9-1-1 S08 E01
00:00895 Alpha, roger that.
00:20We hear this is the maiden flight of your new twin engine.
00:23That's right.
00:24I sold my ad agency after 30 years.
00:26This little birdie, she's my reward, honey.
00:29895 Alpha?
00:31It's just a term of endearment, SoCalTower.
00:34Geez, you can't be nice to people anymore.
00:48SoCalTower, is there a weather system up ahead?
00:51Not that I'm aware of.
00:53Stand by.
01:00What the?
01:05SoCalTower, it's some kind of insect.
01:08895 Alpha, insects?
01:12Yeah, I've seen SoCalTower.
01:15It's been around the aircraft.
01:18Requesting runway for emergency landing.
01:30Traffic alert.
01:32Zero point zero nine.
01:42LAFD Engine Company 118.
01:46At best, a work in progress.
01:51Firefighter Wilson, your boots are scuffed.
01:55They should be polished to a high luster.
01:59Do it again.
02:00Yes, sir.
02:02Firefighter Hahn.
02:06On a clean floor, that would spread evenly.
02:09Instead, it's globbing.
02:13Do it again.
02:15Copy you, Captain Girard.
02:17Viz, did you shop for mess today?
02:19First thing, Cap.
02:20Chief's up my ass about budget cuts,
02:23and you're buying organic fruit leather.
02:29I'll do better next time, sir.
02:32Nice mustache, by the way.
02:34Thank you, sir.
02:36Buckley, why are there loops in the hose bed of that apparatus?
02:41Loops make for a faster carry.
02:43Captain Nash...
02:44Captain Nash quit three months ago.
02:48You see that construction crew?
02:50You know what they're building?
02:51My 118.
02:53Security fencing.
02:54Cast iron plumbing.
02:56Have my hose bed folded high and tight.
02:58Spread the crapper.
02:59One week.
03:01Already gave me latrine duty, sir.
03:03Two weeks.
03:06shorts and sneakers,
03:08run pickups around the station
03:10until the tone sounds
03:12or he pukes.
03:16Have fun with it.
03:25Mr. Maynard, you wanted to see me.
03:26Athena, thanks for coming.
03:28Sergeant Grant,
03:29Assistant United States Attorney
03:30Spencer, District of California.
03:31This is my colleague from Arizona,
03:33AUSA Lawrence.
03:36Athena, these men have a special assignment for you.
03:39Sergeant, have a seat.
03:48How much do you know about Maxwell Fulton?
03:51The sex trafficker?
03:53As little as possible.
03:54Beverly Hills broker,
03:55went away about a year ago
03:58for pimping underage girls
03:59to his big wig buddies.
04:01You may not have heard,
04:02he hanged himself in federal prison
04:04last week in Phoenix.
04:05I'll cry later.
04:06What does this have to do with me?
04:08Well, Fulton had a cellmate,
04:09a prisoner reassigned him
04:11in hopes he'd open up.
04:13At trial, Fulton refused to ID
04:15any of his investors who, um...
04:19Raped those girls.
04:22We'd like you to escort that prisoner
04:24from Phoenix back here to L.A.
04:26to be deposed before a grand jury.
04:29It's Dennis Jenkins.
04:35We're aware you have a history with Mr. Jenkins.
04:38He murdered your friend.
04:40My fiancée.
04:44Dennis Jenkins
04:47murdered my fiancée.
04:51And he got away with it
04:52for more than 30 years
04:54until I found him
04:55and brought him to justice.
04:57And now he has made some kind of deal
05:00with the federal government?
05:02He's a cooperating witness.
05:05And what exactly is he getting
05:07in exchange for this cooperation?
05:09Time off?
05:11Early release.
05:16You're setting him free.
05:18You're setting him free!
05:20He murdered a police officer!
05:22Gentlemen, give us a moment.
05:35I'm sorry.
05:36I wanted to talk to you first.
05:37They wouldn't let me.
05:38Why are they asking me
05:40to do this?
05:41Chaperone Emmett's killer?
05:42To freedom?
05:43They aren't asking.
05:46Dennis Jenkins is.
05:48He requested you.
06:05Don't jump.
06:07Why not?
06:08Gerard would just make us
06:09clean you up off the sidewalk.
06:11Guys, I can't do this anymore.
06:14I made a decision.
06:16I think we should all quit.
06:18You think we should all quit?
06:20Yeah, if we do it at the same time,
06:21maybe leadership will realize
06:22they made a mistake
06:23and they'll have to bring Bobby back.
06:25But then we wouldn't be here.
06:26You gotta stop letting this guy
06:27get under your skin like this, Buck.
06:30Buck, listen.
06:31He keeps coming after you
06:32because you react.
06:33And talk back.
06:34Of course I talk back.
06:35In fact, why don't you guys?
06:37I'm not a fan of scrubbing the crapper.
06:39And I can't afford to, okay?
06:40I need this job.
