• 2 days ago
Las Hijas de la Señora Garcia - Capitulo 62 - video Dailymotion_2
00:00No, no, no.
00:02I'm not going back.
00:04You have your own life,
00:07and I'm not part of it anymore.
00:11I don't want to be a part of it.
00:14You're not, Mom.
00:16I'm sorry I didn't go to the hospital.
00:18I didn't hear the call.
00:20I would never have left you alone.
00:22You know that.
00:24I've always done everything for you,
00:26for you, for me.
00:28Because you two are my family.
00:31I swear I didn't hear the phone.
00:33You don't have to believe me.
00:35Okay, okay.
00:36I believe you, my love.
00:37I believe you.
00:38But look,
00:40you have many things to do
00:43and a job that anyone would dream of.
00:48Don't sacrifice anything for me.
00:50Don't say that.
00:52You're my mom.
00:54You've always been there for me.
00:57You've always taken care of us.
00:59You did a lot for us.
01:02So now it's our turn to take care of you.
01:05I want to take care of you.
01:07Let me take care of you.
01:11Come on.
01:12Come with me.
01:16Let's go.
01:18Let's go.
01:20Let's go, Mom.
01:22There you go.
01:23Be careful.
01:25Be careful.
01:27Your things.
01:28My suitcase is there.
01:29Your things.
01:30It's there?
01:32Thank you very much.
01:34Thank you very much, young man.
01:37Thank you very much.
01:47Thank you, girls.
01:52I love you so much.
01:54I love you too.
01:55I love you too.
01:59I love you too.
02:01I love you so much.
02:05How can I put this?
02:07Very well.
02:08Thank you very much.
02:23Do you want me to use some of the clothing line?
02:25No, it's not necessary.
02:27Oh, perfect.
02:28Although I could open the show.
02:30It's Valeria's night, Paula.
02:32It should be the night of the brand, right?
02:34Of course, Leonardo is right, Arturo.
02:36What should shine is the clothes.
02:39Besides, Paula has a great career.
02:41And people are waiting to see her again.
02:44Thank you, thank you very much.
02:46But well, I understand that you want it to be Valeria's night and it's perfect.
02:50Although the truth is, I do feel that they are leaving too much responsibility on their shoulders.
02:54This is a decision that I cannot make alone.
02:58Well, if Nicolas is not there, it is something that you should be able to solve.
03:01Look, the truth is, I don't know why neither of them have arrived,
03:04but I think the best thing would be to postpone the Honda for another day, right?
03:07Postpone? No, but if the event is already, nothing.
03:11Let's see, I think, if they don't have it ready, the best thing is to move the date.
03:16No, this project has already given us many problems,
03:19to postpone it even more.
03:21They have to work in forced marches,
03:23without thinking about how they are going to return all the value to the company
03:26and resources that they have used for nothing.
03:34Well, Arturo, if I can help you with something and support you,
03:37don't hesitate to tell me.
03:38No need, thank you.
03:40I'll get you the recording of the meeting, Arturito.
03:43Don't worry.
03:44Hey, I'm working on the speech.
03:46Let's see, I'll show you what you think.
04:09Arturo, hello.
04:10My love, I can finally talk to you. What happened?
04:12We were waiting for you for the meeting.
04:14I'm sorry, I had a little problem, I'll explain later.
04:18Hey, by any chance, do you know anything about Nicolas?
04:20About Nicolas? Yes, he's here with me.
04:24You're right.
04:26Well, I'll wait for you here so you can tell me, okay?
04:28Yes, see you later.
04:43My love, you are too much of a model for a brand that goes straight to failure.
04:49Did I do it right?
04:51Let's see, my love, for the first time your brothers are trusting me,
04:55so I want to give them a night they will never forget.
04:59No, my love, you are too good.
05:02You know what? I also do it for you and for us.
05:05For me it is very important that they finally realize
05:08that you made a good decision when you married me.
05:11Of course.
05:14Hey, do you know who worries me a lot?
05:18Your dad.
05:19What? Why?
05:21Don't you realize?
05:23He's like a little intolerant, right?
05:25Like he gets angry very quickly.
05:27Yes, yes, yes, you're right.
05:30Well, yes, and I don't know why, but I don't know if it's because of Mar.
