Chicago Fire - Season 13 Episode 5
00:00ever since he filled in for March I knew truck is where Ritter wanted to be if
00:09you'll have me what are you gonna do about engine I got an idea for that
00:14too friends I know you're still carrying a
00:19torch for Sam but texting him sweet nothing's at midnight I am NOT cool with
00:24that I know it's hard for a tough guy like you to admit it but I think you
00:29need me I need you
00:35I got a shower and get out of here quick I'll look you up an espresso
00:44like my head's gonna explode how am I gonna do this shift you just need
00:51something to look forward to sleep I can sleep one more dad
00:56I got something better that right mm-hmm how about a little Texas in Chicago I
01:07got us tickets to see trip at the Vic they got back together mm-hmm some beers
01:16say our hearts out forget about the rest of the world
01:22what do you think I like it
01:45took 45 minutes to get all dressed up and we didn't even make it out the door
01:51you were still gonna be early anyway I just talked myself out of sleeping
02:07morning morning looks like I took the last of it hey what are you doing after
02:14shift it's violets birthday and we're all going to Molly's to celebrate just
02:18didn't know if you'd heard no no pressure but I don't it'll be fun well
02:25thanks for the invite I'll check with my wife
02:33that's twice now I've seen you along with Pascal yeah so so I'm jealous it
02:39feels like everyone around here has gotten facetimed with the new boss except
02:42me every time I try it gets interrupted he knows what a good firefighter you are
02:46it's not about that I just like to you know have a little rapport with the guy
02:53poor I'm making it happen today yeah and I have the perfect icebreaker to you
02:58ready yep we're both grasshoppers excuse me what that was our mascot it turns out
03:07Pascal and I went to the same elementary school it's perfect right okay Ritter I
03:12say this with love it's terrible it Armin your new recruits here happy to be
03:24here as always all right well I would get up but Cindy made me play pickleball
03:29this weekend and I pulled every muscle in my body how's this work actually who's
03:34going where Ritter's going to the truck Kylie subbing on the engine not that
04:08still in the cab not the truck hurry I don't know what happened I guess I
04:16didn't see the brake lights
04:19what texture cake strider copy that squad cutters jaws now engine run a hose
04:25line get one ready truck I want you standing by with extinguishers and
04:28stretcher copy that you heard the man let's move on it hey ma'am ma'am you
04:31need to back behind the trucks I promised I'd stay with him you gotta let
04:35this work all right this is Violet's gonna take care of you let's take a look
04:38at that cut above your eye ma'am right here we're gonna get you out stay still
04:56keep this raining gas in their fuel tank must have ruptured laying on top of them
05:00can you pull him free yeah it's pretty tight chief we got a flare-up another
05:05hose line ready let's go put out that engine fire let's stay ready
05:09copy that
05:12okay one spark hits this gas and this guy gets incinerated
05:22hey please I can put through the passenger side sure just cover me yeah
05:26copy that
05:31come on
05:53move your legs
06:00All right, we got a move coming out back for let's go
06:30All right engine hit it knock that down and over all the people
07:00Damn it. Hey, buddy, you can get back. That's my trailer. I said get back. I'm on the clock here, sir
07:13We need you to clear the area. I got a new cab coming to finish that haul
07:17Not until we're done here until then you can stand by your truck
07:23Come on let's go i'll send ritchie to pick up the trailer. Come on, let's go
07:36That logo looks familiar to you
07:41It does
07:54Violet you like fish
07:57To eat no, it's a pet for your birthday gift
08:02All I want is a promise that you won't sing happy birthday at the bar and that goes for everyone, okay, thank you
08:09I uh wanted to mention i'm not gonna be able to make it. Sorry some stuff I got to do
08:16It's all good. I have a birthday every year you can catch the next one. Sorry. Thank you very much
08:33Now he's using his pickleball paint as an excuse to sit at our table son of a bitch
08:38Trying to hear the ocean, but there is water in the damn housing again. Aren't the radios supposed to be waterproof?
08:44Don't get him started. Hey, is that funny?
08:47All right, these things are so damn old they're practically prehistoric so take it to facilities
08:52Oh, yeah, and why don't I just go wish on a shooting star I get the same results
08:56Yeah, I have been pretty stingy when it comes to replacing equipment. Hey, it's a bunch of crap
09:01All right, you know, why do we keep on ending up with all the squad's hand-me-downs? Why are you yelling at me?
