Summer House - Season 9 Episode 2 -
The Steaks Are High
The Steaks Are High
00:31Are you guys single yes
00:34Is it just me or Lexi's like really pretty are you gonna drop the L bomb before the end of the weekend like she seems
00:40Like an amazing person like I love her
00:45How you doing good hi, I'll take one I'd see me a long summer Kyle. I tried to hug her and she slapped my arm away
00:50Oh really yeah
00:53We're still in the aftermath of it ending because he keeps doing
00:56Press run in his mouth, and so I'm just like you're kind of like a little bitch boy
01:06Is this all of us well Carl's coming tomorrow
01:10Obviously Carl doesn't know if it does you imagine. It's similar to all of you guys. Well. He just found out. Oh
01:16I posted
01:17Hello guys Carl's here. Oh, I see him walking through the house
01:39How's it going all these faces I see
01:45We got in here, I'm always hungry hey
02:04I don't blame him for not saying hi to me at all like I actually
02:10Don't care how about that ride in huh I mean
02:15Butterflies coming out here
02:18Gives all the feels I am done with that relationship
02:21And his feelings and emotions are just not my issue anymore
02:26So he can lean on somebody else for softness and tenderness and tighter hugs
02:39I don't think so should I make an announcement?
02:44Did you know she's pregnant with another man's baby
02:48You said hi that means yeah, yeah when the timing's right, I want to congratulate her, but I don't want to make her uncomfortable
02:55Dude, it's like
02:57She's like pregnant pregnant. Yeah, I
03:00Want to say the right thing and I want to deliver like the right words and just acknowledge it
03:04I think it's the right thing to do to just say something
03:06But I'm afraid she's gonna bust out a bunch of shit that she's angry about
03:10There's a lot of feelings and emotions. We were friends before this. I was in love with her
03:14I wanted to get married. It wasn't right. So like I have a lot of like I got my armor up
03:20Even though she doesn't seemingly give a shit anymore, but I still think she does
03:24We're gonna Union Bar just the boys just like peace out. Yeah. All right. Let's get ready. We're leaving in 20
03:30So I'm hopping in the shower
03:32I'm gonna shower and then you can go after yeah
03:39Oh, she's housing so awesome, but it is
03:50Mean she's got a juicy booty
04:03I'm on a strange. He is think I have to pee again. This is so stupid. Do you like my outfit?
04:08No, I love your outfit. Enjoy
04:11Okay, you're little Terry cloth boy
04:16Are we going hunting it's not fun pants summer. It's fun top summer this year. Do you think this is a fun top for you?
04:27Settle down boys
04:32Awesome should we go? All right, I'm gonna drive Amanda. What if we round and laid on the couch?
04:38Call you driving the wagon here. Yes, sir. I
04:43Already feel the good vibes of the boys, dude
04:45If it makes you feel any better about an awkward intro with Lindsay
04:48I want to give Sierra a hug when she got here. She can stiff arm my arms away
04:58Swat yeah, she dominated them. It's been a day and it's already been like the gas or something this morning and she was kind of
05:04I wasn't sure if I should just like right away at the pool just like say something
05:08But I didn't know you did the right thing. I think just giving a little
05:11Space I kind of agreed not to do it in front of everybody the second you get there almost feels like you're chomping at the
05:16Bits. Yeah
05:18You can tell Carl was like nervous. Do you think he's noticed the massive baby?
05:24The weirdest thing to me though. Is that like because Lindsay is pregnant. I feel like we are all pregnant
05:32Have to get my shit together now. Oh my wait. Should I get my taxes in order?
05:36It's not a call my accountant. Maybe I should move to South Carolina. What am I doing?
