• 2 months ago
00:00We mentioned there was another there's another staff. I mean there's a few things, but there's another comment in particular
00:05We wanted to let you hear so he says on ESPN right there courtside. Hey
00:10Shut up
00:11Shut up Twitter. Let us figure this out and then after the game on
00:17local post game
00:21He had this to say
00:24Anyone who was thinking white flag with regard to recent comments anybody who thinks that I'm okay?
00:32We're just being an average basketball on a average basketball team is insane. Take whatever I said
00:37I still stand on it
00:39But it doesn't mean that you're not in a situation where you're trying to get better make appropriate moves that help you do that
00:44Mike knows that we've talked about it. That's the that's the expectation for me
00:48I'm gonna help lead the team where we want to go again
00:50That doesn't mean that you direct us what people's definition of that is is where I was talking about the Twitter fingers thing like treatment
00:57Chains are fun. But what does that actually look like?
00:59So we're gonna hand our business Mike's gonna handle his see where we end up
01:03so here's what I think has happened this week and a boss of mine talked to me about this years ago and
01:10Was actually talking about radio
01:12But there is overlap between radio and Golden State Warriors basketball. It is all
01:19Entertainment content creation and so here was my thought about what the Warriors have done this week because I get it if it sounds
01:26Like they're like we're not making a trade. We don't want to do something stupid and everyone like it's a white flag
01:32And now they're like, no, no. No, there's not a white flag. We're all in on right now. It's like are you guys flip-floppers?
01:39what the Warriors are doing in my mind is
01:42they are managing the balance between hope and fear and
01:47That's what that's what you have to do you have to manage the balance between hope and fear and
01:55You've seen it literally just in the last 48 hours
01:59You lose to the Raptors and we all get filled with fear
02:03then you beat the Timberwolves and we all get filled with hope and
02:08And the Warriors they need to they need to ride those emotions as well. They're feeling them
02:14They know their fan base. They know their audience as any good content creator does they know exactly what everybody's thinking?
02:22that's why they take these comments to whether it's social media or press conferences or whatever and
02:28And and that's why I'm on team
02:33wait and see what February 6th brings there is so much more hope and fear and
02:40Information that will come between now and then and no matter what happens
02:45I will never be in favor of them doing something stupid
02:50Just because they feel compelled to do something because so many people want them to they will never feel that
02:57I don't believe as long as they have, you know Steph there and Joe Lacob there
03:01They're not gonna be a team that does something reckless and you heard Steph and Steve Kerr both talk about that
03:08So in terms of what they might do in three weeks
03:11I do think a lot of it's predicated on the next ten games. You have ten more games before
03:16February 6 which is when the deadline is and you play at LA that night and
03:20You've got eight home games and two road games in the next ten. That's good
03:25And if you look at those opponents, you've got Boston and OKC and other than that
03:31There are winnable games and as we saw from the last two games a game
03:35That's winnable is losable and a game that's losable is also winnable
03:39So you can't really look at any of the next ten and think oh, I got them at seven three
03:43Well, they could be but they can also beat Boston
03:46And then they could lose the Washington and turn around and beat Boston because that's who this team is
03:51So yeah the balance between hope and fear it's real and it's the same no matter what team you cover and right now at 20 and
03:5920 it's a pretty good balance because you're hopeful that they can still be a playoff team
04:04But you're fearful that your older players might miss more games and cominga might not come back and you're hopeful
04:11They can bring somebody in but you're fearful. They might have to trade cominga
04:14So there's a ton of hope and fear that have already been there and that also exists over the next couple of weeks
04:21So what do you all think of what Steph Curry said? What did last night do for you?
04:25With regard to your your outlook your hopes your fears eight eight eight nine five seven nine five seventy. Let's take some calls
04:32Let's go to urban Berkeley. Hi, Irv. Thanks for the call
04:37Hey, how you doing what's going on?
