The Lifetime Network has been airing movies for years, but they don't exactly have a reputation for critically-acclaimed cinema. That's not to say their films can't be entertaining though, because plenty of their movies are so melodramatic and over-the-top that they have to be seen to be believed. If you want to take a look at some of the Citizen Kanes of camp, we've got a list for you of the weirdest and most unintentionally hilarious Lifetime movies. From the Britney Spears biopic that was barely based on her life to the time Lindsay Lohan tackled the Elizabeth Taylor story, let's take a look at six Lifetime movies that are absolutely worth your time.
00:00Let's be real, nobody watches Lifetime original movies for highbrow entertainment.
00:05Instead, these gems have well-earned reputations as trashy, guilty pleasures.
00:09Over the last three decades, Lifetime has consistently produced these treasures, featuring
00:13completely off-the-rails plots about teen pregnancy, doomed marriages, and so much more.
00:18Grab the popcorn and the tissues, because these movies are so bad, they're totally good.
00:25Britney Ever After
00:27The glorious dumpster fire that was Lifetime's 2017 Britney Spears biopic, Britney Ever After
00:32is truly an impressive piece of filmmaking, but for all the wrong reasons.
00:36"...don't mind me, just sittin' on my tube bus."
00:40A Furby!
00:41Are those cheese puffs?
00:44From using none of Britney's actual music and reportedly not getting the Spears family
00:49"...if you're lookin' for trouble, just look right in my face." making blatant errors when recreating iconic outfits, and a certain incident involving
00:59an umbrella, real Britney fans weren't feeling it.
01:02When it premiered in February 2017, Twitter exploded in defense of the singer.
01:06"...and how f----- dare anyone out there make fun of Britney after all she's been through?
01:13She's a human!"
01:14This probably wasn't the reaction Natasha Bassett, who played Britney, was hoping for.
01:19Before the film aired, she told Billboard the movie was
01:21" incredible showing of strength that shines a really positive light on Britney
01:25and how she's overcome challenges.
01:27It's a feminist story, at its core."
01:28"...I just thought everyone was against me."
01:31Is it as toxic as it sounds?
01:33Watch it and find out.
01:34You won't regret it.
01:36On Thin Ice
01:38This 2003 Lifetime original stars Diane Keaton as a full-blown meth addict mom.
01:44Originally based on the true story of Patsy McCardle, the film features Keaton as McCardle
01:48dealing drugs to bring in the dough.
01:49"...I know what you are!"
01:50"...What are you talking about, sweetie?"
01:51"...You're a dealer!"
01:52"...I am your mother!"
01:56Within what feels like a matter of minutes, she goes from Mother of the Year to scrounging
02:00for meth rocks.
02:01"...I'm trying, okay?
02:02I'm doing the best I can do!"
02:03"...I know you are.
02:04It is not good enough."
02:06The movie is a total mess, and it's almost painful to acknowledge how truly awful Keaton's
02:10acting is.
02:11After all, this is the same woman who starred in the Godfather trilogy, Annie Hall, and
02:16The Chicago Tribune summed up on Thin Ice and Keaton's performance in one simple sentence,
02:20"'s terribly written and Keaton is ineffective in it."
02:23I, Me, Wed
02:26For 30-something-year-old Isabel Darden, the ultimate celebration of self-love is to, spoiler
02:31alert, marry herself.
02:32"...I love myself, I honor myself, and I cherish myself."
02:36"...Well then why don't you just marry yourself?
02:39Watch me."
02:40Starring Erika Durantz of later Supergirl fame, this 2007 Lifetime treasure revolves
02:44around a woman that's tired of being berated for being single, so she starts planning her
02:48own wedding.
02:49"...I, Isabel...
02:50I, Isabel...
02:51...take myself?"
02:52While I, Me, Wed tries to make a statement about female independence, it's definitely
02:58not problem-free, especially considering the protagonist winds up hitched to her contractor's
03:03But hey, that's the cheesy, un-woke essence we're looking for on Lifetime.
03:08Death of a cheerleader
03:10Also known as a friend to die for, Lifetime's Death of a Cheerleader is probably one of
03:14the more famous movies on this list.
03:16That's not just because it stars Tori Spelling as the titular cheerleader who's fatally stabbed
03:20by a jealous classmate.
03:22It's also because it's based on a true story, according to People.
03:24"...You're so pretty and funny and confident.
03:26All I want is to be like you."
03:29"...You're pathetic."
03:30Thankfully now, we have Mean Girls to teach us that popular girls can be taken down with
03:33high-calorie calteen bars, not violence.
03:37Liz and Dick
03:39Lifetime's 2012 film Liz and Dick stars Lindsay Lohan as Elizabeth Taylor.
03:43If that fact isn't reason enough to grab a bottle of wine and get your butt on the couch
03:47immediately, then nothing is.
03:48"...They drink, they fight, they fornicate."
03:51The movie focuses on Taylor and Richard Burton's lifelong, on-again, off-again love affair
03:56and rollercoaster careers, and it was panned to death by critics.
03:59The Hollywood Reporter even called it, quote, "...half train wreck, half SNL skit."
04:03While you could argue that Lohan was cast simply to exploit her name, the film's producer
04:07Larry A. Thompson insisted that she was hired because she could relate.
04:11"...Personally understand Liz because you're living your life for everyone to see."
04:15Speaking of Taylor, Thompson told Deadline in 2012, she had been a child star, lived
04:19a life of excess, drinking, making love, living under the glare of the paparazzi.
04:23There was a lot going on with Elizabeth Taylor that Lindsay Lohan could relate to.
04:28Fifteen and Pregnant
04:30While most movies starring Kirsten Dunst are solid gold, this is not one of them.
04:34Yet if you're feeling a, why-am-I-watching-this-lifetime-original-style drama, then Fifteen and Pregnant is the one for
04:41"...Hi, Caleb.
04:42Oh, oh, little Caleb, hi."
04:48The film tells the tale of Dunst as Tina Spangler, a 15-year-old girl becoming a teen mom.
04:53Of course, Fifteen and Pregnant isn't Juno, but somewhat surprisingly, the movie was well-received
04:58by audiences.
04:59On the flip side, though, others complained that it reeks of, quote, "...made-for-cable
05:04It's a lot to see for yourself.