Chicago Fire - Season 13 Episode 4
00:00You've broken the trust with your lieutenant.
00:05There's no getting it back.
00:08I came to 51 because I wanted to get to know you.
00:11You'll get a job at another firehouse.
00:13You think you put Benny in the past?
00:15You are Benny.
00:16Hey, Dom.
00:17What's going on?
00:18You called my wife.
00:19Stay down.
00:20Leave me.
00:21I drunk texted Carver, and he still hasn't texted me back.
00:22You better believe I deleted it.
00:23I lost that guy once.
00:24And I am not going to let it happen again.
00:496 a.m. health smoothie, huh?
00:50You turning over a new leaf again?
00:51I don't know.
00:52You tell me.
00:53It's my patented bourbon breakfast smoothie.
00:54What do you think?
00:55I think it's a little early for a cocktail tea, even for us.
00:56Well, on a regular day, maybe.
00:57But today is a special occasion.
00:58Brandy at F&T Lounge texted me, and she said she can get me three nights a week behind
00:59bar, just to start.
01:00I didn't realize you were applying for jobs.
01:01I'm a newbie.
01:02I'm a newbie.
01:03I'm a newbie.
01:04I'm a newbie.
01:05I'm a newbie.
01:06I'm a newbie.
01:07I'm a newbie.
01:08I'm a newbie.
01:09I'm a newbie.
01:10I'm a newbie.
01:11I'm a newbie.
01:12I'm a newbie.
01:13I'm a newbie.
01:14I'm a newbie.
01:15I'm a newbie.
01:16I'm a newbie.
01:17I'm a newbie.
01:18I'm a newbie.
01:19I'm a newbie.
01:20I'm a newbie.
01:21I'm a newbie.
01:22I'm a newbie.
01:23I'm a newbie.
01:24I'm a newbie.
01:25I'm a newbie.
01:26I'm a newbie.
01:27I'm a newbie.
01:28I'm a newbie.
01:29I'm a newbie.
01:30I'm a newbie.
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01:35I'm a newbie.
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01:38I'm a newbie.
01:39I'm a newbie.
01:40I'm a newbie.
01:41I'm a newbie.
01:42I'm a newbie.
01:43I'm a newbie.
01:44I'm a newbie.
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01:46I'm a newbie.
01:47I'm a newbie.
01:48I'm a newbie.
01:49I'm a newbie.
01:50I'm a newbie.
01:51I'm a newbie.
01:52I'm a newbie.
01:53I'm a newbie.
01:54I'm a newbie.
01:55I'm a newbie.
01:56I'm a newbie.
01:57I'm a newbie.
01:58I'm a newbie.
01:59I'm a newbie.
02:00I'm a newbie.
02:01I'm a newbie.
02:02I'm a newbie.
02:03I'm a newbie.
02:04I'm a newbie.
02:05I'm a newbie.
02:06I'm a newbie.
02:07I'm a newbie.
02:08I'm a newbie.
02:09I'm a newbie.
02:12Come on.
02:17Nice separate bunch there the other night, Dom.
02:19Made you feel tough?
02:22Walked away feeling better than you, I'll bet.
02:24You know, good thing I downplayed the whole thing to my guests.
02:26Could have gone real bad for you.
02:27Well that's right, you're rubbing elbows with the aldermen now.
02:31Not just any alderman.
02:32Malina's head of the finance committee.
02:33Well, can you se if you can do something about that pothole on Webster?
02:36It's like a meteor crater.
02:38Yeah, you know what?
02:38Go ahead and joke.