05:33Yes, notice that since he married her, he has changed a lot.
05:36Well, yes, that's why you have to be much more aware of him.
05:39Luis wasn't like that.
05:40Imagine, if he's heartbroken, he can't keep having those outbursts.
05:43Imagine something happens to him.
05:45No, no, I'm going to be more aware of him.
05:49Oh, I love you.
06:10¿Me vas a decir nada?
06:12Ya supe que ayudaste a mi mamá.
06:14Muchas gracias.
06:16No lo he hecho por cualquiera, incluso por ella,
06:18pero no me refiero a eso.
06:21Ya no terminamos de hablar.
06:23Tienes razón, Juan, pero ya no hay nada más que decir.
06:27Vas a ser papá, Juan.
06:30Cada quien va a tener a su propia familia.
06:33Yo sé que eres un buen hombre
06:36y no tengo dudas de que ese bebé va a ser muy afortunado
06:39de tenerte en su vida.
06:41¿Por qué?
06:44¿Por qué qué?
06:45¿Por qué te pones así?
06:47¿Qué es lo que no me estás diciendo?
06:49Lo que te iba a decir yo ese día es que...
06:52que solo te deseo lo mejor.
06:54Lo mejor para ti, para Camila y para ese bebé.
06:57Sigue adelante, sigue con tu vida y sé muy feliz.
07:01Ay, ay, ay, mamá, no te vayas.
07:04No te vayas.
07:14Está muy bonito el edificio, hijos.
07:17Sí, ¿verdad?
07:18Y ya vas a ver el DP, es hermoso.
07:21Bueno, yo ya me paso a retirar.
07:25Nicolás, gracias.
07:29Un gusto, señora.
07:31Nicolás, no hubiera logrado alcanzar a mi mamá
07:34si no hubiera sido por ti.
07:38No tienes nada que agradecer.
07:39Tú sabes que a mí ayudarte, pues, me hace bien.
07:47¿En serio, gracias?
07:55¿Es este de aquí?
08:17Adiós para siempre, Juan.
08:38¿Qué estabas haciendo con Mar?
08:42Juan, te pregunté qué estabas haciendo con Mar.
08:47No me quieras engañar, te acabo de ver con esa mujer
08:49qué estabas haciendo con ella.
09:46Ay, hija, tenías razón, está hermoso.
09:50Te dije.
09:51Siéntate, te voy a hacer un tecito
09:53y me voy a ir a cambiar rápido, ándale.
09:55No, no, no, no, no te quiero molestar.
09:58No es molestia, mamá.
10:00Vienes de días muy difíciles, acómodate, ándale,
10:02trata de descansar.
10:04Gracias, hija.
10:07Muchas gracias por ir por mí.
10:11No tienes nada que agradecer.
10:13Ahora, por favor, quédate tranquilita.
10:16Esta es tu casa.
10:27Si me quiere,
10:30si le importa,
10:38En este momento me vas a decir
10:39qué tanto estabas haciendo con Mar.
10:41No estaba haciendo nada malo, mamá.
10:42No me mientas.
10:44Esa cínica no puede tener en la cabeza nada bueno.
10:46Solo estábamos platicando, mamá.
10:48Te puedes calmar, por favor.
10:50Imagínate que yo no hubiera sido la que te vio con Mar,
10:52sino Camila.
10:54¿Te imaginas?
10:55A ver, ¿qué habrías hecho?
10:56No sé, ¿le habría dicho la verdad?
10:58Solo estaba hablando con ella y ya.
10:59Tú y Mar no tienen nada de qué hablar.
11:02Y creo que ahora sí me pongas atención.
11:04Es la última vez que te acercas a ella.
11:07A partir de este momento,
11:08la sacas de tu cabeza para siempre,
11:10¿me oíste?
11:11Pero, mamá.
11:12Pero nada.
11:13O la olvidas o la olvidas.
11:20Óyeme, ¿a dónde crees que vas?
11:22Estamos hablando.
11:23¡Regresa, Juan!
11:29Este es cuncle, pero me va a oír.
11:32¿Entonces Juan estaba con Mar?
11:34Camila, no sabía que estabas aquí.
11:36Acabo de escuchar que dijiste que Juan estaba con Mar.
