Coronation Street - Season 66 Episode 27 (Wednesday, 5th March 2025),
Coronation Street S66 Ep027 (Mar/ 05/ 2025),
Coronation Street S66 Ep27 (Mar 03 2025) ,
Coronation Street S66 E27,
Coronation Street - Season 66 Episode 27 - Monday 5rd March 2025 ,
Coronation Street - Season 66 Episode 27 - 03 /05/ 2025 ,
Coronation Street S66 Ep27 (Mar, 05 2025) FULL 1080p HD,
Coronation Street S66 Ep027 (Mar/ 05/ 2025),
Coronation Street S66 Ep27 (Mar 03 2025) ,
Coronation Street S66 E27,
Coronation Street - Season 66 Episode 27 - Monday 5rd March 2025 ,
Coronation Street - Season 66 Episode 27 - 03 /05/ 2025 ,
Coronation Street S66 Ep27 (Mar, 05 2025) FULL 1080p HD,
00:00We all know we're going to die.
00:29We're the only thing on earth that knows this, but somehow we pretend like it will actually happen to us.
00:34It will for me.
00:41I know I will die today.
00:44Two o'clock.
00:48In five hours.
00:50No, that'll be... Hang on.
00:53Yeah, seven hours. In seven hours time, I'll be dead.
00:57I'll be killed by an Ip Man.
00:59A hit that I ordered myself.
01:01Let's start chest compressions.
01:05I just hope it's quick.
01:07And doesn't hurt.
01:10Obviously it's going to hurt, you div.
01:14Should I take something before?
01:16What, are you going to take a couple of paracetamol?
01:21I could get hammered.
01:26Well, then I should say goodbye.
01:28To the family.
01:32Hire all.
01:34Hire all?
01:35That's not right.
01:37Can't have them suspect anything.
01:39Yo, biatches.
01:41Yeah, that's good.
01:43I'll be in Rovers at one.
01:45I'll get drinks in.
01:50Beer emoji.
01:53Shona's online.
01:56Shona's typing.
02:10Yo, I did them yesterday.
02:12Yeah, well...
02:15Hey, listen, why don't you get dressed and I'll...
02:18I'll take you for some pancakes at Roy's.
02:21Well, we didn't have them yesterday, did we?
02:23You're the best dad ever.
02:29And you.
02:32Oh, eight o'clock and not pot washed.
02:34Six hours.
02:36Here you go, sweetheart, enjoy.
02:38You all right?
02:39Felt like you barely slept a wink last night.
02:42I'm fine.
02:43And you pretended to be out for the count when I got up this morning.
02:46No, I didn't.
02:47Look, I know you're really worried about Max.
02:49Look, you've got customers.
02:54You don't have avocado, do you?
02:56What do you think?
03:01Heading into town.
03:04Oh, sorry.
03:05Always under the feet.
03:08Another tea, Jen?
03:10I've got to get ready for opening up.
03:13I'll see you later.
03:19Sausage barn, please, Shona.
03:21OK, go and take a seat, I'll bring it over.
03:24Yeah, sure.
03:27Look, I know you're off your head about Max and Lily.
03:30Well, obviously.
03:32Yes, we'll figure something out, OK, I swear.
03:34Just don't want you worrying yourself to death about it, OK?
03:37Just talk to me, tell me how you're feeling.
03:40Look, I just don't want to be a burden, that's all.
03:42Listen, you're a pain.
03:44And you're pretty annoying most of the time,
03:46but you are never a burden.
03:48When do you want to go to the pub later?
03:50I've got loads to be getting on with.
03:53All right, fine, I'll try and sort something.
03:57This can't be the last time I see you.
04:04Mr David?
04:08Mr David?
04:13Earth to David.
04:17I was asking you about Harvey.
04:19What, I'm in a pain?
04:20Yeah, chips and drabs.
04:22No, in one big hit.
04:23What are you talking about?
04:25It's time.
04:27Bit early, innit?
04:28Oh, I said I'd pick Harry up too, so...
04:30Yeah, she's like a school bus.
04:32Oh, never been called a school bus before.
04:35Yeah, well, a hot bus.
04:36A hot bus?
04:37I can't do this.
04:38OK, let's move on.
04:39Saying goodbye to my little girl.
04:40Right, come on, time's ticking on.
04:41How can I do that?