02:39I could have had you fired just like that and you know what who knows maybe I still will
02:44Yes, you just have to wait and wonder
02:53It's official this city has finally gone to hell. What happened Cruz some scumbags stole Javi's bike right off of our back porch
03:01The poor kid he spent a year saving up
03:04Researching cycling websites just to find this exact bike
03:07It was like his prized possession and a lowlife steals a bike from a kid
03:10I know right and the look on his face it tore my heart out of my chest
03:14I could strangle the son of a bitch who did it before you resort to vigilante justice
03:19Did you call the cops like they can actually do something? Hmm? If only you knew
03:25Someone capable of summoning the vast resources of the Chicago Police Department do not bother Trudy with this
03:31I'm sure she's got bigger fish to fry. She won't be bothered
03:33I think she'll appreciate the chance to show you cynics what the boys in blue are capable of
03:40Sorry, bud
03:47Hey, hey, I uh, I heard you and Tori the chance to talk the other day
03:53That I hope it means you guys can be friends
03:56Or at least friendly and she's decided to stick around for a while
04:05Was walking past her door and I saw it was open and she's lying on the ground. I don't think she's breathing
04:16I mean a monitor. Thank you. What's her name? I don't know. We never really talked
04:21jump holes
04:23But she's still warm. All right, sir tonight II
04:36She's instantly was that me is she dead? Yes, but we have to perform CPR anyway, which sir
04:42You might want to step away for this
04:45All right, sir
04:48I switch
05:00All right, I'm gonna call telemetry report a DOA start packing up
05:10Okay, Chrissy, oh my god
05:18I'm so sorry. We are not exactly sure when we got here. She's there was nothing we could do. She was already
05:25What about the baby?
05:29Sorry, she's like eight months pregnant with a girl
05:37Careful movement
05:41In a heartbeat
05:45Yeah, baby is alive
05:48Push up you again. Okay. I thought you said she was gone
05:51She is but we're trying to keep blood flowing to the baby and what 61 to me
05:55We need another ambo and a fire company assist right away
06:05This city I'll be at least 20 minutes before we can get her to the hospital
06:08It's not
06:15Can you still hear it heart rate is slowing down she won't even make it
06:21Don't give up did you do a c-section or something? We're not allowed to do that, ma'am
06:25Who cares if it'll save her than just do it, please. It is really not that simple. No back
06:31I just didn't have specters rotation for comment. I've described it on to see sections. Can you do it?
06:39Hey outside of our scope if this doesn't work out I know
06:43We're screwed. You should step away. There's no point in both of us risking away. I'm not going anywhere. We are in this together
06:54Okay, continue compressions and bagger
07:09All right, what's your name Ivy? Okay, Ivy I'm gonna make a series of incisions, okay
07:20Here we go
07:28Okay, I'm through the skin now I'm cutting into the fascia layers
07:39Okay, we're almost there I can see the uterus now just one incision away
07:47Okay, stop pumping and clamp the umbilical cord. She still has a pulse. It's faint, but it's there.
08:17Why is she so blue?
08:39Okay, I'm gonna start compressions
09:20Still no word back from Damon yet, huh?
09:23Radio silence. Do you know if he's landed at another house yet?
09:27No idea. Well, I am on the phone with personnel every other day right now. I can see what I can find out
09:33Don't bother. He obviously wants this space. I should give it to him
09:38What's that
09:40Floater pull roster. I
09:42Feels like I am scraping the bottom of the barrel. Have you ever worked with this guy?
09:47I'm Kowski. What happened to Kylie? She's still my first choice. She's coming by later to chat. I just wanted to have one
09:54Decent backup in case Pascal has opinions. I thought he said this was your call
09:59He did but for some reason he's still making me feel like if I don't find a rock star
10:04I'll be out on my ass. You'll work it out. You always do
10:10I gotta finish this report though. I mean us we're both pending on Pascal's hit list
10:25Come on cap loser buys genie juice tonight not next week. Okay. Okay. What's the Trump suit again spades clubs?
10:36What did you say did you know there were over 8,000 bike thefts in Chicago last year 8,000 it's a
10:44Staggering number is here. Let me guess you were not able to summon the vast resources of the Chicago Police Department
10:50No, I was not
10:50But I did summon the vast knowledge of the Chicago Police Department
10:54Trudy says these guys usually put their stolen goods up on the resale websites within a few hours
10:59So she thinks if you jump on it now you
11:03You stand a decent chance of finding it
11:06Come on Cruz can't be that many websites Oh Craig's List
11:12Offer up. What else if we each search a different one? I'm sure we'll find it in no time
11:28Dogs think the mom I have suffered an amniotic fluid embolism. Okay. How's the father arrived yet?
