Sueños de Libertad Capitulo 265
00:00How dare you lower the salary of the employees without first consulting the shareholders?
00:11The decision has already been made. I don't have time for discussions. The statutes allow me to do it.
00:15I don't know, maybe the blow to your head can cause you not to fly well. Because that's what happens, right?
00:21That's right. I can't smell.
00:27I had to go out for an emergency. With such bad luck that I left a cigarette badly lit.
00:38What Digno said is true, right?
00:41Yes, you know it is. Actually, your biological father is Valentín.
00:47It's a disgusting accident. You can't blame yourself for that.
00:51You wouldn't think the same if you had lived what I lived.
00:56My wife's screams asking me for help, but it was too late.
01:03I love you more than anything in this world and that's the only thing you should know.
01:08Come on, give me a hug.
01:12Julia. Julia.
01:17Don't leave me.
01:26Don't leave me.
01:56Don't leave me.
01:58Don't leave me.
02:00Don't leave me.
02:02Don't leave me.
02:04Don't leave me.
02:06Don't leave me.
02:08Don't leave me.
02:10Don't leave me.
02:12Don't leave me.
02:14Don't leave me.
02:16Don't leave me.
02:18Don't leave me.
02:20Don't leave me.
02:22Don't leave me.
02:24Don't leave me.
02:26Don't leave me.
02:28Don't leave me.
02:47Recío is a hunting dog.
02:49He won't let go of his prey until he bleeds.
02:52What's wrong with you? What are you thinking about?
03:01I was... I was thinking that...
03:04I know. I know what you're thinking about.
03:10About the drop in salaries. Right?
03:15Yes, yes, yes. I'm worried about how the workers might take it.
03:19Well, that's why you're going to talk to them, right?
03:24Come in.
03:28Can I come in?
03:29Yes, of course. You don't need permission to come in.
03:36I'm glad to have found you both together.
03:40Is something wrong?
03:41It's Julia.
03:42The girl?
03:43She found out that Jesus is not her father.
03:50Well, I think it's a great idea.
03:52We can propose it to Mrs. Marta.
03:55Well, I don't think it's the best time to propose anything this week.
03:58No. With all the wedding stuff, it's better to wait for another time.
04:01But maybe we can tell Carmen.
04:05What do you have to tell me?
04:07I hope it's good, please.
04:09We had an idea and we wanted to tell you.
04:12Well, it's actually about Gemma.
04:15And what is it?
04:16Let's see.
04:17How would you see if we put all the make-up products here, near the box?
04:22In the box?
04:24For what?
04:26Well, the thing is that while we charge,
04:29the customers can look at the products,
04:31and so maybe it's like a claim.
04:33Sure, because while they are paying,
04:35they are looking at those products,
04:37and we only have to offer ourselves.
04:42Well, it wouldn't be a bad idea either.
04:44Well, it wouldn't be a big mess for the organization of the store, right?
04:48No, no, it wouldn't be a mess at all, really.
04:53Well, then, I'm going to tell Mrs. Marta,
04:55that although she is not the one to make this decision,
04:57I like her to be aware.
04:59But of course, I will tell her about all the advantages you have, Gemma.
05:02Thank you very much.
05:04Oh, I almost forgot.
05:05Mrs. Irene gave me these letters for you.
05:09Fina and Claudia.
05:11And what is it?
05:12Well, I don't know.
05:13I have already distributed all the others,
05:15and I haven't opened mine yet.
05:17She just told me to give it to you by hand and that it was important.
05:20A closed envelope with the company's badge.
05:23How strange.
05:28Dear employees of Perfumerías de la Reina,
05:30at present, all employees who proceed to a 5% salary reduction are notified.
05:38I already told you this morning that I had a meeting with your cousin.
05:43What I haven't told you is that ...
05:46well, we reproached each other.
05:50The subject of Julia ended up coming up,
05:52and I told him that she was not his daughter.
05:55And Julia is not me.
05:58Holy God.
05:59Poor girl.
06:01Have you been able to talk to her?
06:04Have you been able to talk to her?
06:08Neither Damián nor Begoña have left me.
06:10They say we must give them their space.
06:13Now what she needs is to have her family close.
06:17Finally, we can tell her who we really are.
06:22She will know about her father.
06:25She is the daughter of our brother.
06:30It is our opportunity for her to know what her origins are.
06:35Who was really her father.
06:39We will do it.
06:40We owe it to Valentín. Yes.
06:44Your brother lives in her, children.
06:48She is an Amerino.
06:49She is an Amerino.
06:52She is one of us.
06:53She is one of us.
