• 2 days ago
00:45Me parece que voy a necesitar darme una ducha después de este maratón sexual
00:50Quieres que no solo quiero saber por qué narices estaban todos mis ex aquí ayer
01:00Hombres y mujeres
01:03No puedo hablar sobre eso tendrás que hacerlo si quieres el fuego de lala tendrás que darme algo a cambio
01:11Escuché la conversación
01:13Y entendí que cacao está en apuros lo que no entendí es que tiene que ver marco con eso
01:19dónde encaja él en esto
01:25Doña Connie está despertando
01:37Ahora has metido la gata hasta el fondo conmigo marco
01:41que es lo que ha pasado que te ha pasado
01:45en serio tienes la cara de preguntar
01:48porque estoy aquí atado
01:52Y quienes son estos hombres
01:58Si lo que estás diciendo es verdad esto es bastante grave entonces
02:04Eso quiere decir que no tienes la certeza de si marco está vivo o no no
02:08lo único que sabemos es que está en manos de coní lo sabía sabía que estaba todo relacionado serías buen detective
02:16estás segura no
02:17sí estoy segura puedes confirmarlo con tus padres estaban ayudando en la investigación mis padres
02:23Si rellena
02:24improvisó y así al final descubrió quién era coní a través de marco
02:28llamó a su hermano y como no respondía pues decidió llamar a tu padrino
02:32ya y me está en este lío si él llamó a tu padre claro al experto en cosas tupias
02:38tenemos que hacer algo sal tengo que encontrar a cacao ven a la casa principal no no no no no tiago no
02:43ella aún no sabe nada y no puede enterarse es peligroso que se quede
02:47No puedes contarle nada si está ahí ni siquiera si vas detrás de ella si ya lo pilló vamos vale vamos
03:03Entonces es posible que esté muerto sí pero sinceramente espero que no
03:11Pues sí que tiene que quererla mucho es increíble hola quería si ha estirado la pata
03:17pues por si te interesa saber lo que pienso yo no sé si es amor o más bien
03:23obsesión pero en cualquier caso si lo ha hecho por ella
03:27crees que hacen el amor también como nosotros para que esté tan obsesionado
03:32Que estás insinuando con eso rubita acaso lo preguntas porque crees que voy a obsesionar me contigo también no porque lo dices
03:39aunque uno nunca sabe no
03:42yo sé que no soy ninguna linda evangelista pero
03:46Tengo mis armas secretas así tienes y si hay una cosa que a mí se me da bien es es hacer
03:55Qué mala
03:59Pero vas a tener que esperar un poquito vale tienes que calmarte un poquito porque tengo que resolver esto
04:05tengo que comprobar el hotel ver qué hacen esos matones y saber qué pasa con marcos y está vivo no y cómo vas a hacerlo
04:11Vas a plantarte en el hotel voy a plantarme ahí en el sofá contigo el lado desde la comodidad
04:17viendo todo lo que pasa en ese hotel desde la pantalla del portátil
04:22Y pienso hacerlo con una mano en tu muslo
04:29Estoy conectado a todas las cámaras
04:33Pero espera
04:35Si tienen todas estas cámaras también grabarían lo que pasó ayer no tú crees que alguien como yo que puede acceder a las
04:41Cámaras de un hotel no puede borrar también lo que hubieran grabado
04:46Hay en serio
04:52Siendo un genio en la cama ya sólo te falta ser
04:56No cuenta ser un tesoro
04:59No irás a decirme que tu hermana con toda la pasta que tiene no comparte contigo el dinero no me importa
05:06puede que no pero te importará
05:09porque si estás conmigo te importará no me mires así quien no quiere una buena cuenta
05:17y viniendo de la nada aún más
05:23Bueno voy a trabajar vale marco podría estar en peligro trabaja señor serio
05:30te dejo
05:43Puede garantizar que estará segura
