• 2 months ago
La Máquina del Tiempo Película completa en Español Latino
La Máquina del Tiempo Película completa en Español Latino
La Máquina del Tiempo Película completa en Español Latino


00:00:30¿No te olvidas de algo?
00:00:31Sí, se relaciona con el tercer coeficiente diferencial.
00:00:34No me refiero a eso. Lo de esta noche.
00:00:40¿Qué hora es?
00:00:41Casi las cinco.
00:00:42Oh, señor.
00:00:53Mi propuesta para utilizar la energía solar rechazada.
00:00:56Igual que mis conceptos para aprovechar las ondas microenergéticas.
00:00:59Elicano sugiere que me concentre en algo más útil para la humanidad.
00:01:02Como su estudio sobre lo beneficioso que resulta el consumo de tabaco.
00:01:05Alex, el problema es que tus ideas son demasiado radicales.
00:01:07El problema radica en el profesorado.
00:01:09Son dinosaurios.
00:01:10Están extinguidos, solo que no lo saben.
00:01:12Algún día los descubrirá algún arqueólogo del futuro y no sabrá cómo clasificarlos.
00:01:16Con sus ojos apagados, desprovistos de curiosidad.
00:01:18Alex, es tu primer curso como profesor adjunto.
00:01:21Tal vez deberías mostrarte más conservador.
00:01:23Y tú, hablas igual que mi padre.
00:01:25Mírales, Phil.
00:01:28Todos llevan bombines idénticos.
00:01:30¿Quieres que tus estudiantes acaben así?
00:01:31Yo quiero que mis estudiantes salgan preparados para la realidad del mundo al que van a acceder.
00:01:35Pues yo no.
00:01:36Yo quiero que bajen corriendo por esta calle y tiren al suelo todos los bombines que vean.
00:01:42Señora Watson.
00:01:43Ah, vaya.
00:01:44El señor ya está en casa.
00:01:46¿La ha recogido?
00:01:47Hola, señor Philby.
00:01:48Señora Watson, tiene un aspecto excelente.
00:01:50Será por el ejercicio de subir y bajar estas escaleras como un borrerito.
00:01:53¿Tiene nascuas? ¿Lo tiene?
00:01:54Sí, lo tengo.
00:01:55Bien, déjeme.
00:01:56Por un momento que le dejaré salir con esta chaqueta inmunda.
00:02:00Vamos, entre ahí y cámbiese.
00:02:08Ah, ha recibido otra carta de ese hombre tan fastidioso.
00:02:13Adelante, ponlo en marcha.
00:02:15Ayudará a la gente a conservar su dentadura hasta los 50 años.
00:02:19¿No se te ha ocurrido llevarla a la tintorería?
00:02:21¿Quién tiene tiempo para eso?
00:02:23¿Cómo lo supiste con Molly?
00:02:24¿Saber qué?
00:02:25Que erais el uno para el otro.
00:02:26Porque hace el mejor pastel de carne que he probado jamás.
00:02:29¿No hay un sentimiento romántico en tu cuerpo?
00:02:31No, soy todo bombín.
00:02:37¿Por qué pierdes el tiempo con ese chiflado?
00:02:39Tiene algunas ideas muy interesantes.
00:02:42Un profesor de la Universidad de Columbia no debería cartearse con un contable alemán loco.
00:02:46Es un empleado de patentes, no un contable.
00:02:48Además, el señor Einstein se merece todo mi apoyo.
00:02:51Me pregunto si no estaremos yendo demasiado lejos.
00:02:54¿Con qué?
00:02:56Con esto, con todo esto.
00:02:59Es imposible.
00:03:02Muy bien.
00:03:04¿Qué tal estoy?
00:03:06¿Algo mejor?
00:03:07Créeme, Alex, te deseo suerte. Es encantadora y te ha influenciado positivamente.
00:03:11Y no te preocupes aun desprendes ese atractivo aroma de tiza.
00:03:15Oh, debí apresurarme.
00:03:17Así me gusta más. Por una vez parece un caballero de verdad.
00:03:21Ojalá sea así. Si Emma me rechaza, iré a por usted.
00:03:24Conseguirá que me desmaquie.
00:03:27Bien, deséeme suerte.
00:03:44¡Flores! ¡Hermosas flores!
00:03:47Sí, estoy de acuerdo contigo.
00:03:50¿Tiene flores, señor?
00:03:52Esta noche no, gracias.
00:03:53No, le prometí flores.
00:04:04Es espectacular.
00:04:06Un espectacular despilfarro de dinero. Este chisme se adhería continuamente.
00:04:09¿Quiere que le lleve, señor?
00:04:11Sí, sí.
00:04:12¿Cómo mantiene estable la temperatura del agua?
00:04:14Pues hay una junta protectora que regula el calentamiento.
00:04:17Oh, vaya por Dios.