07:01Did you know?
07:03I had heard something, yes.
07:06You had heard something and you had not told us anything.
07:10Since when do you know?
07:12Since this morning.
07:13But there it also says that it is a temporary measure.
07:16Ah, but temporary, how much is it?
07:18A day, a week, a month, a year?
07:20Because that here has not made it clear, come on.
07:22Of course, for some reason it will be.
07:23Oh, girls, really.
07:25Behind all this there is a reason for weight.
07:27It is important.
07:29Well, surely there is a reason for weight, Gemma.
07:32The problem is that the duck we always pay the same.
07:35And they demand more from us for much less.
07:38And I, I do not know about you, but I am not willing.
07:40Come on, this thing is not done like that.
07:42From night to morning without warning.
07:44No, no, no.
07:45I'm going to talk to Tassio right now and let him tell me what's going on.
07:49Now I come and tell you.
07:51Yes, I am also going to the warehouse for the essences of the queen.
07:54No, wait, Fina.
07:56I came with you.
07:57It is also necessary to replenish the water of Aranjuez.
08:05I suppose it will not take long to eliminate the complaints of the workers.
08:10I think you should keep calm.
08:13And wait to see how the events develop.
08:16Sorry, I didn't know you were meeting.
08:19I came to leave you the last papers for you to sign.
08:24Thank you very much, Irene.
08:25I will sign them later with Tassio.
08:27And now I have to go.
08:29I have a meeting in Madrid and I don't want to be late.
08:31Very good.
08:32If there is any news, please let me know.
08:34Of course.
08:46Is everything going well?
08:47As planned.
08:49He tries to hide it, but all this is good for him.
08:52You shouldn't drink in front of him.
08:54It's true.
08:57He just announced that he will lower the salary of all the poor employees.
09:00They will eat him alive.
09:02I don't know.
09:03I wouldn't be so sure.
09:05Why do you say that?
09:07Because this was one of them two days ago.
09:10And he will know how to earn the money.
09:12No, people don't reason when you touch their pockets, sister.
09:16Until they realize that they prefer to have less than nothing.
09:20And keep fighting because they have children to feed, bills to pay.
09:25Let's see how they take it.
09:29What are you plotting?
09:31I need you to do me a favor.
09:33A favor, you say?
09:34What favor?
09:35I don't know.
09:36I don't know.
09:38I don't know.
09:39I need you to do me a favor.
09:41A favor, you say?
09:42Do you want to say another one?
09:43Don't worry.
09:45I just want you to give me the documentation of an operator, a guy named Gorriz.
09:49And make it easier for me to meet him.
09:52His name is Ricardo.
09:53Ricardo Gorriz.
09:56The rest is on me.
09:58Very well.
09:59I agree.
10:03And why didn't you call me to tell me about the salary drop?
10:06Don't you know how stupid I was when Leandro called me and I didn't know what to tell him?
10:10You couldn't have done anything either and you were in a lot of trouble.
10:14Joaquín had it more than decided.
10:17But Marta, let's see.
10:18Jesus, really.
10:20I have to get ready for the wedding and...
10:23There's nothing we can do right now, so we'll talk at dinner.
10:26No, Marta.
10:49What are you doing here, doctor?
10:52I was visiting your sister-in-law.
10:56Well, I wonder if my sister-in-law would let you visit her
10:59if she knew the whole truth about her non-existent medical degree, Mrs. Expósito.
11:05If you think you're scaring me with your words, you're wrong.
11:09I'm not afraid of going to jail.
11:12Oh, no?
11:15As you know, I was there and I survived.
11:20You probably wouldn't be so lucky. Do you know why?
11:25Because you don't know what it's like to be cold.
11:28You don't know what it's like to have to fight so they don't steal your food.
11:31You don't know what it's like to sleep among cockroaches,
11:34praying for it to move soon.
11:37But look, today I'm generous.
11:42I'm going to give you a gift.
11:45Enjoy it.
11:47Because this isn't taught to everyone.
11:50It's a war wound.
11:53From the prison baths.
11:56What a coincidence.
11:58It's in the same place where you shot your wife.
12:02I'm sorry.
12:03She's not your wife anymore.
12:09I had reached an agreement with your mother-in-law.
12:12But if you keep provoking me,
12:15I'm willing to not respect it and send you straight to jail
12:18to remember those old times of which you fill your mouth.
12:23And maybe you can stand being locked up all your life,
12:26but I doubt that your husband's alféñique will get it.
12:30Don't go down that path.
12:31In fact,
12:33I'm sure he'll start crying.
