like Christmas, but my hope is that it happens all year round,
01:28so that there is a strong donation throughout the year,
01:35to give us the opportunity to change the history of this disease.
01:42Becoming part of an enlarged family is the meaning of the Christmas Party
01:47for the director Retelli Galbusera Tre Maria Diego Ponasso.
01:51For our company it was a beautiful experience, because it makes us better as a company,
01:56to do an activity with SLA of this type, of this scope,
02:00but I have to tell you the truth, it also makes us better as people,
02:03because for the first time I really saw an involvement from people
02:09that I could never have imagined.
02:12Another goal of the evening, to launch a message of simplicity.
02:16Usually we sell the problems of others as something insurmountable,
02:20for us who have nothing.
02:22Instead, the message that must pass is that having attention to others
02:26means sometimes looking with a simple eye and doing the right thing for them,
02:30which is our mirror, our consequence in some respects.
02:34Being together also goes beyond the table,
02:36but because of the dysphagia that often affects the sick,
02:39sometimes it is difficult to reach everyone.
02:42Therefore, on our part, the important thing is to try to create dishes,
02:47to help, to give ideas,
02:49so that all people can sit at the table together
02:53and enjoy a moment of sharing as the table requires.