00:04:21Gracias por su ayuda. Siempre olvido echarle el freno.
00:04:24Oh, suba. Le daré un paseo antes de que vuelva a averiarse.
00:04:28Oh, lo siento, pero tengo una cita previa.
00:04:30Bueno, otra vez será. Todas las noches doy un paseo por aquí.
00:04:33Sí, perfecto.
00:04:38¡Póngase un caballo!
00:04:40Sí, sí.
00:04:47Sí, sí.
00:05:03Que se deslice bien, por favor.
00:05:06Con esto se deslizará estupendamente.
00:05:08Mientras mantenga el equilibrio.
00:05:10¿Qué? ¿Lo intentamos?
00:05:11No, yo no quiero hacer el miraje.
00:05:25Llegas tarde, profesor.
00:05:27He bebido lo antes posible.
00:05:32Según dicen, es la última moda en París.
00:05:34Acabo de comprarlo por cinco dólares en Macy's.
00:05:36¿A qué ridículo?
00:05:38No es, pero me gusta.
00:05:41Bueno, ¿y dónde está?
00:05:43¿El qué?
00:05:44¿Cómo de flores?
00:05:45Me prometiste unas flores esta noche, ¿no lo recuerdas?
00:05:47Oh, lo siento. Verás, me he distraído.
00:05:50Vaya, menuda novedad.
00:05:53Emma, quiero decirte algo.
00:06:02Oh, ¿damos un paseo por el parque?
00:06:10Profesor, estás temblando. Espero que no estés enfermo.
00:06:15Verás, me temo que sí.
00:06:18Últimamente no duermo bien y incluso cuando estoy despierto no sirvo para mucho.
00:06:24Apenas puedo pensar con claridad.
00:06:28Y lo peor es que no sé si lograré curarme.
00:06:32Creo que solo hay un remedio y es que nos casemos y pasemos juntos el resto de nuestras vidas.
00:06:38Oh, Emma, sé que debemos hacerlo.
00:06:40Estamos hechos el uno para el otro.
00:06:42Es la única cosa en mi vida que ni siquiera he tenido que pensar.
00:06:46¡Oh, Alex!
00:06:50Espera, tengo algo para ti.
00:06:59El momento está perdiendo su encanto.
00:07:01Lo sé. Espera, espera.
00:07:04Bueno, no es un diamante, pero...
00:07:06Un filoespato.
00:07:08Es tu piedra favorita. Pensé que...
00:07:11Has acertado.
00:07:12¡Estoy a punto de llorar!
00:07:15No he podido remediar oírlo todo.
00:07:18¡No se puede ser!
00:07:19¡No se puede ser!
00:07:23¡No se puede ser!
00:07:27¡No se puede ser!
00:07:30¡No se puede ser!
00:07:33¡No se puede ser!
00:07:36¡No se puede ser!
00:07:38I couldn't help but hear it all.
00:07:42Two young men in love,
00:07:45taking the path of life together.
00:07:48I wish you all the best.
00:07:51You'll see, even though I hate doing this,
00:07:53and no matter how excited I am
00:07:55with your declarations of love,
00:07:58I'm going to have to ask you for your money.
00:08:02And also your jewels.
00:08:04Yes, unfortunately, it will be your first
00:08:06trip to happiness.
00:08:09I don't understand.
00:08:10Don't worry, it will be much better.
00:08:12So give me your wallet, will you?
00:08:16Maybe that way you'll understand it better.
00:08:18Well, okay.
00:08:20Here, it's all I have.
00:08:24Your watch.
00:08:28And your gloves.
00:08:36The ring, too.
00:08:40I'm afraid so, darling.
00:08:42Maybe I'll buy you a diamond now.
00:08:44Please, please, not that.
00:08:58Why did you do that?
00:09:00No, it's not that.
00:10:06Excuse me, Mr. Filby is here.
00:10:11Yes, he insisted on seeing you.
00:10:12Tell him I'm busy.
00:10:15I'm not going to leave, Alex.
00:10:18My God, what happened to you?
00:10:23I've been working.
00:10:26You know what that is?
00:10:27You used to care about your job.
00:10:29I care more about my life and yours.
00:10:32I've been trying to see you since the funeral.
00:10:35I came every week, then every month.
00:10:37Then I stopped coming, but you didn't care.
00:10:41It hurt me, Alex.
00:10:44And a lot.
00:10:45And why did you come now?
00:10:47I want to tell you some things you may not like.
00:10:49Yes, I know, I know.
00:10:51Mrs. Watchett tells me the same thing every day.
00:10:53However, I need you to leave.
00:10:56I won't.
00:10:57I won't let you hide anymore.
00:10:58I'm not hiding.
00:10:59That's not what I mean.
00:11:00Mrs. Watchett says you come here day and night.
00:11:02Alex, would you care to stand still and look at me?
