• 2 days ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Detective Comics #587 Batman Figure


00:00The American dream isn't what it seems and a hero has to help the homeless.
00:04Here's a look at McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Detective Comics 587 Batman.
00:30The Batman visits the dark side of the American dream to find out who's terrorizing the homeless
00:41in Gotham City.
00:43While anarchy is about to hit the city streets, let's take the tape measure and see how tall
00:47the Batman stands from Detective Comics number 587.
00:50Short of maybe just a few changes that they've made for now molded cape, he is though essentially
00:54going to be using the same body as the Nightfall Batman.
00:57Batman though is still going to be standing the same because of that.
01:05The figure is going to be about 7 inches in height or about 18 centimeters tall.
01:10Okay, so maybe it's not a couple of minutes.
01:12Here's what the figure though looks like with the Nightfall Batman.
01:14He happens to also be sharing the same body as well as the Silver Age Batman.
01:18Funny though enough that we've looked at both of these figures this week and they are also
01:22sharing the exact same body, though they are sharing the same molds of tools.
01:26You can see also as well that they're changing out really the color schemes.
01:29All the costumes of the greys are completely different from one another as well as the
01:32capes and cowls.
01:33A lot of stuff gets offered up with Detective Comics 587's Batman.
01:38First though the figure does come included with a trading card.
01:40It happens though to take the full front page of that issue where Batman is standing in
01:44the rainfall.
01:45Within the alley streets like this you can see that he happens to also be sharing the
01:49same mold as what Todd and his team tried to replicate here with the cape.
01:53The only thing that's really different though is that not only is Batman here cast in shadows,
01:57but also his costume though in grey is a lot lighter than what we're getting here in the
02:02It's about the only thing I would have said that should have been really changed the figure
02:05because I feel like the grey should have been a little bit more lighter as it would have
02:07been in the issues.
02:09Notably though this is also illustrated by Norm Bravefoggle, my boy when it comes to
02:12Batman drawings.
02:14He is certainly one of my all-time favorites especially growing up and reading Detective
02:17Comics and Batman in the 80s and 90s.
02:20Bravefoggle was my favorite illustrator of the caped crusader.
02:24On the back of the card it gives a very simple read up more or less just giving us a brief
02:29logline essentially to what the comic issues are going to be all about.
02:32His real name though isn't going to change at all it's still going to be featured as
02:35Bruce Wayne but a nice looking card though nonetheless.
02:38Let's move that off to the side the figure does also come included not with though a
02:41regular circular display stand.
02:43This would be the time I'd be basically holding this in my hand I'd be saying it would be
02:47branded with the DC logo down below but I can't do that this time around.
02:51Instead though Batman gets this pretty neat looking display stand that has an eagle head
02:56there on the top you've got chains there on the bottom and then like neat little gargoyle
03:00heads on the sides they almost kind of look like ram heads.
03:03On the bottom of this this is all encased in plastic although I got to believe that
03:07this is still hollow plastic it does have two peg places.
03:11This one's a little bit more convenient this is a little bit more awkward.
03:14I did put this figure onto the stand at the beginning of this review but you saw probably
03:18it kind of very much awkwardly kind of puts his one leg up on here and with the sheer
03:23weight of the molded plastic cape he does have a bit of an issue when it comes to standing
03:27on this display stand.
03:29Still though I welcome things like this I'd love to see more display stands be incorporated
03:32with Batman characters that aren't just again the circular black display stand with the
03:38DC logo branded down below.