09:07I don't make the rules. You're right
09:09I'm going down to facilities and I am gonna demand some new radios. Yes, you do that. You get those new radios. I will
09:19He ain't getting those radios. No
09:26There's a reason we recognize that logo
09:29So that is an mva we responded to six months ago semi flipped landed on a minivan look at the truck
09:39J.R. Maddox trucking
09:42And then there's this two months ago truck ran a red t-boned us a dam
09:50Oh, I remember this
09:52Lfi investigated engine fire went through the vents left the cab
09:56trucker died
09:59That's a crazy amount of accidents for one company these trucks. They're on our streets in our neighborhoods right now
10:04Each one of them is a rolling death trap
10:16For a trucking company the size of maddox
10:18One accident per year would be a lot and they've had three in the past six months
10:22Any idea why could be bad training labor violations faulty trucks
10:27But someone's got to know to look and i'm not sure anyone realizes that these accidents are connected
10:32Take it to the department of transportation. They can move the needle on this
10:37Thank you
10:42Got a sec
10:43Well, the cft facilities committee just got here so
10:47Oh, but i'll come back later. Well, this will be pretty quick. Just hang tight
11:22What are you doing
11:32Oh my god, you decapitated it no, no, no, no, no, this is not good. Okay here give it to me
11:53Thumbs up
11:55We can't leave it like that. We
11:57Yes, we I wouldn't have dropped it if you hadn't yelled at me. Why were you holding it in the first place?
12:02I was admiring it admire with your eyes like a normal person
12:06Uh, this is taking longer than I thought. Can we uh, we meet later? No problem
12:14Okay tomorrow we will come in early for shift and glue it back together then we will never speak of this again deal
12:27So I hear that herman is making you a special cocktail for your birthday
12:30Oh, and i'm gonna make it even more special by wearing a tux fancy
12:35And trudy made me rent one for her cousin's wedding and I have two more days with it
12:38Best birthday ever I can feel it
12:50Hi, look what I found in the glove box, it's got all the live bootlegs on it we can listen on the way
12:59What's going on
13:01Uh, I got a signed ot
13:04I just found out or I would have called you serious
13:08You can't get out of it I can't but you should still go seriously take someone from work that wouldn't bother you
13:17One of us should be having fun
13:20Okay, i'll send you lots of videos good and uh, i'm sorry
13:46You the cfd guys, yes, hi, uh lieutenant kidd, this is lieutenant separate
13:50You should have told me on the phone. This was about maddox trucking. I would have saved you the trip
13:56You did you take a look at what we emailed I did
14:01Look, there's nothing we can do here
14:04It's three accidents in the last six months, you don't think that's worth investigating we did investigate after their last mva
14:11We checked qualifications driver logs inspections
14:15Everything came back clean and that's not a red flag to you. Can't shut someone down for following all the rules
14:27She's helpful
14:29We're talking to the wrong people
14:31We need somebody on the inside of the company
14:34trouble is
14:36Finding someone willing to talk
14:39Maybe we already have
14:43All right, here's to our birthday girl I present the violet
14:48What's that? Yeah, vodka and tonic. I think i'm just too sore to be creative. Sorry. All right drink up. Cheers
14:58Thank you, thank you
14:59Thank you. So october birthday. What is that lever?
15:05And now you make sense to me
15:08Yeah, hey, hey
15:10Happy birthday. Thank you so much
15:15How to go with the dot
15:17About as well as you would expect bureaucrats. They're all useless
15:23He's trying to convince facilities to fork up your radios. Oh, let's see
15:28Need another one
15:32Hi, I thought you said you couldn't make it some stuff got shifted around so thought i'd pop by
15:39Notori no, she has to work
15:42Nice tiara
15:43Thank you. Thank you
15:48What's this
15:50It's our manifesto. It's every reason we deserve a radio upgrade. All right, what do you think?