00:11:09It's not your fault.
00:11:13No, it's not my fault.
00:11:17Maybe I should blame Mrs. Watchett for collecting the jewelry ring.
00:11:22For the jewelry, for making it.
00:11:25For the poor bastard who tore the stone from the ground.
00:11:30Or blame you for introducing me to Emma that day.
00:11:33Yes, maybe...
00:11:34Alexander, nothing can change what happened.
00:11:39No, you're wrong.
00:11:41Because I will change it.
00:11:44David, I appreciate your interest, really.
00:11:47But I ask you to have faith in me.
00:11:50Of course, of course I want to have faith in you, Alex.
00:11:52But, well, what are you doing?
00:11:57Not now.
00:11:58I invite you to dinner in a week and I will show you.
00:12:01Come on, come with me now.
00:12:03Didn't you hear me, David?
00:12:07I won't go out now that I'm so close.
00:12:12Well, we'll continue this conversation in a week.
00:12:21In a week we won't even have talked about this.
00:12:41For Alexander, eternally, Emma.
00:14:41For Alexander, eternally, Emma.
00:15:13You're welcome.
00:15:14A few bottles?
00:15:15Yes, let it be number 48.
00:15:16That's done.
00:15:17You're arriving early, it's the first time.
00:15:43It's the first time.
00:15:46I wanted to see you.
00:15:49Well, where is it?
00:15:54The bouquet of flowers.
00:15:57You promised me some flowers tonight, don't you remember?
00:16:11You never stop surprising me.
00:16:19Emma, I want to tell you something.
00:16:22Shall we go for a walk in the park?
00:16:27No, let's go downtown.
00:16:31Alex, what's wrong with you?
00:16:33Nothing, let's hurry up.
00:16:35You have no problem running.
00:16:37Do you have it, Corsé?
00:16:42To Blicker Street, hurry up.
00:16:56You have become very gallant.
00:17:18Professor, are you sowing? I hope you are not sick.
00:17:22No, I'm fine.
00:17:26Great, because I walk again with you.
00:17:30But we did a walk three days ago.
00:17:33Not like this, never like this.
00:17:38Wow, look at that.
00:17:40I don't know.
00:17:41Oh, you're sick. You miss the opportunity to inspect a new invention.
00:17:46It's just a machine.
00:17:48Alexander, do you want to tell me what's wrong with you? Is something wrong?
00:17:56Listen to me, Emma.
00:17:57Now I have to leave you, but I want you to go home and stay there.
00:18:00I promise I'll come to see you later.
00:18:03Maybe this makes no sense to you.
00:18:05I'm sorry you didn't go to the park, but trust me.
00:18:08Everything will be fine.
00:18:11I want you to know how much I love you.
00:18:13And how much I will always love you.
00:18:22Everything will be fine.
00:18:25But first, where are my flowers?
00:18:33You'll have your flowers.
00:18:36Wait for me here. Don't move.
00:18:47How can I help you, sir?
00:18:49I want a dozen roses, white.
00:19:21I'm sorry.
00:19:35I'm looking for Professor Aldegaine.
00:19:44Alex, I...
00:19:47I'm sorry.
00:19:50This shouldn't have happened.
00:19:52Of course not.
00:19:54I know there's nothing I can do to comfort you.
00:19:57We left the park, Philby.
00:19:59We were safe.
00:20:04Why can't I change it?
00:20:09I could go back a thousand times.
00:20:13And I'd see her die a thousand times.
00:20:17I'm sorry. I don't understand.
00:20:21I won't find the answer here.
00:20:25Not here.
00:20:33Not now.
00:20:46Not now.
00:21:16Not now.
00:21:46Not now.
00:22:16Not now.
00:22:46Not now.
00:23:16Not now.
00:23:18Not now.
00:23:20Not now.
00:23:22Not now.
00:23:23Not now.
00:23:53A few days later.
00:23:57Hello, friends.
00:23:58The latest news from Vida y Ocio Lunar.
00:24:00Our engineers are preparing for the first detonation on the moon of 20 megatons
00:24:03with the aim of creating underground homes for Vida y Ocio Lunar.
00:24:06Imagine fishing in our fully supplied Sea of Tranquility,
00:24:09playing golf in our club where the Open Neil Armstrong is held.
00:24:12Streets of 1,400 meters, don't doubt it.
00:24:14And with only a sixth of the Earth's gravity,
00:24:16we guarantee you plenty of energy to dance until you die.
00:24:19Get in touch with Vida y Ocio Lunar today
00:24:21and book your own flight to the sky, because the future is now.
00:24:25Check out the blocks and availability of the subject in exchange.
00:24:27For more details, contact VidaOcioLunar.com.
00:24:33Nice suit.
00:24:35Very retro.
00:24:42I bet you make good coffee.
00:24:46With that gossip.
