• 2 months ago
प्रयागराज ( यूपी ) - प्रयागराज में महाकुंभ के मद्देनजर श्रद्धालुओं की भीड़ लगातार बढ़ रही है। इसको ध्यान में रखते हुए महाकुंभ मेला एरिया में श्रद्धालुओं के लिए फूड जोन बनाए गए हैं। यहां पर लोगों को तमाम तरह के फूड स्टॉल मिल रहे हैं जहां पर वो अच्छे खाने का लुत्फ उठा रहे हैं। फूड जोन में कीमत भी किफायती है और 50 से लेकर 200 रुपए में व्यक्ति भरपेट भोजन कर सकता है। श्रद्धालुओं ने यहां की व्यवस्था की सराहना की है और खाने की कीमतों को लेकर उनका कहना है कि यहां पर उन्हें अच्छे से खाने को मिल रहा है और उनसे ज्यादा रुपए भी नहीं लिए जा रहे हैं। कोलकाता से आए श्रद्धालु राजू कुमार सिंह ने कहा कि मुझे नहीं लगता था महाकुंभ की इतनी व्यापक व्यवस्था हो सकती है। ऐसी व्यवस्था पूरा विश्व नहीं कर सकता। मेला प्राधिकरण की तरफ से बिना लहसुन प्याज के भोजन की व्यवस्था की गई है। वहीं फूड जोन के मालिक रणदीप सिंह ने बताया कि ये फूड जोन सेवा भाव के लिए लगाया गया है और यहां पर व्यक्ति 50 रूपए में भी भरपेट भोजन कर सकता है।



01:00When I left from there, I could not understand that the Mahakumra can have such a vast arrangement.
01:23With the cooperation of the state government and the central government, we have got this service.
01:29Till date, we have not had such a big arrangement in India or in the world.
01:35The second big thing is that there is a complete arrangement of administration on every side.
01:40We will get such availability on the Ghat.
01:45Light, fan, electricity, water, everything.
01:48All the arrangements are very good here.
01:50We used to think from a distance that 40 crore people will come, 20 crore people will come.
01:55So how will we go and live?
01:57But when we came here, we understood that the government has made all the arrangements for everyone.
02:06We are very grateful to Yogi ji, the government and the entire people of Prayagraj.
02:11Our parents, our God, have sent two of our devotees.
02:18One is Yogi ji and the other is Modi ji.
02:20Modi ji is busy in making this India into a divine land all over the world.
02:26And Yogi ji is looking at this area.
02:28So both the wheels of our religion are running in parallel.
02:33In this, Yogi ji is also worthy of congratulations.
02:35And our Prime Minister Narendra Modi is also worthy of many congratulations.
02:40We have been fasting since morning.
02:42And at this place, whatever arrangements we have to eat anywhere, everything is without garlic and onion.
02:48In Kolkata, we often see that in other states, garlic and onion are available everywhere.
02:53Here, fish and meat are mixed.
02:55But this is the largest temple in Prayagraj.
03:03So here every arrangement is without garlic and onion.
03:06And it seems that all this arrangement is going on at the instruction of the government.
03:09It is very good.
03:10See, we are getting 8 puris and vegetables for 50 rupees.
03:14What better arrangement do we need?
03:16In this place, people are trying to loot other places.
03:19But here everything is happening under the guidelines of the administration.
03:22Our food stall, our food court is already in the civil line.
03:27There is a restaurant called Mata ji ki Rasoi.
03:30Which we opened on Mother's Day.
03:33We take care of all the mothers, looking at their love.
03:37When the Mahakum came to increase it, there was no other food court here.
03:43So we thought that there should be a person from Allahabad who can serve the people outside.
03:49With this feeling, we have taken it.
03:52This is very beneficial.
03:54The step taken by the government is very good.
03:57Because this is the first time in Prayagraj that the government has taken such a step.
04:01Because of the competition, people are getting varieties of food.
04:08There are all kinds of people.
04:11Some get children, some get elderly people.
04:14So in the food court, you get varieties of food.
04:17So this is a very good step taken by the government.
04:19The arrangements made by the government are at the best level.
04:23I am giving an example.
04:25When guests come to our house, we take care of them.
04:28We also have shortcomings.
04:30If you look at the effort of the government, the work done by the government, it is very good.
04:35There is no doubt about that.
04:37The work done by the government is very good.
04:39Our restaurant in Civil 9 is more expensive.
04:42We have made it here today, but we have made it while looking at it.
04:46The range of food is starting from 50 rupees.
04:49And we have kept the food according to his desire.
04:53A full stomach person can eat food here for 50 rupees.
04:5650 rupees, 100 rupees, 150 rupees, 200 rupees, a maximum of 250 rupees.
05:00In 250 rupees, a full meal comes.
05:03If a person eats a full meal, then the work will go on all day.
05:06In Shahistan, it is more.
05:08But on a regular basis, 1,500 to 2,000 people come here.
05:12The investment that we have made in this has been done at a very high level.
05:17I don't think we will be able to get that much return.
05:20But this was the first attempt of the government.
05:22Whenever a businessman does something, he has less hope in the first year.
05:26But he gets experience.
05:28We are doing this for experience.
05:30We will not be able to earn like this here.