05:41Lindsay's pregnancy is actually giving me anxiety
05:45Let's just put it in perspective
05:47Craig and I started dating then Lindsay and Carl started dating then they got engaged then they planned a wedding then they called off a
05:53Wedding we are supposed to be married in two and a half months
05:56I'm not ready to do that. Then she got a new boyfriend then she got pregnant
06:00And I'm still dating Craig and so I'm feeling like I'm feeling stressed that I have to have a baby and I don't want to do it
06:10Oh, it's right here, huh? Damn
06:13You want to eat now or you want to drink for a bit first? You guys ate old hibachi
06:18I have not eaten since small eggs similar to his relationship is less than 24 hours old. Oh, that's what we were
06:24Oh, yeah
06:26Verbatim did put this on a t-shirt Jesse today goes I can't believe
06:31We're gonna go two summers in a row where we're not single together. Hey, he's in a relationship. I accidentally said
06:37I don't know if she clocked it. Well, I'd like to introduce you to the love of my life Lexi
06:43See how quick he's jumping to conclusions. I love it
06:47I guess I wasn't expecting him to hit the gas like this
06:49But it also like doesn't surprise me at all. And even though it's so cliche
06:54He always talks about how now being five years cancer-free you can start looking forward way more than rearview
07:00I think that would be freeing for anyone. I just obviously I'm kind of like you sure you want to do that
07:07What would Jesse tell them?
07:20Yeah, no, I think he's cute and like obviously it's our second day so it's like we haven't dove deep but so far
07:26I'm like a little bit shocked that the vibes are like immediately there
07:31Like I don't like to be like touched that much unless I think somebody's cute
07:35So it's interesting that I'm like, do you want to give me another hug? My parents have been together for 37 years
07:43Crazy they got married when they were 21 and so seeing their love and how they have that foundation
07:50That's so sturdy
07:52It has just been the biggest
07:54Blessing to see and sometimes the biggest curse because now I have such an amazing view of love that I'm like, damn
08:02How the heck am I ever gonna find that?
08:07I'm your
08:09supporter I
08:10Can't tell you the last time I felt excited like this. I
08:14Know it's wild right happy for you. I mean, it's definitely scary
08:20Why Jesse? I mean listen, I've been single for a long time
08:25Have you?
08:28Fast 24 hours of any relationship. I've ever seen my family's texture since we've been I don't have her number yet
08:38Did do you ever when we were in the car? Yeah, I said I wish I had your number right about now
08:49To my last night as a single man, you're insane
08:53No, but you guys know I'm being silly. No. Yeah, we do
08:57But also kind of
09:02Coming up
09:07Hey, Lindsey, hey Carl
09:16I'm going to my bed. I'm down for that
09:22Okay, wait so
09:24Bailey I know that you're like talking to somebody in the city. Yeah, but you aren't sure where things are
09:28Yeah, I just think I mean, I'm gonna like keep it. He's coming to the party. Well, we don't know now
09:33What do you mean now? Why isn't he coming? I don't know. He like sent some like weird message
09:39He just was like, I'm sorry. I have a lot of work to do. I
09:43Met this guy and we went on a couple dates and he is such a beautiful man
09:48I'm went into this with no expectations
09:50But I also don't need you give me attitude if I'm having a good time and I'm like not on my phone like what do
09:55You think I'm doing? I said, let's just see how this goes. Let's not put a label on it
10:00Maybe he could have been like intimidated. There's other guys in the house. I don't know
10:03I don't know how I'm gonna operate but they're not operating very well
10:06It seems like she's in a relationship, but she doesn't say that she's a relationship
10:12I'm gonna go shower. Yeah. All right. See you soon. Bye. Bye
10:16These young girls got me
10:19Spinning in circles. No, they're not drunk, you know boy drama
10:26Lexi's under number
10:31How are you good, why'd you FaceTime me I just wanted to see your face ah
10:38So sweet of you, oh my god, do you miss me I
10:44Mean I didn't say that but yes
10:47We'll be we'll be home in 10 or 15, okay, I'll see you soon
11:21Downstairs could literally be on fire. I wouldn't care
11:25Would not give a so can't you say something? I was so weird. I like Carl didn't like say anything
11:44Carl coming back to the house is a choice
11:47That I would not have made but to be fair. I'm questioning Lindsay a little bit, too
11:52I think both of them need to be checked out because yeah, we're gonna get married
11:59Nine months ago, but we're gonna be in the same house again
12:04You good forever. That's not my business. All right. Love you
12:11Wait, I'm kind of slimy my moisturizer on me. Slimey up
12:19Wait, where are you going? Nope, bye
12:23How's your voice? I'm good. I'm a little drunk. Are you is that shocking? No
12:33Carl did you get a state for each of us? Oh my god. Do you see how much meat that is?
