• 2 months ago
Deen e Fitrat | Speaker: Shaykh Mufti Tauqeer

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00:00Asalaamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, Alhamdulillahi Wabarakatuhu, Assalamu Alaa
00:20Ibadihil Lazeena Astafa Amma Ba'ad Fa'udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem, Bismillahir
00:24Rahmanir Raheem, Allahumma Salli Alaa Sayyidina Wa Nabiyina Muhammad Wa Alaa Ali Sayyidina
00:29Wa Habibina Muhammad Wa Barakatuhu, We were talking about the etiquette of the society.
00:36Last time, a short while ago, there was a small break regarding the virtues of Tasmuharram.
00:47But before that and after that, we were talking about the etiquette of the society.
00:53What are the etiquettes of the society?
00:56And these etiquettes teach us about our religion.
01:03Nothing else but our religion.
01:06We have repeatedly said that we learn about everything from our religion.
01:11We learn about our religion from Islam.
01:13We learn from the blessed Hadith of the Prophet of Allah.
01:17The Quran teaches us how to live together.
01:23And if the intention is Allah's will, then we talk to each other.
01:30We get up and sit in a gathering.
01:33We meet each other.
01:36All of this is rewarded by Allah.
01:39This will be known on the Day of Judgment.
01:41That every action of ours that is being recorded,
01:43that is being written in the book of deeds,
01:45and all those actions that are being recorded on the scale,
01:53what will be their weight?
01:55This will be known on the Day of Judgment.
01:58Because our intention was good,
02:02Allah's will was our intention.
02:05So, usually it seems that this is not a big deal.
02:10It is a normal thing.
02:12But because our intention will be in accordance with the Sunnah,
02:15our small actions will be rewarded and their weight will be increased on the Day of Judgment.
02:21In the same way, in the topic of society,
02:24there is a very important topic,
02:27which is to appreciate each other's favors and good things.
02:36And to be grateful for it.
02:39This is a very important topic.
02:44The way we live together,
02:46we all need each other.
02:49I need you, you may need me.
02:52I am sitting here and doing a program.
02:55I am telling you.
02:57And the purpose is to educate people.
03:00So, we all need a teacher to educate us.
03:04So, you need a teacher.
03:07I need teachers who will educate me.
03:10In the same way, I need people who will listen to me and follow me.
03:14And for me, Inshallah, it will be a source of reward.
03:18This is a small example.
03:20In the same way, we all need a civil engineer who can build our house.
03:28We need an architect who can design our house.
03:32We need laborers who can build our house.
03:35We need a person who can bring fruits, vegetables from the wholesale market and sell them to us.
03:44We all need each other.
03:47But there are some things that people do more than their responsibilities.
03:59And this is called Ihsan.
04:01There are some things that are responsibilities.
04:04And there are some things that are done more than responsibilities.
04:08Someone's responsibility for me is my rights.
04:15For example, if I am a father, it is my duty to raise my son well.
04:23It is my duty to arrange for my son's basic needs.
04:28If I am raising my son and arranging for his basic needs,
04:33then I am not doing him any favor.
04:35Because it is my responsibility.
04:37It is my duty. It is his right.
04:39But if I do something that is over and beyond my responsibility,
04:48then it is my favor.
04:50In the same way, I also have some rights.
04:53People have responsibilities.
04:55If people are fulfilling their responsibilities with me,
04:57then they are not doing me any favor.
04:59But if they are doing something for me beyond their responsibilities,
05:05then it is their favor.
05:07Appreciating the favors, as I said,
05:12is a part of our religion.
05:15And the way to appreciate those favors is also taught in our religion.
05:22How to thank Allah.
05:24How to pray to Him.
05:26Prophet Muhammad PBUH said,
05:30لا يشكر الله مَنْ لا يشكر الناس
05:33Or in another narration,
05:34مَنْ لَمْ يَشْكُرِ النَّاسِ لَمْ يَشْكُرِ اللَّهِ
05:37وَكَمَا قَالَ عَلَيْهِ صَلَاةُ وَسَلَامُ
05:39Whoever does not thank people,
05:44he does not thank Allah.
05:46This has been explained by many jurists.
05:49One meaning of this is,
05:51the person who does not appreciate the favors of people,
05:55does not recognize them,
05:57does not understand them,
05:59does not have the capacity to understand the favors of people
06:04and thank them,
06:06then how will this person thank Allah?
06:10Because Allah's favors are very subtle.
06:17If a person does a favor to me,
06:20I can see it.
06:24Someone gave me a gift,
06:26I did not need to give it to him.
06:28But he gave it to me.