05:47Cualquier cosa y estaremos ahí en la puerta
06:05Que ha pasado con él que aguantado
06:11Qué pasa ahora te las das de tonto conmigo
06:21Y no lo entiendo que ha pasado
06:25Yo pensaba que ayer nos entendimos y ahora me despierto así ya veo que no
06:34De verdad piensas continuar mintiéndome a la cara
06:39Estuviste siguiendo
06:41Para averiguar dónde estaba y para acabar con qué pero de qué estás hablando
06:46Qué es lo que estás diciendo
06:48No sé de qué me estás hablando
06:52Nunca perdonaré una traición como esta marco pero qué traición
06:59No sé de qué me hablas
07:02Lo último que recuerdo es quedarnos dormidos en los brazos del otro
07:09Mentira mentira
07:15Vas a decir que no tienes nada que ver con el secuestro fallido verdad no me trates más como a una idiota
07:23pero que secuestro
07:25Pero si yo también estaba aquí como como ha habido un secuestro si yo también estaba aquí como
07:36Pero que dime qué es lo que ha pasado como
07:42Por favor con él yo jamás te traicionaría jamás
07:52Conmigo sólo hace falta una
07:55Una porque yo nunca consentiría que me traicionaran dos veces ni tú
08:02ni nadie en este mundo
08:06Con esto ha sellado tu sentencia de muerte
08:12Por favor
08:13por favor
08:16Yo lo sé lo sé
08:19te conozco bien
08:21yo sé
08:23que no se tiene que jugar contigo lo sé
08:26te tengo mucho respeto de verdad
08:32Crees que si tuviera un plan para traicionarte así crees que me habría quedado expuesto de esta manera
08:38Yo nunca haría una cosa así nunca
08:45Si no sé ni cómo he llegado aquí no me acuerdo de nada nos dejaron inconscientes con cloroformo mientras dormíamos
08:53entonces el secuestro
08:55Como hicieron que hicieron conmigo cuando intentaron secuestrarte a ti
09:03Dejarte dormido en la habitación
09:06Entonces eso quiere decir que tú eras el objetivo
09:14Ahora no me vas a hacer creer que tú no tienes nada que ver con este asunto
09:20Es que no he tenido nada que ver te he dicho que no he tenido nada que ver pero si quieres acabar con mi vida
09:25hazlo ya
09:27hazlo ahora haz lo que quieras
09:30Además no puedo defenderme me tienes aquí bien atado
09:36deja de hacerte la víctima no me hago la víctima si lo que quieres es matarme mátame va
09:45Acaba con mi vida
09:48Solo espero que no te lamentes después cuando me pierdas
09:52y veas que no tenía nada que ver con esta locura
09:56me lo juras marco
09:59Lo juro
10:01Lo juro no tengo nada que ver con esto lo juro
10:09Ya has olvidado lo que te dije ayer que me arrepentía de haber terminado con nuestra relación
10:20Estaba siendo sincero
10:23Ahora ya no sé si me arrepiento o no porque este es el tipo de cosas que me daban miedo
10:32exactamente estas cosas
10:35O que te crees que es fácil convivir con una jefa poderosa de un grupo criminal organizado
10:44Mis actividades hoy en día son completamente legales lícitas legítimas
10:49Claro que sí son tan legítimas que siempre necesitas contar con 50 guardaespaldas detrás
11:00Si quieres desquitarte conmigo adelante
11:05Venga mátame
11:37Me parece genial que me hayan dejado aquí porque así estando la casa tan tranquila podré disfrutar de este parada
11:48Con regina siendo la reina de la casa no sé yo
11:52bien podría haberse ido con ellos no cree pero bueno puedo manejarla
12:01no ha venido a trabajar o no te acuerdas
12:04no está aquí para estar en el sofá con las piernas cruzadas pidiendo que hay piriñas todo el rato
12:09Ano eso no va a pasar porque yo si no me dio órdenes específicas de ponerla a trabajar
12:16a todo esto donde andará tengo que explicarle un par de cosas
