• 19 hours ago
Funko Pop! Movies Valentines Chucky And Tiffany Vinyl Figures


00:00Well, I guess those that slay together stay together. Here's a look at the Funko
00:04Pop movies number 1726 and 1727, the Valentine's edition Chucky and Tiffany.
00:20Carve up some room in your Chucky collection for Funko Pop Chucky and
00:24Tiffany, reimagined in festive red and black ensemble. This Valentine's Day pop
00:28Chucky and Tiffany aren't interested in playing around. They're ready to stab
00:32their way into the heart of your Chucky lineup. Just a word of the wise, if your
00:35darling likes dolls, maybe decide to get her chocolates for Valentine's Day
00:38instead. Because you never know, these killer dolls might end up at your
00:41doorstep. These ended up actually at my doorstep and I ordered them after
00:44Valentine's Day. So I missed my chance to kind of get these out on the channel
00:49during that time. But at least it's still Valentine's Day, within the month at
00:52least. And because these actually were on sale after Valentine's Day, I swooped in
00:57like a bandit. I bought them for dirt cheap. I think in fact actually Chucky
01:01and Tiffany were selling for around $8 a piece. And of course if I am gonna be
01:04reviewing Chucky, I have to review the bride as well. Let's start those things
01:07first with measuring off Chucky. He's gonna be a little bit taller than Tiffany but not
01:11by much. He's actually about three and a half inches in height or about nine
01:15centimeters tall. Then to Tiffany though, Tiff is only gonna be about three and a
01:19quarter inches in height or roughly about eight centimeters tall. I know, well
01:24I did miss the cutoff of the 14th. We did also recently here on this channel look
01:27at the Valentine themed ghost face, which I thought for a character worked
01:31really well because its eyes look like hearts. Chucky and Tiffany though, while
01:34not having any hearts in their eyes, Chucky certainly doesn't, they definitely
01:38do have a lot of red added to their costumes. Something that normal Chucky
01:41and Tiffany necessarily wouldn't have. Now both the characters do actually have
01:46accessories in their hands. The accessories though are not removable.
01:49We're gonna look at things though first with Tiff. Tiff though has a box of
01:52chocolates. Is there somebody's former beating heart inside of that? No. Stop
01:55that. Stop thinking about My Bloody Valentine. I'm sorry. I just think though
01:59that Funko Pop needed to release a My Bloody Valentine Harry Warden and yet we
02:02still don't have one. The box of chocolates though, you can't open up. I
02:05can't even imagine what would normally be inside. What would you normally pick
02:09out if you had the chance and say you're first in line to get to the box of
02:11chocolates? What would be the first things that you usually grab? For me
02:14right away it's usually caramel and then followed closely to that I like the
02:17mixed nuts. The mixed nuts usually where they're covered in chocolate. I think I
02:20can tell you right away things that would be avoided at all cost on my part
02:23would be like things that are filled with fruit filling like orange filled
02:26chocolates. Especially no. Strawberry. I don't know whose idea is it to put
02:30strawberry filling of any sort inside of a chocolate and even like
02:34cherries. I don't think work at all. Mint is also one that I would normally pick
02:38at but I would probably go to that afterwards while everybody else has
02:41already picked out what their favorites are. Anyways though, long tangent, Tiffany
02:45does have again like the box of chocolates in her hand. One thing though
02:48getting close like this you can see that they've gone in there and painted her
02:50nails and those look really good. Being that the box of chocolates though are
02:54also red and they match about the same color red that they use for her skirt,
02:57they do look like they're pretty close together. I wish though that they maybe
03:01could have flipped the colors around giving her the box of chocolates maybe
03:04in pink like similar what we would have gotten with the ghost face and then
03:07maybe do the bow in red so that at least the box of chocolates wouldn't blend
03:11into the skirt. In fact actually speaking of which the ghost face did in fact have
03:15a pink box of chocolates with a white bow instead. The head sculpt though for
03:20Tiffany looks pretty good as well. A long blonde hair of course. She dyes her
03:24hair obviously so you know got a little bit of the grown-in hair color on the
03:27top. The eye color that they've given her as well while having normally black eyes
03:31they've given her some eyeshadow that looks good as well. She's got the little
03:33tiny mole down below and also some visible teeth. None of this by the way
03:37though is sculpted to the figure's face but she does have at least a lifted nose.
03:41The head articulation of course that's about the only thing they're gonna be
03:44giving to these figures. Tiffany does almost rotate her head all the way
03:48around. The length of her hair sort of does prevent the head from a full
03:51rotation but again you can rotate the head back and forth. That comes with the
03:55territory though of normal Funko Pop figures. Then on to Chuck here.
03:59Chuckie actually has two accessories. One he has though is an axe. Now they
04:05have added no blood at all. I don't think they normally really want to
04:07promote blood at all on Funko Pops. Would have been nice if they added just a
04:11little bit of that on the on the blade head of the axe. The other thing that's
04:14kind of interesting though is that he comes with flowers. I had to kind of
04:18stop for a second and think well what is that inside? It actually kind of look
04:21like a marshmallow with eyes. It actually is a skull. The thing that's cool though
04:25about it is that the skull is a shape of a Funko Pop head. So it's sort of boxy. Of
04:29course the very black beaded eyes there as well and he's also got that in hand
04:33as well. Now there was also a two pack pop pocket versions of these characters
04:38as well. Instead of being sold separately they were sold as a pair but they were
04:41about that big. I was almost kind of quick to pull the trigger and pull those
04:45and buy those as well. But just by already knowing that I was late on
04:48looking at the calendar I was already past the date of the 14th. I didn't
04:52decide to end up picking up that little two pack. But there was the pocket pop
04:55versions of these two characters as well which I think look exactly the same as
04:58what we're getting right here. Now Chucky does have of course his bride look. So
05:02he's got all the staples and stitches all across the front of his face.