06:30He gave more than his means.
06:33So, I can see it.
06:35This is very obvious.
06:38If I do not thank him,
06:41I do not thank him,
06:42I do not thank him,
06:43I do not pray to him,
06:44I do not thank him.
06:46So, how can I thank Allah for those subtle favors of Allah?
06:52How can I thank Allah?
06:55This person does not have the temperament to be grateful.
07:01Now, we are all watching.
07:04This is a favor of Allah.
07:07Allah has given us eyes,
07:09we are able to see with them.
07:11Allah has given us a tongue,
07:12with which we are able to speak.
07:13Allah has given us a mind,
07:14with which we are able to think.
07:15Allah has given us ears,
07:16with which we are able to hear.
07:18All the systems inside us are functioning.
07:21We are not even thinking about it.
07:23Each and every system is functioning inside us.
07:26Sliver is being produced in our mouth.
07:30We do not even know it,
07:33we swallow it.
07:35We only know it when someone has a sore throat.
07:39Then, when it is difficult to spit it out,
07:43it is so difficult to spit it out with pain,
07:49then we realize how great a blessing it was to be able to spit it out.
07:55We eat food, it gets digested.
07:58A whole system is functioning inside us.
08:00How enzymes are being produced,
08:03how enzymes are in the saliva,
08:05how acids are in the stomach,
08:07how a whole cycle is going on inside us,
08:10how we swallow a piece of food,
08:14how we chew it,
08:16how there is a whole process inside it,
08:18what happens inside the stomach,
08:20after that, all the energy that we need,
08:25all the other needs of the body,
08:27they reach their respective places,
08:29and waste is removed.
08:31I have given an example of a whole system.
08:34We will never even think about it,
08:36because it is very subtle,
08:37it is happening with us every day.
08:39But if it is happening every day,
08:41it doesn't mean that we don't think about it.
08:45How the kidneys are working,
08:47how the kidneys are working,
08:49how our extra fluid is removed,
08:53how all the toxic material is drained out,
08:57our pancreas, our liver,
09:00our other systems,
09:02Allahu Akbar,
09:03how strange is our muscular system.
09:06We have a mid-air,
09:08through which we maintain our balance,
09:10we have billions of neurons in our brain,
09:14which help us in thinking,
09:16in decision making,
09:18etc. etc. etc.
09:19We are standing on two legs,
09:21we are not getting dizzy,
09:23we are not falling.
09:27Allah says,
09:28I swear by my Lord,
09:29how many blessings of my Lord will you deny?
09:32But this temperament of being thankful,
09:36comes only when we appreciate
09:39the favours of people,
09:41the good deeds that people have done for us.
09:44We will think,
09:45this person did this to me,
09:46my wife did this to me,
09:48my husband did this to me,
09:49what did my parents do to me,
09:51what are my children doing for me,
09:53what is my neighbour doing for me,
09:55my brother,
09:56my sister,
09:57my friends,
09:58my people,
09:59my teachers,
10:00my students,
10:02what do they do for me,
10:04what did they do for me,
10:06to realise this,
10:07to recognise this,
10:09to appreciate this,
10:11this is the work of a good person,
10:15this is from the qualities of a religious person.
10:20Allah's Prophet is saying,
10:23the one who does not thank people,
10:25he has not thanked Allah.
10:27And then Allah's Prophet,
10:29in a blessed Hadith,
10:31is also telling us to pray for him,
10:33and how to pray?
10:35May Allah reward you well,
10:37that Allah gives you the best reward,
10:39for what you have done for me.
10:41Pray to Allah for him.
10:44When the Muhajireen migrated,
10:47and came to Madina Munawwara,
10:50the residents of Madina Munawwara,
10:53the local people,
10:55who are called Ansar,
10:57Ansar means those who help,
10:59those who help,
11:01so the local people there,
11:03the Muslims,
11:05those who had migrated from Makkah,
11:07they helped them a lot,
11:09helped them a lot.
11:11Allah's Prophet,
11:13did one thing,
11:16that the Muhajireen and Ansar,
11:19became brothers,
11:21which is called Mu'akhad,
11:23Mutual Brotherhood.
11:24They became brothers with each other.
11:26One Muhajireen Sahabi,
11:28became the brother of one Ansari Sahabi.
11:30And the way these Ansari Sahabas,
11:33helped these Muhajireen Sahabas,
11:36you will not find this example in history,
11:39and there are many incidents in between.
11:42They gave half of their wealth,
11:46to the Muhajireen Sahabas,
11:49and did not allow the Muhajireen to do so.
11:52And when their fruit used to come out,
11:54they used to divide the fruit in half.