11:35According to IV
11:37Dad's put out the pictures as they found out Christy was pregnant didn't want anything to do with it
11:41So IV is going to assume custody. I can't imagine what that poor woman is going through
11:46The good news is the baby's a perfect towel. They're saying she'd be out of here in two or three days. I
11:52Gotta tell you it took serious guts what you two did. I
11:57Don't care what the Docs say. You guys are heroes in my book
12:01Thanks for the update
12:04No, this can't be good don't say a word and that is an order
12:08Chief Robinson, I call me. This is Sean Turner from the Illinois State Medical Board investigative unit
12:14All right
12:15I think I know why you're here
12:16Then you must know that what you did today was recklessly and dangerously outside your scope of practice as a paramedic
12:21This is an extremely serious breach of duty has become me
12:25I would just like to be clear and this will be in my report. Of course. My partner was not involved in any way
12:31As paramedic in charge
12:33I made the decision and physically perform the procedure while Nova continued to follow all termination of resuscitation protocols to the letter
12:42Based on the commies record and my observation as her paramedic chief. I have no reason to doubt her on that
12:49I'm pending a review of the Medical Board of the state of Illinois
12:52Your EMS license is suspended until further notice
12:56I have to pull you off 61 immediately
12:58I'll send a replacement out to your firehouse to finish out your shift
13:03Go home call me
13:23Chief Robinson Phil man, I'm sure she told you you'd be on desk duty until this case is resolved. I
13:31Requested that you'd be able to do it at chief assistance desk here at 51
13:36Thought I'd take some of the sting out of it being among family
13:42What do you think is gonna happen to me
13:45EMS licensing it's way out of the jurisdiction of the CFT, unfortunately
13:49And the state medical board doesn't care what anyone in your chain of command has to say
13:55They're gonna revoke my license, aren't they?
14:04Just because your superiors at the CFD can't do anything doesn't mean no one can
14:10You've been a paramedic forever. Sure. You know somebody with influence in the public health world
14:15the right advocate
14:17Could force them to see the optics of what they're doing to you
14:29Check this out some bonehead is selling a 10-foot pool table for 300 bucks
14:33Why are you looking for bikes in the furniture section for your information pool tables are in the sporting goods section
14:38Yeah, and bikes are in the bike section. There's a bike section explains everything. This is pointless
14:46We're never gonna find it wait what let me guess you found a really good deal on a lightly damaged croquet set
14:52No, a blaze orange riprock 24 with black trim
14:57Posted about four hours ago. Really? It's even got the orange circles on the handlebar grip. That's totally hobby's bike
15:04That dirt bag mods 150 bucks for it
15:08Okay, okay, so what what do we do we reach out to him tell him we're interested want to check it out
15:12It's a terrible idea. Just offer him 300 for it. What you got a real a man with an offer
15:17He can't refuse so he won't sell it to anyone else. That is it
15:23That's actually brilliant kind of yeah, yeah, okay send the message and the bait is in the water
15:33Thank you for seeing me on such short notice miss Goodwin, I know how busy you are
15:38How are you getting along?
15:40So you're heard about my case then I take it. Oh, I know broad strokes. Dr. Asher had a similar tragedy
15:48Happened on her watch, but how can I help you violet?
15:55I'm not exactly sure my chief suggested that I
15:59know the thing is I
16:02Don't really know how the medical board works, but I heard that if I can get someone with some influence to advocate for me
16:09maybe they could help persuade the board to think about I
16:13Don't know the optics of the whole situation. I guess the folks on the board are all
16:20MDs and I'm sure I don't need to tell you doctors are not known for their charitable view of
16:27paramedics, so I wouldn't expect them to go easy on a
16:32Paramedic who took actions that right or wrong are the strict purview of
16:39licensed medical doctors
16:42So that's it. Then I don't know what you asked me before about
16:48Getting someone with influence on the board to speak up for you. I don't really think that'll help
16:56You don't want someone like me. They're arguing
16:59Medical facts you want someone who's got some serious political muscle in
17:06City Hall at the Statehouse
17:09That's who will get the board's attention and remind them who they answer to
17:17Awesome thank you
17:19Hey, I
17:20Just got off the phone with Garcia and personnel
17:23He says Damon's from working at 20s house the last couple shifts, you know in case you want to pop by there
17:29I can't what you're trying to do, but he knows where to find me
17:33But he's confused and pissed off and you're his older wiser brother
17:37Who had a lot of good and valid reasons for wanting me to keep him on truck and those are the same reasons?