03:39We're going to move that off though to the side you guys want to see what that okay if
03:43you want to take Batman's legs here again basically you just want to bend the leg here
03:46just a little bit you can turn Batman's head also too and then you're going to basically
03:49take your figure's feet there's the peg hole right there line it up to the provided peg
03:53I wasn't really going to be doing this but if you guys did want to see it just line up
03:59the feet accordingly there's one there's two there's Batman standing on top of his display
04:06stand I guess it is really secure enough although again it's just the placement of that one
04:10peg where you have to have Batman kind of awkwardly bending his knee like this the figure
04:15though by the way does have the plastic cape he does also have over here you can probably
04:19already see he has a fabric cape too let's right now just remove them put a display stand
04:23over here I guess also just before we actually look at the alternate cape let's look at some
04:28of the other accessories that also come include the character now I guess one of the benefits
04:33also of him using a molded cape even though it does make the side of the figure very side
04:38heavy at least though it does have this little resting point right here so they've sculpted
04:43the cape I feel deliberately so this piece also is leveled flat to the ground along with
04:48this just along his foot they've also made this completely flat too so it does for the
04:52most part I say for the most part allow the figure to kind of get a balancing issue kind
04:57of fixed because you would think again with the cape anyways of the other accessories
05:01though they come include with Batman he comes first of all with a batarang I feel like this
05:05is the same batarang that got packed along with the silver age release although in this
05:09case it's clearly more of a dark blue it does go mold and it's it molded in such a way off
05:14so that it can be gripped in either one of his hands I haven't yet changed out the hands
05:17on the ends of his forearms the figure does also come include with gestured hands now
05:22I think with a character like this especially the way they've molded the cape I think I'm
05:25probably going to be swapping out those hands shortly for a hand like this instead the figure
05:30does also come include with closed fist all of these hands I'm sure by the way we probably
05:34got them with other Batman releases and again it's just a case of changing out the hands
05:38take the hand that you want to use easily divorce it from the rest of this forearm take
05:43then the hand you want to use so there's the peg hole there's the peg simple shapes plug
05:47that in place I couldn't help also notice too that it seems like this hand is a little
05:52bit bigger I mean if you follow the form of the forearm goes right into the peg then it
05:56kind of sort of seems like his hand gets a lot bigger at the end of it other than that
06:00though again you've got yourself a nice gestured hand for Batman let's get the cape back in
06:05place one of the issues also with the cape is the way they plugged it onto the top of
06:10his body I didn't really want to talk about it just yet because I kind of want to run
06:13through the accessories the remaining accessories first but that will be the one issue that's
06:17going to face the cape crusader the figure does also come included with a gas mask now
06:22in order to get this onto the gas mask in order to get this sorry onto the figures face
06:26you're gonna have to detach the head first slide the gas mask up don't worry I'll show
06:31you guys in a second I believe he also comes in clue with a gas bomb as you can see it's
06:36nicely sculpted here it does look like a scar face on the top it's been a while honestly
06:40since I've read issue 587 but a nice little accessory I don't really know if I have a
06:46purpose for it's not like I'm gonna have this held in Batman's hands maybe I can have it
06:49just kind of displayed alongside the figure okay let's talk a little bit about Batman's
06:54cape shall we don't worry I'm gonna go back to the gas mask by the way so Batman's body
06:59the way that it works is that out of the packaging he has the molded cape like this he does also
07:05have the fabric tape but they attach the exact same way you probably have already seen several
07:09times basically what it is is the cape attaches so on the bottom here you can see that there's
07:14an open socket and then on the on the bottom of his cape there is a peg the peg plugs into
07:20that socket and if you push it down far enough it should in real realistic terms it should stay
07:25in place sometimes though if Batman happens to fall backwards and it's probably gonna happen
07:29a couple of times in this review the cape is prone to popping off I mean it's again a simple fix it's
07:35just again a case of popping it back onto his body I wish there was kind of a little more of
07:39a secure way but to be honest though you have to kind of think of what would be the easiest way to
07:43change out capes so if you didn't want to change out the cape I guess before we do that I'll show
07:47you guys what the cape looks like he has the cool points there on the sides of his shoulders
07:51Brave Fog was really good for doing that when it came to Batman a head sculpt is also really quite
07:55good on him as well I feel like it's a little wide on the sides but for the most part I think
07:59it does look very much like Brave Foggles work the only thing I will say though while I like
