• 2 months ago
00:00Oh, that felt good, didn't it? Didn't it?
00:02Nice win.
00:03Did it change anything for you?
00:05Uh, yes and no.
00:07Yes, because, I mean, they got a win on the road in a game that most people, including
00:12myself, maybe you as well, didn't think that they were going to win.
00:16That was a high bar, Razor.
00:17It was nice.
00:18But, to me, it just kind of cements who they are in a nutshell.
00:22You look at a four-game road trip, and they went 2-2 with one really, really bad loss
00:29and one really nice win.
00:31And you beat Minnesota without Draymond and Kaminga and a couple of others in the end
00:36of a road trip in a game where, let's be fair about it, Minnesota didn't show up until
00:41the six-minute mark of the first quarter.
00:43They were flat.
00:44They were listless.
00:46They had five turnovers in the first five minutes.
00:48Now, how many of those were generated by Warriors defense?
00:51Maybe a little bit.
00:52The Warriors came out, and they were the aggressor.
00:55They took it to them, and they built up a big lead.
00:58And, as you mentioned, when you're up by 20 in the first quarter, it does not necessarily
01:02mean that you're always going to win or you're always going to blow the team out.
01:06And so, the Warriors survived Minnesota's late rally.
01:09You know, I like horse racing, and it was a little bit like seeing a horse turn for
01:13home with a five-length lead, and you're thinking, all right, this one, and then here comes the
01:18eight horse on the outside, and you get all the way down to the wire, and you win by a
01:22nose, and it's like, whew, another couple of strides, and they lose that race.
01:28You're probably right.
01:29I thought the whole night, I'm like, they're probably still going to lose.
01:31They're up by 20.
01:32I'm like, probably still going to lose.
01:34They'll probably find a way to lose.
01:35I know that Ant's going to get hot.
01:36They're going to make their run.
01:38All that stuff.
01:39Minnesota's tough.
01:40They're at home.
01:41That's how the NBA works.
01:42It's why both of those teams lead the league in clutch games.
01:45Like, I felt the whole time like that was going to get close at the end.
01:48It did.
01:49Warriors have a little bit of a bugaboo in that spot.
01:52They pulled it out.
01:53Good for them.
01:54A lot of times we do overanalyze these things, though.
01:58Was Minnesota flat?
01:59Were the Warriors good?
02:00Did they have that dug in them?
02:02You want to know what they did last night?
02:03Some of their shots went in.
02:05That's really it.
02:06That's it.
02:07They shot 50% from three.
02:1050% from three.
02:12You should win when you do that.
02:14Buddy Heald had basketballs that came out of his hands that went in the hoop.
02:20That changes things.
02:22Guess what they did from the free throw line?
02:25They shot the ball, and it went in.
02:29That's the only thing that changed.
02:31When it didn't go in, and when GP2 missed the second of two,
02:35and Kavon slithered in and jumped his usual three inches off the floor
02:39and poop, tipped that thing back out, Warriors kept possession,
02:43and they had to foul again.
02:45Even when they missed a free throw, to your point,
02:47they were able to scramble and get an offensive rebound,
02:49keep possession, and avoid disaster.
02:51I think both times.
02:52They only missed three free throws in the game, if memory serves.
02:55Wiggins missed both ends of a free throw trip.
02:58This was with many, many minutes still to go.
03:01And I think that the Warriors got the rebound and did something with it,
03:04and then obviously the GP2 won at the very end,
03:07that Wiggins grabs the offensive rebound,
03:09and that turns into two more Steph free throws and the end of the game.
03:12Kavon with a great tap out on that.
03:14Yeah, absolutely.
03:15What he does at 6'9", without really much of a vertical leap,
03:19and not to disrespect Kavon as an athlete,
03:22because he's a pro basketball player,
03:23but the way he's able to do what he does without really getting that far off
03:28the ground, he's amazing.
03:30And that was an uncanny, athletically smart play,
03:33where he just kind of does his Kavon thing,
03:35and then swoop, just tips it back out to Wiggins,
03:37and then you win the game.