12:35It's what my cousin has always done when he's had a problem.
12:37No, and you had to let him cry, because, of course, he was so sensitive.
12:40You're a wretch.
12:42Shut up and get out of my house.
12:45Of course I'm leaving.
12:48I've already done everything I had to do here.
12:51I've said everything I had to say.
13:07That's why you don't worry.
13:09I take the dozen eggs to Clarissa's so that it doesn't rain.
13:12Oh, and one more thing, now that I remember.
13:14Did you call the florist?
13:16They were waiting for you to decide between the roses and the peonies.
13:23Oh, sorry.
13:25She was telling me.
13:28I'm trying to close the four bangs that are left of the wedding
13:31and it seems that you don't listen to me.
13:33No, it's just that I have a lot of things on my mind.
13:35Excuse me.
13:36Well, I'll take care of those four things.
13:39It seems that you drown yourself in a glass of water.
13:41Mrs. Clara, it's my wedding.
13:43And what do you mean by that?
13:45If they were four things, I would take care of them.
13:47Don't worry.
13:49Come on.
13:50You're rejecting a help that not only needs it,
13:53but you're asking for it out loud.
13:55But as you say, it's your wedding.
13:57You'll take care of what's left.
13:59No, Mrs. Clara.
14:03Mrs. Clara.
14:16Tell me.
14:18Have you already set up the gifts for the guests?
14:20I think this morning the parties that my mother-in-law commissioned have arrived.
14:23Well, the truth is that we are in a thousand things, Mrs. Marta,
14:26and we haven't had time.
14:28Well, we should get on with it.
14:29We are two days away.
14:31Yes, I have no problem.
14:33But the girls, I don't know if they want to help.
14:40Good afternoon.
14:41Good afternoon.
14:42Are you Ricardo Garrido?
14:44At your service.
14:46Will you tell me why you called me?
14:48I hope it's not to put me on the street.
14:52Mr. Carpena has been in the board for a short time
14:56and he wants to know first-hand the opinion of some operators
15:01about the operation of the company.
15:04And if he wants to talk to me, why isn't he here?
15:06And if he wants to talk to me, why isn't he here?
15:09Because he prefers to meet in a more discreet place.
15:14Some shareholders don't see this type of meeting with the workers with good eyes
15:19and Mr. Carpena prefers not to raise suspicions.
15:24I understand.
15:26And where does Mr. Carpena want us to meet?
15:29Mr. Carpena will be waiting for you in this place.
15:32Mr. Gar...
15:35Good afternoon.
15:36Good afternoon, Mr. Jesus.
15:37Good afternoon.
15:42Come here, please.
15:44I will. Thank you.
15:45Very well.
15:51Look, the girls have been working extra hours
15:53and now they have just lowered her salary.
15:58That hasn't been my fault.
15:59Yes, I know.
16:01It's just that his family didn't agree with this proposal,
16:06which was only Joaquín's idea.
16:08The statutes grant him power to make such decisions
16:11without the shareholders' consent.
16:14Right now, the only thing we can do is...
16:17support him and defend him.
16:20I see.
16:21Yes, I'll take care of it.
16:23Look, I'll go where they don't call me.
16:26But it would be good to review the clauses of the statutes
16:29so that this doesn't become a tyranny.
16:31Yes, I know we have to review the statutes.
16:34You all know a lot about everything.
16:35Come on, everyone has an opinion.
16:38I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so harsh.
16:41I was out of place.
16:43No, I'm sorry.
16:45You're right, I'll go where they don't call me.
16:47Carmen, I'm not going with you.
16:51And in confidence.
16:54My cousin is a good man.
16:56We hope that at some point,
16:57he realizes the mistake he has made.
17:02Well, don't worry.
17:03I'll take care of the basket and it will be ready on time.
17:09We'll meet in a moment,
17:10Claudia, Fina and me, and that's it.
17:13I would ask Fina not to take care of this.
17:17I put her in her place
17:18and I wouldn't like to go through that.
17:21I see, yes.
17:23It's just to save her suffering.
17:26Fina is strong,
17:28but you already know her.
17:31She has to be broken inside.
17:36Well, just now the end of Fina's shift is over,
17:38so Claudia and I will help each other
17:40and leave it ready before closing.
17:45You're welcome.
17:49Excuse me.
17:57Where has he sent that guy?
18:00To pick up some spare parts
18:02for the new machine they have installed in the perfumery.
18:07And shouldn't it be the logistics manager
18:09who would give him the itinerary and the directors?
18:12Yes, yes, yes.
18:13But it's Don Joaquín
18:14who has personally dealt with the company.