11:39¿Es cierto o no?
11:46Mar, mi mamá está aquí en mi departamento.
11:50Qué bueno saber que está bien.
11:52¿Por qué no te vienes para acá?
11:54Para que podamos hablar con ella.
11:56No, no puedo.
11:57¿Cómo que no puedes?
11:58Deja todo lo que estás haciendo y ven para acá.
12:00No, no estoy lista para verla.
12:05Mar, mi mamá casi se muere.
12:08Ni tú ni yo soportaríamos el dolor de perderla.
12:12Sí, me da mucho gusto saber que está bien.
12:15Pero lo que pasó entre ella y yo fue demasiado.
12:18Ok, haz lo que quieras, Mar.
12:33Hija, hija, no hay que exagerar las cosas.
12:37No te preocupes tanto por Mar y por Juan.
12:39¿Cómo me pides que no me preocupe?
12:41Se acaba de verla.
12:42Sí, pero mira, piensa que él está casado contigo,
12:45no con ella.
12:46Y además tú vas a ser la mamá de su hijo.
12:50Juan y tú están unidos para siempre.
12:52Y yo de tonta pensando que...
12:54que se iba a olvidar de ella.
12:56No sé cómo le creí.
12:57Pues no podemos evitar que la desgraciada esa lo busque,
12:59pero por más que ella intente algo,
13:02Juan no se va a ir a ningún lado.
13:05¿Y quién me garantiza que eso no va a suceder?
13:09Hija, los hechos no mienten.
13:13Para Juan no hay nada más importante
13:16que su esposa y su hijo.
13:18Mira, yo lo eduqué para que respetara a su familia
13:20y así va a ser.
13:35¿No te tomaste tu tecito, ma?
13:39Hija, no obligues a tu hermana que venga.
13:49No te preocupes.
13:51Ella no quiere verme y está bien.
13:54No, mamá, no está bien.
13:56Hay que darle tiempo, mi amor.
13:59Lo único que me importa ahora es proteger a tu hermana
14:03de la víbora de Paula.
14:05¿Por qué dices eso?
14:06Porque esa mujer le está haciendo mucho daño.
14:09Es capaz de hacer lo que sea para hundir a tu hermana.
14:13Tenemos que salvarla.
14:21Sí, ya estoy aquí en la empresa.
14:23Ya luego te hablo.
14:25Esas sorpresas me encantan.
14:27Oye, pensábamos que no ibas a llegar.
14:29¿Y mi papá y Arturo siguen en la oficina?
14:31Estuvimos esperando para que se terminó la junta,
14:34Oye, mi papá estaba...
14:36Bueno, ¿y qué pasó?
14:37¿Por qué llegaste tan tarde?
14:38Es que Valeria tuvo un inconveniente
14:41y la fui a ayudar.
14:42Ah, ¿Valeria?
14:44Qué buen cuñado eres.
14:45Estoy segura de que Arturo te va a agradecer muchísimo
14:48que te preocupes tanto por su novia.
14:50Yo solo estuve ahí para ayudarla.
14:52Sí, por eso, qué considerado.
14:54Y bueno, por la junta no te preocupes.
14:56Ya revisamos todo y quedó todo perfecto.
14:58Sí, sí.
14:59Paola ya tiene muy claro todo lo que tiene que ser.
15:01Pero igual, si necesitan una ayuda extra,
15:03cuenten conmigo.
15:04No sé a qué te refieres.
15:06Bueno, pues no sé.
15:07A lo mejor ese día le vuelve a surgir un problema
15:10con el modelo estrellano.
15:11Ah, no te preocupes.
15:12Yo estoy seguro que todo va a estar bien.
15:14Bueno, pero está bien saber que tenemos a alguien
15:16con tanta experiencia y tan profesional como Paola para...
15:19Mi amor, mi amor.
15:20Mi amor.
15:21Bueno, ya, pero no digas eso.
15:23Igual yo hago lo que sea por la familia.
15:26Bueno, voy con mi papá.
15:28Estoy segura de que Paola fue la que hizo lo del cuadro.
15:34¿La crees capaz de hacer una cosa así?
15:36Oh, sí, sí.
15:37La creo capaz de eso y de más, hija.
15:40Ella está jugando con Mar.