04:43Say goodbye to your dad.
04:44Bye, Dad.
04:46Hang on, wait.
04:50I love you, to the end of time.
04:53She's going to school, not to Mars.
04:55Come on.
04:56See you.
04:59The one you make yourself, that's all that matters at the end of the day.
05:05Four hours, I'm counting.
05:08Oh, come on, why don't you plank yourself down and kill some time?
05:14No, I'm fine.
05:16Look, we've had two cancellations, nothing needs doing here, yeah?
05:20So come on, enjoy yourself.
05:24Well, why don't I...
05:26give you a bit of a trim?
05:28No, what?
05:29No, don't think, it does need a trim, my love.
05:31I mean, it doesn't have to be like a wash and blow or anything,
05:35just, you know, a bit of a tidy up.
05:37Oh, if you want to.
05:40Yeah, I do.
05:41Oh, right, but just a little tidy up, please, nothing else.
05:46Do you know, I can't remember the time when you last did my hair.
05:51Yeah, me neither.
05:54Good chance.
05:58Got any holdings planned?
05:59No, I haven't.
06:01And I can't tell you who's going to win the FA Cup, either.
06:12Can I ask you something, Gran?
06:14Of course you can, my love.
06:17You know when you were going to take your own life?
06:26Like, I mean...
06:29What were you thinking?
06:32Do you know, David, if you're worried about Max,
06:35you must let the prison know,
06:37because they must be sure to have people that can help him, right?
06:43And you must talk to him as soon as you can.
06:46I've tried. I can't, I can't seem to get hold of him.
06:49No, he needs people to talk to.
06:52Are you OK, darling?
06:55Me? Yeah.
06:58Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
07:02Just put your head down a bit, actually, Gran.
07:06Well, remember to tell Max that we love him a lot.
07:13Yeah, I will.
07:16Now, you know, when you asked me before that question,
07:20if I died and my neighbour hadn't found me and saved my life,
07:25I've since realised all the things that I would have missed,
07:29just very ordinary things, really.
07:32I mean, like in here, when customers come in all jolly
07:36because they're going to have a wonderful hairdo for their wedding
07:40or for their birthday or something like that,
07:43but just celebrating.
07:46Then there's your mum, my darling daughter, Gail,
07:51heading off into the sunset, happy as anything.
07:54I would have missed all that.
07:57Anyway, sweetheart, that's what I've learned.
08:00Oh, just hang on a minute, Gran.
08:02I think... I think this is Max.
08:04Oh, give him my love, please.
08:08Max? Is that you?
08:11Hi, David.
08:14I've been desperate to hear your voice.
08:16Yeah, there's been this mix-up.
08:18My list of approved callers, I think it's something to do with them moving me.
08:21Is everything OK?
08:23Er, yeah.
08:26Yeah, everything's fine.
08:29We're all good.
08:30I'm just at the salon, just giving Gran's hair a trim.
08:35Great. And Lily's all right?
08:40Shona, you know, everyone.
08:43We're all fine, you know? Just missing you.
08:47Just wished you were here with us.
08:49Yeah, me too.
08:51So, you OK?
08:53Yeah, yeah.
08:55Look, I just wanted to call to say I know that I'm going to be moving very far away.
09:01I know that it's going to be difficult for everyone to come and visit me, but I...
09:06It doesn't matter, mate.
09:07The only thing that's important is that you're safe.
09:13Look, David, I'm really scared.
09:17I got this message from Harvey and...
09:19It looks like...
09:21he's got some mates in Durham and they're going to be after me.
09:26Listen, everything's going to be all right.
09:31You just need to hang in there.
09:35Look, er...
09:37I've got to go.
09:39In a minute, because...
09:42There's a lot I've got to do before they move me, but I...
09:45You know, before I do go, I...
09:50Well, I just wanted to say thank you for everything.
09:54Everything you've done.
09:58Look after everyone, yeah?
10:03Bye, then.
10:08Bye, I love you.
10:10I love you too.
10:14Bye, I love you.
10:31Bye, mate.
10:34Goodbye, everyone.
11:12Just over one hour.
11:15Can I get some again, please, Gem?
11:18Space it out, yeah?
11:19Still early doors.
11:21Yeah, I know, it's 12.58.
11:24Well, there's no fire.
11:28I could just go to Deb's, you know, if you prefer.
11:35What's Daisy about?