17:43Why you should not stop trying to reach out to him
17:45Go around your Reagan talk about this later, or you could just go see him cuz I don't really have anything more to say about it
18:10You're turning me down, huh?
18:13You're turning me down, huh?
18:16Sorry lieutenant you've been
18:20Literally changed my life and I'm so grateful for that. You don't have to apologize for being happy at 46
18:26It's not that I mean, it's a good house, but every firefighter. I know would kill to be at 51
18:32It's back to me
18:34You know what? They call me at 46
18:38Stands for mini kid. My fear is that if I work under you
18:44I'd never be able to shake that stupid nickname. I'd always feel like I couldn't hack it on my own. I get it. Oh
18:52You don't have to feel bad. I I'm the one that should feel bad for putting you on the spot like this
19:27My daughter's up there the wind just picked her up
19:42You're gonna get her but I need you to step back right now for your safety
20:31Hey, we're gonna have you down in two shapes, all right, but I gotta tell you something important that line that you're holding
20:38Electricity in it. So it can't hurt you as long as you don't touch us and we don't touch you
20:44Okay, and we won't
20:46Let me get you down
20:53We're gonna go to the leg that's farthest away from us, okay
21:03Almost pick up your leg
21:11Here we go, right, okay on the count of three
21:20Here we go, you can do this
21:28Let's go, come on Riley you can do this
21:31It's okay, let's go
21:36Okay, we gotta do this now Riley on the count of three, okay, you gotcha one two three
21:50One more second
22:04Totally fine, right Riley
22:11You guys were uh, thank you
22:28Have a good one Herman. Hey you two. Hey chief glad I caught you
22:36What's up with you putting in for another floater next shift
22:38You were supposed to find a solid permanent replacement for Damon ASAP and not keep the revolving door spinning indefinitely
22:44Yeah, well, it turns out my first choice wasn't available
22:48So I'm vetting more candidates and I'm trying to be extra thorough about it because I know how important it is for this next one
22:54to stick
22:56sounds like you're overthinking just
22:58Just get it done. Okay
23:01You have one more shift
23:36Was wondering if you'd get here before we went off shift, you know, I'm just settling into my delamorous new life doesn't look on me. I
23:43Hate it. It's like watching a white rhino in captivity
23:47What did good one say, uh, she didn't use the word hopeless but that is
23:53Basically what she said unless I can get some heavy hitter from City Hall or the State House to go to bat for me
23:58Do you know anyone like that? Because I sure as hell don't
24:02Well, you can't just give up there has to be something that we can do maybe
24:09Maybe you just have to throw the CFD under the bus blame it on our horrible response times. Not a bad idea
24:17I'll take it your contact at med didn't offer to take up the cost
24:22No, she will do it in a heartbeat. She just doesn't think it would sway the board
24:27She thinks what I really need is someone with serious political muscle. If anything is gonna make a difference. She thinks it's that
24:43Maybe I should call my state senator. I am a voter
24:47Hell, yeah, state senator
24:49Congressman take it all the way to the president. Yeah, you know what I'm gonna do it
25:01He got back to me right away so I told him to meet at the baseball fields on 14th, okay, so it worked
25:06He took the base
25:09What do you think he suspects something's up no, I don't think so
25:12So what's the problem that when he messaged we saw that his screen name was Goliath 187 so, you know
25:19police code for homicide
25:21What if he's a homicidal maniac? Oh or a giant there is such a thing as taking a vigilante crusade too far
25:28Don't you think it's just a bike. No, it is not just a bike. It's Javi's bike
25:34I don't care if this guy's handle is psycho fireman killer. I'm going to that baseball field tomorrow and I'm getting that bike back
25:42You guys want to come with me though, right I
25:44Messaged every elected official in the state practically begging for help and all I have to show for it is an inbox full of politely
25:50Worded autumn replies your tax dollars at work
25:53I just hate that these docs on the medical board are the only ones that get a say I'll tell you this that
25:59Job is strictly for docs who couldn't hack in the field, right?