12:31Si te he dicho que ya se había ido
12:34O ya me parecía que escuchaba tu voz que haces por aquí chaval
12:53Es una marcha
12:55Casa de mi madre gracias casi me quedo a vivir con ella si hasta yo estaba sorprendida
13:01Pues no sé por qué si hago esto es por anita no por su madre sabes que te salva chira
13:07hay mucha gente que cree que eres un soso pero yo siempre he creído que eres un sol gracias anita que me sacas los
13:15si soy un amor será por osmosis me lo habrás pegado tú
13:20Oye no te pases no te pases que te estoy viendo sabes ni lo intentes
13:24te recuerdo que es mi novia y es portuguesa son dos cosas que no se mezclan contigo
13:29Ya ya pero ella es más brasileña que los dos juntos hermano
13:35Ven aquí acércate vale ya venga voy a aprovechar que mi madre está ordenando para pasar por la hacienda y saludo a todo el
13:43muy bien voy y te ayudo vale
13:45No seas así voy enseguida y te ayudo mi amor
13:48Hola soy amores, para esos que habéis preguntado por mi hermana voy a ir ya mismito a visitarla a la hacienda y visitaré también a
13:55a mi sobrino
13:57os lo presentaré pronto a todos no os lo perdáis
13:59por ti sería capaz de todo
14:01hasta ser portugués y dejarme un bigote más largo que el de tu madre
14:03hasta la llamaría mi hermana
14:05y no me olvidéis de mi
14:07y no me olvidéis de mi
14:09y no me olvidéis de mi
14:11y no me olvidéis de mi
14:13y no me olvidéis de mi
14:15y no me olvidéis de mi
14:17hasta la llamaría su hermana
14:19bueno despierta de una vez
14:21despierta chira
14:23hay que ver
14:25de verdad
14:45ay simón
14:47¿cómo estás?
14:49sé que estabas esperando a Claude
14:51pero es que tenía cita para su armonización facial
14:53y no podía saltarse la sesión
15:07bueno pues os he llamado
15:09porque sé que tu marido no ha tenido nada que ver
15:11con el robo de bizcochos
15:13No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
15:44Jean-Claude told me that you went through some difficulty.
15:48But I thought, that's a thing of the past.
15:51I really appreciate your concern.
15:53I know how much you appreciate me and that's why you're here.
15:56Yes, I'm glad you contacted us.
15:59Of course.
16:05Now I have a very special task for you.
16:09And it's a very, very particular sale.
16:12I need it to be done with the greatest discretion.
16:15Of course.
16:16What is it about?
16:19Ruy, bring the piece.
16:21My son-in-law is helping me with all this.
16:23He managed to locate one of my jewels.
16:26But I don't want anyone to know that I'm the one who sold it.
16:29How are you?
16:30Good day.
16:34What a beauty.
16:37It's a very fine piece.
16:39These gems are spectacular.
16:47They are...
16:49...totally colorless.
16:51Yes, well, they barely have a shade, a little grayish.
16:56It's magnificent.
16:57Oh, and the cut.
17:00Now I just have to weigh them.
17:02Yes, I know they're worth a lot, a lot of money.
17:04Yes, this is an auction.
17:05No, not auctions.
17:06Call me.
17:08We're going to have to sell the stone by stone.
17:11Oh, no.
17:12It's not possible.
17:13The design of the necklace...
17:14But it has to be that way, Jean-Pierre.
17:16That's what I was saying.
17:17I can't risk it being known that this...
17:19...that the necklace is mine, nor that I sell it.
17:21And even less, my husband can't even smell that this jewel is back in my hands.
17:25That's why I'm saying the sale with discretion.
17:29Jean-Pierre, are you going to be able to help me or not?
17:45Have you slept, at least?
17:47A little.
17:49I'm sorry.