15:43Logró ponerla en mi contra y seguro planea algo peor.
15:47No puede ser.
15:50Mar no está a salvo en esa casa.
15:52Y menos si no estoy para protegerla.
15:54Mamá, lo que estás diciendo es gravísimo.
15:56Sí, lo es.
15:58Pero si no hacemos algo, nosotras...
16:02¿Quién sabe qué pueda pasar?
16:04A mí tu hermana no me quiere escuchar.
16:07Pero seguro a ti sí.
16:10Por favor, hija.
16:12Te ruego que hagas algo para ayudarla.
16:15Sí, yo me encargo.
16:16Pero tú, por favor, quédate tranquila, por favor.
16:21Sí, sí, sí, sí.
16:36Hola, papá.
16:38¿Me quieres explicar por qué llegas tan tarde?
16:40Aquí está tu proyecto.
16:42Valeria tuvo un problema y la ayudé.
16:45¿Sabes todo el dinero que se ha invertido en tu línea de ropa?
16:48¿Cómo no lo voy a saber, papá?
16:50Si es mi proyecto.
16:51Pues no parece, Nicolás.
16:53Jamás pensé que me fueras a decepcionar tanto.
16:57Yo no pienso poner en ridículo el nombre de mi empresa.
17:01Pensé que iba a ser algo bueno para los dos,
17:04que Arturo iba a ser más disciplinado,
17:06pero solo te hizo más irresponsable a ti.
17:08No digas eso, papá.
17:09Eso no es cierto y lo sabes.
17:10¡Yo estoy harto de que todos me decepcionen!
17:19¿Qué se te ofrece, hija? ¿Está todo bien?
17:22Amparo, no quiero que estemos mal.
17:25Tú siempre has estado para mí.
17:27Yo no quiero que las cosas cambien.
17:34Así es.
17:36Tú sabes que a ti y a tu hermana las quiero mucho.
17:39Nosotras a ti.
17:41Por eso ya no quería dejar pasar más tiempo.
17:43Quería venir a verte.
17:46¿Vas de salida?
17:47Bueno, sí y no.
17:49Primero voy a pedir una línea de crédito de vida y préstamos.
17:55Es que ya ves que esta quincena estuvo bien larga.
17:59Y es que justo ya descargué la aplicación para pedirlo.
18:03¿Y a poco hoy mismo te lo pueden aprobar?
18:05Sí, hija. Así como lo oyes.
18:08En cuanto lo aprueban, luego te cae el dinero.
18:19Papá, escúchame. Jamás ha sido mi intención decepcionarte.
18:23Es que no lo entiendo, Nicolás.
18:25Yo te voy a demostrar que el nombre de tu empresa va a salir bien librado.
18:28Así, así. ¿Cómo lo vas a hacer? A ver, dímelo.
18:31Aunque me quede en la calle, aunque venga todo lo que tengo,
18:34yo voy a sacar adelante esto sin un peso tuyo.
18:37Ya, ya es tarde para eso.
18:40Ok, entonces no te preocupes,
18:42que yo te voy a regresar cada centavo que use de tu compañía.
18:47Con esta falta de compromiso, lamento decirte que te va a ir mal.
19:07Mar, qué bueno que ya regresaste. Estaba preocupada. ¿Qué pasó?
19:12Mi mamá tuvo un accidente.
19:14¿Cómo que un accidente? ¿Qué pasó?
19:15Sí, en la casa algo pasó con el gas y casi se me muere.
19:19Ah, pero está bien. O sea, bueno, menos mal, los accidentes pasan.
19:24Pero qué bueno que está bien.
19:26Sí, eso me dijo Amparo.
19:28Ah, bueno, entonces no te preocupes.
19:30Es que no sé si hablar con ella.
19:32¿Para qué?
19:33¿Cómo que para qué? Me siento mal con ella, Paula.
19:35No, pues no te sientas mal.
19:37Además, es justo lo que quiere.
19:39Que te sientas culpable y entonces vayas a buscarla.
19:42Mar, no vuelvas a caer en su juego.
19:52Y ahí me tienes, corriendo detrás del camión como si lo fuera a alcanzar.
19:56Si no hubiera sido por Nicolás, yo no alcanzo a mi mamá, Amparo.
