• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Più di un anno fa abbiamo raccolto la sfida delle imprese che ci hanno stimolato sul tema delle comunicazioni quantistiche. Abbiamo implementato una infrastruttura multinodo sul territorio campano con un’estensione di quasi 50 chilometri”. Queste le parole di Angelo Giuliana, direttore generale del centro di competenze del Meditech center, in occasione della presentazione della seconda edizione dello studio “Ricerca e Innovazione ICT in Italia”, realizzata da Anitec-Assinform in collaborazione con Apre, l’Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea.


00:00We started more than a year ago in collecting the challenge of companies, let's say the
00:08competence center, they look at companies, small and medium-sized companies, large companies
00:13and their technological development.
00:14We have been stimulated by many of these companies on the subject of quantum cryptography,
00:19quantum communications.
00:20We have collected this challenge, let's say a year ago, and we have implemented an infrastructure
00:24which is a multi-node novelty, on the Campanian territory, with an extension of almost 50
00:29kilometers, putting in communication, spreading a dedicated fiber, to allow safe communications
00:35through quantum cryptography between the CNR, for example, in Pozzuoli, and Leonardo,
00:39who is one of the players of the project, up to Pomigliano d'Arco.
00:42The network is a network, let's say, extended, TIM has been the technological support, a series
00:47of partners of the University of Naples, rather than Cisco, rather than Sprint.
00:51The novelty is that this network becomes a testing environment to test the development
00:55of applications, so we are moving to put in communication, let's say, two nodes,
01:01somehow, but giving safe communications, for example in the health field, or connecting
01:06two data centers.
01:07That is, it will be the future, the testing environment, the future to put in safety
01:11communications in Italy.