11:37No, she's, er... she's gone into town.
11:40I thought she'd be back by now.
11:41Guess I'll just have to have hot pot and a bit of shandy, please, when you get home.
11:51You OK?
11:52Yeah, are you?
11:54I messaged you, actually, a few times.
11:56Just wanted to talk about last night.
11:59Don't give it a second thought.
12:00Drunken ramblings, like you said, on the messages.
12:02In one ear, out the other.
12:05Can I have an orange juice, when you've got a moment?
12:12Can I ask you something?
12:15Do you know when Daisy told you that you was the father of her baby?
12:19Did she show you proof, or did she just tell you?
12:24She just told me.
12:27I'd ask for proof if I was you.
12:35The face I'd never tire of slapping.
12:38Steady on.
12:39Well, after what he's done, he just wanders around doing what he wants.
12:44Er, can I have a white wine for Sarah, please, Jenny?
12:47Oh, and I'll have, erm, vodka, double.
12:52Look, at the end of the day, he hasn't done anything wrong.
12:54Are you serious?
12:55Me and Bethany's back, I've got Daisy pregnant.
12:57Jenny, what are you having?
12:59Vodka, doubles?
13:01Well, he can't help it if he's like a dog with two tonsures, can he?
13:04And, yeah, I fancied a vodka.
13:06Bethany's your niece?
13:09They weren't together, were they?
13:10Yeah, you can keep your neb out and up.
13:12Yeah, but they'd only just split up, hadn't they?
13:14Obviously he didn't care about her.
13:16Look, I'm just saying this, but I don't think vodka at lunchtime is a very good idea.
13:20I know what I'm doing.
13:21All right, OK, cool, we'll ask Nick, then.
13:23Oh, what have I done now?
13:25Keeper of the moral compass?
13:26No, I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about your drinking.
13:28I'm fine.
13:29He's drinking vodka doubles at lunchtime.
13:31Oh, that's a bit much.
13:33I mean, I know you've got a lot on your plate,
13:35Well, we've all got a lot on.
13:37I don't want to fight, all right?
13:39With either of you.
13:40Why not? I mean, that's what we do.
13:42That's what we always do.
13:43Yeah, well, I don't want to anymore, all right?
13:45I don't know, I just want us to just act like a normal family for a change.
13:52Oh, you want us to be a little normal family?
13:55Aw, Nick, we like each other.
13:57Yeah, like just kind of hang out.
13:58Ooh, we could go on little holidays.
14:00Just don't get on.
14:03Just don't get on.
14:05Yeah, yeah, I thought we'd come in here for an hour or something, you know.
14:09And Shona was going to come, actually, where is she?
14:12Here you are.
14:14You know what we should do?
14:16Book a little family photographer.
14:18Or wear white.
14:19Whatever he's having as well.
14:21Lime and soda, please.
14:22No, push the boat out, Nick.
14:23Oh, just because I'm not trying to block out the pain of my tragic existence like you two.
14:36Hi, I'm at Rovers. Are you coming or what?
14:38I can't.
14:41Where are you?
14:42I'm, um, I'm at the prison.
14:47Well, Max is a wreck, all right? He's worried about you.
14:50He said you were acting all weird when he spoke to you.
14:54Well, I sensed something wasn't right with him.
14:56Harvey's got to him.
14:58This has to stop.
15:00Well, that's why I'm here.
15:01I am putting a stop to this now.
15:03I'm going to make an official complaint and I'm naming names.
15:06Well, it might not work, but I've got to try something.
15:09I'm sorting it.
15:10No, I am.
15:11There's no time.
15:12Where are you at? There's no time.
15:14Just, just don't say anything, OK?
15:16OK, I've got to go. I'll see you later.
15:18No, wait, Shona!
15:29Hi, this is Shona. Leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
15:49I'm so sorry.
15:52The one you made yourself.
15:54That's all that matters at the end of the day.
15:59You, me, Max and Lily.
16:02The kids we make.
16:05That's the only thing that matters.
16:11I might not have been the best person in this family, Stephen aside,
16:14but, do you know what? I forgive him.
16:17I forgive everyone for everything they've ever done
16:20and I hope one day...'ll forgive me for what I've done.
16:40The person you are calling is unable to take your call.
16:43Please leave your message after the tone.
16:45Oh, it's me.