00:24:51See you later.
00:24:53Hello, friends.
00:24:54The latest news from Vida y Ocio Lunar.
00:24:56Our engineers are preparing for the first detonation on the moon of 20 megatons
00:24:59with the aim of creating underground homes for Vida y Ocio Lunar.
00:25:53Welcome to the Vox system.
00:25:55How can I help you?
00:25:57I haven't seen you before.
00:25:59It doesn't matter. Everyone reacts like that.
00:26:01How can I help you?
00:26:04What's that gossip?
00:26:06That's my photon memory core.
00:26:08Or NMF, as you like to call it.
00:26:21I'm here, sir.
00:26:26Who are you?
00:26:27A unit of information from the public library on Fifth Avenue.
00:26:30Vox number NY114.
00:26:32How can I help you?
00:26:34It's like a stereoscope projecting images.
00:26:36A stereoscope?
00:26:38Oh, no, sir.
00:26:39I'm a fusion-driven photon
00:26:41with a verbal and visual link capacity
00:26:43connected to all the databases on the planet.
00:26:50A compendium of all human knowledge.
00:26:55Information area?
00:26:58Do you know anything about physics?
00:27:00Accessing physics.
00:27:02Mechanical engineering?
00:27:05Dimensional optics? Chronography?
00:27:07Temporal coincidence? Temporal paradox?
00:27:11Time travel?
00:27:14Accessing science fiction.
00:27:16No, no, practical application.
00:27:18My question is, why can't we change the past?
00:27:22Because you can't travel to our past.
00:27:28But what if it were possible?
00:27:30It's not.
00:27:32Excuse me, that's a subject you can trust me on.
00:27:35Accessing the writings of Isaac Asimov,
00:27:37H.G. Wells, Harlan Ellison, Alexander Harden.
00:27:40Tell me about this one.
00:27:41Harden, 1869 to 1903.
00:27:43American scientist with eccentric theories
00:27:46that include a treatise on the creation of a time machine.
00:27:49Tell me about that machine.
00:27:51H.G. Wells wrote it in 1894.
00:27:53Later, it was adapted for film by George Pal,
00:27:55and Andrew J. Webber turned it into a musical
00:27:57that was produced when he was 23.
00:27:58No, I don't mean that.
00:27:59Do you want to hear his score?
00:28:01There's a place called tomorrow
00:28:03A place of joy, not of sorrow
00:28:06Can't you see it's a place for you
00:28:09Thank you, I've heard enough.
00:28:13Do you want anything else?
00:28:15Uh, no.
00:28:16No, I...
00:28:17Maybe I'll be luckier in a few hundred years.
00:28:19Long life and prosperity.
00:28:39Let's go.
00:29:05Where is the evacuation center?
00:29:07We could arrest him under the permission of the 17th King of Mars.
00:29:10He will remain detained until his evacuation center
00:29:12is well seen so that we can transport him to it.
00:29:14Wait, wait!
00:29:15Calm down!
00:29:16We have to get out of here!
00:29:18Wait, how did this happen?
00:29:20The moon!
00:29:21Come on, hurry up!
00:29:24That's impossible.
00:29:25What happened?
00:29:26Have you been living under a rock?
00:29:28Yes, I've been living under a rock.
00:29:29Come on, tell me.
00:29:33The demolitions in the lunar colony have deviated its orbit.
00:29:35Do you understand?
00:29:36The moon is breaking into pieces.
00:29:37Come on!
00:29:42Look at him!
00:29:43Let's get out of here!
00:30:05The moon!
00:30:06The moon!
00:30:07The moon!
00:30:08The moon!
00:30:09The moon!
00:30:10The moon!
00:30:11The moon!
00:30:12The moon!
00:30:13The moon!
00:30:14The moon!
00:30:15The moon!
00:30:16The moon!
00:30:17The moon!
00:30:18The moon!
00:30:19The moon!
00:30:20The moon!
00:30:21The moon!
00:30:22The moon!
00:30:23The moon!
00:30:24The moon!
00:30:25The moon!
00:30:26The moon!
00:30:27The moon!
00:30:28The moon!
00:30:29The moon!
00:30:30The moon!
00:30:31The moon!
00:30:32The moon!
00:30:33The moon!
00:30:34The moon!
00:30:35The moon!
00:30:36The moon!
00:30:37The moon!
00:30:38The moon!
00:30:39The moon!
00:30:40The moon!
00:30:41The moon!
00:30:42The moon!
00:30:43The moon!
00:30:44The moon!
00:30:45The moon!
00:30:46The moon!
00:30:47The moon!
00:30:48The moon!
00:30:49The moon!
00:30:50The moon!
00:30:51The moon!
00:30:52The moon!
00:30:53The moon!
00:30:54The moon!
00:30:55The moon!
00:30:56The moon!
00:30:57The moon!