12:38It's a lot. Yo, it gets bigger as you go down
12:40Men in there me
12:42Gonna come here now
12:44Sure, I was getting ready
12:47What's the J and J stand for?
12:50My best friend passed away a year ago. Oh, I'm sorry. Okay, so his name was Jeremy
12:56So I wear J on my neck
13:00Are you doing? Okay. Yeah, I think it was hard like when it first happened for like a while
13:06but I also know that like if I
13:09didn't like
13:10Just be myself and like be happy
13:12He would be really pissed off at me
13:15And like his family's amazing and like I talked to them a lot and like so it still kind of feels like he's like around
13:22And I don't know if you like believe in like signs and stuff, but I feel like he like dropped signs all the time
13:29Jeremy and I were friends since I was 15
13:32he was a model and
13:35He was like there was a spotlight on him. So charismatic and so charming and he was fearless
13:40Like I was kind of like bullied in school. So I was always more reserved and he'd be like you are Lexi what?
13:46go for it and
13:51Have never experienced
13:54That sort of like heartbreak losing somebody that was the closest person to me other than my like family
14:00shattered me I
14:02just felt like
14:05Empty for a very long time. I think that's also why I love so loudly, especially now because
14:12When you realize how fast life can come and go it makes you really want to fully dive into every
14:19Emotion and love is like the best thing ever. So
14:23I'm pretty spiritual. Yeah, I just take your cancer. Okay twice
14:30The first time was just like a quick easy surgery. I was fine like a week later and
14:37the second time I
14:41Had four rounds of chemo and
14:46Dominated that shit. Yeah, you did. Yeah, I did and
14:53Obviously, it was like a time in my life, but it was also like the best thing that ever happened to me
14:57How old were you
14:5924 the first time and 25 the second time
15:04Just put a lot of things in perspective
15:07I'm glad that you're here. Me too really suck. I wasn't make out about it
15:36Lindsay, all right
15:40How is brunch lunch
15:42There's again this kid Jesse's a maniac. He's in a relationship after 24 hours. Like is this what happens when you're six five?
15:49Hey, it works for some it's worked for me for many years
15:53I'm you still salting what's going on over here? I'm
15:57Garlicking you need help. Can you guys help me wrap this meat?
16:00I'm gonna take this out though, cuz this is gonna be a stinky boy. We can probably throw this away
16:32Just wanted to congratulate you
16:34Thank you, I
16:36Sorry, I didn't get a chance to say anything earlier. I just
16:39Wait a second big group setting. Yeah
16:44You're nervous
16:46Yeah a little nervous, but I genuinely I'm just I'm happy for you
17:01Sorry, I didn't get a chance to say anything earlier. Yeah. Well, I
17:05appreciate that
17:07in all fairness, I
17:09Did stay on the basketball courts last summer who knows where I'll be this summer who knows what's gonna happen next summer
17:15I might be pregnant in first grad
17:18And here we are
17:21Here you are, but thank you you're welcome. I appreciate that. Of course
17:30Gotta be eavesdropping while you're pretending to do speaker stuff
17:37Coming up
17:38Weston Sierra can't make eye contact and now I won't what do you think about his hairdo these days?
