• 2 months ago
કેશોદ પંથકની એક શિક્ષિકાએ તેના પૂર્વ પ્રેમી સામે દુષ્કર્મની ફરિયાદ નોંધાવી છે. જેના આધારે પોલીસે તપાસનો ધમધમાટ શરૂ કર્યો છે. શું છે સમગ્ર મામલો જાણો...


00:00Keshav police station has been involved in a case of bribery and adulteration
00:06where the perpetrator and the accused of this crime
00:11went to the police station with the accused two years ago
00:16and got to know each other.
00:18After that, they became friends with each other.
00:24After that, they got to know each other and got engaged.
00:31A month or so ago, they got engaged.
00:36The accused's parents decided to get married.
00:42After that, they refused to get married.
00:49They gave in to the temptation of getting married.
00:56As soon as they gave in,
00:58the accused started to harass the police station.
01:04The accused went to the police station with the accused
01:07and started to arrest the accused.