18:17And besides, the collection was left out of the official itinerary.
18:23My cousin and his whims, right?
18:26Yes, he tells me what he wants, Don Jesús.
18:29Well, I wanted to talk to the ex-director of the factory
18:32so he could tell me
18:33what the hell it is that will lower the salary of all employees.
18:37I'm sorry to tell you that your cousin is not here.
18:40And by the way,
18:42you don't need to tell me the reasons for your visit.
18:46I'm just a secretary.
18:54you and I would get along very well.
18:58Well, if you want to wait for him inside,
19:01which I don't know how long it will take.
19:04No, ma'am.
19:06I don't wait for anyone.
19:15This, Carmen,
19:17these are things of people with money.
19:19Because you and I,
19:20to our wedding guests,
19:21we thanked them for coming and it was a lot.
19:24Well, what do you want me to tell you?
19:25I think about my wedding.
19:27And for me it was perfect.
19:28You were the ones who had to be there,
19:29no more, no less.
19:32My wedding was also perfect, really.
19:35Oh, my girl.
19:37Come on, put that little face up, huh?
19:39It's nice to remember what they are not, too.
19:43And I do it, Carmen.
19:45Believe me, I do it.
19:47That's why I can still smile.
19:48I can still smile.
19:51But well,
19:52at what cost am I doing this for you, huh?
19:54Not for our bosses.
19:55Because if it were for them,
19:56come on,
19:57with what they have done to us with the drop in the salary.
19:59Well, it's very ugly.
20:02And the worst thing is that
20:04this may be the first of many.
20:07Well, no.
20:08According to Tasio, it is a specific thing.
20:10Apparently they need money for the spa.
20:12Come on, Carmen,
20:13but we always pay the duck the same.
20:15Come on, if that's what Tasio says.
20:16Well, if it's what he says, come on.
20:17Yes, it's what he says, but he doesn't do anything.
20:20But what do you want me to do?
20:21Well, Carmen, complain, say something,
20:23that he is a shareholder.
20:24No, no,
20:25there are decisions that only the director takes alone,
20:27without counting on anyone.
20:29Well, we are good.
20:30And you know who is going to eat brown, right?
20:32And who are all the workers going to protest, right?
20:35For those who are in the middle.
20:36Tasio, the department heads.
20:39Come on.
20:42Oh, friends, have you seen my wallet?
20:44I can't find it.
20:46Have you looked in the drawer of the device?
20:50Those are the gifts for Marta's wedding.
20:53Yes, they are a little gift that Carmen and I are making
20:56hand in hand here to see if we finish soon.
20:59And why didn't you tell me to help you?
21:02Daughter, not to make you have a bad time.
21:04Of course, honey, we didn't want you to go through this.
21:09Come on, you decided for me.
21:11Well, it wasn't our thing.
21:16Marta asked you to leave me alone.
21:29You don't know how to do it.
21:47Do you serve me one to me?
21:52Of all the people on the face of the earth,
21:56with whom I least want to share a cognac,
21:59it is with you.
22:01But it is with me with whom you have a pending conversation,
22:05even if it is an uncomfortable conversation.
22:08More than last night? Difficult.
22:10Jesus, please.
22:11My daughter suffers because of you.
22:14My granddaughter suffers.
22:17I would have wanted nothing more than to save her that pain.
22:21I am very sorry that you did not hear us arguing.
22:25What I would have to do now is return it,
22:27revealing to everyone the secret that the little woman of her son hides.
22:30But you won't do it.
22:34Why not?
22:36Because I love you.
22:38Why not?
22:41You know very well why.
22:44I can still tell the girl how lucky her parents were
22:49and who was responsible for her death.
22:52Ma'am, I brought you an infusion
22:55and a little bit of lemon cake.
22:57They say it comes out very tasty.
22:59Look what this cake looks like.
23:03But if you prefer anything else, you are very welcome.
23:06And forgive me for bothering you.
23:09Thank you very much.
23:11You are welcome.
23:13I'm sorry.
23:15I'm sorry.
23:17I'm sorry.
23:18You are very welcome.
23:19And forgive me for bothering you.
23:21You forgive me.
23:24I'm sorry.
23:27I haven't been able to behave with you this morning.
23:31Don't worry, ma'am.
23:32Anyone can have a bad day.
23:37Mine is getting too long.
23:43you were right.
23:44It didn't do me any good to see the baby's little things around here.
23:50They did more than remind me that I will never be able to be a mother.
23:56I'm very sorry, ma'am.
23:59I understand that right now everything looks blacker than coal.
24:04It was a disgrace.
