• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Questi due giorni sono un modo per dire a tutti di dare un contributo alla ricerca, che può davvero cambiare l'esistenza delle persone che oggi stanno soffrendo di Sla, ma anche quelle che domani potrebbero essere colpite da questa patologia”. Così Maria Teresa Bellucci, viceministro del Lavoro e delle politiche sociali, in occasione delle celebrazioni della 17sima Giornata nazionale Sla, sclerosi laterale Amiotrofica, evento organizzato e promosso da Aisla, Associazione italiana sclerosi laterale amiotrofica, il 14 e 15 settembre, che gode dell'alto Patronato del presidente della Repubblica e del patrocinio del ministero del Lavoro e delle politiche sociali.


00:00The National Day dedicated to the lateral sclerosis is a way to unite us all, to stay close to the people with SLA, to their families, to show that closeness that is also needed to encourage people in such a difficult time of their lives.
00:23Also this year, I am here to represent the Italian government, to say thank you to the many organizations such as AISLA, which every day support patients with SLA, their families, who provide information, assistance, comfort.
00:38They are essential to not make people feel alone, because no one should feel alone, no one should be left behind.
00:46It is also a way, in these two days, to tell everyone to make a contribution, a contribution to research, because it is what can really change the existence of people, of those who today are suffering from SLA, but also of those who tomorrow may be affected by this pathology and perhaps have more hope to live a dignified life, a life and an existence in the light of a solidarity that makes people unite all together.