04:41Hey, I just have a problem with her and not being able to get
04:45Or try to trade for a big man. I think it's easier to trade for a big man
04:50Then it is like you keep hearing Jimmy Butler in
04:55Johnson and those guys are not going to help the Warriors. They need a guy like
05:02Voucher the guy that's in Chicago Nicola. Yes
05:07Yeah, or the guy that's in Washington. You're talking about balance
05:13Yeah, when they play against big teams that
05:16Like loony, he just doesn't have the size
05:18He can do all he wants, but he just doesn't have a have the size against those big teams
05:24I'm interested in adding a big guy to but Irv
05:27Did you like you started the conversation by saying you had a problem with Kerr with that?
05:32What is what does he have to do with acquiring a big guy?
05:39Every big guy that he's had
05:41He's either traded him cut him
05:44But he can't he doesn't coach him up and I look at a lot of centers around
05:49we don't need a
05:51What's the name the guy that's in Denver?
05:53Nor Anthony Davis, we just need somebody that can block shot or
05:58Change a shot and be a live threat
06:00It's interesting Irv. Thanks really appreciate it. I like
06:05First of all Kerr is not in charge of trading and cutting that he's the head coach. He's not the general manager
06:12I'm not gonna say he doesn't have input
06:14But the idea that he's never coached up the bigs
06:17I don't I don't know like I mean if we if we want to go back for the whole Kerr era
06:22I think they've made wonderful use of their bigs if we want to go back to Andrew Bogut and and and then
06:29kind of who Kerr referenced when
06:32You and I had him on earlier this week talking about even guys like Otto Porter and maybe that's not who people think of as
06:39A big but he's like a stretch for type of a guy listen
06:43I would love for them to acquire the right stretch five if it works
06:49But I don't want them necessarily to have to give up a first-round pick to do it
06:55And I don't think it really I don't think it's a Steve Kerr thing. I think it's an organizational thing
07:00Well the idea of coaching them up like you could look at Andrew Bogut who came in as the player
07:05He already was and he fit great because he was an elite passer
07:09JaVale McGee when he came here JaVale McGee was as good as he's ever been same thing with Maury Spates
07:15Do they does Steve get credit for?
07:17Coaching them up James Wiseman came here and Steve
07:21Maybe didn't coach him up
07:23But Wiseman has gone on to not do much elsewhere and now he's hurt with a torn Achilles his career might be in real jeopardy
07:30in the NBA so the idea of
07:33Coaching up a big man. It felt like you know be elites
07:37Uh was a good fit and then last year, you know last year the guy they had didn't really fit
07:43The guy who ended up going to the bench all the game
07:47Thank you
07:50Dario Sharic, I mean did he not coach up shower?
07:53It's not really that good charge had the same start here as buddy. He'll did
08:04So the idea of coaching up a big you need to have the right big man in here and you know the one guy
08:09I'm really interested in and we're not gonna see him until the Warriors are really out of it
08:15and that's Quentin Post because you look at the G League and
08:19He's lighting up the G League and he could be eventually the stretch five that everybody's clamoring for
08:26Eventually, yes, but I'm certainly not that that's one thing. I would reject that we do hear from
08:33Callers and conversations, which is let's start playing even more
08:39Young players and I when I say young players, I'm not talking about Moses Moody
08:43I'm talking about somebody who was just drafted in the second round earlier this year like no
08:49No, like like we're not turning them over to
08:53Brand new players who've never played in the NBA. Here's one thing
08:56This might be a small thing
08:58but it does cross my mind when you look at two teams last night who lead the league in clutch games and
09:03You can think clutch game stat is stupid or whatever and for those of you don't know what it is
09:08It means that the game within the final five minutes is within five points
09:12Okay, and the Warriors and Timberwolves play the most of those games more than anybody else in the whole league on
09:19some level
09:21Doesn't that say to you?
