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Union Budget 2025: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman ने आम बजट 2025-26 पेश कर दिया है। इस बार के बजट में कई चीजों पर लगने वाले टैक्स में बदलाव किया गया है। आइए बजट 2025 के दौरान क्या सस्ता और क्या महंगा हुआ है?

#budget2025 #unionbudget2025 #budget2025live #nirmalasitharamanlive #incometax #udanscheme #udaanscheme #udanschemeflights #cheap #expensive #mobilephone #led #cancermedicines #medicines



00:00Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has made many big announcements in the budget this time and in her budget speech, the Modi government has opened its box for the middle class this time.
00:11Prime Minister Narendra Modi had already indicated that this time Lakshmi is going to rain on the middle class.
00:16In her budget speech, she has announced a lot of things that have been made cheaper.
00:22So what are the things that will become cheaper after the budget? Let's find out in this video.
00:27So the Finance Minister has removed custom duty from 36 life-saving medicines.
00:32In addition to this, the duty list on 6 medicines has been reduced by 5%.
00:3537 medicines and 13 patient assistance programs have been given leave.
00:41If we talk about cheap, then medical supplies have been made cheaper.
00:46In addition to this, there will be a drop in the prices of mobile phones.
00:4928 mobile phone batteries have been given leave in capital goods.
00:53The battery of electronic cars will also be cheaper.
00:56The tax on leather goods has also been reduced, which will make it cheaper.
00:59LED and smartphones will also be cheaper.
01:02The government has also reduced the tariff rates.
01:05In addition to this, custom duty on frozen fish paste has been reduced from 30% to 5%.
01:10All these things will become cheaper after this budget.
01:14If we talk about inflation, then flat panel display and woven clothes have been made expensive.
01:21Electronic cars, medical waste, mobile phone, cancer medicines, LED and smart TVs, leather goods, all these things will become cheaper.
01:29In addition to this, 12 essential minerals have been increased for the next 10 years.
01:36Cobalt products in which lithium batteries are made, rechargeable batteries have also been made cheaper.
01:42So in the budget, the middle class has been given a lot of relief.
01:45A lot of things have been made cheaper.
01:48How did you like this budget?
01:50Has this budget met your expectations?
01:52Do tell us by commenting.
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