15:56Okay, poor battery bad signal unreliable don't always work
16:01The last two are the same aside from that. I think it's pretty good. I don't know
16:05That's for you to keep all right. Come on. I want you to memorize it
16:08We are gonna go to facilities next shift and we are not gonna take no for an answer copy that
16:17Hey, uh
16:19I think I know what just happened there
16:21Herman recruited you for one of his righteous crusades
16:24Seems like it. Okay as someone who's um worked with her in a long time
16:29Let me give you a little advice
16:32Just draw a line in the sand
16:34Otherwise one day you might end up with him
16:37Smelling strange men to find a cologne that rubbed off on him during a call. That's so specific. It has to be real
16:44like I said
16:46draw a line
16:49Are you waiting for someone you keep looking at the door no i'm not
16:52Okay, I invited pascal some more, uh, just
17:08Oh, hey, I thought tory couldn't make it
17:15Tori wait
17:22Tori come on hold up tori stop. Is that what counts as overtime now?
17:31You know, I showed up to the firehouse with food for you and some stranger had to tell me that my boyfriend lied
17:39It was a work thing. I couldn't miss what work thing happens at molly's every work thing actually
17:46It's a birthday party for violet, I guess she got exactly what she wanted
17:57You know, she's messing with your head right, you know that she's manipulating you that's not true it's not
18:05And how'd you end up here
18:33How can I help you i'm stella and I am looking for lisa is she home, uh mom someone's here for you
18:44Or are you one of the firefighters that helped her I am yeah, it's uh, just here to check on her
18:55Michael go pack your bag. Don't forget your toothbrush. Dad's not gonna have extra
19:00Nice to meet you
19:02you too
19:04You know how the driver's doing hospital didn't tell me yeah, he's gonna be okay
19:09But you were lucky. They said other drivers at maddox weren't
19:14Why does this keep happening
19:17I can't help you
19:19Because you don't know or because you won't say
19:22Because I have bills to pay
19:24and a son to raise
19:26And the only help I get from his father is a place for michael to sleep when i'm on a haul
19:31Which i'm now late for
19:35Hey lisa one of the drivers died
19:41I don't want that to happen to you or anybody else. I'm, sorry. I can't save the world. I barely take care of my son
19:50Lisa hey
19:52Listen, here is my number
19:54If you change your mind, I will do everything I can to help you
20:03Come on michael, let's go
20:11She's a ghost
20:27And I wasn't sure what the kid meant by ghost I thought it was just about how his mom is barely around
20:33Then I did some digging
20:36There is something called ghost drivers. It's a pretty common practice with sketchy trucking companies
20:42This is how maddox skirts driving regulations
20:45Yeah, if you look at the driving logs, it looks like two different drivers doing two shifts
20:49But in reality one driver does both shifts. The other driver doesn't exist
20:55It's a ghost
20:57And lisa won't come forward
21:00She's scared of losing her job
21:02You can help her find another lisa is involved in this
21:04The first thing the dot is going to do is revoke her commercial license
21:08That's the only way that she can make a living. Yeah
21:11So then where does that leave us?
21:14I don't know
21:19It's the 21st district
21:31We can't fix the statue what why not it's too late pascal moved it he knows it's broken
21:37Maybe he's trying to taunt the culprit taunt the culprit pascal's smart
21:45Maybe he's trying to send a message that he knows
21:47What the person did and the longer that they wait to come forward the worse the punishment will be
21:55I don't know, but maybe I should confess just in case
22:04Kid wait
22:08Let me take the fall for you no
22:11I can't let you do that. Yeah, you can
22:14None of this would have happened if I hadn't scared you and like you said at least i've had the chance to talk to him
22:20a little
22:21I don't know. Well, I do
22:26Promise me that when you finally get your face time with pascal
22:30You won't waste it
22:38They seem to be working fine, we just told you they're not broken
22:42They're ancient
22:44Do we have to read you the note again? I can't just invent money to use your firehouse has to have the budget for it
22:52I'm, sorry
22:59You know, I used to help with the budget when I worked for boden maybe there's money there, you know, that's a really nice thought
23:05But if there were thousands of bucks just laying around somebody would have taken them by now
23:12We're done
23:32Hey, hey
23:36Everything okay tori didn't seem too happy last night
23:41It's complicated
23:46Yeah, well, uh, I might know why I think tori might still be mad about a text that I sent
23:53You sent tori a text no, I sent you a text and tori saw it I don't remember getting a text from you
24:06One two four east tiger street. Hey, look all i'm trying to say is I don't blame tori for being pissed
24:26Okay, thank you, here we go
24:31Hey guys this way, you know what happened
24:34Maybe 10 minutes ago i'm walking back from lunch and I see a guy in a bike ran right into his food cart
24:38Vendor starts yelling at him about it
24:40And all of a sudden the biker starts attacking him. So by the time I got there the biker was gone
24:43I I found the vendor like this
24:55I'm violet. We're here to help you. I heard your head. What's your name?