24:06Well, I'm not saying no.
24:08Life is sometimes very cruel.
24:10You haven't recovered from an injury when you've already fallen to the ground and torn yourself apart.
24:19It's been so long since I've had a happy moment.
24:22But I'm sure you've had many.
24:25Think about it, for example, on your wedding day.
24:31That was the beginning of my hell.
24:35If you think your life is falling apart,
24:38wait and see what I'm capable of doing.
24:40Don't test me, Jesus.
24:46Is everything okay?
24:48Your son and I were changing our minds.
24:52But you're just in time.
24:54What I want to tell him will affect you, too.
24:57You tell me.
24:58Now that Julia knows the truth about her father...
25:01It's her fault.
25:03Now that Julia knows the truth about her father,
25:06about his origins,
25:08I don't see any reason to continue as before.
25:12And can you tell me what that means?
25:15I want to be what I really am to her.
25:18Yeah, you're saying what I think you're saying, aren't you?
25:22I want to act like a grandmother.
25:25And that my children enjoy her more as they are.
25:28The brothers of their late father.
25:30What a load of nonsense.
25:32Jesus, shut up.
25:33Can't you see...
25:34I said shut up.
25:39Digna, I understand your wishes,
25:42and I don't see any problem,
25:44but you're in due time.
25:47You'll be with me when everything is in a hurry.
25:49The girl hasn't yet taken on what she's discovered
25:52so we can force her to establish new ties.
25:56Don't you think?
25:57We're not strangers to her.
25:59You're not.
26:04All right.
26:07I can wait.
26:09I know she has to assimilate what she just learned.
26:13Very well.
26:15But that doesn't mean I'm going away from her life for a second.
26:20I want to think about her future.
26:24I want to be aware of everything about her.
26:27Because she's an Amerindian.
26:31No matter how much it weighs on you.
26:35She carries our blood.
26:49But Mr. Andrés is a blessed man.
26:51I had to see him this morning.
26:53He was so worried about you.
26:55My husband only feels sorry for me.
26:57Don't say that.
26:58He doesn't love me, Manuela.
27:01He doesn't love me.
27:04And that has left me completely devastated.
27:14May I?
27:16Mr. Jesús,
27:18I've brought Mrs. María something to eat, if you like.
27:21I'd rather wait for dinner, thank you.
27:23Very well.
27:24If you'll excuse me,
27:25I'll be making room next door in case you need me.
27:40How are you?
27:49It must be very hard for you
27:51to know that you won't be able to be a mother.
27:56Children are the only thing that make sense in this world.
28:01It's the first time I don't see you
28:03hiding behind a bitter comment.
28:09I'm not a stone, María.
28:10Sometimes I suffer too.
28:13I guess it's because of your daughter.
28:18They want to take her away from me
28:20and they'll try to put her against me,
28:22to take her away from me.
28:27María, you're suffering enough
28:29to overwhelm yourself with my problems.
28:31Look, Jesús, I don't know what's going on.
28:35But losing a child
28:36is like tearing your soul apart.
28:41Do whatever it takes
28:42to keep Julia by your side, whatever it takes.
28:46Even going far away with her?
28:57I've been offered a position at Broussard
28:59and I'm considering accepting it.
29:06That's in France, isn't it?
29:09I'd have to move to Paris, yes.
29:12And leave Perfumeries de la Reina?
29:15After everything you've done to start the company?
29:18I'm nobody here anymore.
29:19No, you're Jesús de la Reina.
29:21And who is Jesús de la Reina?
29:28A zero on the left in the board of directors
29:30and in his family.
29:32I have them all against me, all of them.
29:36Look, Jesús.
29:39If there's something I admire about you,
29:41it's your ability to get up,
29:43you'll do it again.
29:47You'll regain influence
29:48in the company and in this house.
29:52I don't have the strength to keep fighting.
29:54Not for Begoña either.
29:58You'd give him a way out
29:59to be with your brother.
30:05You said it yourself a moment ago.
30:08You have to do whatever it takes for your children.
30:12Even give up
30:13what you've always been.
30:16You can do it.
30:22You can do it.
30:47Mr. Carpena.
30:49Thank you for coming to my meeting.
30:52Your sister didn't explain to me
30:54why she wanted to talk to me.
30:56All she said was that
30:58she preferred to do it without the partners in front of her.
31:02It's funny,
31:03some people don't want us to know each other
31:05from the beginning.
31:07I don't know what you're talking about.
31:09I don't know what you're talking about.
31:11I don't know what you're talking about.
31:13I don't know what you're talking about.