09:25the space between what we're looking at with the Warriors now and being an actual good playoff team is
09:33Not that large. I'm not talking about championship contention
09:38But if we can all agree that the Warriors are as Steve curse said last night
09:42Competitive and they're right there in almost all of their games
09:47But what that doesn't look like they do very well is have scores at the finish. Well, could there be
09:55acquisitions, whatever that changed that a little bit and the Warriors go from a
10:01500 team to a
10:04580 team in the second half of the year like they're not far off. I get what you're saying
10:11But I'm there I get it, but I two things one
10:14I do think that the clutch stat the clutch game stat is
10:18Kind of a joke because you know being within five with five minutes left. You can still lose by 16
10:23Right, but it's a close game like you haven't blown off your floor
10:27but the majority of the games the Warriors have played have been that and the majority of the games in the
10:33Association at least half the games by and large
10:35it's about I would say 40% of all games are clutch games and you look at the Warriors and they are
10:4120 and 20 and in clutch games, they're 12 and 13
10:45So in games that aren't clutch, they're 8 and 7 that means 8 times
10:50They've won games that probably were comfortable blowouts and you could look at their game log
10:55And you can look at a bunch of games that were blowouts
10:58They opened up with a 36-point win over Portland. They beat Utah by 41. They lost a was it Memphis by
11:0553 yeah, that one was out of hand. Yeah by 51
11:09So a lot of the games, you know that are clutch games
11:13I do think they ultimately become a reflection of who you are in general
11:17no, they do but I like to me when you lead the league in that category and the Warriors have
11:2425 such games and
11:28That does only trail the Wolves at 26 and then you look at the Washington Wizards who have 11
11:35Like not even half as many
11:37And maybe that's too low of a bar to just compare them to the Washington Wizards, but there's something there to say
11:44They're right there in almost every basketball game because by the way in those 25 games
11:51Those clutch games that the Warriors have played they've only won 12 of them and they've won 20 games
11:56So that means eight times they beat somebody maybe kind of going away, right?
12:01And then in the rest of so that's eight games
12:03That's my point about the stat is that I do think that these records and clutch games are usually reflective of what your overall
12:10Record is Minnesota's 12 and 14 and clutch games and on the year
12:15They're 21 and 19 so they're 9 and 5 in non clutch games slightly better in non clutch
12:21But their record is still somewhat reflective of what they are in clutch
12:24No, I don't disagree with you
12:26Although for instance the Detroit Pistons have the seventh best record and I know they've gotten a lot better this year
12:32But you're largely right the top three teams in clutch games are the Cavs Thunders and Celtics
12:37They're the best teams in the league
12:39But that point I think remains which is that if there if there is something and this is what they were trying to do
12:45I think by acquiring
12:46Schroeder if there's something that you can do in the final five minutes of the game to become a more dynamic team
12:52Then you're not that far away from again
12:56going from a 500 team to
12:58Whether that is the six seed the five seed
13:00I'm not saying the one seed of the two seed, but they're not that far off
13:06From being the competitive basketball team that we're all hoping they have for us here in the second half of the year
13:12That's what Steph was saying last night
13:14he said, you know back off the Twitter fingers and let us figure it out and he just wants to be
13:20Relevant and get into a playoff series and be competitive and yes, they can be that they can do that and last night
13:27I do think was a big step toward that because for me, there's a gulf not only
13:32from a standings perspective, but also emotionally there's a big difference between 19 and 21 and
13:3820 and 20 the fact that you beat Minnesota
13:41To get to 20 and 20 to get to the 10 spot to go to and to on the trip
13:45it must have given them a big shot at confidence and I know that fans are certainly feeling a lot different about this team as
13:52Opposed to if you laid an egg in Toronto and then you gacked a 24-point lead against, Minnesota
13:58If you somehow found a way to lose that one and you dipped in 19 and 21
14:02We'd be having a whole different conversation today, even though it's only just one game. Indeed. Indeed. Here is the conversation
14:08We're having it centered around these comments from Steph Curry on the floor to ESPN right after the game
14:14All the Twitter fingers who's got deals that they that we need to make
14:18And kind of just shut up a little bit and let us figure this thing out
14:21Like we we know we can be competitive and we showed you know that that toughness tonight
14:26Obviously every team is trying to find ways to get better and for us. We've been great for a very long time
14:31This is just a unique year
14:33We have to be able to stay relevant and give ourselves a chance and just have some life in a playoff series and we have a
14:38whole lot of confidence that we can you know beat anybody so
14:41Yeah, that's it. Oh, yeah, that's it
14:44I mean the two things that stand out to me right there at the end where he really
14:47Emphasizes we have a whole lot of confidence that we can beat anybody but even prior to that
14:53When when he's like shut up and let us figure this out
14:57As opposed to what we do hear from stars at least behind the scenes in the NBA, which is get me help
15:05Get me help or get me out of here
15:07Steph Curry, I hope there's an appreciation in this conversation
15:11And and I know that this stuff is usually pretty damn appreciated by Warriors fans
15:16But I hope there's an appreciation for what he's saying here, which is that hey, there's a responsibility
15:23Because I'm a warrior. I don't want the Warriors to do bad things for the Warriors, but the flip side of that is
15:31I'm not sitting here demanding a move. I'm not pouting. I'm not complaining
15:36I want to get in the lab with my guys and see if we can figure this out
15:43This that's the stuff that you don't hear from NBA stars very often
15:47So once again, you know and I said it earlier this week party of one when it comes to this right, right?
