Ever wonder why we are so attracted to certain types of people? Is it the way they are looking at us or is it simply how they make us feel when they are around? The rules of attraction can often be a mystery, especially when we are drawn to someone.
00:00When it comes to true attraction, it's no surprise that appearance matters.
00:04But there's more to attraction than meets the eye.
00:07While studies have revealed that a person's attraction to others is based on many different
00:10factors, it's important to recognize the behaviors that are proven to attract people the most.
00:16Let's begin at the beginning, and get...
00:18Back to basics
00:19Look, we all know that when you're fully listening to another person, you're showing them that
00:24what they're saying is meaningful, significant, and important to you.
00:28And newsflash, people like that.
00:30And we know that it's just good manners to act in a kind, giving, and considerate way
00:33toward others.
00:34And yes, of course, a megawatt smile won't do you any harm.
00:38And if you've got a great laugh, not only is it the best medicine, but laughing together
00:42is a great way to create a bond fast.
00:45But if you've got all this on lock, what's left?
00:47Well, you'll definitely want to stash a few of these tricks up your sleeve.
00:50You're a beautiful woman.
00:52You deserve a beautiful life.
00:54That's all there is to it.
00:57Body language
00:58Pay attention to a person's verbal and nonverbal cues, as well as their body language.
01:03You're not only listening to what this person's saying to you, but how they're saying it.
01:07To really be attractive, alluring, and eye-catching to another person, listen with your eyes as
01:11well as your ears.
01:12I can read your body language
01:16Even try rephrasing what the person has just said when you respond.
01:19Not only does this directly show the speaker that you are fully committed to listening
01:22to what they've said, it builds a sense of intimacy, empathy, and understanding, because
01:27you're showing that you want to completely get them.
01:30The PS4 uses cool new GDDR5 RAM, while the Xbox One is still using the conventional DDR3
01:37Why would they still be using DDR3?
01:39Are they nuts?
01:41Trust me
01:42Being trustworthy helps you create deep and meaningful relationships with others on a
01:46more intimate level.
01:48A study from the University of Pennsylvania revealed that when it comes to behaviors people
01:52want in their friends and friendships, trust was key, much more than being physically attractive.
01:57Since trust, honesty, and dependability are core to any relationship, it's not surprising
02:02that being trustworthy is crucial in the business world as well.
02:05Even corporations are rated on their trustworthiness, since this rating is meant to attract potential
02:10employees and customers, as well as investors.
02:13If you're looking to invest in a real relationship, being 100 percent trustworthy is an important
02:19I cannot clearly explain the circle of trust to you, Greg.
02:22Yeah, I think I got it.
02:25The smell of sweetness
02:28While the smell of your body's natural pheromones plays a role in attraction, there are ways
02:32that you can enhance your vibe.
02:33The trick?
02:34Smell like vanilla.
02:35It smells like sunshine!
02:39It's a universally pleasant aroma, and it even has the power to elicit happy memories
02:44from your childhood.
02:45People will automatically be more attracted to you simply because of the happy buzz your
02:48scent will trigger inside of them.
02:50It's also been shown that when people catch a whiff of vanilla, it helps them to feel
02:54more calm and comfortable.
02:56As noted in the Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, the scent of vanilla can help to
03:00reduce stress and anxiety, which further demonstrates why it makes you more appealing to others.
03:06Lady in red
03:07While wearing sexy, body-hugging outfits can turn heads, there's actually a more colorful
03:11way for you to attract others.
03:13Research from the University of Rochester revealed that men are way more attracted to
03:17women wearing red.
03:18The study demonstrated that men were more sexually interested in these women, and were
03:22even more inclined to ask them out or spend more money on them during a date.
03:26There's even research showing that men are more likely to give higher tips to waitresses
03:30who are wearing red.
03:38So what's up with the color red?
03:40Well, it might come down to science.
03:43In the animal world, red displays sexual maturity, sexual power, and even fertility.
03:48And in humans, a woman's face becomes redder while she's ovulating.
03:52The color red is also associated with being sexually aroused, since our cheeks and bodies
03:56appear more flushed when sexually excited.
03:59So if you're truly looking to draw others in, it's code red.
04:12Confidence is extremely important in both your personal and professional life, and it
04:16plays a major role in attraction.
04:18Believing in yourself and having high self-esteem are at the core of being appealing and attractive
04:22to other people.
04:23As noted in a study in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science, when people felt more
04:28confident, others rated them as appearing more physically attractive.
04:32After all, if someone is projecting self-loathing and self-doubt, others are more likely going
04:36to be put off.
04:37On the flip side, when someone is confident and self-assured, others will be drawn to
04:41this person and feed off that positive energy.
04:43Do you need some of my confidence, because I could maybe tone mine down a notch."
04:48Eye on the clock
04:49It might not seem like much, but when you're on time to meet people, it shows that you
04:53respect them, that you value their time, and that you're able to make and keep commitments
04:57and promises.
04:58If you're constantly running late, you're actually demonstrating that your time's more
05:02valuable than theirs, that you haven't made them a priority, and that you don't truly
05:06care about their needs, feelings, or concerns.
05:09If you're looking to attract others, being on time is an easy way to show that you're
05:12considerate, respectful, and that you truly value them.
05:15If being on time isn't your thing, you can still make it happen.
05:19Make a to-do list, delegate tasks, prioritize your responsibilities, and girl, plan ahead!
05:32Getting furry with it
05:34Research has shown that you're far more enticing when you're out with a pet, as animals often
05:38magnetize people together.
05:40Bust out those four-footed friends!
05:42So it's not surprising that pet ownership can play a big part in attracting potential
05:46dates and romantic partners, both online and in person.
05:49As is discussed in the journal AnthraZoo, many singles use their cats and dogs as a
05:54way to get the attention of other possible suitors.
05:56When someone interacts favorably with their pets, that person appears even more appealing
06:00and attractive.
06:02This is Raffles.
06:03He's a service dog.
06:04What's the service he provides?
06:06He's an anti-anxiety dog.
06:10Pets have also been shown to help decrease stress and anxiety, lower your blood pressure,
06:14and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease, and improve your overall mood, temperament,
06:19and well-being.
06:20Pet love can, of course, translate to people love.