16:47I'm turning my locations on so you know where to find me.
16:51You know what to do.
16:53So just make it as quick and as painless as you can.
16:58Erm, I don't want to suffer any more than what I have to.
17:01And, er, yeah, don't miss.
17:40You have one new voice message.
17:44Shona, please don't do this.
17:46I'm sorting it, all right?
17:52..I love you.
17:54That's all. I love you.
18:16David, what have you done?
18:18Nothing. Everything.
18:20I've sorted it.
18:22Sorted what? What are you on about?
18:24It doesn't matter. It's just everything's going to be fine.
18:27Right, OK, well, just listen, all right? I'm leaving the prison now.
18:30He won't let me see him without making a stupid appointment.
18:32And anyway, he's already on his way to Durham, so...
18:34Where are you?
18:35Vicky Gardens.
18:37Right, OK, I'm heading home now.
18:39Don't bother. It's too late.
18:41What are you talking about?
18:50It's got to be...
19:01The one you make yourself.
19:04That's all that matters at the end of the day.
19:10You, me, Max and Lily.
19:17Lily, tell him.
19:42Is there our love?
19:50Oh. Nice to see you too.
19:53Hey, I've been calling and messaging you.
19:55I said I was on the way back. Yeah, I've been going off my head.
19:58I'm fine. It's not about you.
20:00I am the father, aren't I?
20:02Yeah, yeah, I'm calling him, calling him. No, no, no, shh. Sorry.
20:05You said that I was the father.
20:08Daniel. Yes or no, Daisy?
20:11I've told you. Do you have proof?
20:14Daniel, I don't... Look, he knows something.
20:16Well, you know what she told me last night.
20:19Tell me, Daisy.
20:21Swear on that baby's life... I the father?
20:47This is David. You know what to do, so do it.
20:50He would have come out sooner or later.
20:52You are the one who told him he was the father
20:54and you are the one who made me go along with it for his money.
20:57To pay back what you stole from Carla.
20:59I thought he was right all along. Daniel, listen... Don't.
21:02Well, you've only got yourself to blame.
22:22Oh! Oh!
22:24David! David, help, please!
22:26He's bleeding! He's bleeding!
22:28Quick, will somebody help me, please?
22:35Right, RTC, Rosemary Street.
22:37Two, three green calling in to need a medical assistant.
22:41Don't move her, don't move her.
22:43She's breathing, she's breathing.
22:45She might have broken her back, the baby.
22:48Get an ambulance, they're on their way.
22:50We need an ambulance!
22:52Someone help, please!
22:54David, I can't stop the bleeding.
22:57Ambulance, please.
22:59He won't stop!
23:01He won't stop bleeding!
23:03Here's my brother.
23:05That's Rosemary Street.
23:07I'm on to him now.
23:09Sarah, Sarah, I'm on to him now.
23:11What about Asher?
23:13I'm going to try Asher.
23:15He won't stop.
23:17Come on, please, please.
23:19He'll be OK.
23:21He won't stop, though, he won't stop bleeding.
23:24He won't stop.
23:26Where's the ambulance?
23:28Please, David, stay with me.
23:30It's going to be all right, it's going to be OK.
23:33He won't stop, he's losing...
23:35He's losing so much blood!
23:50Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
23:53Right, I'm going to call the police.
23:55Don't, don't, you're drunk.
23:57It's what he wanted.
23:59It's what David wanted.
24:02Is she going to be all right, please?
24:04Hey, hey, hey.
24:06She's a paramedic.
24:10David. David.
24:12I don't know what I'm doing. I only started last week
24:14and the doctor's out on a call.
24:16He's lost so much blood and we tried to stop it and it kept coming out.
24:19OK, that's great, thank you.
24:21You've done great, OK?
24:23Ambulance on its way, yeah? Yeah.
24:26It's all right, it's all right.
24:28Just make it as quick and as painless as you can, yeah?
24:32I don't want to suffer any more than what I have to.
24:35And, er, yeah, don't miss.
24:41You'll only make it worse for him.
24:43I don't know whether you want to stop it,
24:45just leave me to it.
24:47This is going to be all right, please.
24:49Hey, hey, hey.
24:51It's all right, it's all right.
24:53I'm here.
24:55David, don't, we don't know anything.
24:57David, don't, don't.
24:59It won't be long. I'm going to stop it.