11:56Now think,
11:57someone is working hard,
11:59and his reward,
12:01he is sharing 50% of it.
12:04So when the Muhajireen saw,
12:06that the Ansar are doing so much,
12:08they came to the Prophet of Allah,
12:11and they said,
12:13O Prophet of Allah,
12:14what kind of strange people are they?
12:16They don't let us work,
12:18they do the work themselves.
12:20When the fruit comes on the trees,
12:22we divide it in half.
12:24We feel that,
12:25they will take all the rewards.
12:28But first of all,
12:30these Muhajireen,
12:32recognized it.
12:34They did not ignore it,
12:37that what did these Ansar do to them.
12:40And then they appreciated it.
12:42And they wanted to,
12:45pay them back.
12:47And they came to learn,
12:49from the Prophet of Allah,
12:51what to do.
12:52So the Prophet of Allah said,
12:55this is a narration of Abu Dawood Sharif,
12:57he said,
12:58they took all the rewards.
13:00So the Prophet of Allah said,
13:02How can you contribute?
13:05You can contribute in such a way,
13:07that you pray for them,
13:09and praise them,
13:11and appreciate them.
13:12Do these two things.
13:14What they are doing for you,
13:16one thing,
13:17pray for them.
13:18Ask from Allah.
13:19And like,
13:20I said in another narration,
13:22tell them,
13:23Jazakallah Khairan.
13:25May Allah grant you,
13:26the best rewards.
13:27And pray for them,
13:28even when you are alone.
13:29O Allah,
13:30like He has done for me,
13:32grant them from your treasures.
13:34Grant them all the goodness of the world.
13:36Pray for them,
13:37for their children.
13:39keep appreciating them.
13:41Keep praising them.
13:43This is what the Prophet of Allah said.
13:46This is what you should do.
13:49In a good society,
13:51appreciate the kindness of people,
13:54thank them,
13:55and pray for them.
13:57A good Muslim,
13:59a good religious person,
14:01is necessary for a good society.
14:04And this is a very long topic,
14:07but, believe me,
14:08the people who are close to us,
14:10their kindness,
14:12we ignore them sometimes.
14:14What do the wives do for us?
14:17They do things out of the way.
14:20If they are serving my parents,
14:23for example,
14:24then they are kind to me.
14:26I should thank them.
14:28If they cook for me,
14:30they are getting a reward,
14:32but I should thank them.
14:34If they do any work for me,
14:36I should thank them.
14:38The way they raise their children,
14:40they are my children too.
14:43if my wife takes up most of her responsibilities,
14:48I should thank her.
14:51when husbands are extraordinarily good to their wives,
14:56bring clothes for them,
14:58buy gifts for them,
15:01wives should thank them.
15:05I am talking about close things,
15:08close relatives,
15:10close relationships,
15:12because they are the most ignored here.
15:15Teachers should be thanked.
15:17Those who are teachers for us,
15:19who teach us,
15:20who teach us to be a good person,
15:23we should thank them.
15:25We should pray for them.
15:27And this thing will extend
15:29to all other relationships.
15:31This is one of the signs of being a good person,
15:34a good Muslim,
15:35a good religious person.
15:38think a little about this,
15:40reflect a little,
15:42and all the blessings of Allah,
15:45should be thanked.
15:48Allah's promise is,
15:50If you are thankful,
15:53Allah says,
15:54I will increase your blessings.
15:56Let's take a short break,
15:58and then,
15:59we will be back with your questions.
16:02You can email your questions to
16:04deenfitrat at arydigital.tv
16:06Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
16:08Welcome back,
16:09after the break,
16:10we are back with your questions.
16:11There is an online question,
16:15what is the Shariah commandment
16:18for the alcohol in perfumes?
16:21The alcohol in perfumes,
16:26is ethyl alcohol.
16:28It is not the alcohol,
16:31which is prohibited.
16:33The alcohol,
16:36which is prohibited,
16:38which is impure,
16:40which is impure,
16:43which is basically impure,
16:46that is the alcohol,
16:49which is made from grapes,
16:52or dates,
16:57it goes through a fermentation process,
17:00there is a special way of making it,
17:03its details are written in the book of jurisprudence.
17:06So, when it goes through the process of fermentation,
17:10it is kept at a special temperature,
17:13it gets heated,
17:14and then it becomes intoxicating,
17:16it becomes intoxicating.
17:18That alcohol,
17:20is actually impure,
17:22it is impure,
17:24it is impure,
17:26if it comes on your clothes,
17:30if it comes on a particular amount of clothes,
17:36there is no prayer in those clothes.