19:59Pues me da tanto gusto que hayas traído de vuelta a tu mamá
20:02y que además esté viviendo contigo.
20:04Y mí también.
20:06De hecho, de aquí me voy a ir a ver a mi hermana.
20:09Pues se me hace que te acompaño de salida.
20:12Como ya te respondieron los de Didi, pues ya no pasaron ni 20 minutos.
20:16Así son de rápidos.
20:18Y sí, ya me lo aprobaron.
20:22Así que ya nos podemos ir, porque ya también me cayó el dinerito.
20:27Señora Ofelia,
20:28¿qué tal mi esposo?
20:29¿Cómo está?
20:30Bien, ¿y tú?
20:33¿Y tú, Amparo?
20:35¿Y qué tal?
20:37¿Cómo estás, Amparo?
20:38¿Qué tal?
20:40¿Y tú?
20:42¿Y tú?
20:44¿Y tú?
20:46¿Y tú?
20:48¿Y tú?
20:51¿Y tú?
20:55Mrs. Ophelia.
20:56I'm the one who's going to get it.
21:12Where's Amar?
21:13He's resting.
21:15Okay, perfect.
21:17I'll take this opportunity to talk to you.
21:19But we don't have anything to talk about.
21:22Paula, I don't know what you did against my mom.
21:25Things are going to be different with me.
21:27No, but I didn't do anything to Ophelia.
21:30If she's out of this house,
21:31it's because I don't respect my mother-in-law's memory.
21:35Don't smile. Please don't smile.
21:37I just can't stand hypocrites.
21:41Unlike my mom, I don't care about any of this.
21:44Money, luxuries...
21:47You know, empty things.
21:49Like you. Holes.
21:51No, Valeria, I don't believe you.
21:54Everyone, everyone wants this.
21:57Wealth and power.
21:59No, we're all the same.
22:00No, we're not.
22:02Of course not.
22:03But if that's all you wanted to say,
22:05I can tell you now.
22:06No, not really.
22:07I'm here to tell you that I don't want you near my sister.
22:10Oh, look, Amar, she's very different.
22:13Her life has nothing to do with you anymore.
22:15If you dare to do anything against my sister,
22:18I swear there will be nothing that protects you from me.
22:22Oh, you're here to threaten me at my house?
22:25Wait, so Priscila was right.
22:27You're a very violent woman.
22:29Don't challenge me.
22:30Don't challenge me because you don't know
22:32what I'm capable of doing to protect my sister.
22:52I accept problems and poverties
22:56Believing blindly in their promises
23:01I don't wish anyone my experience
23:05Used, abandoned and in pain
23:10I left with my innocence in my suitcase
23:15Ambition is now my advisor
23:21No matter what it costs, I'll get up
23:25I know I'm worth a lot and now I'll charge
23:30Cash, money, last name
23:34I make my own destiny
23:38No matter what it costs, I'll dominate me
23:43And I'll have everything I want
23:48I don't need a loan or a debt
23:52I want it all in one go
23:56So that I can cry, so that someone else can cry
24:01So that the world can cry
24:09I don't understand why you think Mar needs someone to defend her.
24:12She knows how to take care of her.
24:14Don't get confused.
24:16I don't trust you.
24:18That's why I'm warning you.
24:19If you do something to Mar, you'll regret it.
24:21Valeria, what's wrong with you?
24:23Why are you talking to Paula like that?
24:25Don't worry, Mar.
24:26I got used to your mother's jokes.
24:29I can get used to your sister's jokes.
24:31It's not right for me to talk to you like this.
24:33It's okay.
24:35Valeria, what are you doing here?
24:37I came to talk to you, Mar.
24:40I'll leave you two to talk. Don't worry.
24:44Paula, I'm sorry.
24:45Hey, no.
24:47Sweetie, you don't have to apologize.
24:51Don't worry.
24:55Are you serious?
24:57Don't you realize what you're trying to do?
25:01Mar, you have to believe my mom.
25:04She didn't lie to anyone this time.
25:06Since when do you support my mom's nonsense?
25:09When she's against you, it's wrong.
25:12And when she's against me, it's right.
25:14I don't understand you.
25:16No, it's not that.
25:17Look, I trust Paula.