25:01Stay still. Where's it hurt?
25:03Shona, Shona.
25:05OK, I just need you to let me take over now, OK?
25:07It wouldn't stop. It wouldn't stop.
25:09OK, Kit's managed to make it stop now, hasn't he?
25:11You've done everything you can, but I need to take over now, OK?
25:15OK, come slowly.
25:17OK, do you know what David's blood type is?
25:19No. No, I don't.
25:21It's all right, it's all right, we'll find out.
25:23We'll find out, we'll find out. We'll be all right.
25:25It's all right.
25:29Still losing blood. Swabs. More pressure.
25:33Lost output. He's gone into PEA.
25:35Still no output.
25:37A systole. Let's start chest compressions.
25:59Oh, I just...
26:01I just don't know what...
26:03I don't know what I'd do if...
26:07But he's my baby brother.
26:09I know.
26:11All right, well, you wouldn't want us sitting around
26:13worrying about him, would you, like you say?
26:15No. No.
26:17Anyway, erm...
26:19Yeah, I'm fine, I'm OK.
26:23Gran and Nick
26:25are on their way over, so,
26:27yeah, we'll just head to the hospital
26:29and see how things are. Yeah.
26:33Would you do me a favour?
26:35Would you just check in on Lily?
26:37I'm just going to get some things together,
26:39get some stuff for David. Yeah, of course.
27:08Can I see him? Erm, not yet.
27:10How is he? He's lost a lot of blood.
27:12Right, well, you can give him more, though, can't you?
27:14Yeah, they're giving him a transfusion right now.
27:16OK, OK. Look, they're a little bit concerned about his artery.
27:18Right. So they've taken him into theatre
27:20and they're going to try and fix it there.
27:22All right, this is bad, isn't it? Look, no.
27:24Shaun, they lost him before, innit?
27:26Oh, my God. What? What?
27:28But he's all right. He's all right, OK?
27:30He's in the best place he can be.
27:32Yeah, and we'll know more soon, OK?
27:35Do you want me to call anyone for you?
27:37Call? What, our family? No, they'll be here soon enough.
27:40Do you want me to stay with you till they get here?
27:42No, I'm sure you've got loads to do.
27:44No. Yeah, then, please, that'd be really nice.
27:49Asha. Yes?
27:51I don't know what I'll do if I lose him.
27:53You're not going to.
27:55You'll be all right, I promise, OK?
27:58Oh, sweetheart. Is there any news?
28:01No, I just think he's in surgery.
28:03Yeah, he could be in there for some time.
28:05Yeah, I think we should probably just get over there anyway,
28:08you know, be there for Shona.
28:10And is David going to be all right?
28:12Yeah, yeah, he's going to be fine, I know it.
28:15Oh, please, look, can I just sit down for a minute?
28:18Of course you can, Ben.
28:21I can't believe it.
28:22I mean, only a few hours ago I was talking with him.
28:28How did he seem to you?
28:30He did seem a bit odd, actually.
28:32In what way?
28:33Well, not quite like himself.
28:38In fact...
28:41..he asked me about the time that I tried to take my life.
28:46He said he was worried about Max.
28:49Oh! Sarah, lovey.
28:52Sorry, Gwen, I'm going to try and keep my voice down cos of Lily
28:55and I didn't want to say anything,
28:58but I think he was trying to do the same.
29:04I found a note and it was for Shona.
29:08A note? A suicide note?
29:11That's how it reads.
29:13I think it was an attempt.
29:15I caught up with a bloke who was driving
29:18and he played me a voice message from David and...
29:22..David had planned it, planned all of it.
29:24But why? Money.
29:26I just don't understand any of this.
29:28I think the idea was Shona picks up the life insurance
29:32and pays off Harvey.
29:34Oh, no.
29:44We've got the result of your CT and your head seems to be all OK.
29:48She's a tough little cookie.
29:50You have sustained several breaks of your arm
29:52so we will have to take you into surgery just to pin that back together.
29:55I just want to know if my baby's OK.
29:57Is my baby OK?
30:00Is that the heartbeat?
30:02No, thank God.
30:03Is the baby OK?
30:04It appears so, but we will keep monitoring.
30:07OK, so there's a heartbeat,
30:09but I still think that she could have been hurt in the...
30:11Hey! Hey!
30:12Doctor's just said the baby's all right.