17:45It sucks
18:00What are you doing? Never mind, I don't know. How's your girlfriend? She's good
18:08We had to talk they did not yeah, you did not it's pretty serious not like
18:24Is it him yeah
18:30In December, I was having like a lot of family issues
18:34Ended up not spending Christmas with any of my family
18:37I went to Costa Rica and I expressed some of this to West
18:41he was my person to talk about those things with and then you go and put it in an
18:48Article that like you didn't feel like we were each other's people
18:53So that was really hurtful
19:03Clear the air you spoke. I just congratulated her and just said I'm happy for you. I genuinely am of course I
19:11Feel so much better
19:13Because I said what I wanted to say
19:15It felt genuine. It seemed like she received it now
19:19I'm guessing I was beat red and shaking Carl still and will continue to be terrified of me
19:24So he's gonna be walking on eggshells around me all summer
19:28Feeling like okay, that's behind me now and now I can really go help myself
19:32Like I actually like the door is closed for me. On the other hand. I just don't care if he's there or not. I've
19:43Emotionally mentally moved on
19:46can't get caught up in like
19:48this guy
19:51I'm gonna finish getting ready for this dinner. Carl's getting started on the grill
20:03I look crazy
20:08It is corn o'clock
20:14How are you buddy?
20:16Oh my god, I think dinner is almost there Jesse, right? Yeah, I'll go check on the ladies
20:30Do you want me to help you? Do you have anything else I can fix that?
20:34Dinner's ready. Okay
20:37Are you good? Yeah
20:39You seem like quiet. I'm just like whatever. I'm trying to figure it out. Like I'm just assessing
20:45Yeah, those are cute shoes
20:47cute shoes, I
20:49Want to have fun?
20:51But I want to be respectful first, and if that means shutting up for a weekend
20:57I guess that's kind of what it is
20:59Whatever went down between the two of you and I still don't know the full story
21:03She got hurt in the process 100% and she got hurt because of your actions or inactions, right? So
21:12Just be like look I just want to get on the same page so that we can both enjoy our summer just before yeah
21:19no, that's
21:22Pretty straightforward and pretty cool, which is crazy that you're giving me advice right now in a house with your ex-fiance
21:30Surf and turf by Radke, maybe I'll sit across from you to change it up. Where the heck is everybody?
21:37Yeah, it's honestly rude guys leave it to me. It's actually really unfortunate that you're downstairs
21:48Please report to the dining room dinner is sir
21:55Who the gave you a microphone I spent $400 on this Carl. Thank you very little
22:08Milk in training. It's a cat call that I haven't heard
22:12Girls, you're great. We're missing a member West decided. He's gonna leave the house. Oh
22:21Right here. Oh, hey, let's see. Thank you. You're welcome. Wait, I'm trying to be sorry Kyle
22:29Kyle it's not how you do it. It's not he doesn't with his finger. You know what we're doing it. We're doing it
22:37It's not elbow bag
22:40God, I love a family dinner meet you. It's been good guys all day today
22:44We had a great girls afternoon. We did. What'd you guys do?