25:19She loves me and she's loyal to me.
25:22I can't believe it.
25:24You trust her so much
25:26that you don't realize what she's trying to do?
25:28Why do you think I'm so stupid?
25:29I didn't say that, Mar.
25:31You're just like my mom.
25:34You think I'm stupid and that I let anyone manipulate me.
25:37Mar, that's not true.
25:39You're in this place alone.
25:42Paula shows you a little love and compassion.
25:46She doesn't do it for free, Mar.
25:48She's going to charge you.
25:49No, Paula, it's not like that.
25:52What you want...
25:54Of course, you want my mom to come back to this house
25:57so you don't have to live with her.
26:00That's what you want, right?
26:06Tell me the truth.
26:08No, look me in the eyes and tell me the truth.
26:11What are you talking about?
26:12Well, this.
26:14It's time to tell the truth.
26:17Very well.
26:18Whatever you say.
26:19What are your intentions with my daughter?
26:22The best.
26:24I know your family too well.
26:26As an employee and as your father's mother-in-law.
26:30I adore Valeria.
26:33Look, kid, I'm talking to you
26:36like the mother of the woman you say you adore.
26:40I know very well your reputation with women.
26:43I had that reputation with women, not anymore.
26:46I'd love to trust you, but I can't.
26:51You've already made her suffer.
26:52So be very careful with what you do.
26:55I'm here.
26:56Look, keep an eye on her.
27:02I swear I'm trying to make an effort
27:05to understand you, Mar.
27:07I don't understand.
27:08How can you say that?
27:10I really don't understand you at all.
27:14You're making a big deal out of this
27:17and you know how hard it is to put up with my mom.
27:19Enough, enough.
27:20Stop, Mar.
27:21No, you chose your life.
27:24You forgot you had my mom.
27:27I had to put up with her here.
27:29My mom is staying with me.
27:31She's in my apartment.
27:33Perfect, because it's your turn.
27:35And you'll see that not a single night
27:37you'll be able to put up with her.
27:40Who are you, Mar? I don't recognize you.
27:42You're not my sister.
27:43You're right.
27:45I've changed.
27:47I stopped being that sensitive woman
27:49who cried about everything, a fool.
27:52I realized I have to speak for myself,
27:54not leave anyone behind.
27:56And the only person I have to thank for that
27:59is Paula for opening my eyes.
28:01You're very wrong.
28:07I just hope that when you realize
28:10the huge mistake you're making, it won't be too late.
28:13I love you.
28:16Okay, bye.
28:31Look, ma'am, you can rest assured
28:34because my intentions with your daughter are good.
28:36I won't hurt her.
28:38Look, I'll be watching you.
28:40Do it, because I really love her.
28:42I know my daughter very well.
28:44And I'd never let anyone get as close to her as you did.
28:49So you'd better take care of her.
28:51Can I ask you a favor?
28:55Don't meddle in my relationship.
28:57Oh, no, son.
28:58That's a big no-no.
29:00Apparently, you're only followed by trouble.
29:03Oh, look who's talking.
29:05Valeria is doing her life.
29:08And I firmly believe she has a bright future as a model.
29:11I'm not the one who causes trouble.
29:14And even if you ask me to, I won't stay away from my daughter.
29:19At least, I won't until I know she's safe with you.
29:23I'm saying this because of what happened at my house.
29:26With my dad and Mar.
29:28That's very different.
29:29And I didn't do anything!
29:32You've already destroyed what little is left of my family.
29:36Valeria has already done a lot without you.
29:41Please tell your daughter I'm here to visit her.
29:46Be sure that I love Valeria.
29:58And she left.
29:59She left without saying anything else.
30:02I didn't want to say goodbye to her.
30:04I thought Valeria and your mom didn't get along.
30:10They didn't get along.
30:11I don't understand why she's with my mom
30:14after everything she's done to us.
30:18Of course.
30:20I'm sure she doesn't want to move to her new apartment.
30:23Because she'll get in the way of her relationship with Arturo.
30:27So Valeria doesn't live in the neighborhood anymore?
30:31The company gave her a new apartment.
30:34In fact, it's in the same building as Nicolas'.
30:41Well, I'm sure they'll pay her well.
30:45Very well.
30:47I can't believe you'd be in that place.