00:30:58The moon!
00:30:59The moon!
00:31:00The moon!
00:31:01The moon!
00:31:02The moon!
00:31:03The moon!
00:31:04The moon!
00:31:05The moon!
00:31:06The moon!
00:31:07The moon!
00:31:08The moon!
00:31:09The moon!
00:31:10The moon!
00:31:11The moon!
00:31:12The moon!
00:31:13The moon!
00:31:14The moon!
00:31:15The moon!
00:31:16The moon!
00:31:17The moon!
00:31:18The moon!
00:31:19The moon!
00:31:20The moon!
00:31:21The moon!
00:31:22The moon!
00:31:23The moon!
00:31:24The moon!
00:31:25The moon!
00:31:26The moon!
00:31:27The moon!
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00:31:32The moon!
00:31:33The moon!
00:31:34The moon!
00:31:35The moon!
00:31:36The moon!
00:31:37The moon!
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00:32:00The moon!
00:32:01The moon!
00:32:02The moon!
00:32:03The moon!
00:32:04The moon!
00:32:05The moon!
00:32:06The moon!
00:32:07The moon!
00:32:08The moon!
00:32:09The moon!
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00:32:12The moon!
00:32:13The moon!
00:32:14The moon!
00:32:15The moon!
00:32:16The moon!
00:32:17The moon!
00:32:18The moon!
00:32:19The moon!
00:32:20The moon!
00:32:21The moon!
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00:32:23The moon!
00:32:24The moon!
00:32:25The moon!
00:32:26The moon!
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00:32:53The moon!
00:32:54The moon!
00:32:55The moon!
00:32:56The moon!
00:32:57The moon!
00:32:58The moon!
00:32:59The moon!
00:33:00The moon!
00:33:01The moon!
00:33:02The moon!
00:33:03The moon!
00:33:04The moon!
00:33:05The moon!
00:33:06The moon!
00:33:07The moon!
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00:33:12The moon!
00:33:13The moon!
00:33:14The moon!
00:33:15The moon!
00:33:16The moon!
00:33:17The moon!
00:33:18The moon!
00:33:19The moon!
00:33:20The moon!
00:33:21The moon!
00:33:22The moon!
00:33:23The moon!
00:33:24The moon!
00:33:25The moon!
00:33:26The moon!
00:33:27The moon!
00:33:28The moon!
00:33:29The moon!
00:33:30The moon!
00:33:31The moon!
00:33:32The moon!
00:33:33The moon!
00:33:34The moon!
00:33:35The moon!
00:33:36The moon!
00:33:37The moon!
00:33:38The moon!
00:33:39The moon!
00:33:40The moon!
00:33:41The moon!
00:33:42The moon!
00:33:43The moon!
00:33:44The moon!
00:33:45The moon!
00:33:46The moon!
00:33:47The moon!
00:33:48The moon!
00:33:49The moon!
00:33:50The moon!
00:33:51The moon!
00:33:52The moon!
00:33:53The moon!
00:33:54The moon!
00:33:55The moon!
00:33:56The moon!
00:33:57The moon!
00:33:58The moon!
00:33:59The moon!
00:34:00The moon!
00:34:01The moon!
00:34:02The moon!
00:34:03The moon!
00:34:04The moon!
00:34:05The moon!
00:34:06The moon!
00:34:07The moon!
00:34:08The moon!
00:34:09The moon!
00:34:10The moon!
00:34:11The moon!
00:34:12The moon!
00:34:13The moon!
00:34:14The moon!
00:34:15The moon!
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00:34:17The moon!
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00:34:23The moon!
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00:34:26The moon!
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00:34:42The moon!
00:34:43The moon!
00:34:44The moon!
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00:34:46The moon!
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00:34:49The moon!
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00:34:58The moon!
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00:35:01The moon!
00:35:02The moon!
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00:35:04The moon!
00:35:05The moon!
00:35:06The moon!
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00:35:13The moon!
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00:35:15The moon!
00:35:16The moon!
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00:35:23The moon!
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00:35:25The moon!
00:35:26The moon!
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00:35:28The moon!
00:35:29The moon!
00:35:30The moon!
00:35:31The moon!
00:35:32The moon!
00:35:33The moon!
00:35:34The moon!
00:35:35The moon!
00:35:36The moon!
00:35:37The moon!
00:35:38The moon!
00:35:39The moon!
00:35:40The moon!
00:35:41The moon!
00:35:42The moon!
00:35:43The moon!
00:35:44The moon!
00:35:45The moon!
00:35:46The moon!
00:35:47The moon!
00:35:48The moon!
00:35:49The moon!
00:35:50The moon!
00:35:51The moon!
00:35:52The moon!
00:35:54Well, Delcky, that's it for today.
00:35:57Thank you all and I'll see you next time.
00:36:08I told them that they've gone mad.
00:36:11And now you are...
