Intelligenza artificiale, +30% di investimenti in tecnologia, ma mancano competenze per il 55% delle aziende

  • 13 hours ago
(Adnkronos) - Rivelati a Roma i dati del VI rapporto dell'Osservatorio di 4.Manager "Intelligenza Artificiale. Cambiamento culturale e organizzativo per imprese e manager: nuove traiettorie della managerialità" presentato in occasione dell'apertura dell'anno accademico della Pontificia Università Antonianum. Il Rapporto rivela come oggi quasi 10.000 imprese italiane hanno già adottato tecnologie di AI, con un balzo di circa 30% rispetto all’anno precedente, evidenziando una domanda di competenze che è aumentata del 157% in 5 anni. Tuttavia, dietro questo progresso si celano divari e ostacoli significativi che richiedono investimenti non solo in tecnologie, ma soprattutto nelle competenze manageriali indispensabili per guidare l'innovazione.


00:00Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more part of everyday life, and in Rome the sixth report of the ForManager observatory was presented, entitled Artificial Intelligence, cultural and organizational change for companies and managers. New trajectories of manageriality.
00:20Artificial intelligence is not a simple technological innovation, it is a radical change of all work systems, and therefore on this we must intervene in the maximum of attention, both on people who are still the focus and the main lever of companies, and therefore on this we must do an exceptional job in making the country system understand that a strong and transversal investment must be made.
00:47The report reveals how today almost 10,000 Italian companies have already adopted artificial intelligence technologies, with a jump of about 30% compared to the previous year, highlighting a demand for skills that has increased by 157% in five years.
01:02The good that is happening is what tells us that without the application of artificial intelligence in companies, companies close, companies do not become competitive. How do you choose a product if you do not have a range of products that are offered? Better organize an information flow, better organize your own machines, your own turntables, sell better. The competitors do it, we must do it too.
01:28When we talk about artificial intelligence, it is essential to promote a transdisciplinary approach to the subject, which keeps together the technical-scientific point of view and the humanistic one.
01:38A transversal and general technological transformation such as the one that is operating more comprehensively the digital transition and specifically artificial intelligence imposes a putting together different knowledge. This transformation requires not only a technological approach, not only a scientific approach, but also a humanistic approach.
02:00Only by putting together different knowledge I believe we will be able to accompany this transition in such a way that it generates justice and attention to people.
