• 2 months ago


00:00This boy, I know, has been sitting with his uncle for 24 hours at his uncle's party.
00:29I have seen it.
00:32Now, Ashma is with her uncle.
00:34She is sitting with her uncle's party in his uncle's car.
00:41You have seen it too.
00:43Now what is Ashma doing, that is Ashma's matter.
00:45Now the administration will understand the administration's matter.
00:48What did he say?
00:51You can understand that it is a water-like purification.
00:54He is saying that he has been given an asthma arrest.
00:57Yes, it is a water-like purification.
01:00He has been given an asthma arrest.
01:03Yes, you can understand that it is a water-like purification.
01:06You can see what is happening and what is not happening.
01:11I will say one thing about this.
01:14I have written the complaint to the police regarding the commission
01:19and problem to be solved.
01:23I have complete trust and confidence in the police.
01:27Definitely the police will work together
01:30and I have complete trust and confidence in the police.
01:34The police are investigating are investigating.
01:37What is happening is a matter of the police.
01:39The police are in charge. I am not.
01:41So, whatever the police are doing, I have full control over the police.
01:46I don't know who is responsible for this incident.
01:50I don't know which members are responsible for this.
01:53I just want to say one thing.
01:55I have informed the police about this incident in writing.
01:59The police are in charge.
02:01I will inform the police about this in writing.