30:52Imagine, it was your dream.
31:02I just saw your mom in the apartment.
31:05Are you okay?
31:09It's just that she doesn't trust me.
31:10I don't trust her.
31:13My mom's here because I don't want her to be alone.
31:17That's when I thought I could visit you whenever I wanted.
31:21Things don't have to change.
31:22No, but it's different.
31:25My mom's going through a lot.
31:28And I'm not going to leave her alone, not now.
31:32I just hope this doesn't complicate our relationship.
31:35That's all.
31:36That's impossible.
31:38You promise?
31:41Everything will be fine.
31:43Trust me.
31:49That job was never going to be for me.
31:51I already forgot about it.
31:53You know, there's something I really admire about you.
31:57You're too nice to your sister
31:59after everything she did to you.
32:02No, I'm not that nice to her.
32:04It's just that she doesn't affect me anymore.
32:07Is Valeria really in love with Arturo?
32:12She loved him since she was working at the gym.
32:15When Arturo started getting close to her,
32:17it was hard for her to believe in him.
32:20She thought he was just playing with her.
32:23Well, imagine.
32:24With Arturo's reputation, of course.
32:26Yes, but now I see them very well.
32:28Very in love, very happy.
32:31And at least Valeria believes in him.
32:32Of course.
32:38Valeria, honey.
32:39I'm so glad you're here.
32:41Arturo came to pick you up.
32:42Yes, I know.
32:44I just found him.
32:46Hey, I didn't know you were so serious about him.
32:51Do you want some water?
32:53We've had some rough times, but we're trying.
32:59That's weird.
33:00Why is it weird?
33:01I don't know.
33:04Tell me something.
33:06If you and Arturo...
33:10What's going on with Nicolás?
33:12What's going on?
33:13Oh, honey.
33:15The devil knows better than the devil.
33:18I've realized that you and Nicolás...
33:21How do I put this?
33:24You get along very well.
33:26Yes, we get along very well.
33:28And sometimes we don't, because sometimes I don't understand.
33:32And how did you get so close to the man
33:34that he offended you so much?
33:36I don't even want to repeat what he said to you.
33:39What did Nicolás do for you to forgive him?
33:45You know I love you.
33:47I respect you, and I understand that you're worried about me.
33:51But I'm going to ask you for a favor
33:53for the sake of our relationship.
33:56Don't meddle.
33:57In what?
33:58In my relationships, Mom. Don't meddle.
34:07What happened? What are you doing here?
34:09I came to explain what's going on.
34:12You left with Valeria and you didn't tell me anything.
34:14What's going on?
34:15I found her at the entrance.
34:17She was in a bad mood and I helped her like anyone else.
34:21Why do you always try to talk about Valeria
34:23when you're the one who avoids things?
34:28Because that's not what I care about.
34:29I don't want to be involved in her relationship.
34:32I just know Valeria was worried about her mom
34:34and I wanted to support her.
34:36Is that all?
34:37Of course.
34:39I want what's best for you.
34:42And I know you're on Valeria's side.
34:45Even though that has affected us so much in the project.
34:48I just want us to be able to move forward without any problems.
34:52You saw how my dad is.
34:54I can't let the clothesline collapse
34:57because of Valeria's problems or because of yours.
35:15Oh, honey.
35:21Hey, I loved seeing you today at the company.
35:23I don't know why your dad doesn't realize
35:25you're the only one of your brothers who works.
35:28Well, you really know what my dad's like.
35:30For him, everything Nicolás does is fine.
35:34Well, not everyone will have the patience you have.
35:38Really, honey, you don't know how much I admire you for that.
35:42It helps me that you're by my side.
35:44Hey, you don't know how excited I am
35:46that you're going to drive that event.
35:48Yes, me too.
35:49The truth is that I am excited,
35:51and I know it's thanks to you.
35:53Hey, why don't we take advantage
35:56that it was a very good day for us
35:58and go out for a drink, have fun, just the two of us?
36:04I love the idea.
36:05Well, then, put on something more casual
36:08so that you're comfortable.
36:09Okay, I won't be long, yes.
36:20Where is it? Where is it?
36:22Let's see.
36:23If I don't make Valeria fall in love with me,
36:24I'll give you the profits of a whole year
36:26of the launch of our new line.