17:50I'm sorry.
17:51I'm sorry.
17:52I'm sorry.
17:53I'm sorry.
17:54I'm sorry.
17:55I'm sorry.
17:56I'm sorry.
17:57A little, but...
17:59Thank you for asking.
18:00You're a good friend.
18:03Hey, come here.
18:05I want to tell you something.
18:07Look, for now, I don't want you to worry.
18:10While you're unemployed, this pension is also yours.
18:13Forget about the payments.
18:14Don't worry about anything, okay?
18:17This is your house.
18:19You can't imagine how relieved I am to hear that.
18:22Thank you, but I have to find something very soon.
18:24I need to have something to do.
18:27Are you looking for more hospitals?
18:28Private clinics, at home...
18:31I just want to work.
18:33My friend, have courage.
18:35You're good at everything you do.
18:37You know, I'll tell you more.
18:39Maybe if they hadn't fired you from this job, you wouldn't be able to find something better.
18:43You deserve it.
18:44A magnificent job awaits you.
18:48I want to see you well.
18:49I hope you do well.
18:50God bless you.
18:51Thank you, my friend.
18:53I'm going, it's late.
18:54See you later.
19:05Give me the box, I said.
19:06The box is mine.
19:07Do you have something to hide?
19:08Nothing at all.
19:09Hello, girls.
19:11What are you doing with my mother's box?
19:14Is it possible that there is something in the box that can help Susana?
19:20I'll see.
19:22You know I like you, but...
19:24What part didn't you understand that my daughter needed space to clear her head?
19:29But, let's see...
19:31My intentions with your daughter have always been good.
19:34And it's still like that.
19:35Yes, no one here has said otherwise.
19:38But listen to me.
19:39She just had a son with another man.
19:41Doesn't it bother you?
19:42That Tiago is here...
19:44It's just my thing.
19:45It's not his fault.
19:47So you invited him?
19:49There are things that you, Kim, don't know.
19:51Oh my God.
19:53But Kakao knows he's here.
19:56Things happened that led us to have a conversation about Tiago.
20:01Maybe you don't know that Marco caught us kissing in the hospital.
20:07And that Kakao told him that she was the one who kissed me.
20:10You know what? I don't want to hear anything else.
20:13Don't you have a brain?
20:16I have things to do.
20:18Anyway, Kakao is not here, so do whatever you want.
20:21Oh, by the way...
20:22Miss Salome, tomorrow morning you start your work in the field.
20:26See you later.
20:28It gives me the chills to think about the hunt.
20:30Let's see what I had in my head when I agreed to this.
20:33I would pay to see it.
20:35I would pay to see it.
20:36I would pay to see it.
20:37I would pay to see it.
20:38I would pay to see it.
20:40I would pay to see it.
20:43Yes, I don't care.
20:44It's the least I deserve for everything I've done.
20:48Tiago, why are you so tense?
20:50Kakao, are you sure?
20:51I was thinking what to do.
20:53I don't know if it's worth it for me to stay or go back to Portugal.
20:56Let's have a drink while we think about it.
21:10Water for him and bonjour for us.
21:14That jewel is worth a lot.
21:16Can you imagine our account?
21:18Johanna, Johanna!
21:19All for you, my love.
21:21Bring us champagne, we have something to celebrate.
21:24But, are you going to drink at this time?
21:26Well, learn while you can and while you're still alive.
21:30We, the rich, drink when we want and everything we want.
21:35Excuse me.
21:39It's worth a fortune.
21:41I told you, I already told you.
21:43I told you I had stolen something like God commands, didn't I?
21:46I knew it, my Ruiseño.
21:48That I haven't invested a whole life in you.
21:52I've always told you that I'm the right one.
21:54I'm the man of your life.
21:55But I have to admit that no one has sacrificed in this way for me.
21:59Don't bring it up again about the tattoo.
22:01Oh, no, but it's just that...