31:15They want us to know the situation
31:17of the workers.
31:19I understand.
31:20That's why I ask you to be as discreet as possible.
31:23I'm Chitón.
31:25And what do you want to know
31:27about the work of the people downstairs?
31:31to know
31:32how the changes have been made
31:34in the company's management.
31:38Can I speak to Calzón Quitao?
31:41Without retaliation.
31:45Well, everyone sees that Joaquin is very green.
31:49Yes, to be a director, you need something more than willpower.
31:53You miss more security in decision-making, and the decisions you make are a mess.
31:57Like the drop in wages.
31:58I understand.
31:59And Tassio?
32:00That one?
32:03Well, no one understands why they have put him in charge.
32:06He was unloading trucks two days ago.
32:08His promotion has been, at least, inexplicable.
32:12Maybe it has to do with his origins.
32:15What do you mean?
32:17He is the son of Damián de la Reina.
32:19A young descendant who gave birth to him.
32:23I see.
32:25Well, there were rumors of all kinds. I'm not going to lie to you.
32:28Some of us even joked about it, but...
32:31Are you sure those rumors are true?
32:35Of course, that explains a lot of things.
32:37Like, here it doesn't matter how much you crumble, they always rise the same.
32:41You're right.
32:42Things have gone very wrong, and there is so much to improve.
32:46And I don't just mean contractually, but also in terms of security and incentives.
32:53And I'm telling you, I lost my son in this damn factory because of the ignorance of those gentlemen.
33:00I'm very sorry, Mr. Pedro.
33:02Thank you, son.
33:04But things won't get any better as long as Joaquin Beleno is the director.
33:09His priority is not the factory, but that spa.
33:14Is that why our salaries have gone down?
33:16Of course.
33:17The money has to come from somewhere, doesn't it?
33:20It will be miserable.
33:22But don't worry, not everything is lost.
33:25There is still something to be done.
33:28But for that I need your help.
33:31And I will know how to reward you generously.
33:37Come here for a moment, please.
33:41What's going on?
33:43Julia knows the whole truth.
33:46She knows she's an Ameri, doesn't she?
33:49But why didn't I tell her?
33:51I doubt it was Jesus, because he's the main victim.
33:53No, it's just that Digna made an unfortunate comment at the wrong time and the girl heard it.
34:00And how is she?
34:01Well, imagine.
34:02We went for a walk in the garden after the nap and she didn't even open her mouth, just to ask me to go home.
34:09Poor girl.
34:11The world she knew has collapsed, Andrés.
34:13And I haven't done anything to prevent it.
34:15And what could you have done?
34:16Well, I don't know. I could have prepared her to receive the news, right?
34:19Or I could have denied it more insistently.
34:21That's not good for her.
34:23Begoña is getting older.
34:25I knew this was going to happen.
34:27That Julia would find out the whole truth.
34:30Begoña, please, you can't carry responsibilities that don't belong to you.
34:33Well, I have a responsibility.
34:35I've been married to her father, right?
34:36And I've been the luckiest mother she's ever had since I was born.
34:38Well, wait, please.
34:40Life is prepared for something like this.
34:43Remember when you found out that Mercedes was your mother.
34:49I was very angry with my father.
34:51And I didn't even recognize myself.
34:53Well, that's what's happening to her.
34:56And that's why you know better than anyone else how to understand her.
34:59Take her to that invitation as soon as possible.
35:03And count on me.
35:05I'm not going to leave her alone.
35:13What's wrong?
35:16No, nothing.
35:18Something has crossed my mind, but it doesn't matter.
35:21What do you mean, it doesn't matter? You've been left out.
35:25I was thinking that if you hadn't found out the truth about Maria's arm...
35:30the story would have been repeated and...
35:34and that child, well...
35:36He would have grown up believing things that aren't true.
35:40And through the victim, he would have been innocent.
35:43One more victim of his parents' bad decisions.
35:47Of course.
35:48And mine are the first.
35:50I'm telling you the same thing you just told me.
35:52What have you done wrong?
35:53To start getting married to a person I wasn't in love with.
35:56I continually gave him false hopes.
35:59How could you not want him to move on?
36:03Deep down, I knew it was a lie.
36:05That we would be complete bastards.
36:08And those things are known, no matter how much we try to fool ourselves.
36:12There's a day when it is, of course.
36:14And you move on out of inertia or...
36:16out of responsibility towards others.
36:19Or out of fear of being brave.
36:23But you were.
36:26And I could be, because you were there.
36:29And you gave me the wings I needed to fly.
36:32And you've flown free.
36:35My husband feels sorry for me.