08:03the emblem while I like the utility belt those were all get borrowed over by the way from the
08:07nightfall Batman I can't help but though notice that the coloring of his body is a little too
08:11dark I mean Batman from the 90s generally had a more lighter gray treatment when it came to
08:16his costume that would imply for his torso his arms his lower legs instead they chose to go with
08:22a more darker gray and while I don't think it's a bad color for Batman if you again wanted to match
08:27it closer to the issue Batman I feel should really have had a lighter gray outfit instead
08:32love though the emblem love the emblem again utility belt is no real different at all from
08:38the detect from the nightfall Batman and bring that in right now so again like you've got the
08:42same torso literally though you've got the exact same utility belt same trunk same lower legs
08:47everything is the same in fact actually if you look at his gauntlets they're also the same as
08:51well little blades that he's got on the sides of his gloves so if again you guys wanted to change
08:56out the cape it's just again a case of popping this off now if you did first want to add the
09:01gas mask because I did after all say I was gonna do that just pop the head off first hope that he
09:06stands in the meantime take your gas mask and basically just slide it up the bottom of his
09:11head just like that once you've got it on there then I want to make sure again I got it all the
09:17way on there once you've got it on there then go ahead quickly quickly dash back to the cave
09:23actually you know what we'll just take the cape off for right now plug Batman's head back in place
09:27and then of course you can always go back in there and fix it the only one issue I have really with
09:32the gas mask isn't so much the way that it's applied to the Batman's face but more so I worry
09:37that it's gonna start to scrape the nose of Batman again you probably will need to fix this a couple
09:42of times I know it's not quite really on there the way that I want it but again my only real
09:46issue though is I feel like that's gonna start to scrape the pain especially on his nose detaching
09:52that at least for right now see what damage we've done okay we've done no damage so again like the
09:58cape itself let's plug Batman's head back in place here the cape looks good good hard plastic on the
10:04back of it actually they've gone in there and sculpted it so it kind of gives it a more like
10:08faux leather look to it easily they could have gone in there and made this a completely smooth
10:12surface but I do appreciate that they went in there and textured some of the cape the cape again
10:17is very hard it's very rigid it's gonna give a lot more extra weight to Batman if though you would
10:21prefer a cloth cape it's easily a case just a popping off the head we'll take the cape piece
10:26here and we'll move it off to the side then we'll take the cloth cape so the cloth cape essentially
10:31looks the same from at least the color piece so if you look at the neck and you look at the spikes
10:35on the shoulders they are pretty much identical to one another and that's basically where the
10:39similarities stop if you look at the back of the cape though I mean clearly you can see where it's
10:44plastic and then the rest of it down below here is the fabric there's real no way around this the
10:48only way that that would have worked is had they done this all in fabric but again you'd have a
10:52harder time I feel to add the spikes and I don't think it would have looked as seamless because it
10:56has to go on to hop a Batman's head so what you do then is you take this and you can easily just
11:01attach Batman's head back in place you want to make sure it's all the way on there too there we
11:07go and once that's then on there you can basically follow the same format so there's the shape and
11:12align it up to the peg and you're gonna snap it in place is it the most secure it isn't the most
11:17secure again when you kind of are moving the figure around you'll notice though that every
11:21once in a while though like the color piece will just kind of come off it's just you know obviously
11:24you're just gonna have to snap it back in place and being that this is also a fabric cape they've
11:29got a wire that runs down here along the edge edge tips here and all the way down the side as
11:35well is it a wide cape it is a wide cape if I can actually just hold the sides of Batman here it kind
11:41of gives you at least an idea of how big the cape actually is and of course as you know if you're
11:46one that likes to style your figures a little bit better you could just bring the cape around you
11:50can bring the cape up a little bit too if you want to have Batman with a little you know kind of
11:53looking a little bit more dynamic you can easily do a lot more with it it's a long it's a big cape
11:58so you may want to even find yourself kind of tucking what remnants you have behind just kind
12:02of behind Batman so it doesn't look like he's taking up as much space I think though in the
12:06end while I do like the fabric cape probably though just gonna stick with the idea of using
12:10the plastic cape because I just like the look of it and two I don't have to worry about fussing
12:14and muscling trying to get the actual pose of the cape down exactly the way I want it for the figures
12:20articulation though looking back at Batman so the heads gonna be on a ball joint it allows the head
12:24to rotate all the way around the head can look up and it can look down but again like when you are