22:02No, no, stop.
22:04Brigitte, it's funny that I made you do something like this.
22:09You know, when I'm very rich and very old,
22:12I also plan to mark all my young and rebellious lovers
22:16so that they have my memory forever.
22:20Oh, yeah?
22:21Why? Are you thinking of leaving me?
22:24Of course not.
22:26I'm just saying that I'm going to collect a series of famous young lovers.
22:32Well, this is not funny, you know?
22:35Oh, no?
22:36But what comes here is babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling, babbling.
22:42Should I open it?
22:43No, don't worry, I'll open it. Thank you.
22:51Oh, I love it.
22:53Do you know what's going to happen now?
22:55You know?
22:56Well, I'm going to punish you with this cold champagne all over your body.
23:01And you know what I'm going to do?
23:03Drink it directly from your body.
23:31Come on.
23:32Come on.
23:33Come on.
23:57Come on.
23:58If Marco is already dead and buried in any box at this time.
24:02Wait, wait, wait, it's Mira, it's Marco.
24:06Come on, yes.
24:09Who are all those people with him?
24:11She is the dangerous woman we lost and they are his bodyguards.
24:14Let's see, another angle.
24:15My God.
24:17Look, they're in a car, where are they going?
24:20I have no idea.
24:24I know what to do.
24:25Wait, let's see if I can locate his phone.
24:27At this point, his phone will be more than off.
24:29Yes, but if I take it over, I can locate it anyway.
24:43Hey, where have you been?
24:49It seems that there is no one at home.
24:52We have to find him quickly, because I'm already imagining Cacao working with the baby.
24:57Wait, wait, wait, stop there.
24:59I would come from pearls for the networks, imagine.
25:02It would be hashtag raising the future chocolatero or hashtag born with hands in the dough.
25:08Or it would be in the mix.
25:10One moment, are you thinking of putting your nephew's face on social networks?
25:14Sure, Cacao authorized me, but I haven't done it yet.
25:17Yeah, but he's a baby, poor thing.
25:20At least put an emoji on his face to protect him.
25:23What emoji, what?
25:24Of that nothing, my followers want to see that pretty face he has.
25:29My God.
25:31Are you sure he authorized you to do that?
25:33Because it can be dangerous.
25:36Leave it, I'll need a camera assistant, because my video is going to be viral on the internet.
25:40Come on, come on.
25:48Now that everything is in order and the house is quieter,
25:51I'm going to go back to the beach, which I just found out.
26:02I'm coming!
26:11She just wants to go to the beach, and this beach doesn't let me do anything.
26:16I leave you in peace.
26:20Why did he leave so suddenly?
26:22Kin, tell us the truth, because this wasn't planned. What happened?
26:26The only thing you need to know for now is that he left to be safe.
26:31Cacao is in danger again?
26:42There he is, he's on the move.
26:50Aren't you too good at this?
26:53Where are you going?
26:54I'm going to follow them.
26:57And now who are you calling?
26:58Regina must know what's going on.
27:00Oh yeah? Why? If she's not up to it, she'll shut you up.
27:05How funny. Stay here if you want, I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?
27:09Hi Regina, it's me. I have news. Marco is alive.
27:17Stop recording, he can't know.
27:19Dad, dad, dad, please talk to me. I just got back from Portugal, how is it going?
27:25But is there anything we can do?
27:27Of course Kin, we can help.
27:30I can't talk here, anyone could come.
27:38It's a pleasure to have you here, cyclist.
27:41It's a pleasure to have you here, cyclist.
27:44That outfit looks much better than the other one.
27:47Soraya, how can you say that?
27:49No, don't worry, Soraya is fine, it doesn't matter.
27:51Well, what a shame, isn't it?
27:55Well, where were we going?
27:57How innocent I am to believe that Cacao and I would finally be okay.
28:01And you were.
28:03The thing is, she thought Marco was very ill.
