• 2 months ago
प्रयागराज ( यूपी ) - अखिल भारतीय संत समिति के महामंत्री स्वामी जितेंद्रानंद सरस्वती ने फिट इंडिया के आह्वान को लेकर पीएम मोदी का समर्थन करते हुए कहा कि उन्होंने पहले शौचालय बनवाया, फिर स्वच्छता को लेकर देशवासियों से आह्वान किया और अब फिट इंडिया का आह्वान । मैं पीएम मोदी की बात का समर्थन करता हूं। मैं राज्य सरकारों, स्कूलों, ऑफिसों और नेताओं से भी कहूंगा कि वो इसे लेकर जागरूकता फैलाएं। उन्होंने पीएम मोदी की तारीफ करते हुए कहा कि संविधान के नाम पर विधवा विलाप करने वाले लोग और संविधान की मान्यता को लेकर चलने वाले लोग में बहुत फर्क होता है । नरेंद्र मोदी ने प्रधानमंत्री बनने के बाद से ही संसद पर माथा रख कर प्रणाम किया की ये लोकतंत्र का मंदिर है। इस देश की एक पूरी कौम है जिसे वन्दे भारत, भारत माता की मां जैसे शब्दों से भी नफरत है। जिसको अपनी भारत माता पर विश्वास नहीं, वो नरेंद्र मोदी पर कैसे विश्वास करेगा?



00:00I am very optimistic about Narendra Modi's campaign.
00:06As soon as he becomes Prime Minister, the first thing he should do is to build toilets.
00:11So that the pandemic does not spread.
00:13A healthy body has a healthy mind.
00:16And if the citizens of the country are healthy,
00:19if their minds are healthy,
00:21only then will they develop the country.
00:23There are only a few people in the country,
00:25and if a person is not healthy,
00:27then the country will also be unhealthy.
00:29If a person is not healthy,
00:31then the country will also be unhealthy.
00:33So if this principle is understood,
00:35then the scriptures have also said about these principles.
00:39Our religious texts have also said about these principles.
00:43That a person should remain healthy.
00:45That is why yoga,
00:47and by doing yoga,
00:49stopping the death of the mind,
00:51practices of pranayama,
00:53and a healthy body,
00:55healthy food,
00:57and eating healthy food.
00:59The Prime Minister ran the first campaign.
01:01So toilets,
01:03after the toilets,
01:05healthy food,
01:07fit India.
01:09So who does not want to be healthy?
01:11Who wants to count their days on the bed?
01:13Who wants to look healthy?
01:15Who wants to look healthy?
01:17So if a person is the unity of the nation,
01:21then whether the person is healthy or not,
01:23or if the person is healthy,
01:25or if his face is beautiful,
01:27or if his body is beautiful,
01:29then only the creation of such people
01:31completes the creation of the nation.
01:33So for this,
01:35I would like to take your blessings.
01:37In the name of the constitution,
01:39people who call themselves widows
01:41or people who make a mess
01:43and people who live
01:45with the principles of the constitution,
01:47there is a lot of difference.
01:49Narendra Modi,
01:51Narendra Modi,
01:53from the day he became the Prime Minister,
01:55he bowed his head
01:57to the Parliament
01:59and said that this is a temple of democracy.
02:01Everyone's support,
02:03everyone's development,
02:05everyone's faith,
02:07this is a different thing.
02:09There is a whole nation in this country
02:11which hates the words
02:13of Vande Bharat Bharat Mata,
02:15Vande Matram.
02:17They are not afraid to
02:19say anything.
02:21So the issue of everyone's faith
02:23was a bit of a failure.
02:25Because those who do not have
02:27faith in Vande Bharat Mata,
02:29nor do they have faith in India,
02:31how can they have faith in Narendra Modi?
02:33But Narendra Modi's
02:35point of view is correct
02:37that everyone's support,
02:39everyone's development,
02:41everyone's faith,
02:43this is their own point of view.
02:45But those who have faith in everyone,
02:47who are these people who cannot
02:49have faith in them?
02:51But if any citizen of this country
02:53is a member of this country,
02:55is a citizen,
02:57then he should have faith in the nation,
02:59should have faith in the representatives
03:01of the nation,
03:03and should have faith in the representatives
03:05of the nation.
03:07This is both courageous and natural.
