• 2 months ago
Derbyshire Times news bulletin with editor Phil Bramley
00:00Here's today's Derbyshire Times video bulletin.
00:03Snow, ice and flood water have again caused problems in Derbyshire today,
00:07with a number of schools and roads closed. There were flood alerts and flood warnings in
00:12place on rivers across the county this morning following heavy rain and melting snow.
00:17East Midlands Ambulance Service has declared a critical incident for the first time in its
00:21history. Declaring the incident yesterday evening, EMAS said it had put out more
00:26ambulance resources than ever before. However, the combination of a significant patient demand,
00:31pressure from local hospitals and flooding across the East Midlands had led to the escalation.
00:36The critical incident means that from this morning, local NHS clinical hubs will take
00:41Category 3 calls from EMAS and provide support and or a local alternative pathway for these
00:46patients. Category 3 calls are urgent calls such as abdominal pains, which includes patients can
00:52be treated in their own home. The aim is to respond to these patients in 9 out of 10 times
00:56within 120 minutes. The move aims to allow EMAS to focus on responding to Category 1, which is
01:03life-threatening, and Category 2, serious calls. For all the latest updates on the roads and flood
01:09warnings, see the Derbyshire Times website, where we will have live updates throughout the day.