22:47We talked about you the whole time had tip to Carl because when you take this type of burden on
22:53It can go one of two ways failure Cheers. Thank you Carl for dinner
23:01Cheers to
23:03Honestly how mature we are
23:07It's like a little bit awkward, but it's not like super awkward
23:19It's only Friday, yeah, we're only 24 hours
23:25Kyle's like what's awkward? They're sitting across from each other, which is cool. Carl and Lindsey still on opposite sides of the table
23:31What's this Sierra can't make eye contact and that's
23:37What do you think what his hair do these days it sucks
23:48Because people like try to be nice and then they put out a lot of press about but I think like you can keep the
23:54Same energy as your articles and like especially your last New York Times article wine
24:07What about a saying a text of a warning like
24:09Hey guys, I'm gonna mess with you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You know, I'm sitting here
24:13I'm like, oh, you're gonna get me in the face right now
24:15but I'm like, I'm gonna mess with your man, man
24:17I'm like, I told you guys I'm gonna mess with you. I'm gonna make you feel like some what my man
24:22You know, like I'm like I'm gonna like throw you a guy's you know, like I'm not even gonna mess with you
24:27You know, I'm gonna mess with you
24:29text of a warning like you're gonna drop another New York Times article saying
24:33like oh actually I didn't like her and I should have just said that at the
24:37reunion because then that would have read better as opposed to like what I
24:40said at the reunion I think that was such a beta ass move okay you got a
24:48conversation if you want to we are having a conversation are you saying a
24:53conversation privately yeah a lot so officially I can't would like to win
25:01this time oh sorry sorry you love it we're such a close-knit family okay
25:14obviously like we met up after the reunion I feel like that was like fine
25:18and settled we could have been good I've been so respectful I feel like I don't
25:22think so you care so much about the perception of everything meanwhile like
25:26how embarrassing that you publish an article to reiterate the fact that you
25:30don't like me anymore I mean if you don't feel the same way let a bitch know
25:36I'll be done with it but it's just like like that's so weak that's not a bitch
25:41ass move that's not what I meant for that to be all right well you're a loser
25:47anyway so as I'm talking I'm getting even more pissed because now you're
25:55saying nothing you didn't think to come a little bit prepared based on the press
25:59that you were doing like I literally have nothing to work with definitely
26:04doesn't feel like a lot of progress I feel like we might have regressed that
26:09wasn't that intensive a dinner we've had more intense dinners than that like come
26:13on no literally Lindsey and Carl were engaged last year and she's pregnant no
26:17and she's like I love the steak yeah so much it was although my tummy I have to
26:23take a shit and I don't often I'm constipated a lot because I'm pregnant
26:28the first time in a month no you should go don't miss that opportunity okay I'll
26:34be back should we clean up and then play some music yeah before we go out
26:46you know you don't have the full the place but you just wanted I'll just let
26:50you do whatever you need to do origami thank you Sierra
26:56you've helped out immensely I can take it from here you're way too dressed up
27:02girl you don't have to tell me twice
27:06girls come in I could feel how much it took for her to say that you just going
27:15silent is I'm not gonna like fight with her in front of people look I get it I
27:19don't handle conflict well I handle it horribly clearly but this silence is
27:24it's not gonna make it go away at this point I'm not here to tell anyone how to
27:29like feel or how to react to something but I know I'm not like some evil dude
27:34who like tried to like ruin Sierra's life after the reunion all the backlash
27:39I was alone for all of that I was freaked out and like in panic mode
27:43someone asked me if I wanted to defend myself and I said yes and I thought it
27:46was relatively gentle of an article but she read it and I guess it didn't didn't
27:52land the same I think that was great I think so too I think that it was like a
27:58got it done there's nothing I love more than watching a man squirm let's get a
28:04drink ladies and gentlemen report to the awkward dance floor you guys want to
28:12pregame and go out
28:17hey Kyle can you hear me okay yes no I'm such a bitter bitch
28:26oh he was apparently at lunch he was talking about Lexi the whole time he was
28:35like it's crazy that like I was single last year and this year I'm not it's
28:38been 24 hours I know you nutjob I can't face it it's too fire
28:48it's time to go
28:56you guys want a peck?