15:53And here you are with you know, 40 down and 42 to go and yeah
15:57He wants to get in the lab and quote figure it out
16:00And he should be given every chance to do that
16:03and if you look at what that means it means
16:05Draymond's back and his flu-like symptoms or whatever kept him out of the game and the reports yesterday were that he was
16:12You know ashen and gray and sickly and so you hope he comes back soon
16:16And you know Jonathan Kaminga when we talked about the injury and a re-evaluation in three weeks
16:22That should be coming up in the next week Bob Fitzgerald today at 415
16:26Maybe can shed more light on what he's hearing about just at least a re-evaluation
16:32But if Draymond can get healthy and Kaminga can come back
16:35Then you can really start to see what this team that Steph is talking about looks like again
16:40Let's go to Trevor in Roanoke Park. Hey Trevor. Thanks for calling. What are you doing?
16:45What's up guys? How are you? What's up?
16:48Wow, so a little thought about what curry said last night and I think what's going on with the organization in general is
16:57What team are you gonna get it is very difficult when
17:02You're a team that's 20 and 20 and very average and trying to understand which way you're gonna go. So when you look at
17:10Are they gonna make a move for somebody? Who is that guy? Is it gonna be a center?
17:14Like Nicola from the Bulls or is it gonna be somebody else? They go get a shooter
17:20It's hard to say because you have a guy like buddy healed who went off for 18 points last night
17:27Is very up and down you get the consistency is is what I think they're looking for
17:32So I think when you hear curry say that I think they're just in a mode of they got players
17:38They can go and make a run on the team now if they play to their potential
17:44Are they gonna do that?
17:45I think I think that's the magic question of like
17:48Who who do you move if you're gonna move somebody and who is that for?
17:52Because any one of these guys if they just kind of pick it up a little bit pick up the slack
17:57You got a team. Like you said, they're very close. You got a team that can start stringing together win. Well
18:04Yeah, Trevor. Thank you so much. I want like to your point. I
18:09This has gotten lost in what happened last night
18:12There was no Kaminga. No, no dream on. No, there's no pajams key and there was no slo-mo who is kind of a gluey
18:20Rotational guy at least in some matchups and they went against one of the biggest baddest front lines in in the entire NBA
18:27Gobert and whatever you think about Julius Randall. He's big-body. Yeah Nas read
18:31I think is a phenomenal basketball player off the bench for them
18:34They went up against that group down four players, Minnesota was down. No one they were at home and at full strength
18:42So don't forget that acquisition the first week of February
18:46His name is Jonathan Kaminga and also think about last night and a big reason why they won
18:51two of the reasons are two of the most prime trade targets and that's GP to and Kavon Looney two guys who
18:58Stepped in and did the little things and played great in any trade you want to make probably involves one if not both of them
19:05Oh, that is exactly right
19:07Unless you're talking about something at a higher level right Wiggins and Kaminga type names