24:58Ali ali hang in there. Okay, uh get the ivy access point and push two grams of tranexamic acid. I'll stabilize this cure
25:06Okay, so he's bleeding from his legs pretty bad. So I used my shirt to try and tie it off
25:10I know the carotid arteries around there somewhere
25:13Yeah, no, that was a pretty smart move
25:27Almost there ali
25:32Almost there
25:36All right, let's get him out stretcher
25:38You're doing good. Ali
25:40Here, let me let me help. Oh, thank you
25:43Let's lift him up ready. Okay, three two one
25:55He's like an re you can bleed out real quick
25:58He's lucky you were here. I wasn't exactly sure what the right was lost. Everyone else stepped in so
26:03It's crazy. I mean he'll just walk past, you know, well, you didn't he probably saved his life
26:08All right, we're gonna take you to the hospital now. Are you okay?
26:11Okay, here we go
26:14Lift a little ready
26:18Thank you, thank you, of course you're gonna be all right
26:25Debrief later about how hot he was, right?
26:32So I saw you talking to carver earlier
26:42if you don't want to talk about it, I
26:45Told carver about that text that I sent
26:48I thought maybe it would help things with tori, but I think I just made it worse. You sure that's not what you wanted
26:54Not judging just asking i'm not trying to cause problems seriously. I yeah, I wouldn't do that
27:03Carver and I made a pact to tell each other the truth and it didn't feel right. I'm not saying something I get that
27:11But from what I've found
27:14It's better not to know
27:17That's when the truth gets tricky
27:30Hey trudy, thank you for calling. Yeah, I figured you'd want to know just one sec
27:40You know what that is
27:43Should I uh, we got a call from a landlord saying someone had broken into one of his empty apartments and there was no damage
27:50But they left behind a couple of things including this bag
27:53and your card
28:03The police had an eye out for him when I talked to lisa she said his phone is dead
28:08But she's on a haul. She said she's turning around and she'll be here in a couple of hours
28:12She have any idea what that kid was doing in the apartment when I gave her the address. She got confused
28:17Because that's michael's dad's address
28:20or where it used to be
28:23What's this kid up to?
28:25All I know is that he was really worried about his mom
28:33Okay, uh, do you have a sec next day
28:39I think I better stand for this. Um
28:44I have something that I need to confess
28:51I'm the one who broke your statue. I'm, sorry
28:55I'm sorry
28:57Do you know what that statue is
29:00It's an award of valor
29:02Of course it is
29:04It's probably the most valuable thing in this office. I totally get that and I am I am very sorry
29:13You didn't have to come forward but you did that shows character you see
29:24Keep at it
29:42Okay, how bad was it why are you smiling he says I have character oh
29:51That worked out for you, right such a relief
29:58I have character too, you know
30:06What is that smell
30:08It's the glue trying to waterproof these radios. Oh, yeah. Well if that doesn't work out you can always tie a string between two tin cans
30:16You can always tie a string between two tin cans
30:20Damn it
30:21Keep gluing my fingers together
30:24I found it
30:26You found what I spent all day going over the budget and I discovered
30:30We're way above the mandated redundancies on a couple non-essentials. Yeah, if we make those cuts we might have enough for the radios
30:37What do you think?
30:38You spent all day on this
30:40You didn't have to do that. Sure. I did we're in this together
30:45All right wall street, come on let's start moving some money around
30:50Hey ritter
30:55Is there any way to get back deleted text messages, uh, as long as it's less than 30 days show me
32:22We need medics over here violet no back this way
32:40Michael what happened?
32:42That's what happened this lunatic took a crowbar in my building that's what happened
32:48Laceration must be from the broken window glass just wrap this arm and stop the bleeding. Hey, michael. Can you sit up for us?