29:00we look like a sorority
29:02we are
29:10we went sugarcoated for an hour and left
29:14ooh it's chilly in here
29:18I'm so tired
29:20I'm starving though
29:22I know back at it like we never left
29:25make the mac and cheese and make the taquitos
29:29I think we need some french toast sticks
29:36obviously we didn't do anything for the first half of the day but the second
29:39half really wore me out yeah
29:42this smells like farts in this fridge already
29:45this is definitely me being toxic but like
29:48this shit burned me inside
29:50I just cursed you out I just made a whole scene
29:54let's make out
29:56you could literally only say this to me
29:59but I so f***ing get it
30:03like do you think that I don't want to hug you and say like it's gonna be fine
30:07and be as friendly as we were last summer because my gut reaction is to be
30:13that way towards him but at this point I can't figure out if West cares and like
30:18genuinely feels bad or if he's just like concerned with how he's gonna look again
30:24When you get a little older
30:26You get a little bolder
30:28At least I know who that is
30:32I think I could just get into f***ing Lexi's bed right now
30:35I did that last year but I've never done it on the second day
30:39Go drown
30:40I could just go barge in there and curse me
30:43Yo, here's mine
30:45You're gonna curse me
30:47No I'm not
30:49You're gonna curse me
30:51No I'm not
30:52You're gonna curse me
30:56Oh you and your voicemail is so cute
30:59Oh, hey
31:01Didn't mean to ruin your voicemail
31:03Very nice
31:05Even more
31:16Oh my god
31:19Sorry, I can't stop yawning
31:21I was, you know, I was kind of proud of like Lindsay and Carl being able to be
31:25at our table just like all of the past, our history, like their history
31:32It made me happy like, you know, I feel like sometimes I feel like as a group we get
31:37so dysfunctional that it like takes away from, you know, what the summer's all about
31:43You know?
31:45It's weird just because like she's pregnant before us
31:51No, it's not weird
31:53If Carl and Lindsay had gotten married, I had a very, very strong feeling that they
31:59would have gotten pregnant before us also
32:01I agree
32:02There was a time when I thought I'd be pregnant by 25
32:05When you're 19, 25 sounds great
32:08When you're 25, having kids by 30 sounds great
32:11When you're 30, you realize you're still a baby
32:14I'm also focused on my mental health
32:17I'm taking different medications, some you can't get pregnant on, some you can
32:21And I'm more focused on finding a medication that works for me than finding one that
32:26I can take if and when I become pregnant, possibly
32:31I'm not normally that selfish, but the new Amanda is
32:37Give me a kiss, let's go
32:40How are you?
32:41Good morning, happy 4th of July
32:44How are you?
32:47Alright, I have to go to CVS to get a few things
32:50Should I come back with bagels for everybody?
32:52Oh my god, that might be magical
32:54I think that's the move
32:56When we were at dinner last night, I don't know why, I thought it was so funny when Lindsay
33:00was like, thanks for dinner Carl
33:02Cheers, thank you Carl for dinner
33:04Carl, Carl, cheers
33:07Thanks for dinner, ex almost husband
33:09You'd have to drug me to say anything to someone that I used to be engaged to
33:17No, heavy narcotics
33:19Oh my god
33:20How are you feeling?
33:21No, I said what I needed to say, and honestly, I mean I'm fine, I don't know how he feels
33:28He doesn't ever say anything
33:29Yeah, that's the thing, I don't get that
33:31But legit, and if anybody said my hair looked bad, I'd do this too
33:34I would cry
33:36I would start crying
33:37I'm so pissed
33:40Lindsay, have you started buying pregnancy clothes yet, or are you just managing to wear what you've had?
33:47Great question, like clothes for me, right?
33:53I don't know
33:54I went to the club last night
33:56You did
33:57And I'm all foggy this morning
33:59Good morning Princess Paige
34:01Good morning Ciara
34:02Good morning
34:03Hey guys
34:04Good morning
34:05What is Kyle doing?
34:08Kyle's making this party happen whether we want it or not
34:11Yeah, let me help him
34:16Are there bagels down here?
34:17No, Carl's not back yet
34:24He's acting like someone just killed his goldfish now
34:27Who's ready to throw down for America's birthday?
34:31How was it in there for you?
34:34I just walked out to see you guys
34:37As awkward as it was last night, I know you're like frustrated
34:40I feel like there's just got to be some opportunity today
34:44Because I don't want you guys to have like this awkward tension, you know?