00:36:12...a late substitute.
00:36:23What's going on?
00:36:24We're getting ready for love.
00:36:27I'll go with you.
00:36:29Virgo, what's your people called?
00:36:35It's called Virgos.
00:36:49What's the name of your town?
00:36:51I guess we'd call ourselves Neoyorkers.
00:36:54Neoyorkers? Friendly?
00:36:57Until you talk to them.
00:37:02Tell me about your village.
00:37:04It's a place with a lot of people who are always in a hurry.
00:37:08And they all wear the same hats.
00:37:11They're all wearing the same hats.
00:37:14They're all wearing the same hats.
00:37:17They're all wearing the same hats.
00:37:20What do you do for a living?
00:37:23I was a teacher, like Mara.
00:37:26And I make things.
00:37:28I've also made a sesquintan with my father.
00:37:31We still use it.
00:37:33A sesquintan?
00:37:35Mara, der engemelen?
00:37:40Rope stairs.
00:37:43Oh, rope stairs.
00:37:45We can make one. I'll show you.
00:37:50Will you tell me more things the next day?
00:37:53Tomorrow? Yes, of course.
00:37:56Why don't you take care of this for me tonight?
00:37:59Der engemelen?
00:38:03Good night.
00:38:13Good night.
00:38:15Good night.
00:38:22Calentia will vote for you if you let her.
00:38:25She's always asking.
00:38:27Our parents will be strict.
00:38:29It's their way of being.
00:38:34Where are your parents?
00:38:37They left our side.
00:38:40Oh, I'm sorry.
00:38:42You were right, Philby.
00:38:45I've gone too far.
00:38:48Sit with me.
00:38:51I'm sorry.
00:38:54I'm sorry.
00:38:57I'm sorry.
00:39:00I'm sorry.
00:39:03I'm sorry.
00:39:06I'm sorry.
00:39:09I'm sorry.
00:39:11I'm sorry.
00:39:17Why do you take the boats out at night?
00:39:20Are you afraid they'll rob you?
00:39:24I don't know that word.
00:39:26Well, are you afraid someone will take them?
00:39:29It's safer that way.
00:39:33Do you do things to be sure where you're coming from?
00:39:35Naturally, yes.
00:39:38Or when you're coming.
00:39:41So I'm not just a latecomer.
00:39:55Maybe we'll find more tomorrow.
00:41:08In Parpley, in Parpley.
00:41:21In Queen or the Queen, in Empire.
00:41:24In Parley, in Empire.
00:41:54We all have that dream.
00:41:59All of us?
00:42:01Now go back to sleep. You're not cured yet.
00:42:06What did you mean by Murloc?
00:42:09Dream of children.
00:42:11That's all.
00:42:13Go back to sleep.
00:42:24Go back to sleep.
00:42:36There are stones like this in many places.
00:42:40This is where my parents taught me for the first time.
00:42:44Why are you interested? Is it something from the past?
00:42:55It's a tradition we follow.
00:42:58Maybe it meant something.
00:43:01It's there for a reason.
00:43:04One generation disappears and another takes its place.
00:43:08But the Earth remains eternal.
00:43:14Why did you come here?
00:43:17Why did you come from another time?
00:43:20I was looking for an answer to a question.
00:43:22A question?
00:43:24Yes, why can't I change the past?
00:43:27Why do that?
00:43:35You lost someone.
00:43:40Someone you loved.
00:43:45Someone you loved.
00:43:51Why aren't there any older people among you?
00:43:54I don't understand.
00:43:56Older people, your parents' age, or your grandparents'.
00:43:59They left our side.
00:44:02So they died.
00:44:08All of them? How is that possible?
00:44:11There are certain things we shouldn't talk about.
00:44:14We don't stop in the past, Alexander.
00:44:18We do it in a different way.
00:44:22We remind them.
00:44:25Like this.
00:44:58Are you coming to work?
00:45:00No, Alexander hasn't gone to bed yet.
00:45:02We're going to see his machine.
00:45:06Stay with Tor.
00:45:09The next day? Tomorrow?
00:45:11I want to see if it works.
00:45:13Follow me.
00:45:18Will you tell me about New York tonight?
00:45:21Of course.
00:45:38I love you.
00:46:04It seems to be working.
00:46:08We've made an incredible trip.
00:46:11Can it work?
00:46:13It seems so.
00:46:15Will you use it now?
00:46:17To go back to your time?
00:46:20Well, I guess I could.
00:46:28It seems it was an eternity ago.
00:46:31Now you should go.
00:46:33But I need to ask.
00:46:36Would you take Kallen with you?
00:46:39Please, Alexander, take him.
00:46:41Take him to your time, can you do it?
00:46:43Mara, why?
00:46:44You don't know anything.
00:46:46Take him from me.
00:46:59Mara, what's going on?