17:39This alcohol,
17:41which is written as alcohol,
17:42ST alcohol,
17:43or ethyl alcohol,
17:45in perfumes,
17:47this is only with the OL formula,
17:50if you have studied chemistry,
17:52there are some chemicals,
17:54which are called OL formulas,
17:57this is that alcohol,
18:00because its chemical name,
18:03comes under that OL formula,
18:06it does not come in that category,
18:11which we call alcohol,
18:13which is impure,
18:15so, the normal perfumes,
18:17which contain ethyl alcohol,
18:19or ST alcohol,
18:20are not impure at all,
18:22this is the research of most of the jurists,
18:27applying these perfumes,
18:29and praying in these perfumes,
18:31there is no impurity in it,
18:33some people use ether,
18:37some people use perfume oils,
18:39which do not contain alcohol,
18:41or ethyl alcohol, or ST alcohol,
18:44it is a matter of temperament,
18:46some people have this temperament,
18:48some people have that temperament,
18:52ST alcohol,
18:53or ethyl alcohol,
18:54is applied,
18:55so that,
18:56the perfume spreads,
18:58etc., etc.,
19:00it is used for this purpose,
19:05as I said,
19:06there is no impurity in it,
19:09there is no such wrong thing,
19:12if someone wants to apply it,
19:14he can apply it,
19:16and pray,
19:17of course,
19:18there is nothing wrong in it,
19:21a question has been asked,
19:23about mortgages,
19:26how to buy a house in mortgages,
19:30when you are taking money from the bank,
19:32to buy any house,
19:33that is actually a loan,
19:35that is a loan,
19:38the bank gives us a loan,
19:41we buy any house,
19:43or any property,
19:46the bank keeps all its,
19:48safety checks,
19:50the bank does not want,
19:52that a person takes money,
19:53and runs away,
19:55it has a lot of safety checks,
19:58the real thing,
19:59is that,
20:00if it has given you,
20:01for example,
20:021 million,
20:03to buy a property,
20:05the demand it makes from you,
20:08that is on a simple interest,
20:10except that,
20:11its principles are such,
20:12its principles are such,
20:14they are in accordance with,
20:15the Islamic Shariah,
20:17it has a very big detail,
20:20there are different,
20:21Islamic principles,
20:22there is a concept of Musharqa,
20:24there is a concept of Mudarba,
20:27there are other concepts,
20:29the normal banks,
20:30the conventional banks,
20:31are giving you,
20:32simple interest based,
20:36they will give you 1 million,
20:38it is possible that,
20:39depending on,
20:40how much time,
20:41they are giving you a loan,
20:42it is possible,
20:432 million back,
20:452 million demand,
20:482.5 million,
20:51they are calling it,
20:52simple interest,
20:54on a simple interest rate,
20:55for such a long time,
20:56I gave you a loan,
20:57for your house,
20:59you return this much,
21:01interest is Haram,
21:02interest is,
21:03a very big sin,
21:04it is from,
21:06in the Quran,
21:08the Almighty,
21:09has said,
21:11the one who does not leave interest,
21:12he should hear,
21:13the declaration of war,
21:14from the Messenger of Allah,
21:16the declaration of war,
21:17of Allah,
21:18and Allah's Messenger,
21:19is with the one,
21:20who does,
21:21interest business,
21:23interest deals,
21:25there are,
21:26many moments of worries,
21:27some people say,
21:29how can we,
21:30make a house,
21:32we have,
21:33only one option,
21:35we can,
21:36take a mortgage,
21:37from a conventional bank,
21:39we can't do anything,
21:41we should,
21:42make a house,
21:43if Allah,
21:44has not given us money,
21:46we should not make a house,
21:47it is not necessary,
21:48that every person,
21:49has his own house,
21:50if Allah,
21:51gives us,
21:52in life,
21:55we should pray to Allah,
21:58give me,
21:59a lot of wealth,
22:00so that,
22:01I can make,
22:02my own house,
22:04if the house is made,
22:05if Allah,
22:06gives me,
22:07a lot of wealth,
22:10I can make,
22:11my own house,
22:12if Allah,
22:13gives me,
22:14a lot of wealth,
22:17I can make,
22:18my own house,
22:19if Allah,
22:20gives me,
22:21a lot of wealth,
22:24I can make,
22:25my own house,
22:26if Allah,
22:27gives me,
22:28a lot of wealth,
22:31I can make,
22:32my own house,
22:33if Allah,
22:34gives me,
22:35a lot of wealth,
22:38I can make,
22:39my own house,
22:40if Allah,
22:41gives me,
22:42a lot of wealth,