28:05And she ran away?
28:07You have to understand that she did it for the baby.
28:09She thought Marco had the right to see him one last time.
28:12But she could have called me to tell me.
28:14She could, I told her myself.
28:16But what probably scared her was to change her mind.
28:19That and regret in the future if anything happened to Marco.
28:23Is that why?
28:26Tiago, he likes you a lot.
28:28He doubts everything except that.
28:30Besides, the important thing now is that he's safe.
28:33Yes, but I don't know what to do, I don't know.
28:35What are you afraid of?
28:37Well, look, I'm afraid to go back to Portugal after her
28:40and arrive when she's back here.
28:42We know Cacao, don't we?
28:44If she gets there and finds out that they lied to her,
28:46that Marco is okay, she'll turn around.
28:48We know how she is.
28:50Well, yes, but can I give you some advice?
28:52Don't go.
28:54Wait and see what happens.
28:56I'm sure Cacao's idea is to come back as soon as possible.
28:59Is Marco alive or who?
29:01Regina, is that true?
29:08What is this idiot doing here?
29:19Come on, daddy.
29:21I'm getting nervous.
29:23Come on, calm down, calm down.
29:25First, you have to understand that I can't tell you everything that's going on,
29:28but I can tell you that the person behind Cacao
29:32thinks she's here in the hacienda
29:35and we want you to keep thinking about it.
29:38Meanwhile, we're going to hide Cacao somewhere safe.
29:42But does that mean that the person behind Cacao
29:45could come looking for her here?
29:47Yes, I'm not going to lie to you.
29:49And that's why we'll have to keep pretending to be normal.
29:52Keep your eyes wide open
29:54to see if something strange is going on here in the hacienda.
29:57Oh, daddy, I'm starting to get scared.
30:00Calm down, calm down.
30:01Those who are behind Cacao don't want anything from us.
30:04Don't be afraid.
30:05But it could be an opportunity to catch whoever's after her.
30:08It's true.
30:09Hey, if you'll excuse me,
30:12I can ask for a few days at the bar
30:15and come here to help.
30:17Thank you, but you're sleeping on the couch.
30:20I have to tell my mother that she's here too.
30:23No, no, no, no, no. Not at all.
30:26Listen, daddy, maybe you don't want to talk to her,
30:29but she's Cacao's mother.
30:31I agree.
30:32Yes, it's true, King. She's her mother.
30:35Well, that's fine.
30:37But no one else can find out.
30:39You hear me?
30:40Of course.
30:41Shut up.
30:42Shut up.
30:44Well, people,
30:46when I can tell everyone what's going on here on the internet,
30:49I'll have more audience than in a superhero movie.
30:52Hey, hey, hey, hey.
30:53No, Nene.
30:54It's not the time for that.
30:55We have to figure out how to organize ourselves.
30:58This is serious.
30:59Listen to me.
31:00We can do strategic shifts at the inn
31:02to see if there's any strange movement.
31:04It's a very good idea.
31:05Well, while you guys organize it,
31:07I'm going to call my mother to ask her to come.
31:09All help is little.
31:10It's true.
31:11It's true.
31:17Let's see, that tooth.
31:19No, no, I'm talking about your teeth.
31:22Smile, smile, that's it.
31:24How many would like to be so close to that ancestral amulet?
31:27So old that it looks like a lie.
31:30What did you say?
31:31Well, nothing, nothing.
31:32It's just that if this tooth were real,
31:34it would be rotten.
31:36Or at least it would be easy.
31:41If you say that, it's just because you're jealous.
31:44Your teeth are rotten.
31:46They're all yellow.
31:47The pictures are over.
31:48Get out of here.
31:49Come on, get out.
31:50Get out of here.
31:51Get out of here.
31:52Get out of here.
31:53Get out of here.
31:54Get out of here.
31:55Get out of here.
31:56Get out of here.
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34:24¿Dónde puste yo el teléfono?
