• last month
Cm Revanth Reddy Meeting With MLAS : కాంగ్రెస్‌ పార్టీ శాసనసభాపభా పక్షం ఇవాళ సమావేశం కానుంది. సీఎం రేవంత్‌రెడ్డి అధ్యక్షతన ఉదయం 11 గంటలకు ఎమ్​సీఆర్​హెచ్ఆర్డీ లో జరిగే ఈ భేటీకి పార్టీ ఎమ్మెల్యేలు, ఎమ్మెల్సీలు హాజరుకానున్నారు. సీఎం, ఎమ్మెల్యేల ముఖాముఖిగా జరిగే ఈ సమావేశంలో పీసీసీ అధ్యక్షుడు మహేష్‌ కుమార్‌ గౌడ్‌, రాష్ట్ర వ్యవహారాల ఇన్‌ఛార్జీ దీప దాస్‌మున్షీ, డిప్యూటీ సీఎం భట్టి విక్రమార్క పాల్గొననున్నారు.


00:00CM Revanthi Reddy met with Congress MLAs and MLCs on the agenda of bringing government programs into the public eye.
00:10After taking office, the PM, who met once in the past, learned about the issues and party situation of the ruling party.
00:17This meeting began at 11 a.m. in the Human Rights Development Organization.
00:22In charge of state affairs, Deepadas Munshi, PCC President Mahesh Kumar Gowd and Chief Minister Bhatti Vikram are present.
00:29In this meeting, it was announced by the party members that they will discuss about the state affairs, family planning, SC, budget priorities, party structure, etc.
00:40It is known that the CM and the party leaders will give direction on how to move forward on the issue of giving 42% seats to the state institutions.
00:50News that there is a possibility of a major discussion on state affairs in this meeting.
01:01It was announced that the party MLAs have arranged for a meeting.
01:07News came that we are in a situation where we cannot take action to solve the problems of the people.
01:13After the revolution, the Chief Minister and Congress Speaker K.C. Venugopal met with the ministers.
01:20They discussed about the work of the insurgency ministers.
01:24It was discussed that Venugopal spoke strongly about one or two ministers.
01:28As a result of this, the CM met with the ministers this month and discussed various issues.
01:34It is known that some ministers misunderstood the behavior of the MLAs in this meeting.
01:39The party leadership feels that the problems that need to be solved between the walls will be eliminated and the media will not be affected.
01:46To bring everyone together with these results, CM Revanth Reddy met with MLAs and MLCs.
01:53The party members announced that the MLAs will talk to the insurgency ministers and direct the CM's direction to increase equality.