05:05Tiffany's done her best to kind of sew this guy back together. Of course he's
05:08got one squinted eye and one scarred eye on the other. Cool staples he also has on
05:13the sides of his head. He's got more of the orange hair obviously here. I do like
05:17that his outfit instead of having the more traditional good guy blue they've
05:20given it red instead. It would have been fun actually if they had changed the
05:24name of good guy into something else instead like bad guy or heart guy. I
05:27don't know is that kind of lame? But they also have added a few little kind of
05:31burned areas of black. Of course his feet down below is still the regular red
05:35sneakers that normal good guys would have. No treading though on the bottoms
05:38of his feet. Not that I expect necessarily they need to add that. I mean
05:42it kind of looks if anything like Chucky would be a painter. I'd hate to
05:45see the canvas that he's painting or certainly for that matter what medium
05:48he's using. Of course your standard articulation for this figure so again
05:52your head's only gonna rotate back and forth. Because again he has that one
05:56flower in his hand it does again cause some conflict when he wants to you know
05:59if you try to rotate his head all the way around you can kind of feel oh it's
06:03scraping against the flower. So I don't want to actually chip the paint on the
06:07plastic at all. So I would only really say turn it this way about that far and
06:12turn it this way a little less than that. All in all though a nice little set of
06:15these figures. They were again sold separately or again if you want to get
06:18the pair together you could have go obviously the route of the pocket pops
06:21but I like a full-size Funko's myself. I know normally I know that's not a
06:25channel it normally does look at Funko pop figures but again like I was it was
06:29the it was the month of love and again while I was like looking online I think
06:33actually Ghostface was the one that kind of caught my attention immediately and
06:36then well you know you know when you go on site and you order one thing and you
06:40add it to your cart that site always does a sneaky thing of saying would we
06:43also suggest to you the following. Of course I would be interested to see what
06:48they're willing to offer me. Of course I scroll down and sure enough they had
06:51Chucky and Tiffany and decided of course pick these guys up. These won't be ones
06:55though I'm gonna display all year round. Usually though when it comes to holiday
06:59themed Funko pops they only come out during those holidays because of course
07:02we're still in February at the time that I'm shooting this review and I know we
07:05are yeah late on getting these out for the 14th. I will still be putting these
07:10guys on display and then probably after that retiring them in March. Again nice
07:14looking figures they of course incorporate some of the idea of love.
07:18Chucky and Tiffany though while not having any blood on their bodies they
07:22have at least some red with the coveralls of course on Chucky and the
07:25skirt on Tiffany here. I certainly do think my interest in picking these up
07:28had a lot to do with the fact that they marked them down as much as they did. I
07:31think though looking at the prices of what they were originally going for they
07:34were like 14 to 15 then of course you had to add the shipping on top of that.
07:38Easily you'd probably be looking at 18 to 20 dollars apiece for these. The way
07:42though that they mark them down to around $8 even with the shipping charges
07:45on top of that I could easily justify not just picking up a Chucky but also
07:50his bride Tiffany as well. Both of them again like a very specific to the
07:54holidays now adding again red instead of their traditional colors but I think
07:57these are ones that I'm definitely gonna be looking forward to putting out every
08:00year round. Well at least during the February season which again we're still
08:04in. I'm looking at my outdated calendar on the wall right now. I mean what's that
08:07calendar say 2008? Wow it is really outdated but yeah we're still within
08:12February so I don't think I'm at fault at all to want to put these guys on my
08:16display. I mean they're probably gonna be going back into the boxes probably at
08:20the beginning of March which right now unfortunately though there's not much
08:22love in the air. The only thing that's really in the air right now is a whole
08:25lot of snow. We have at least here in Canada have like 10 to 20 centimeters. It
08:30just keeps continuing in the fall so I don't think there's much love going on
08:33right now. There's just a whole lot more snow so maybe Chucky and Tiffany. A couple
08:38that really don't tend to think of too much during Valentine's Day the fact
08:41that they're always squabbling together. I mean it might be nice little pieces to
08:44be putting out right now to bring a little bit of warmth to what would
08:47normally be an all pretty cold house. What do you guys don't think of these?
08:50Let me know down below in the comment section. You know have you guys had the
08:53chance to pick up any holiday themed Funko Pops? It doesn't have to
08:57necessarily be Valentine's Day maybe it's been something for like Christmas
09:00or Halloween. Have you ever gone out your way to pick up something that was
09:03themed specifically to a holiday and it was a Funko Pop? Let me know what you
09:07think of those or what you did end up picking up down below in the comment
09:10section. If you guys did also enjoy this video you can do it a saw and throw it a
09:13like. You guys want to stick around for more so? I hope so. I will promise though
09:17we're not gonna be looking at any more Valentine's Day stuff so anybody that
09:20was looking at this right now thinking oh god I hope he doesn't it doesn't do
09:22any more Valentine's Day stuff. Don't worry no more is gonna be coming your
09:26way for the rest of this week. Oh for that matter for the rest of this month
09:28we're gonna be looking at some regular stuff non Funko related stuff for the
09:32rest of this week so yes you can have a let out a big sigh of relief. As always
09:36guys certainly if you guys did enjoy this video yeah hit it with a like if
09:39you guys want to stick around for more hit the subscribe turn on that Bell all
09:42that fun stuff but make sure of course you're always coming back. As always
09:45thanks for watching see you guys next time.