34:37¿ела está allí?
34:41¿Pero tú estás segura de eso?
34:47Ay, pero niña, que ahora ya me estás preocupando.
34:53It's okay, it's okay. I'm on my way.
34:56Chira, I know you have a job for me.
35:00I'll be here tomorrow to start.
35:02Once again, thank you very much.
35:05From the bottom of my heart.
35:06It's okay.
35:19How nice.
35:21Kakao knows you're here.
35:22Yes, and you should know that we're together again.
35:25Well, in case you're interested, that's the last of my worries.
35:29I care more about knowing that she's alive than with whom she's kissing.
35:32Regina, you said Marco is okay.
35:34Does that mean we can continue with the original plan?
35:37Tiago knows.
35:38Oh, of course.
35:39You've been telling him everything, running to see if you can play the hero who comes to save his princess.
35:44But this time the princess dies.
35:45But I don't understand why you come with those.
35:47I've never put Kakao in trouble.
35:48Oh, is it that I'm crazy and you almost imprison her?
35:51It's very different from putting her in danger.
35:53I tried to tell you my version.
35:54But since you don't want to understand, I won't repeat it again.
35:56Very well.
35:57Honey, what you want is to help Kakao, right?
36:00Well, I'll tell you what you can do to help.
36:02If you tell me, I'll do it.
36:03Well, don't do anything.
36:04Don't do anything.
36:05Stay away.
36:06Don't call her.
36:07Don't follow her.
36:08Don't do anything.
36:09We have more than efficient people controlling the situation, okay?
36:12You're right, Tiago.
36:14If you want to help Kakao, you have to stay still.
36:17I know it's difficult for you, but breathe.
36:20Of course.
36:21It's easy to say, isn't it?
36:23And why don't you come here, to the store where everything is moving?
36:27Those thugs will come here.
36:29Of course.
36:30They think Kakao is here.
36:32It will be the base of operations.
36:34What else do you want?
36:40Oh, I can't stand it.
36:41He's stronger than me.
36:42I can't stand it.
36:44He has me more hooked than the Lord of the Rings.
36:51Well, you know what?
36:53I'm going to open it.
36:56I'm going to open it.
37:14What are you going to do?
37:15If we are in the middle of the action, we have to understand what your father has to say.
37:19I'm going to talk to my father and I'm going to try to find out.
37:22Don't you think he'll be aware of everything?
37:25Don't you think a lot of loving bears will come to give us hugs?
37:30Calm down, Tiago.
37:31Calm down.
37:32Those people are looking for Kakao.
37:34And when they see he's not there, they'll turn around and leave.
37:36You're underestimating those people, Sal.
37:39Especially now, after the failed attempt to kidnap the boss or the leader of that group.
37:44They'll come with everything.
37:46Tiago, you're scaring me by saying these things.
37:50Dad, it's me.
37:52I'm here at Justino's ranch.
37:55Yes, listen, I need your help.
37:57I know you're involved with Marco.
37:59What are you doing here, Tiago?
38:01Kakao hasn't left yet.
38:02You have to get out of that ranch.
38:03No, Dad.
38:04Now that I know what's about to happen,
38:06I understand that right now I can't give up.
38:08That superhero complex of yours will end badly.
38:12There's a difference between being a superhero and having some value.
38:15What do you mean by value?
38:16That's enough now.
38:17I prefer you to stay alive.
38:19Dad, I've never cared about you.
38:21Stop talking nonsense and do me a favor.
38:23I need your help to come up with a plan.
38:25Tell me how serious this threat is.
38:54Look, I'm going to believe you, but...
38:56I'm going to continue with the plan to finish off Kakao.
38:59If you do anything to stop me,
39:02you'll be next.
39:18Come on, are you okay?
39:21Let's go.
39:22What's the plan?
39:23Stay on your feet.
39:24Come on, get up.
39:46I'm sorry.