• 2 months ago
Budget 2025: देश का बजट पेश होने में चंद दिन रह गए हैं. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman 1 फरवरी को उम्मीदों का बजट संसद में पेश करेंगी. बजट को लेकर हर किसी को उम्मीदें हैं खासतौर पर Income Tax को लेकर. क्या Income Tax Slabs में बदलाव हो सकते हैं? क्या Standard Deduction की लिमिट को बढ़ाया जाएगा? देखिए GoodReturns की Editor Bhawna की Economist Sharad Kohli से खास बातचीत.

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00:00What does the middle class want?
00:02They want relaxation in taxes.
00:04This is the most important thing.
00:06Sir, do you think that in this budget,
00:08there can be some changes in taxes?
00:10Can the common man get some relief?
00:12You have said a very good thing, Bhavna.
00:14But I will keep a few figures in front of you
00:16that will surprise you about taxes.
00:18There are 8-10 crore income tax returns in the country.
00:228-10 crore.
00:24But you will be surprised to hear that
00:26those who actually get tax from their pockets,
00:28their count will be around 2 crore.
00:30So, we...
00:32And the middle class,
00:34the middle class that we have right now,
00:36according to my estimation,
00:38being an economist,
00:40I can tell you that
00:42our middle class is around 60-70 crore.
00:44So, the figures that I was telling you about
00:46that will surprise you,
00:48our middle class is around 60-70 crore.
00:50Out of that, 8-10 crore returns are filed.
00:52And out of that, 2 crore people
00:54actually pay taxes.
00:56And the Prime Minister himself
00:58said this 2 years ago in a speech.
01:00At that time, it was 1.5 crore.
01:02I have added 50 lakh more to it.
01:04Since then, 50 lakh more people must have joined.
01:06So, if you put more money
01:08in the pockets of the taxpayers,
01:10if you reduce the tax rate,
01:12then it will be beneficial that
01:14they will use that savings in consumption.
01:16Or they can use the savings in two ways.
01:18Either they will save it and keep it in the bank.
01:20Or they will invest. Or they will spend.
01:22So, I think when they will spend,
01:24then it will increase.
01:26But the thing to note here is that
01:28their numbers are very low.
01:30So, if you want to put money
01:32in the pockets of the middle class,
01:34then you will have to take
01:36a step against inflation
01:38which should be seen in this budget.
01:40This is my expectation.
01:42This is my wish list.
01:44This is what I want from the budget.
01:46To reduce inflation,
01:48very comprehensive announcements
01:50should be made this time.
01:52The rest of the middle class people
01:54who do not pay taxes,
01:56they will also get money in their pockets.
01:58They will save 4 paise in their pockets
02:00and they will spend it.
02:02This is what I want to tell you
02:04in the matter of tax.
02:06If you ask specifically about tax,
02:08then I expect some changes in tax slabs.
02:10I think the new regime
02:12in which 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%
02:14and then 30% tax is applied
02:16above 15 lakhs,
02:18I think this slab will be relaxed
02:20The definition of the middle class
02:22has also changed a little.
02:24The middle class used to be 5, 6, 7 lakhs
02:26and now it has reached 15, 20 lakhs.
02:28I am talking about a few years ago.
02:30So, I think there will be some relief
02:32this time.
02:34I hope that some relief will be given in tax.
02:36Although few people will get relief
02:38of the 2 crore people I am talking about,
02:40but I feel that it will definitely come.
02:42Sir, apart from this, last time
02:44we saw how the standard deduction
02:46in the new tax regime was reduced
02:48from 50,000 to 75,000.
02:50This time, it is expected that
02:52it should be reduced to 1 lakh rupees
02:54to make it more attractive.
02:56But do you think that in the new tax regime
02:58it was reduced from 50,000 to 75,000
03:00but in the old tax regime
03:02there was no change in the standard deduction.
03:04Do you think that this time
03:06there can be some announcement
03:08about the standard deduction in both of these?
03:10Or should it be?
03:12As a taxpayer,
03:14Bhavna, you must be paying taxes,
03:16I hope that it should be increased.
03:18This is an old saying of Ghalib.
03:20There are thousands of wishes,
03:22I wish for every wish to come true.
03:24I wish for my wishes to come true,
03:26but less.
03:28But the question of the old regime,
03:30Bhavna, that is a very good question.
03:32I think that the old regime
03:34has become a bit of a step-mother.
03:36She wants more people to come
03:38to the new regime.
03:40And last time,
03:42two-thirds of the tax-paying population
03:44has come to the new regime.
03:46So I think that whatever changes
03:48will be made,
03:50especially in the new regime,
03:52because they want this figure to increase
03:54to 90-95%,
03:56so that the old regime
03:58gradually becomes irrelevant,
04:02that so many people will be left
04:04to leave the old regime and take the new regime.
04:06So if I answer your question
04:10I feel that the old regime
04:12will be left as a stepmother.
04:14This is what I feel.