34:47I don't want to have a conversation with Ciara
34:49I'm scared
34:51But like I could go into any room last summer I wanted to
34:54Kick the door down, walk in
34:56And now it's like not that way
34:57And I don't want to feel this way this summer at all
35:14Good morning
35:17Thank you Carl
35:18Yes, thank you Carl for getting bagels
35:21You're welcome
35:22Hey Wes
35:23I was going to bring you out a sandwich, if you want one
35:25Can I have one of those?
35:27Can I sit here?
35:28No, it's okay
35:29I'm sitting here
35:30You're there
35:31Sit there
35:32Does everyone have people coming?
35:34I got two, but they're chicks
35:36Everyone I invited is here
35:38Well guys, I am not coming to the party
35:42I'm going to go home and celebrate the big announcement with my boyfriend
35:49It's a really big weekend, yeah
35:51So we're going to do a little date night
35:53I mean the fact that Lindsay's not going to be here for the 4th of July party
35:56I mean, thank God
35:58I can spread my wings
36:00Now I have to worry about being disrespectful
36:02I'm single, I want to meet someone, I want to date
36:05Like, yeah, I mean I'm basically starting over again
36:07I'm going to come home with you, but my sister's in town
36:11So you guys are both leaving
36:13Take Kyle while you're at it
36:15So today it's a classic battle of the sexes
36:17The boys are going to have this section over here
36:19Of the lawn
36:21I think you girls have over here
36:23Our guests are going to be voting today on who had the better set up
36:27The boys party or the girls party
36:29Girls, flirt with everyone
36:32I'm going to pack
36:33Okay, I'm coming
36:34Let's start setting up for the party
36:36Come on, Bailey Bailey
36:37Good luck today, guys
36:39Rooting for you
36:40I see Paige's competitive side is coming out
36:42And I genuinely hope that the best team wins
36:46Couldn't have said it better
36:48I'm texting everybody to vote for us
36:57Not the fence
36:58That's just my setting up fence
37:03Hey, baby
37:04What's up?
37:05Just hanging by the pool, missing you
37:07Wow, it looks so frickin' nice there
37:10How's it going?
37:12It's good
37:14It was like a little awkward the first night
37:17Lindsey knew she was pregnant
37:19And then Carl came the next day
37:22Honestly, they were more normal than Sierra and West
37:24She, like, really lit him up
37:26And was like, you're a f****** loser
37:28And your hair looks f****** stupid
37:30Oh, my gosh
37:31Like, do they still like each other?
37:33And that's why they're fighting?
37:35I mean
37:36Oh, they had so much promise
37:39They had so much promise
37:40When are you going to come to the city?
37:42Well, I can't come till next weekend
37:44This week's just really busy
37:47But I was hoping you could sneak away
37:49For like a day or two during the week, maybe
37:51To come to you?
37:55I can't come down this week either
37:57That's a lie
37:59Mark the day, because I'm going to say it
38:01I feel a little bad for Craig
38:03Because I am a completely different person
38:06Than the girl he started dating 3 years ago
38:09I'm busier, I'm not around as much
38:11I've changed my mind on a lot of things
38:14Like marriage and moving and a baby
38:17I'm not going to apologize
38:19That, like, my life got busier
38:21And that, like, I think differently on certain topics
38:23But also, like, I am trying to recognize
38:26That, like, I changed a lot
38:28I'll text you if any good gossip happens
38:31Please do
38:35Coming up
38:37Are you alone?
38:39Love you
38:40Drive safe
38:41Bye, Lanes
38:42Bye, Wes
38:43See ya
38:44Love you, be good
38:46Oh, dude, tell Carl something arrived
38:50I got buns and I got a wiener for you
38:52Thanks, bro
38:53So, wait, this half is ours?
38:55I think this half
38:56Oh, cute!
38:57Where are we going to hang that?
38:59I don't know
39:00I don't know
39:01I don't know
39:02I don't know
39:03I don't know
39:04I don't know
39:05I don't know
39:06I don't know
39:07I don't know
39:08Where are we going to hang that?
