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Bank Indonesia (BI) berencana meluncurkan dua instrumen baru untuk penempatan devisa hasil ekspor (DHE) sumber daya alam (SDA) demi mendukung kebijakan Pemerintah. Instrumen ini dirancang untuk memudahkan eksportir dalam menempatkan dan memanfaatkan DHE melalui perbankan.


00:05Back with us at Prime Market Highlights.
00:07Indonesian Bank Indonesia is planning to launch two new instruments
00:11for the placement of natural resource export deficit
00:14in order to support government policies.
00:16This instrument is designed to facilitate exporters
00:19in placing and using DHE through banking.
00:26Indonesian Bank Indonesia is planning to launch two new instruments
00:29for the placement of natural resource export deficit
00:32in order to support government policies.
00:35Deputy Governor Senior BI Destri Damayanti
00:38explained that the two instruments will be used are
00:41Security of Foreign Currency BI or SVBI
00:44and Securities of Foreign Currency BI or SUVBI.
00:48Destri ensured that the policy will strengthen
00:51DHE-SDA management more optimally through banks.
00:54He insisted that this instrument is designed to facilitate exporters
00:58in placing and using DHE through banking.
01:01This policy is also part of the effort to maximize
01:04policy and market operations
01:06which is expected to increase the value of Rupiah exchange.
01:10Then also the strengthening of monetary operations
01:12which was stated by the Governor earlier
01:14where it will also be optimized
01:17not only later in the response record
01:21when the regulation is issued
01:24related to DHE-VALAS for SDA
01:33but also in the framework of our monetary operations
01:37to maintain the stability of Rupiah exchange value.
01:41Previously, the government also proposed to increase
01:43the waiting period for VALAS-DHE-SDA in the country to be one year.
01:47However, this policy about the number of entrepreneurs
01:49who value it will interfere with the cash flow of the company.
01:53Jakarta Raharjo Patno for ADExchange.