00:47:01I'm being attacked.
00:47:02I have to find Kallen.
00:47:56Calm down.
00:48:06Calm down.
00:48:36Calm down.
00:49:58No, stay here.
00:50:00Stay with the group.
00:52:07Ed, wait!
00:52:40Do you know where they took us?
00:52:43We have to find them, follow them.
00:52:45No, the Conquistadors.
00:52:47Why not?
00:52:48This is Nemel and Tas.
00:52:49Life is like that.
00:52:53How can you do nothing?
00:52:55How do I, Dastmord?
00:52:57It's like day and night.
00:52:58Day and night.
00:52:59This is the world.
00:53:03Why are you defending us?
00:53:05Defend yourselves. Why not?
00:53:08Those who fight for the Quirpax are captured.
00:53:21Kalen, do you know where they're taking them?
00:53:23Will they return?
00:53:25Have you ever followed them?
00:53:26I don't know!
00:53:27What do you know about the dead?
00:53:28It's forbidden to talk about that!
00:53:29They'll have a boss! Kalen, listen to me! Listen!
00:53:31Sometimes we have to accept what happens to us, even if we don't want to admit it.
00:53:34And sometimes we have to fight, even if we're afraid.
00:53:39I know it's hard to understand. I know.
00:53:43Believe me, I know.
00:53:44They're scared.
00:53:46But I ask you not to be.
00:53:48Come on, tell me what you know.
00:53:51Can we save her?
00:53:56When they take them, we shouldn't talk about that.
00:53:59But we all know of a place.
00:54:06What place?
00:54:08Where the ghosts are.
00:54:29It's here.
00:55:00Welcome to the VOX system. How can I help you?
00:55:04Don't be scared. I know him.
00:55:07What can I do for you?
00:55:09What do you want?
00:55:11Let's see.
00:55:13Henry James? Is that him?
00:55:15No, no, no, no, no, no. Very depressing.
00:55:17Hemingway, maybe?
00:55:18No, no. Too sexist.
00:55:20Platon, Browse, Pinter, Poe, Vaughn?
00:55:24I've got it!
00:55:26Julio Verne.
00:55:28Just what you need, right?
00:55:30Photonic, right?
00:55:31Or what's left of one.
00:55:33What's left of all of them.
00:55:35I'm the last one.
00:55:37With these fragments, I've stumbled upon my ruins.
00:55:40I mean it.
00:55:41You wouldn't have met him yet, but he's depressing and divine at the same time.
00:55:49I'm sorry.
00:55:50The loan section is out of order.
00:55:52But don't worry, I've got them all in here.
00:55:54Each page of each volume.
00:55:58Tell me what happened.
00:56:00Well, my sources aren't written down and my information is a bit anecdotal,
00:56:04but I understand that what used to be a single race is now two.
00:56:09One on top and one on the bottom.
00:56:13Two different species.
00:56:14And how do the ones on the bottom survive?
00:56:16That's the question, don't you think?
00:56:23No, I don't think so.
00:56:26Well, if you don't like the answers, I should avoid asking the questions.
00:56:33Observe them.
00:56:36Observe them.
00:56:39Observe them.
00:56:41Observe them.
00:56:42Observe them.
00:56:44They know nothing of the past, nor do they have ambitions for the future.
00:56:49They're lucky.
00:56:51Why do you say that?
00:56:55Imagine for a moment what it would be like to remember everything.
00:56:59I remember the girl who asked me about dinosaurs 800,000 years ago.
00:57:04I remember the last book I recommended.
00:57:07The angel who looks at us from Thomas Wolfe.
00:57:09And yes, I even remember you.
00:57:18Time travel. Practical application.
00:57:22How do you know the Morlocks if you can't get out of here?
00:57:25There was a thread that managed to escape.
00:57:28He told me everything.
00:57:33We spent years together.
00:57:39I can't remember the whole conversation, but I am part of it.
00:57:44It's nice to have a friend.
00:57:46With your help, we'll find the Morlocks.
00:57:48And Amara.
00:57:52What if the truth is so horrible that it remains in your dreams forever?
00:57:58I think I'm used to that.
00:58:05My friend said he came from the East.
00:58:09From the jungle.
00:58:11Describe the place.
00:58:13It's not necessary.
00:58:17Keep breathing.
00:58:39Keep breathing.
00:58:50In the dream I tried to get in there.
00:58:53But I guess it won't let us do it.
00:59:01I'll try to get in by myself.
00:59:03Amara would be angry with me if something happened to you.
00:59:06I'll find her.
00:59:07But I need you to go back to the village and light a fire so we can find the way back.
00:59:11You'll do it for me.
00:59:13I lost your watch.
00:59:15I couldn't stop them from taking it.
00:59:18I'm sorry.
00:59:24Why would they want it?
00:59:37I don't know.
01:00:16How stupid.