39:09We need, like, tape and string and s***
39:12Can you get out of here?
39:14I'm just grabbing a no-knock
39:15And doing a little intel
39:17Scram! Scram!
39:18A little recon
39:20If you ever want to get Kyle away, just squeeze his nipple
39:28Are you alone?
39:30Are you alone?
39:39Is this summer going to be f***ing awful?
39:42I don't think it's f***ing awful
39:45Like, I'm moving forward
39:47But last night, I don't think, felt like you were moved forward at all
39:51Yeah, because I feel like whenever I do say something or I do confront you on something, you're, like, minimal response
39:59You and I really haven't talked since December, January
40:03I thought we kind of had closure and it ended
40:06But the whole reunion was f***ing...
40:10I sounded like an idiot
40:12I'm trying to, like, figure this out day by day
40:14And I'm not the best at it
40:17It could have been completely deaded coming into the house
40:20You're putting out all this press, like, post-reunion
40:23When we could have just left it at the restaurant after we got drinks
40:27Like, you could have left it at that
40:28If I would have known that that's what would have made this more peaceful, then I f***ing would have...
40:34I think I have felt, like, in defense for so long that anytime someone's like, hey, wanna...
40:40Yeah, and that's exactly what I was saying
40:42Like, I feel like you care a lot about what everyone else is saying
40:45Than, like, even respect for the mutual relationship that we had
40:50You're riding the wave so f***ing hard
40:52These people don't know us, they don't know you
40:54When you're up, you're up
40:55When you're down, you're down
40:56They kick you when you're down
40:57Yeah, I'm learning that now
40:59Okay, well...
41:00That's why this is... I'm not... This isn't perfect and I f***ed up
41:05I'm trying to figure this out
41:07I'm apologizing for saying things that have hurt your feelings
41:10I'm not ever trying to f***ing hurt you
41:13It's not my intention
41:14If you know me at all, I think you know that's not what I'm trying to do
41:17And I'm not malicious, I'm not trying to hurt you
41:20Obviously, like, I'm... I'm in the state where I'm, like...
41:24I'm in the state where I'm, like...
41:25I guess I'm getting to know you again in a different light
41:28So it's, like...
41:31I don't think this has to be, like, the tone for the entire summer
41:35I'm not cursing the day you were born
41:39I'm good
41:41I hope, you know, we can be around each other
41:48I think that me and Wes were genuinely friends first
41:52And, like, yeah, made it a lot harder when it ended
41:55Because you are losing, like, you know, someone you want to, like, tell everything to
42:02Yeah, I... I'm sorry
42:05Can I be friends with Wes again?
42:07I don't know
42:08I really don't know what to tell you
42:10Thank you for apologizing
42:14See you out there
42:15See you out there
42:22Happy Fourth of July!
42:24Next time on Summer House...
42:26I wanted to invite another guy into summer. His name's Emeril
42:29That's our guy
42:30What's up, papa?
42:31Yo, what's up?
42:32Good to see ya
42:33Emeril couldn't join us last weekend because he was at a play party
42:36Triple X
42:37I want to, like, make sure that this is, like, a thing where we're only getting to know each other
42:42That's a tough one to swallow
42:44What is that?
42:45Kyle yelling at me about Craig
42:48You disrespect me, f*** you
42:52You disrespect me, f*** you
42:54You disrespect me, f*** you
42:56You disrespect me, f*** you
42:58You disrespect me, f*** you
43:00You disrespect me, f*** you
43:02You disrespect me, f*** you
43:04You disrespect me, f*** you
43:06You disrespect me, f*** you
43:08You disrespect me, f*** you
43:10You disrespect me, f*** you
43:12You disrespect me, f*** you
43:14You disrespect me, f*** you
43:16You disrespect me, f*** you
43:18You disrespect me, f*** you