03:38Just a fascinating night, not only because the Warriors won,
03:42but you think about everything that's been said on this radio station
03:46all week long about how it almost felt like a coordinated effort
03:51by Steve Kerr, Steph Curry, and Draymond Green to let the fans know
03:55that we're probably not going to win,
03:58and we're probably not going to make a big trade,
04:00and whether those were the actual words out of their mouths,
04:03that's how a lot of people were feeling,
04:05and at minimum that was the discussion point.
04:08I know I never thought it was a white flag.
04:10I don't think you really thought it was a white flag,
04:13but it was something.
04:15It was something what was being said,
04:17and it was very, very clear on their minds last night
04:21that they wanted to say something a little bit different.
04:25Again, here is Steph Curry on ESPN after the game.
04:30All the Twitter fingers who's got deals that we need to make
04:34can kind of just shut up a little bit and let us figure this thing out.
04:37We know we can be competitive, and we showed that toughness tonight.
04:42Obviously, every team is trying to find ways to get better,
04:44and for us, we've been great for a very long time.
04:47This is just a unique year where we have to be able to stay relevant
04:50and give ourselves a chance and just have some life in a playoff series,
04:53and we have a whole lot of confidence that we can beat anybody.
04:56So, yeah, that's it.
04:59Yeah, did everybody hear that?
05:02And there was more, Dibs.
05:04That was on national TV.
05:06Just that piece that hits me as I listen to it now for the fifth time,
05:10what he said about stay relevant and be competitive in a playoff series.
05:15That, to me, speaks to everything that they're thinking about
05:19as far as what this season is.
05:21Stay relevant.
05:23Right now, 20-20 is a ten seed.
05:25You're relevant.
05:26You're staying relevant at 20-20.
05:29We're almost exactly halfway through the season,
05:31and they're not great.
05:32They're not terrible.
05:33They are relevant.
05:35So stay relevant, and then be competitive in a playoff series.
05:39That is where they're setting the ball.
05:41Of course.
05:42They're two games out of the six seed.
05:44And they're also one game out of the 12 seed.
05:47Or a half game.
05:49But you say stay relevant.
05:50What if I change the word?
05:51Stay present.
05:54Just that's my thing.
05:56Yes, stay present, but you've got to stay relevant.
05:58You can be present.
05:59No, no, no.
06:00I mean for us.
06:02Stay here.
06:03Stay here.
06:04It's January 16th, and they won last night.
06:08Do you tell me to put away my Twitter fingers?
06:10Well, you usually do.
06:12You put away everybody else's Twitter fingers.
06:14You just block everybody.
06:16Well, yeah.
06:17A lot of mutes.
06:18I'm not telling you not to have fun on the internet.
06:20I think that's what the internet's largely doing there.
06:22Especially that beautiful trade machine.
06:24It's really fun.
06:27Does anybody have to look over at their significant other at night?
06:30They're like, what are you looking at?
06:32I'm sorry.
06:33They have the trade machine open again.
06:36Go have fun and shop.
06:37Are you looking at naked girls again?
06:39No, honey.
06:40It's the trade machine.
06:41No, it's the trade machine.
06:42The Warriors and Raptors are going to have a hard time figuring this out.
06:45I mean, just stay in the moment.
06:48You can have fun.
06:50I'm not telling anybody not to come up with a mock deal.
06:52We've all done it.
06:54But as far as this need to make them define who they're going to be, a trade team?
07:02Not a trade team.
07:05That's my question today.
07:07What is that?
07:08Why do we have this need for them to declare?
07:12Grandy, I think you might even be one of these people based on the conversations we've had today.
07:17It feels to me like there are Warrior fans who have this need for the team to declare.
07:24As in, there's three choices.
07:27We're all in on Steph this year.
07:30We're all out on mortgaging the future.
07:35Or there's team wait and see.
07:39And I'm just like, I have to be on team wait and see.
07:46Because there's going to be new information every day.
07:50New deals every day.
07:52New contractual situations.
07:54New realities.
07:55New winning streaks.
07:56New losing streaks.