22:45I can make,
22:46my own house,
22:47if Allah,
22:48gives me,
22:49a lot of wealth,
22:52I can make,
22:53my own house,
22:54if Allah,
22:55gives me,
22:56a lot of wealth,
22:59I can make,
23:00my own house,
23:01if Allah,
23:02gives me,
23:03a lot of wealth,
23:06I can make,
23:07my own house,
23:08if Allah,
23:09gives me,
23:10a lot of wealth,
23:13I can make,
23:14my own house,
23:15if Allah,
23:16gives me,
23:17a lot of wealth,
23:20I can make,
23:21my own house,
23:22if Allah,
23:23gives me,
23:24a lot of wealth,
23:27I can make,
23:28my own house,
23:29if Allah,
23:30gives me,
23:31a lot of wealth,
23:34I can make,
23:35my own house,
23:36if Allah,
23:37gives me,
23:38a lot of wealth,
23:41I can make,
23:42my own house,
23:43if Allah,
23:44gives me,
23:45a lot of wealth,
23:48I can make,
23:49my own house,
23:50if Allah,
23:51gives me,
23:52a lot of wealth,
23:55I can make,
23:56my own house,
23:57if Allah,
23:58gives me,
23:59a lot of wealth,
24:02I can make,
24:03my own house,
24:04if Allah,
24:05gives me,
24:06a lot of wealth,
24:09I can make,
24:10my own house,
24:11if Allah,
24:12gives me,
24:13a lot of wealth,
24:16I can make,
24:17my own house,
24:18if Allah,
24:19gives me,
24:20a lot of wealth,
24:23I can make,
24:24my own house,
24:25if Allah,
24:26gives me,
24:27a lot of wealth,
24:30I can make,
24:31my own house,
24:32if Allah,
24:33gives me,
24:34a lot of wealth,
24:37I can make,
24:38my own house,
24:39if Allah,
24:40gives me,
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24:44I can make,
24:45my own house,
24:46if Allah,
24:47gives me,
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24:51I can make,
24:52my own house,
24:53if Allah,
24:54gives me,
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24:58I can make,
24:59my own house,
25:00if Allah,
25:01gives me,
25:02a lot of wealth,
25:05I can make,
25:06my own house,
25:07if Allah,
25:08gives me,
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25:12I can make,
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25:14if Allah,
25:15gives me,
25:16a lot of wealth,
25:19I can make,
25:20my own house,
25:21if Allah,
25:22gives me,
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25:26I can make,
25:27my own house,
25:28if Allah,
25:29gives me,
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25:33I can make,
25:34my own house,
25:35if Allah,
25:36gives me,
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25:40I can make,
25:41my own house,
25:42if Allah,
25:43gives me,
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25:47I can make,
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25:49if Allah,
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25:56if Allah,
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26:03if Allah,
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26:05a lot of wealth,
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26:10if Allah,
26:11gives me,
26:12a lot of wealth,
26:15I can make,
26:16my own house,
26:17if Allah,
26:18gives me,
26:19a lot of wealth,
26:22I can make,
26:23my own house,
26:24if Allah,
26:25gives me,
26:26a lot of wealth,
26:29I can make,
26:30my own house,
26:31if Allah,
26:32gives me,
26:33a lot of wealth,
26:36I can make,
26:37my own house,
26:38if Allah,
26:39gives me,
26:40a lot of wealth,
26:43I can make,
26:44my own house,
26:45if Allah,
26:46gives me,
26:47a lot of wealth,
26:50I can make,
26:51my own house,
26:52if Allah,
26:53gives me,
26:54a lot of wealth,
26:57I can make,
26:58my own house,
26:59if Allah,
27:00gives me,
27:01a lot of wealth,
27:04I can make,
27:05my own house,
27:06if Allah,
27:07gives me,
27:08a lot of wealth,
27:11I can make,
27:12my own house,
27:13if Allah,
27:14gives me,
27:15a lot of wealth,
27:18I can make,
27:19my own house,
27:20if Allah,
27:21gives me,
27:22a lot of wealth,
27:25I can make,
27:26my own house,
27:27if Allah,
27:28gives me,
27:29a lot of wealth,
27:32I can make,
27:33my own house,
27:34if Allah,
27:35gives me,
27:36a lot of wealth,
27:39I can make,
27:40my own house,
27:41if Allah,
27:42gives me,
27:43a lot of wealth,
27:46I can make,
27:47my own house,
27:48if Allah,
27:49gives me,
27:50a lot of wealth,
27:53I can make,
27:54my own house,
27:55if Allah,
27:56gives me,
27:57a lot of wealth,