26:03If these guys knew half the insanity that we have to deal with every single day
26:07Yep, you guys have like the most interesting job in the world seems like never a dull moment. I'll say that
26:16What's like the worst thing y'all have ever seen?
26:25I'll tell you the funniest thing that happened. She said the worst thing
26:29Didn't you Tori?
26:31Or the funniest no, no, no, no. No, let's talk about the worst. I think it's cool
26:36I mean, we all love reliving our darkest traumas for random people's amusement, right easy boy. She didn't mean anything
26:42Oh, you don't need to talk for her. She's an adult. I'm pretty sure and her question was crystal clear
26:47So you want to know the worst thing?
26:50All right. Well, let's see
26:51Violet for me
26:52it'd be a tie between the six-year-old boy who had half of his face shot off by a stray nine-millimeter bullet or
26:58Watching my boyfriend get crushed to death by thousands of pounds of concrete while saving a stranger's life Tori
27:18Hey, sorry guys, sorry
27:40It's open
27:49We want them
27:58It's no excuse for what I did
28:01Punching me you mean? Yeah. Yeah
28:06Yeah, it's way out of line and I'm sorry
28:09like I said
28:16You have a real piece of work, you know that I don't believe this apology thing for a second
28:23So it's obvious you're saying all this because you need something from me
28:29So go on spit it out
28:34It's not for me
28:47Jack Damon around truck 68s on a run something I can help you with
28:53Lieutenants several I've heard good things about you lieutenant your squad spaced at 51. Yes
29:00That's that's how I know Damon. He was with us for a while
29:03I'm just
29:05Checking in on him. How's he getting along? He's a good kid good firefighter seems to fit in
29:10okay, his lieutenant was thinking of putting him on full-time, but
29:15Something happened. Maybe you can tell me when his lieutenant asked why he left truck 81
29:21Damon seemed a little evasive didn't want to talk about it, which felt like a red flag to me
29:25So I told his lieutenant to put a pin in it. I
29:29Think you're right Damon is a good firefighter
29:3251 was just
29:35We got a new chief shaking things up. Everyone's trying to adjust
29:38I I don't think it was the best time for a kid right out of the Academy to find himself there
29:44But I have seen him in action
29:46And I'm sure if you give him a chance he could be more than a good firefighter. He could be a great one
30:00Hey here he comes
30:05You Tony loco
30:08Yeah, that's me let me see the money what you said you give me 300 let's see it okay relax kid
30:15I'm not gonna rip you off. I'm a civil servant not a thief
30:23You want it or not I got a test right at first fine, but you break it you buy it
30:33Don't go too far. This is that lamppost
30:37Stop there
30:40Hey, stop, hey, thank I see my bike
30:55Hey any news about violet not yet hearings this afternoon
31:04Okay, I can see the old hamster wheel turn in there Herman what's on your mind
31:08Hey Pascal, he's got a real bug up his ass about truck doesn't he I mean he's got kids sweating bullets about her next hire
31:15I mean like he's got to be the second coming of Christ or he's gonna take away her bugles
31:24And I was thinking maybe I could do something to help
31:32If it's what I think you're thinking I think it's the perfect solution
31:38It's a brilliant plan and bold and
31:44Everything you'd expect from a future battalion chief. All right, take it easy
31:49Or the real question is what are you gonna do about engine I
31:55Got an idea for that too
31:59So I get to work at desk for a year at half my salary before they fire me that's the good news
32:04Hello McCall me if you are here to put the final nail in my coffin, I'm not
32:09In fact, if I had any influence on this board, believe me, I'd be trying to get them to reinstate your license
32:16You know as well as anyone I do not casually excuse violations of our protocols
32:22But I have also come to believe that there are rare cases where a great paramedic's
32:29Life-saving instincts should trump all other considerations
32:32Yours is one of those
32:35Morally ethically you did the right thing in my book McCall me
32:46So they're not gonna come down on my side are they
32:56Violet McCall me. This is alderman Molina
33:05Is an honor to shake your hand miss McCall me I
33:08Heard about your heroism the line of duty had to come down here today to address the board on behalf of my constituents at
33:15the 25th Ward
33:16in this family
33:18Who owes so much to your brave actions?
