इंदौर, मध्य प्रदेश: उत्तराखंड में समान नागरिक संहिता (यूसीसी) लागू किए जाने पर पूर्व कांग्रेस अध्यक्ष गणेश गोदियाल ने कहा कि यूसीसी कश्मीर में अनुच्छेद 370 हटाने के समान है। जहां वादा किया गया था कि खुशहाली आएगी। राज्य सरकार अपनी विफलताओं से ध्यान हटाने और ज्वलंत मुद्दों को दबाने के लिए यूसीसी का इस्तेमाल कर रही है। उत्तराखंड में कानून व्यवस्था बिल्कुल ठीक नहीं है। इनके राजनैतिक नेताओं पर कई तरह के आरोप लगे हैं। साथ ही गणतंत्र दिवस की रैली में राहुल गांधी और मल्लिकार्जुन खड़गे के न पहुंचने पर भी प्रतिक्रिया।
#ucc #uniformcivilcode #congress #kashmir #rahulgandhi #mallikarjunkhare #republicday #parade #article370
#ucc #uniformcivilcode #congress #kashmir #rahulgandhi #mallikarjunkhare #republicday #parade #article370
00:00Welcome to the first sight, but this is just the first sight.
00:05Because there are many things that the state government has not answered.
00:11This UCC is like that.
00:13The way the government ended section 370 in Kashmir and gave a big statement that
00:21now there will be prosperity in the whole country by ending it.
00:24In the same way, the government wants to hide all its failures in the state and
00:29suppress them with the help of the UCC sheet.
00:34What are the problems? Unemployment is the biggest problem.
00:37Corruption is the biggest problem in the state, which is being committed by the
00:42government offices and the people sitting in the government offices.
00:45UCC is to divert attention from these problems.
00:48I want to ask the state government and Mr. Dhami that Mr. Dhami should guarantee
00:53how this UCC has brought prosperity in our state.
00:59What will be the benefit of our youth? Mr. Dhami should tell about it.
01:04But in general, he has developed a method to hide his failures.
01:09It is not right at all. Where is the law and order right?
01:12You tell me.
01:13A year and a half ago, one of his ministers beat a person on the open roads.
01:20If there was an investigation on that minister, then all these incidents would not have happened today.
01:23But when he is saving his ministers, his political activists are involved in rape in all places.
01:31You must have heard about the Ankita Bhandari incident.
01:33How his leaders raped and killed Ankita Bhandari.
01:37So the question is that if he forgives all these things, then the criminals will be encouraged more.
01:49So the question is that the law and order is completely broken.
01:52I believe that the people have given certificates to the leaders of Congress
01:57to show their loyalty to this country and to be loyal to this country.
02:02We do not need the certificate of the Indian People's Party to show how much we support this country's democracy.
02:08The people gave this certificate to Rahul Gandhi and made him the leader.
02:16We need the certificate of the Indian People's Party.
02:19For more information, visit www.fema.org