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Budget 2025: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman ने Income Tax में बड़ी राहत की घोषणा की है. साल 2025-26 के Union Budget को पेश करते हुए वित्त मंत्री ने New Income Tax Slab की घोषणा भी की है. इस घोषणा के मुताबिक़ New Tax Regime में सालाना 12 लाख तक की आमदनी पर कोई इनकम टैक्स नहीं देना होगा (No Tax till 12 Lakh Income) जानकारों के मुताबिक़ इस नए टैक्स से मध्यम वर्ग को सबसे ज़्यादा फ़ायदा होने जा रहा है. अब आप पर कैसे Tax लगेगा. समझिए वीडियो में-

देखिए GoodReturns के Special Live Session Future Focus Budget 2025 के साथ Union Budget LIVE दिन भर. जानिए सुबह 8 बजे से 5 बजे तक Budget की पल पल की अपडेट. Experts से समझिए पूरा बजट.

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00:00Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has presented her 8th budget in the parliament today.
00:07And Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has announced a big relief in income tax.
00:11Presenting the annual budget of 2025-26, the Finance Minister has also announced a new tax slab.
00:18According to this announcement, no income tax will have to be paid on an annual income of up to 12 lakhs in the new tax regime.
00:24And according to the information, the middle class is going to benefit the most from this new tax.
00:30The standard deduction for the salary class has been kept at Rs. 75,000.
00:34So, if we look at it, the income up to Rs. 12,75,000 of the salary class will be tax-free.
00:41That is, the employee's annual income is Rs. 12,75,000, they will not have to pay any tax.
00:48Now, the first thing to understand in this case is how the tax on you will be applied.
00:54Look, in his 75-minute budget speech, he has announced a new tax rate at the very end.
01:00And with this announcement, the MPs present in the parliament saw a smile on their faces.
01:07And everyone applauded and welcomed this announcement by the Minister.
01:11However, the Finance Minister did not mention any old tax regime in his budget speech.
01:19If a person's annual income is more than Rs. 12 lakhs, then he will have to pay tax according to the income tax slab.
01:26In the state of the salary class, this limit is Rs. 12,75,000.
01:32And as soon as this limit is exceeded, they will come under the tax circle.
01:36They will have to pay income tax according to the slab.
01:39This does not mean that if your income is Rs. 15 lakhs, then the amount left after Rs. 12,75,000, Rs. 2,25,000, you will have to pay tax on it.
01:50No, for this, the tax slabs that have been defined, you will have to pay tax according to them.
01:56For example, if a person's annual income is Rs. 13 lakhs, then because he has exceeded this limit, he will have to pay tax.
02:04Now understand how the tax will be applied on you.
02:07You can see on the screen that if the income is more than Rs. 12 lakhs, then you will have to pay tax at this rate.
02:15This is talking about the new tax regime.
02:18If your income is Rs. 0 to 4 lakhs, then NIL.
02:21If it is Rs. 4 to 8 lakhs, then 5%.
02:23If it is Rs. 8 to 12 lakhs, then 10%.
02:25If it is Rs. 12 to 16 lakhs, then 15%.
02:27If it is Rs. 16 to 20 lakhs, then 20%.
02:29If it is Rs. 20 to 24 lakhs, then 25%.
02:31If it is more than Rs. 24 lakhs, then 30%.
02:33If you come in the range of less than Rs. 12 lakhs or Rs. 12,75,000, then you do not have to pay tax.
02:43But if your income is more than Rs. 12,75,000, then you will have to pay tax according to these slabs.
02:52Let's understand this through an example so that it becomes very easy for you.
02:57Someone's income is Rs. 13 lakhs.
02:59Because there is no tax on Rs. 4 lakhs, you do not have to pay tax on this slab.
03:04In the range of Rs. 4 to 8 lakhs, you have to pay 5% tax.
03:07According to 5%, Rs. 4 lakhs is taxed at Rs. 20,000.
03:11Then the tax rate of Rs. 8 lakhs to Rs. 12 lakhs is 10%.
03:15In this bracket, Rs. 4 lakhs is taxed at Rs. 10% at Rs. 40,000.
03:20Since this person's annual income is Rs. 13 lakhs, the remaining Rs. 1 lakh is taxed at Rs. 15,000 at 15%.
03:29That is, the tax rate of this person is Rs. 20,000 plus Rs. 40,000 plus Rs. 15,000, i.e. Rs. 75,000.
03:36Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said in her budget speech that the Modi government has continuously given relief to people in income tax.
03:44In this regard, changes have also been made in the income tax slab.
03:48If we look at the figures, let's see how the tax rate has decreased.
03:53In 2014, there was no tax on the annual income of Rs. 2.5 lakhs.
03:57In 2019, the annual income of Rs. 5 lakhs was tax-free.
04:01In 2023, the income of Rs. 7 lakhs was tax-free.
04:04And now in 2025, the income of Rs. 12 lakhs has been tax-free.
04:09What was the limit of tax in the past?
04:11According to the budget of 2024, there was no tax on the income of Rs. 3 lakhs in the tax slab.
04:17There was a 5% tax on the annual income of Rs. 3 to 7 lakhs.
04:21At the same time, there was a 10% income tax on the annual income of Rs. 7 to 10 lakhs.
04:26There was a 15% tax on the income of Rs. 10 to 12 lakhs.
04:28And after that, there was a 20% tax on the income of Rs. 12 to 15 lakhs.
04:33And if your income is above Rs. 15 lakhs, then there was a 30% tax on it.
04:37So, a big relief has been given to the middle class.
04:41Because the way our inflation is increasing, which is the current situation of the Indian economy,
04:47there was a need to redefine the middle class.
04:50And today's middle class comes in the income slab of Rs. 12 to 15 lakhs.
04:54So, a big relief is being given in this.
04:57What do you think?
04:58How did you like the step of the Modi government to tax-free the income of Rs. 12 lakhs?
05:03Do tell us by commenting.
05:04And I hope you would have understood in a very easy language how you have to pay taxes.
05:10That's all for this video.
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