36:38Don't say that.
36:39He doesn't love me, Manuela.
36:42He doesn't love me.
36:44You're the only one missing, and you can do it too.
36:47So we can live the life we've always dreamed of.
37:05What? She called?
37:09Yes, the peonies are perfect for Ramo.
37:14Of course, Mrs. Clara has very good taste.
37:18No, no.
37:19It's perfect.
37:21Leave it like that.
37:30What's wrong?
37:32You tell me.
37:40What's wrong?
37:44I've finished my shift and I've realized I've left my purse.
37:48And I've had to go back to the store to look for it.
37:51And I haven't found it at first sight.
37:55I see.
37:58I see. And?
38:03Do you know what I found when I went to the store, just in case anyone knew?
38:11Carmen and Claudia.
38:14Preparing the gifts for your guests.
38:18I see.
38:20You see?
38:22Is that all you're going to tell me?
38:26My love.
38:28Marta, why can't I help make those gifts?
38:32Why can't I make those baskets too?
38:35Because even if you insist on making me believe it doesn't affect you,
38:39I know it does.
38:42And why do you believe that?
38:44Because it affects me too.
38:48Because I'd like it to be a different world
38:51and not having to marry a man to protect our relationship.
38:56Because I'd like to be you,
38:58the one who swears my eternal love.
39:01And me to you.
39:04And what hurts me the most about all this is that we can't.
39:14We can't.
39:16We can't.
39:21But at least we're going to try not to make it more difficult.
39:29My love.
39:41I know it was an almost childish gesture,
39:44but I did ask Carmen to leave you out of all the baskets because...
39:51because I wanted to save you that bad drink.
39:55I think it's for the best.
39:57Just like I think you shouldn't go to the wedding.
40:02How can I not go to the wedding?
40:06It's for the best.
40:08No, Marta. I have to be there.
40:11I want to be there to help you.
40:14Because you're doing this for both of us, right?
40:18So that we're happy and so that we're okay.
40:23I know you.
40:26And you're going to come down there.
40:28And if I see you coming down, then I'm not going to be able to.
40:31No, but this isn't going to happen.
40:33And do you know why?
40:37Because when you're walking to the altar,
40:41I'll imagine it's me you're marrying.
40:47And I'm going to close my eyes
40:49and I'll think it's me you're marrying.
40:54As if it were our own wedding.
40:56As if it were our own wedding.
40:59And no one will find out, but...
41:04But it's as if you and I swore eternal love to God.
41:10Until death do us part.
41:13And bring us back together in the hereafter.
41:16Because only one life is too little time by your side.
41:41Well, let's see if you've stayed with the couple.
41:45I don't know.
41:49Write down tomorrow's menu.
41:51You want me to write it down?
41:55Manuela, if you don't pay attention,
41:59it's very difficult to learn to read and write.
42:02I don't know anyone who's come to you for a hundred fusas.
42:04I'm sorry, I know.
42:05I'm a little distracted today.
42:07I'm sorry.
42:08No, don't worry, woman.
42:10It's my fault, really.
42:12Why are you going to be to blame, boy?
42:13Yes, because I wanted to try something new with the blackboard.
42:17And I've gone too far.
42:18No, man, no.
42:20No, Gaspar, you're being a master of ten.
42:22Yes, of course.
42:23He can't get his only student not to get distracted.
42:25But it's not because of you.
42:27It's because I have things at work in my head that...
42:31They have me...
42:37What's wrong?
42:39They don't treat you well about the queen?
42:40The queen?
42:42If I have to talk to someone, I do.
42:45I can handle Damián.
42:48No, not that.
42:49If everyone there treats me with a lot of respect...
42:52Come on, everyone.
42:54Almost everyone.
42:55It seems to me that you have met the queen's Jesus.
42:59What a being, huh?
43:00Look, if I name him and all my hair stand on end.
43:03No, he has a character of three walls of nose.
43:06But come on, he's not the one who has me like this.
43:10Look, I don't want to be gossipy either.
43:14Come on, Manuela, I'm saying this for you.
43:16I see you're worried.
43:17I know you'll let Livia go.
43:18Not for me.
43:19I'm not gossipy.
43:20Come on.
43:22Let's see.
43:24It's for Doña María.
43:26Don Andrés' wife?
43:28That girl is too young to suffer what you're suffering.
43:31I don't know.
43:32She hasn't been treated well.
43:33I'm telling you.
43:34That girl suffered a calvary.
43:36And she still does.
43:37Poor thing.
43:39Good thing she has her husband's support.
43:41Her husband?