30:14Yes, I heard, but I think that we should...
30:16Hey, come on, now.
30:17Don't start overthinking things, yeah?
30:19I would appreciate you staying out of this.
30:22I'll give you a moment.
30:24There should be a porter on the way just to take you into the theatre.
30:27Thanks, Doctor.
30:31Can I, um...
30:34Can I get you anything?
30:38Right, well...
30:40Where are you going?
30:42To let Kate know that the baby's OK.
30:45No, I don't want him telling.
30:47It's his baby.
30:51I know.
30:52I know.
30:53I know that, biologically, it is his.
30:55But I didn't want him to be the dad.
30:57I wanted it to be you.
30:59You can't just decide that and then it happens.
31:03I don't want anything to do with him.
31:05I just want you.
31:07And, Daniel, after everything that we've been through,
31:09we can get through this.
31:10I know that we can.
31:11We can. We can get through it.
31:13Sorry, but they're here to meet you in the theatre.
31:15Doctor, can you please put my boyfriend down?
31:17It's next to Kim.
31:18He's my baby's father.
31:20Of course.
31:22I'm sorry.
31:24I was just trying to do what was best.
31:27For who?
31:31I love you.
31:35I'm with you.
31:37Kesha, no.
31:53Oh, I can't believe that.
31:57Can you imagine being so desperate for money that it...
32:00Well, no, but...
32:01Shona's going to be devastated when she finds out.
32:04Oh, totally.
32:05Poor Shona.
32:07Look, maybe...
32:09Maybe she doesn't have to find out.
32:12No, you can't keep it from her.
32:14Well, I mean, she's been through enough today, hasn't she?
32:17I mean, this on top of everything.
32:19She needs to know, Sarah. Come on.
32:21Maybe, but...
32:23not today.
32:24Yeah, maybe we should just talk to David.
32:26Yeah, but...
32:27But, yeah, no, you're right, yeah.
32:29We'll talk to David when he's recovered.
32:31When he's up and about.
32:33Right, well, perhaps we should be making tracks, eh?
32:37Right, well, perhaps we should be making tracks, eh?
33:01Come in.
33:07I'd offer to get you a beer, but I'm not the best.
33:10Get you a bottle, or...
33:12you can wait for Glenda.
33:13Nang fire.
33:16No, I'll get it myself.
33:17I fancy something stronger.
33:19I fancy something stronger.
33:35It's you that I've come to see.
33:43Daisy and the baby are both fine, by the way.
33:49You relieved?
33:51About Daisy.
33:53And the baby?
33:56You don't sound it to me.
33:58No? No.
33:59Well, to be honest with you, I don't know what I'm supposed to feel.
34:05You're not supposed to feel anything, you just...
34:12You just feel something.
34:13Yeah, I know that, but I don't know what it is.
34:16I don't know what I'm feeling.
34:19I suppose I'm just looking after myself, I don't know.
34:27The baby is yours.
34:30Is it, though?
34:35I think so.
34:40To be honest, I thought I'd...
34:43I thought I'd got my head round it being yours.
34:46But it's not.
34:49It's not like we planned it or anything.
34:54You know, Daisy knew what she was doing, I didn't.
34:57I just... I thought we was having a bit of fun, not making a family.
35:06I know. Yeah, I know.
35:11To be honest, I haven't got the headspace for this, so...
35:13Well, I suggest that you make some space.
35:21Anyway, I just thought you should know.
35:26I'm going to get back there.
35:28OK, mate.
35:34Are you coming?
35:37I'll see how it goes.
35:46Oh, she was great.
35:47Yeah, I know she was. She was great.
35:49The accident.
35:52And Kit?
35:53Kit was brilliant.
35:54Yeah, so were you.
35:55You were really great.
35:56And everyone.
35:57Yeah, everyone.
35:58I mean, if it wasn't for that, then...
36:01David might not be here.
36:05You know, they lost him for a minute, apparently.
36:07Well, they managed to get him back.
36:14Well, David's still there, apparently,
36:15when they managed to get him back, so...
36:17He was going at some speed.
36:19You know, whoever was driving that car.
36:23Yeah, there must have been, I suppose.
36:25What was he thinking?
36:26Well, they were drunk.
36:28No. Do you know?
36:30I don't. I just, er...
36:32Well, there must have been.
36:33Right, well, you ran after him, didn't you?