01:03:45Come a little closer, Maros.
01:03:47I'm not going to bite you.
01:04:06A little, yes.
01:04:09We weren't always like this.
01:04:12After the moon fell from the sky, the Earth couldn't keep the species.
01:04:19Some managed to stay up, the rest hid underground.
01:04:25Centuries later, when we tried to get out in the sunlight, we couldn't.
01:04:32...we became castes.
01:04:35Some to be our eyes and ears.
01:04:39Others to be our muscles and nerves.
01:04:41You mean their hunters?
01:04:45They were created to be predators, but also to be controlled,
01:04:49because my caste focused on developing our cerebral abilities.
01:04:57Do you control their thoughts?
01:04:58Not just yours.
01:05:02I do.
01:05:05So it's not enough to hunt them like animals.
01:05:10That's your role here.
01:05:12Serving food?
01:05:17And in the case of the most apt to serve as reproducers for our other colonies.
01:05:24I'm just one of many.
01:05:29I don't understand how he can speak so coldly about all this.
01:05:35He doesn't consider the human cost of what he's doing.
01:05:40We all pay a price, Alexander.
01:05:44Sit down.
01:05:56Don't worry, you're safe.
01:05:59I control them.
01:06:03Without that control, they'd run out of food...
01:06:09...in a matter of months.
01:06:11Provisions? They're human beings.
01:06:15Who are you to put 800,000 years of evolution on the line?
01:06:25That goes against the laws of nature.
01:06:29Do you think you can travel through time without a pathetic attempt to control the world around you?
01:06:35Your ingrained effort to get an answer to a question.
01:06:38Do you think I don't know you, Alexander?
01:06:43I can see the inside of your memories.
01:06:47Of your nightmares, of your dreams.
01:06:51You're a man terrified by those dreadful words.
01:06:57What would happen if...?
01:07:08I'm sorry.
01:07:38Dad! Dad!
01:08:09Look at that.
01:08:11Isn't it beautiful?
01:08:16You built your time machine after Emma died.
01:08:20If she had lived, you wouldn't have.
01:08:23How could you use your time machine to save her?
01:08:28You're the inevitable result of your tragedy.
01:08:34Just like me.
01:08:36I'm the inevitable result of your race.
01:09:04You have your answer.
01:09:07Now go.
01:09:33I think it has something that belongs to me.
01:09:42We all have our time machine.
01:09:46I have mine.
01:09:48You have mine.
01:09:51You have mine.
01:09:53You have mine.
01:09:55You have mine.
01:09:57You have mine.
01:09:59You have mine.
01:10:01We all have our time machine, don't we?
01:10:06The ones that take us back are memories.
01:10:10The ones that take us forward...
01:10:15are dreams.
01:10:22Have you forgotten something?
01:10:31What would happen if...?
01:13:42What are you going to do?
01:13:44Change the future.
01:13:48Let's go.
01:14:25It's been a key.
01:14:55It's been a key.
01:16:07Doctor Lisa!
01:17:12I'm sorry you lost your machine.
01:17:17It doesn't matter.
01:17:19It was just a machine.
01:17:42The faithful were amazed and stood up...
01:17:45and looked at the three children in front of them.
01:17:49Tommy Balfrede, followed by Joe and Jack...
01:17:53dressed in undergarments that shamed the march.
01:17:58They had hidden in a walled-out gallery...
01:18:01and saw their own funeral.
01:18:04Aunt Paulie, Mary and the Harpers...
01:18:07Is this the place?
01:18:09Yes, it is.
01:18:16But there's nothing here.
01:18:18Well, then it was different.
01:18:21My laboratory occupied this whole area.
01:18:24The kitchen was there, where that tree is.
01:18:29Mrs. Watson never let me in.
01:18:35I don't know what to tell you, sir.
01:18:39He disappeared a week ago.
01:18:42Can you imagine where he went?
01:18:44No, sir.
01:18:46The greenhouse was here.
01:18:48And a little further, the garden.
01:18:51Green Thorn... Tuesday?
01:18:55I'm glad.
01:18:59That he's gone.
01:19:02Maybe he's found a place where he can be happy.
01:19:06This was my home.
01:19:08Your home.
01:19:10A long time ago.
01:19:14You know, Molly and I want to hire a keymaker.
01:19:18Someone who lives with us and takes care of Jamie.
01:19:21I thought you might be interested.
01:19:25Maybe, but only until he comes back.
01:19:28Of course.
01:19:30But I'd insist on some changes. I'm very disciplined.
01:19:34I don't doubt it.
01:19:36I'll come by tomorrow and confirm the details.
01:19:38Good night, Mrs. Watson.
01:19:40Good night, Mr. Filmy.
01:19:55May God be with you, boy.
01:20:00May God be with you.
01:20:06May God be with you.
01:20:36© BF-WATCH TV 2021
