• 2 months ago
00:00From NFL Network's Tom Pellicero, multiple NFL teams have inquired about whether legendary coach
00:07Bill Belichick, yeah, the same guy that is North Carolina's football head coach,
00:12would reconsider his move to CFB, including the Raiders, whose new minority owner Tom Brady
00:18spoke recently with his old coach, per league sources. DRS, when you saw that tweet around
00:25noon eastern time yesterday afternoon, you just logged off the Moneyline, I had just started
00:31things on Football Full Circle, we were done together on the early line, so you're sitting
00:35there, you see that, what's your first thought? I'm just puzzled by everything going around Bill
00:41Belichick. I was shocked he actually didn't get a job last year, but you figured he would just sit
00:44it out, there's going to be six, seven, eight coaching jobs opening, people are going to beat
00:47down the doors, just like they did for, hey, Vrabel's not a hot candidate last year, now he's
00:52a super hot candidate, you knew this was coming around, and also, is he just in a position that
00:56goes, you know what, I'm older now, let me be a dad, my son, I want to get his foot in the door,
01:02I can guarantee I'll get this job at Carolina, I'll dip out after a year or two, my son's going
01:06to get that job, because that looks like what it is at this point right now to me, to be honest,
01:09because why would he go to North Carolina knowing that multiple head coaching jobs could be his
01:15in the next year that he could resurrect and get back in the NFL game, which he wanted to do,
01:19and then take a job at Carolina with some mysterious $10 million buyout, goes to $1 million,
01:23so I'll get this job, I'll get him going on the right track, I'll hand it off to my son,
01:27then I'll dip back to the NFL the next year, but here's what I do want to happen here,
01:31I would love to see this, I would love to see the full court press, but I'll let you say,
01:34the Raiders and Tom Brady, and him leave Carolina, and we can all laugh at North Carolina going like,
01:38man, we just got worked over, only to see North Carolina go, okay, that was real funny,
01:42now your entire staff is fired, including your son, and we're back on the men looking for another
01:47head coach, this just has stink written all over it, because Belichick's gonna be a five-year guy,
01:52and just retire at Carolina, that's not happening, so with the ulterior motive like, you know what,
01:56let me exert my influence to get my son a job, and dip out, and just see him take over,
02:00was that really what it was all about, seems like it.
