• 2 months ago
भोपाल, मध्य प्रदेश: मां अहिल्या की 300वीं जन्म जयंती पर आज सीएम मोहन यादव ने नर्मदा घाट पर पूजा अर्चना की। इसी कड़ी में सीएम मोहन यादव ने कहा कि आज अहिल्या महारानी की 300वीं जयंती है। पूरे साल हम उनके सम्मान में विभिन्न कार्यक्रम आयोजित करते रहे हैं। इस साल का दशहरा उत्सव भी माता अहिल्या देवी को समर्पित था। बाद में हमने अहिल्या माता के शासनकाल को याद करने के लिए इंदौर में शस्त्र पूजन कार्यक्रम आयोजित किया। आज उनकी याद में महेश्वर में कैबिनेट की बैठक हो रही है।

#mohanyadav #mp #madhyapradesh #cabinetmeeting #narmadaghat #ahilyadevi #maa_ahilya #ahilyabaiholkar


00:00We are planning to bring all the heritage together
00:03In the same way, Ahilya Maharani's 300th birth anniversary is going on
00:08In this way, throughout the year, we are doing a lot of different programs
00:11This year's Dashara was also dedicated to Ahilya Mata
00:14Later, in Indore also, we have done a program of Shashtra Puja
00:18Today, we were doing a cabinet meeting
00:20In that meeting, a lot of people from all over the country were remembering Ahilya Mata's rule
00:26Akash is giving the ID
00:28On this occasion, on behalf of Ahilya Mata's mother,
00:33President Sindeji, President Jan Parishad of Maharashtra
00:37and Richard Sir, who is the king of Ahilya Maharani's clan
00:42along with them, in their entire life, in their fort, in their car, we used to visit Ahilya Mata
00:47Wherever our Ahilya Mata used to run the administration
00:51To see all of them, to have a picture in front of the society with faith in them
00:56In this way, we have made a very good program
00:59Especially, the blessings they have received from Maa Narwada
01:02Through Maa Narwada, the entire state has been proved to be a different type of identity of truth for us
01:09Many of its plans will also be implemented today
01:12I am remembering Maa Saheb again at this sacred place on the banks of Maa Narwada
01:17In the leadership of our Prime Minister, our government should also take democratic decisions
01:23and gain popularity among the people
01:27and play its role in the welfare of the people