07:58I don't know, man.
07:59We're not there yet.
08:01We're not there yet.
08:03We've been on team wait and see for two and a half years.
08:06And all we've learned is that they're not good enough.
08:09And they're only getting worse.
08:11I don't know how you can keep saying, oh, well, we hope when the offseason comes along,
08:16maybe this is the year that Giannis is going to be available.
08:18I'm not even talking about the offseason.
08:20I'm talking about three weeks from today.
08:23Do you know what I mean?
08:25I want to hear them say, we're definitely making a deal.
08:28Not if it's a bad one.
08:30Not if it's like, don't do a deal just to do a deal.
08:33I hear a lot of people do anything for Steph.
08:36I might even agree with you.
08:38But what if that deal that you're making for Steph makes them worse?
08:41I argued this two weeks ago.
08:44Just from a salary standpoint.
08:46Jimmy Butler, right?
08:47Let's talk Jimmy Butler for a second.
08:49From a salary standpoint, that would be Wiggins and Kaminga.
08:53I don't think that makes you better.
08:55The concept is you're helping Steph.
08:58I think you're hurting Steph.
09:00So that's all.
09:02I don't understand this need to make the Warriors tell us exactly what they're going to do.
09:09You have to take every day and every deal on its own merits.
09:12And then you have to take every result on its own merits.
09:15And you still have, I think, seven or maybe even eight games until the actual deadline.
09:21If you're 20 and 28 or 28 and 20 or somewhere in between, that all will inform your course of action.
09:29Because if you happen to go on a little bit of a heater with this cast of characters
09:33and you find yourself in the six or seven seed,
09:36you might be more motivated to make a move thinking,
09:39okay, we're starting to hum.
09:41We might be one player away.
09:43So now we can really look at the deadline and think about adding a piece
09:46that can get us from a six seed to the three or the four seed.
09:50And conversely, if you go on another skid and you find yourself in the 12 seed
09:55and you are, I don't know, 24 and 28 over the next 12 games,
10:00that might inform you the other way.
10:02Totally, totally.
10:03And even if there's the record side of it and then there's also just the availability, the financials,
10:10all of those things, that to me you take each and every one on their own merits.
10:15Like that's Mike Dunleavy's job.
10:17And I am in the camp that Mike Dunleavy, based on a very short period of time here as the GM,
10:23has done some pretty interesting things.
10:25I like Mike Dunleavy as the GM.
10:29Not everything is perfect.
10:31I think he was kind of stuck in the whole Jordan Poole situation.
10:34I think the Jordan Poole situation was about money more than people realize.
10:39It was about not just like who's better, Jordan Poole, Chris Paul, trade exceptions,
10:45what are we going to do here?
10:46It was about do we want to be paying that to Jordan Poole for the next five years
10:53while we're also wanting to extend Steph, extend Draymond, and be ready for Jonathan Kaminga.
10:59That deal was more about flexibility.
11:03And there was the whole emotional side that was hanging over the organization,
11:08which is Draymond's fault, largely.
11:11But, you know, all of those things come into play when you figure out what to do next.
11:18So I'm just not going to—I, as a fan, don't want to pigeonhole the Warriors into you must do this.
11:24You must make a deal or you must not make a deal.
11:26I don't know.
11:27Well, you got 10 games, and I do think that they're still trying to decide who they are.
11:32And it's interesting the way Steph put it last night to tell everyone to just kind of back up a little bit
11:37and let us figure this out.
11:39And, you know, maybe the Warriors can figure it out because Buddy had a good game last night,
11:44and Dennis Schroeder played a lot closer to the Schroeder that you thought that he was going to be.
11:49He was getting the ball and going downhill.
11:51He was attacking the basket, and Buddy was shooting with confidence,
11:55and your younger pieces all came in and contributed.
11:58So if that's the team that you really are closely resembling,
12:02and Kaminga comes back and Draymond comes back,
12:05well, now maybe you don't have to necessarily make a big move at the deadline
12:10because that team last night looked more like the 12-3 team than the team that lost 17-24.