12:29moving the head up sometimes though it does pop this off the heads gonna also rock back and forth
12:34as well now the upper torso if you are familiar with the Nightfall Batman you're obviously gonna
12:38be familiar with the articulation on this figure upper torso is gonna be on a ball joint lower
12:42torso is also on a ball joint for the arms you're gonna get yourself a T pose the thing about again
12:47about it though is as you're moving these shoulders out this is gonna pop this off kind of wish in a
12:53way really that the peg was a little bit longer and that they made the socket a little deeper so
12:58when you do did plug it in place you know it was gonna stay in place but yeah moving out the arms
13:02though is gonna cause this to pop the arms are gonna move move forward and back get this all
13:07the way on their arms are yeah gonna move forward and back you're gonna have yourself the swivel
13:12that's still in the bicep a double hinge on the elbow and the hands are gonna rotate back and
13:16forth plug that back as for the legs the legs do split out almost a full Van Damme splits you take
13:23the legs and move them forward you can move them back there's a swivel there at the top of the thigh
13:27a double hinge on the knee no articulation here for the boot because the boots is to continue to
13:32sculpt for the rest of the calf however though he is still gonna have the ankle pivot and ankle
13:36rocker and the figure is still gonna have the toe articulation thank goodness he still has the toe
13:41articulation in the end a good-looking Batman the thing again about it though is looking at it the
13:46the original source material Brave Foggle works still one of my favorites I can't help again
13:51while I do like the gray that they chose I mean I'm not arguing that at all I have to though kind
13:56of look at this and look at the original source material and not think to myself that you know
14:00again like all those issues back in the 90s generally Batman had a more lighter gray costume
14:04the emblem is matching the same the head's pretty good too and again they've done a nice enough job
14:09to replicate the plastic cape other than really just the coloring of his costume being too dark
14:15the only one other issue I really have with the figure is the fact that like just his head and his
14:18shoulder area comes frequently off just because again like as you're moving the arms around
14:24even like just turning his head from time to time it will detach the entire top of his half of the
14:29entire top of his shoulders completely off I wish though that they had maybe made a longer peg so
14:33that when you attached it securely to his torso you knew it wasn't going to be going anywhere
14:39now I sat on getting Detective Comics 587 Batman not for not wanting the figure but not for paying
14:44the price of what he was going for checking on places like eBay and even online sites easily
14:49this guy was selling for 80 to 100 dollars and I didn't want to pay that price at least though he
14:54had enough things offered with him that marking the price up from what a traditional DC Multiverse
14:59figure could be I could justify at least him being a little bit more expensive but not 80 to 100
15:04dollars more expensive sure enough though I happen to be on Amazon and while I was looking at other
15:09things just happened to look up DC Multiverse just to see what they had offered sure enough
15:14though they had this guy marked down to I think it was like 56 57 dollars and I added him to my
15:19cart right away in the end though I'm really happy to have this guy as part of my collection
15:24being a big fan though especially Detective Comics during the 90s I mean I could go into
15:28a comic book store and this just dates me by the way to go into a store back then you could easily
15:32drop a dollar 25 and get yourself an individual issue you had yourself a $20 on you and easily
15:39you would be the richest kid in the comic book store walking out with a stack of comics
15:43Batman and Detective Comics was always it for me and Brave Foggle still is one of my favorite
15:47Batman artists to have those two things recreated here in an action figure of Batman I couldn't be
15:54again any happier I do like the cloth cape and maybe the more that I look at it I do like that
15:58there's a lot more room to spare when it comes to what you can do with the actual cape the cape does
16:03have the wire frame so that's one good thing about it Brave Foggle was always really known for drawing
16:08an elaborate looking cape for Batman and I think Todd and his team have done that well enough with
16:12this release that you go pretty crazy with Batman's cape if you want to if you like to play it though
16:17safe you can always go back to the idea of Batman having the plastic cape as the figure comes out
16:21of the packaging with him the plastic cape works quite well because again it looks exactly like it
16:26does from the first from the cover of that issue the only thing about it though is it does add
16:30unnecessary weight to the figure especially with him standing especially with keeping that cape
16:35still attached to the rest of his torso what do you guys think though of Batman from detective
16:39comics 587 have you guys had the chance to pick this one up or is this one that's still on your
16:43radar and you'd like to get this for yourself if you guys did enjoy this video in the meantime you
16:47can certainly hit it with a like if you guys love want to stick around for more and you're loving
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