32:55I got you
32:59I I got the wind knocked out of me and I fell
33:04All right, give me a hug that's what you get you got what he deserved
33:08Did you touch him when I pulled up and he's hammering away at my sign I yelled he wouldn't stop
33:14Owner says he cleared for his property. So he shoved the kid away. You know the boy. Yeah
33:19Yeah, he and his mom are friends of mine
33:23I was just mad. Okay, I wasn't gonna hurt anyone just want them to leave my mom alone. Hey
33:31I know
33:33All right, let's get him to med
33:36Hey, hey michael i'm gonna call your mom i'm gonna tell her where you're going, okay
33:46What are you doing, where's he going you're not gonna put him in custody
33:50Look what you did to my storefront. He needs to go to the hospital. You are the one that's gonna get charged with assault
33:55He's a kid
33:58Who needs medical attention i'll take your statement come on
34:05Because he's a juvie with no priors
34:07I can get him into a program that'll keep his record clean and make sure he doesn't take a crowbar to another person's building again
34:14That sounds a little ominous. Well, I mean it's not summer camp, but he'll survive it just fine
34:20Michael, where's michael my 14 year old son lisa
34:27It's okay, he's fine he just needed a couple stitches he's in trauma one he's good
34:36It's okay
34:37None of this is is like him
34:40He's never been destructive
34:42In his life. I think he was just scared. He was angry and he didn't know who to talk to
34:47So, uh, his father just abandoned him
34:53Michael said that his dad went to flagstaff with his new girlfriend, but michael still had a key to the place
35:01He didn't want to worry you about work
35:04He was trying to protect you
35:08I'm his mother. I should protect him
35:18You're good
35:30Whatever you need from me i'll do it i'm not going back to that company
35:54There she is, oh hey attention people
36:03Look take a look at that
36:09Wait, is that the apex 8 000? Yes, it is
36:13And this baby has the ip68 water rating programmable buttons and advanced noise cancellation
36:22It's beautiful
36:26Yeah, well maybe one day squad will get our hand-me-downs
36:35You didn't draw a line did he nope follow him straight down the rabbit hole
36:42I always did too
36:45I was the kind of boss you'd follow anywhere
36:50Lisa's going to talk so the department of transportation is willing to waive her violations
36:55She'll still be able to work for other trucking companies. Yes, sir. Legit ones
36:59And maddox trucking's rigs are all off the road, that's right
37:06Lieutenant kid can be a hell of a pant. Yes, but she doesn't back down does she? No, sir. She does not
37:25Do you guys remember me I was shirtless and a little panicked at the time that rings a bell
37:32Yep, suck. She does. I was just leaving
37:38How's it be doing?
37:39Uh good, uh, he should be back to his car in a couple weeks. I think good
37:44Good. I expect free kebabs for life
37:47I'm flint by the way
37:49I just wanted to say thank you. You're not embarrassing me
37:52Embarrassing you I was telling everyone at my office about my big save and how smart I was for tying off the carotid artery
37:59It's oh once you have the cards in your neck not your leg something I guess everyone does except me
38:05No, you know what matters is you put the tourniquet in the right place
38:09well, I just started thinking I
38:11Should be better prepared because of another emergency. I mean
38:14Next week someone goes after the hot dog vendor. I need to be ready, right?
38:18So are you looking for first aid classes?
38:21You know any okay. Yeah, there's actually one I teach I can send you the link
38:25And you already know that I won't be embarrassing you in class
38:29That's that's true
38:31There's also a great bar nearby if you maybe wanted to grab a drink after
38:38No, maybe about us, yeah
38:42All right, cool
38:44Give me your phone. Okay
39:18I decided i'm not gonna be mad about what you did
39:24I know violet was only trying to mess with your head
39:28And what were you doing when you deleted text off my phone
39:36I was trying to protect us
39:44I only deleted that text because I knew what it was going to do to your head
39:48And now honestly i'm i'm glad that you saw it because now you know i'm right
39:54She's just trying to get between us
40:00I swear i'm gonna do whatever it takes to protect what we have promise
40:09Because I know you better than anyone else
40:17I always will
40:23Stay alert, who knows what's inside there.
40:47These are all ghost cars.
40:49We're gonna put this case on the back burner for now.
40:52I just don't understand why you suddenly want this case buried.
40:54I said back off.
40:55Chicago Fire, new November 6th on NBC and Peacock.
40:59She was dead when we pulled her from the river.
41:01So nothing was found in the woods?
41:04That girl looks like a ghost.