36:28And if you make it, I'll give you a bonus.
36:34I'm in my chat.
36:36Okay, okay.
36:37Delete, delete, delete.
36:42Valeria, I'm going to destroy you.
36:45I hate you.
36:58Dinner's ready.
37:00I'm not hungry, Betú.
37:02But you have to eat something, right?
37:04Not because of the baby, but it's going to hurt.
37:07There are other things that can make you feel better.
37:11What's wrong?
37:12I heard you saw Mar again.
37:15And it hurts to know that not even because
37:17we're going to have a baby, you're going to leave her.
37:20No, no, no, don't think that.
37:22Yes, I found her, but because she came to look for her mom.
37:25And she couldn't let go of the opportunity to get close to you.
37:28It's just that this time...
37:30I talked to her, yes, but because I made it clear
37:32that we can't see each other again, talk to each other, nothing.
37:37I told her that I'm starting a family with you, Cami,
37:39and that I wouldn't do anything to hurt you,
37:41or you, or my son.
37:44I promise you that this will never happen again.
37:52I swear.
37:54For me, the most important thing is the baby and you.
37:59Nothing else.
38:01I swear.
38:02You are my family.
38:05And I want you to know that I will never fail you.
39:13Yes, a little.
39:15But I know you'll be fine. I wish you the best.
39:19Thank you very much.
39:21Although I do miss you.
39:23I thought you were coming often,
39:25but we haven't seen each other in a year.
39:27That's exactly why I'm calling you.
39:30I want to go to Boston.
39:32You know I'm happy to welcome you.
39:34When you get there, how many days will you stay?
39:37That's exactly the problem.
39:38I don't know how long I'll stay.
39:43It's a long story,
39:45but I need to keep my distance
39:46from everything that's going on here.
39:55Dinner is ready.
39:59Mom, are you okay?
40:03I was thinking that when I was younger,
40:06I would've given everything to live in a place like this.
40:10Well, but you lived in the countryside.
40:12I imagine it was a beautiful place.
40:14Well, it's not the same.
40:16Look, here in the city, the buildings, the lights...
40:21You hardly talked to me when you were younger.
40:24Tell me.
40:25What was your family like?
40:28Oh, there's not much to tell.
40:31It was a typical countryside family.
40:35Yes, but what were my grandparents like?
40:39You never talk about them.
40:42Dinner is getting cold.
40:44Let's have dinner.
40:52Oh, daughter, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
40:53There, there. Here it is.
40:54Here it is. I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
41:02What were your parents like, Mom?
41:09They were good.
41:26Oh, sorry, Lupita,
41:28I was just giving Mr. Luis his medicine.
41:31I'm leaving.
41:39¿Y ahora tú? ¿Qué te traes tú?
41:46¿Tú sabes cuál es la medicina que el Sr. Luis toma en su té?
41:51¿El Sr. Luis? No, que yo sepa, no toma nada en su té.
41:57Ni azúcar, porque se le sube.
42:00No, pero...
42:01¿Pero qué? ¿Qué?
42:22¿Qué es esto?
42:26Lo hice para ti.
42:27¿Por qué?
42:30Está hermoso todo.
42:32¿Sí te gusta?
42:34Ya te quería ver, porque cuando estoy contigo se me olvidan los problemas.
42:37A mí me pasa exactamente igual.
42:39Cuando estoy contigo los problemas no existen.
42:42¿Qué me hiciste?
42:44¿Tú qué me hiciste a mí?
42:46Mira lo que me hiciste.
42:48Desde que me enseñaste a verme como jamás creí que fuera posible,
42:52me cambiaste la vida con esa foto.
42:55Yo no pensé que yo era bonita y mírame ahora hasta uso vestidas.
42:59Y no solamente eres bonita, eres hermosa.
43:02¿Por qué?
43:04Para que alguien me cambiase la vida.
43:08Por eso me da tanto miedo entregar el corazón así.
43:12¿Por qué me da miedo?
43:14Aunque esto termine, es que mira, todo esto parece un sueño.
43:17Pero no va a acabar.
43:19No va a pasar eso.
43:21Más que nunca ahora, confío en ti ciegamente.
43:37y olvida las palabras.