33:28Her name is Chrissy
33:32She's perfect
33:54Alderman Molina just calls
33:56The board's decided to dismiss the matter and reinstate your license
34:03With the baby there
34:05Shame them and the alderman threatening to make sure every voter in Chicago would know all the board members by name
34:11Yes, they had no other option but to do the right thing
34:15Thank You chief that was
34:20I I don't even know what to say
34:23I I don't even know what to say
34:27You've already said it
34:48Hey chief wait up
34:52just I
34:54Wanted to tell you I
34:57Just wanted to say that I I think you're awesome
35:03Amazing actually
35:05What you did for violet
35:07I I'm not sure if you are totally aware of this, but she is one of the best paramedics in the CFD
35:13So you didn't just save her job
35:17You saved a lot of lives
35:25I think so weird dad. What's the surprise? Yeah, I
35:31Got your bike back
35:34It's not my bike
35:36But of course it is the riprop 24 blaze orange black trim. It's even got the circle thing on the grip
35:42Circle thing on the grip. No, it's nice. It's just a lot older than mine
35:47Where'd you find it? That's him. That's the guy who stole my bike. Uh, no, no, no one stole anything here
35:54This is really a big misunderstanding. Um, it's actually kind of funny. So see my son. It's not my concern here
36:00You owe this young man $300
36:05Right, but if I would have known it was an older model, I mean look at all the things and scratches
36:09It's not worth 300. Maybe you should have thought of that before you wrote off on it. Now it deals a deal
36:16What you're gonna stiff a 13 year old kid
36:19Now that's a new low for this city, you know in my day. We looked up the firefighters
36:25You were role models in the community. No, you're just common street thugs
36:34Do you take Venmo
36:55I heard you came by the house and talked to Chief McVay. She offered me a permanent spot glad to hear it
37:05Would you do that after everything that happened at 51
37:13Hop in I'll show you
37:19Word of Valor five times
37:22I'll never get over that
37:25Makes you wonder how I could do that much in a career
37:29Then he did it by sacrificing every other important thing in his life I
37:35Did that too
37:38For years, the only thing that mattered more than proving myself to him was proving that I wasn't him
37:45Took a hell of a long time to realize that I would never be Benny and that's a good thing
37:50I'm sorry. I should have never said that. I know I'm not Benny. That's why I talked to your chief
37:57I'm not going anywhere Jack
38:00And I don't want you to waste any more time trying to live up to or fight against the name Severide
38:05what you should do is go out there and
38:08And you make Damon of me
38:17And I have to say even though Herman's bursts of inspiration are generally known to cause more problems than they solve
38:24I'm sorry. Have you seen the massage chair lately? You guys are killing me. What is this big idea? I
38:32Want to move over to truck
38:35If you'll have me lieutenant
38:39Is this for real and I yank in my chain ever since he filled in for March last year
38:45I knew truck is where Ritter wanted to be
38:59Am serious, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Listen, the only reason why I
39:03Even considered it is because I have the perfect person that can come fill in on engine
39:15Get over here
39:30I'm so sorry for the other night. I was not in a good place clearly
39:36But it was not cool of me to take that out on Tori
39:41Get it. I
39:44I'm just glad the medical board did the right thing in it
39:49Me too
40:06You know the thing about friends
40:08And I mean real friends is that they tell each other the truth, even if it hurts
40:22To carry yourself, okay, you deserve to be happy Sam
40:51He's raining gas in there, all right, we gotta move once part of this guy gets incinerated
41:00Chicago fire me next Wednesday on NBC and Peacock. There was a string unsolved rapes 15 years ago
41:07Another woman was taken. It could be the original offender. I don't know what I missed
41:13But I am NOT missing anything this