• last month
00:00my whiskey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Nick Ferguson you know
00:06that song yes I do know that song I'm surprised that I know that's like how
00:11cool am I so let me give you a little debriefing so I used to work at CNN in
00:17Atlanta yeah so I used to be good friends of Bobby Cremons I still am but
00:23I mean like back then I was really good friends with him and I used to do is
00:27basketball camp I'm a baller so I play ball my whole life I I went to Indiana I
00:32worked with Bob Knight remember the crazy old basketball coach so I knew
00:35Bobby I knew all the coaches and I've been doing this for 40 years so I'm an
00:39old man and I know everybody but I knew Bobby so Bobby used to take me to his
00:43Georgia Tech basketball camp for the kids because I'm crazy and funny and the
00:48kids love me and the players and so yeah and then he'd take me to his Georgia
00:52Tech luncheons for the you know boosters and all the people that contribute my
00:59donate money to the school into the athletic program and I've been friends
01:03with him forever and so when I went to these events they would bring like the
01:08band and the cheerleaders and the be the the yellow jacket mask guy right and
01:14then they would say around around so I get a hell of an engineer hell of an
01:19engineer and then once I got it and learned it so now I do like sportscasts
01:25all the time I do I'm on in New York I'm on everywhere but I do whenever I give a
01:29score like last night I bet on him and they won in like overtime and I don't
01:34just give this cry go I'm a ramblin' ramblin' Georgia Tech and a hell of an engineer
01:38hell of an engineer and a drink my whiskey clear every single time I
01:43mentioned Georgia Tech in the last 40 years I'm a ramblin' ramblin' Georgia Tech and a
01:48hell of an engineer I do it every time yeah it drives people nuts but it
01:53doesn't drive you nuts because you went there so now you're so you have to be
01:58like educated like when you go to Georgia Tech it's no joke like even if
02:05you're playing football there like today no one goes to class no one no one goes
02:09to class they get paid a million dollars to play football yeah back when you
02:13played you actually had to go to class yeah am I am I tripping no you're not
02:18you had to learn something or they would throw you out yes you'd lose your
02:23scholarship nowadays if you don't go to class you're rewarded they probably give
02:27you a beamer or a Bentley and a stack of money and that's some bullshack I don't
02:33like it I think it's the worst thing that ever happened to college sports it
02:37ruined it when I went I you know I had to get an education I went on a
02:43scholarship and I had to get grades to live up to that scholarship and now they
02:48just give these morons so what they're doing is they're producing idiots am I
02:53wrong like how many idiots now are playing in the NFL compared to when you
02:59played in the NFL when guys actually may have pulled off a 2-5 or a 3-0 or a 3-5
03:04or a 3-8 but if you didn't get that 2-0 you weren't playing football it's
03:09always different because once again when you give it all this NIL money obviously
03:13you do incentivize it from a financial standpoint right and those guys are like
03:16well why do I really have to go to class I don't get paid this enormous amount of
03:20money but you're right the error then is different than what it is now how about
03:25this they don't even have to go pro some of them make more money in college now
03:30then they would if they were a four or five six seven round pick like they're
03:35gonna make no money when you're a seventh rounder you're gonna make some
03:38money I know how it works I'm not stupid so the NFL pay scale first round second
03:43round third round down to the seventh round is like from the penthouse to the
03:47outhouse right like well once again it is that type of idea but once again we
03:52go back to the idea of how much money these guys are making it's like well how
03:56can you like if you have kids if you tell your kids to constantly clean their
04:00room but they're making more than you are as a parent your kids like well you
04:04know what yeah it's the same thing with drugs yeah if you don't I know you're
04:09working with Marshall Falk my buddy and he went to San Diego State the only
04:13reason I mentioned that is because my son goes to San Diego State and it's
04:17great weather and there's gorgeous chicks in bikinis I gotta tell you when
04:21I drop him off at school I'm like what is happening here I got to get out of
04:23here I'm gonna get arrested I'm an old man I'm creepy like I'm 60 people like
04:27what's that old man doing here I'm like I'm looking at girls like it's crazy so
04:32he's he's cool but you know what you guys are doing for kids like teaching
04:36them showing them showing them hey look I'm gonna show you guy tweaking and
04:41tripping on drugs you don't want to be a loser like this it hits home with these
04:45kids as opposed to them listening to their stupid moronic friends who tell
04:51them to smoke weed or to do blow or to do meth or to do H or to accidentally do
04:58fentanyl and die yeah am I am I right no you're absolutely right and that's the
05:02thing like for me even at Georgia Tech I'm a visual learner right you can tell
05:07me something but I want to go ahead and see them you guys see it once you show
05:10kids to pamper you show them the videos you show them someone going through kind
05:14of a drug with withdrawal then you hope that impinges on them and they go you
05:18know what I don't want that to be me do you remember when you're growing up when
05:22your parents used to say I'm gonna take you down to the police station and show
05:27you the jail and show you somebody overnight drunks in there sleeping and
05:31see if you want to live here one day remember that when they'd scare you I
05:35think they call that the scare straight program right right and the idea is once
05:39you take that philosophy but you use it towards drugs right usually you start
05:44showing kids these things it starts making sense to them because for the
05:48most part they think in drugs right drug paraphernalia it's cool you show them
05:53that that it's not it's not cool it's loser bill now let me ask you you're
05:57from Miami and I lived in Miami and I worked in Miami I was on the Canes and
06:02and Panthers and Marlins station for 30 years my show was on there forever I've
06:08been doing this 40 years and so my radio show was on in Miami always and then I
06:12lived there a couple times and I would I had a place there for 50 years and I
06:16would go down there in Boca is where I stayed with all the rich idiots and
06:19losers you know the asshats that live in Boca the Beverly Hills type right but I
06:25was a normal dude living on the intercoastal chilling the most eating
06:29food you know going to the pool getting raised but I'm a Canes fan how did you
06:36leave Miami for Atlanta and Georgia Tech did you want to play for the Canes when
06:42you were a kid what happened to you who brainwashed you I wanted to go to my
06:48University of Miami but I wanted to escape you know and grow up right
06:54experience the world get away from my parents I would have been able to do so
06:58you didn't love your parents is what you're saying every kid knows that
07:02there's certain times in your adolescence that you don't write your
07:05parents but I wanted to get away I wanted to see the world I want to see
07:09different and Georgia Tech was challenging within itself but I'm not
07:13disappointed with my you were you were more worldly when you tasted New York
07:17yeah with the Jets and Denver in a mile-high city and then Houston let me
07:23ask you a question when you lived in Colorado did you ever notice that the
07:27noodles didn't boil the way they did in Miami like the tennis balls didn't
07:32bounce the way they did in Miami yeah and when I went to Colorado for the
07:36first time skiing at like Breckenridge I drank six beers and I I vomited like I
07:42drank 24 because it's different everything's different there I think
07:45there are Martians all those people there are Martians I do not believe that
07:50they're normal there be I think they're on drugs and I think that we need to
07:54scare the kids and show them people that eat noodles that don't cook right bad
07:59tennis balls that don't bounce right and beers that get you three times as f-ed up
08:04as one beer it's just unbelievable I think it's the worst thing that ever
08:07happened to the world that state there's something funny going on out there the
08:10same thing too is when you're baking pizza yeah different you got to set your
08:13temperature on the oven at a certain it's unbelievable because Nick I love
08:18you thanks for saving children and keeping them off drugs you're a badass
08:22you're a lot of fun thanks for coming on C2C appreciate my man