43:42Yes, Don Andrés.
43:44He's a great person.
43:45A good guy.
43:46Well, I'd rather not give my opinion.
43:48Manuela, that phrase is a bit devastating, don't you think?
43:51No, come on.
43:53Don't get me wrong.
43:54I'd rather not give my opinion.
43:56I don't know the boy very well and...
43:59If you want to know anything, you can ask Digna.
44:02She knows them well.
44:04Don't think that Digna opens up a lot to me.
44:07She's very discreet.
44:09Then she accuses me of being too discreet.
44:11Don't miss it.
44:12What's wrong? You don't get along?
44:14Did you fight?
44:15No, no.
44:16Yes, we get along.
44:17We're getting to know each other.
44:19But I see the woman a bit confused at home.
44:22Do you understand?
44:23I'm talking about more.
44:25Leave it.
44:27What did you say you wanted, Leiro?
44:30Tomorrow's menu.
44:31Tomorrow's menu.
44:32Soup and stew.
44:34Soup and stew.
44:36And then we're going to try some ham and beans I brought you.
44:38It looks like it's going to eat me.
44:41Let's see.
44:42Soup and stew.
44:43Soup and stew.
44:44Start with soup.
45:18What do you want?
45:20I just wanted to ask how you were.
45:24Please don't be a hypocrite.
45:26You don't care about that.
45:28I have to agree with that.
45:30But I do care about what you told Julia.
45:34She told me you talked, but she didn't give me any details.
45:41I've tried to comfort her.
45:46But I didn't know how to do it.
45:50Because I've been blocked.
45:52Especially when she asked me about her mother and...
45:57And that her name was Valentín.
46:00It's logical that the girl wants to understand, right?
46:03I'm aware of that.
46:06And I don't blame her for anything.
46:10I wish I had the courage to say yes.
46:13That her mother stopped loving me and fell in love with my cousin.
46:26I'm afraid.
46:29Afraid of what?
46:31That she would keep asking me more questions.
46:38That girl is everything to me, Begoña.
46:41She's all I have left. I can't lose her.
46:45In your hand is cheese. Don't do that, Jesus.
46:47I know.
46:51But now everything has been revealed and...
46:55There are things I can't control.
46:57Like what Digna wants to do as a grandmother.
47:00It's normal that she wants to do it, right?
47:03And it's also normal that the girl wants to know a little more about that part of the family.
47:08You don't realize what that woman intends with that, do you?
47:12To recover the lost time?
47:15She intends to put her against me.
47:18To snatch her from me to take revenge on me and hurt me as much as possible.
47:21Jesus, Digna doesn't want that at all.
47:28What are you doing awake at this hour?
47:31I couldn't sleep.
47:42Are you okay?
47:56I'm just a little sad.
48:01Because I have the feeling that...
48:04I didn't do well with you this morning.
48:09Maybe I didn't know how to express myself.
48:13And you thought I was scolding you or something like that.
48:18the other way around.
48:22I need you to know that you are my daughter.
48:27And that I don't need you to carry my blood to know that...
48:32that I love you more than my life.
48:35And that without you...
48:38none of this would make sense.
48:42And that I'm afraid that...
48:45you want to move away from me.
48:47Why do you say that?
48:50Because now you know...
48:52that I'm not your father.
48:55That I'm not your father.
48:57Of course you're my father.
49:05Are you serious?
49:08You're the one who took care of me since I was little.
49:11The one who took me to school.
49:13The one who stays with me when I get sick.
49:17The one who scolds me when I don't behave.
49:21I love you.
49:22I love you.
49:24And I won't leave you.
49:28No, my love.
49:32We'll always be together.
49:34You and me.
49:35The two of us.
49:44Have you thought about how you're going to hide in front of all the guests?
49:49I don't want you to come to my wedding.
49:51I know something...
49:54that you also know.
49:58That you're my real grandmother.
50:00The H is the one that has, but I don't know how to pronounce it.
50:03Hello, Gaspar.
50:04Oh, you're so lonely.
50:07Sorry, I'll be back in a moment.
50:11What if I'm one of those cases that never recover their sense of smell?
50:16Luz, imagine.
50:18Instead, I'm going to ask you a little favor.
50:20Tell me.
50:22I've seen how fine this guest is.
50:26And don't you think she should stay out of it?
50:30Joaquin, you have to be the best director this company has ever had.
50:34You're making me nervous.
50:37And I don't want to get nervous at all.
50:39So please, I'm very sorry, but I'm going to ask you to leave.
50:43We have to show the people up there that without the people down there, there's no factory.
50:46Do we agree or not?