36:36You chased after him?
36:37Yeah, yeah, yeah.
36:38But you didn't catch him?
36:39No, no, they gave me the slip, so.
36:40Right, well, I'm sure he'll get caught soon enough.
36:43David was drunk, too, and all, wasn't he?
36:46Well, I'm not saying, obviously, that it was his fault.
36:52You know what's weird?
36:54I had a feeling something bad was gonna happen.
36:56How do you mean?
36:57Well, we spoke on the phone,
37:00and I told him I'd been to see them, you know, at the prison,
37:03Max's prison, and he said he was sorting it,
37:05that it was all gonna be OK,
37:07and anything that I was trying to do to help, there was no time,
37:11and I didn't understand what he meant by no time.
37:16Do you think Harvey's got something to do with it?
37:18Him getting run over?
37:20Like, do you think David made an arrangement or something?
37:22An arrangement?
37:23Well, yeah, yeah, you know, like, arranged to meet someone
37:25and Harvey found out, and then ordered him to get run over.
37:28Right, innit? I mean, it's a bit far-fetched, innit?
37:31Well, it's a bit of a coincidence, though, innit?
37:33And why would he say, no time?
37:34Yeah, yeah, it just seemed a bit odd, I suppose.
37:38How do you feel David's, er... coping recently?
37:42What do you mean?
37:44Well, he's been under a lot of pressure, you know,
37:46and he just doesn't seem himself.
37:49Are you seriously trying to suggest
37:50that he threw himself in front of that car?
37:52Oh, no, no, of course not, my love.
37:54I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, honestly.
37:56It's just that I'm trying to see through it all.
37:58No, he wouldn't do that, all right? He wouldn't do that to me.
38:01He wouldn't do that to Max and Lily, he just wouldn't.
38:03No, of course not.
38:05I mean, you know, he even threw Daisy out of the way, didn't he?
38:09He's practically a hero.
38:13What's taking so long? I need to see him.
38:15Yeah, all right, I'll go and find somebody.
38:17No, I'll go.
38:18It's better than just standing here doing nothing.
38:24Well, I still think she should know the truth.
38:27Yeah, I thought that's where you were heading.
38:30She didn't want to hear, though.
38:33She's got a lot on her plate, hasn't she?
38:36She's trying to protect herself.
38:39And David.
38:48Did she know about you?
38:50No. Did you manage to speak to Kit?
38:53I did.
38:57We've all got a lot to process at the moment, haven't we?
39:03Ooh, er, is she all right?
39:05I just need to have a word in private.
39:07Why's that?
39:08If you don't mind.
39:32How is he?
39:33Well, he's out of surgery and...
39:37apparently it went well, so...
39:39He's going to be all right?
39:41Yeah, the hope was.
39:43Well, that's a relief.
39:46How's Lily doing?
39:47Yeah, I mean, she told me that she was scared
39:50and we talked about feeling anxious and how that's OK,
39:52but, I mean, this news is going to, you know, make all that better,
39:55so should I go and get her?
39:57Yeah. OK.
39:58So, should I go and get her?
40:00Yeah. OK.
40:11We all know we're going to die.
40:14We're the only thing on Earth that knows this,
40:16but somehow we pretend like it won't actually happen to us.
40:22It will for me.
40:29I know I will die today.
40:37Family is everything.
40:40The one you were born into.
40:44For good or for bad, and...
40:47the one you make yourself.
40:54That's all that matters at the end of the day.
41:07Daniel, what is it?
41:10They've, um...
41:11They've fixed her arm.
41:16But when they were moving her off the operating table,
41:18they noticed blood.
41:21So, because of the accident, they think that she's...
41:24She's got a, um... abruption, she called it, in her placenta.
41:32Kind of like a bruise, she said.
41:34She's been bleeding between the uterus and the placenta.
41:40They think that'll be 100%.
41:44But they think she might have lost the baby.
41:49They won't know for sure until they do another ultrasound.
41:56She'll be frightened all night.
41:57We can't tell her.
42:00She's just going to be anxious, isn't she?
42:06No, we wait.
42:08See what tomorrow brings.
42:22You, me, Max and Lily.
42:30The kids we make...
42:33..are the only thing that matters.
42:52I forgive everyone for everything they've ever done,
42:54and I hope, one day, all of you...'ll forgive me for what I've done.