06:42I have to show stability.
06:43I'm still trying to fight
06:44to get my foster care license reinstated.
06:46And I got two kids at home.
06:48At least until she gets
06:49her foster license reinstated.
06:50Okay, well...
06:51What if we get him fired?
06:54We did.
06:55Years ago.
06:57He came back.
06:58Like Michael Myers
06:59with the push-through mustache.
07:00No offense, Magnum.
07:01I served under guys like Gerard in the Army.
07:03He's a whole bluster.
07:05Just gotta keep your head down.
07:06Follow orders.
07:07Eventually he'll move on
07:08to the next target.
07:10I wish Bobby was here.
07:13If Bobby was here,
07:14we wouldn't be having this conversation.
07:16Has anybody talked to him?
07:17I think he's been pretty busy
07:18with his new crew.
07:26Help me!
07:29I'm here!
07:30Help me!
07:32Help me!
07:33Scanlon, Dabney.
07:34I want a hose on that third floor
07:35where they were five minutes ago.
07:38Sanchez, Jones.
07:39Pump and dump from the north.
07:42Yes, sir.
07:43Get that ladder extended.
07:44Aye, Captain.
07:45I want a round-trip ticket
07:46to the roof.
07:47Bloody hell, come on.
07:50Hey, it's a dog's breakfast in here, mate.
07:51Sorry, Brad.
07:52I know.
07:53We just need to block this
07:54a little better, okay?
07:55Uh, where's, uh, what's his name?
07:56The tech advisor.
07:57Fly in the technical advisor, please.
08:00Anyone have eyes on our fire chief?
08:02Uh, it's captain, not chief.
08:04It's the chief who sent me here.
08:06Well, Mr. Not-Chief,
08:07maybe you can help us out.
08:08We seem to be having
08:09a little trouble here.
08:11That's because you're directing
08:12these two firefighters
08:13to suppress the fire from downwind,
08:14which you wouldn't do,
08:15and also sending guys
08:16into a crossfire.
08:17Oh, by the way,
08:18pump and dump,
08:19that's not a thing anyone says.
08:21We'll handle the dialogue.
08:22We just need this untangled.
08:24Copy that.
08:26Okay, so what you don't want to do
08:28is you don't want to cross
08:29your advancing hose lines.
08:32That way, you can fight the fire
08:33without decapitating your captain
08:35in the process.
08:37Thank you, man.
08:38Okay, okay, that's great.
08:39Thank you very much.
08:40We'll holler if we need you again.
08:42Everybody back to one!
08:43Crane's moving.
08:50My honey in the summer
08:52Kara says where she wins
08:53for the finals,
08:54but Callie says she's delusional.
08:56Sounds like Callie hasn't seen
08:57the new jump shot we're working on.
09:00No, I think she's just salty
09:01because Kara and David M.
09:02are hooking up.
09:04Sweetie, what do you mean
09:05hooking up?
09:27Rayla, baby, are you okay?
09:32Oh, my God.
09:34Oh, my God.
09:35Let me in the car!
09:55911, what's your emergency?
09:57We're on the 4th Street Bridge.
09:59A truck just crashed.
10:01Ma'am, I'm sorry,
10:02I'm getting a strange buzz
10:03on the line.
10:04That's the bees.
10:06You said bees?
10:08I think the truck
10:09was carrying them.
10:10The driver.
10:11I think they killed him.
10:13And now they're all over our car.
10:14Mommy, I'm scared.
10:16How many people are with you?
10:17Me and my daughter, Rayla.
10:19She's eight.
10:21And she's allergic to bees.
10:24My name's Maddie.
10:25I'm gonna stay on the line
10:26with you until help arrives.
10:27Do you carry an Epi?
10:30Yes, I found it.
10:32Hopefully you won't have to use it.
10:33Just stay where you are.
10:37Oh, my God!
10:38Oh, my God!
10:39Oh, my God!
10:40Oh, my God!
10:41Oh, my God!
10:42Oh, my God!
10:43Oh, my God!
10:44Oh, my God!
10:45Oh, my God!
10:46Oh, my God!
10:47That's a lot of bees.
10:50There's no storm
10:51can generate as much electricity
10:52as a storm cloud.
10:55because I forgot to charge my phone.
10:57Okay, people.
10:58We're treating this
10:59like any other toxic spill.
11:01Hopefully this stays contained
11:02in the 4th Street Bridge.
11:03We've got a mandatory shelter
11:04in place from Alameda
11:05to the 101.
11:06Anybody gets a call
11:07from a rooftop,
11:08a balcony, a street,
11:09just tell them to get
11:10the hell inside.
11:11Truck's coming out of Temecula.
11:12Left before dawn.
11:13It was supposed to arrive
11:14in Fresno two hours ago.
11:15Wait, so what happened?
11:16Gridlock on the 101.
11:17Apparently the truck
11:18has to be in motion
11:19to create airflow
11:20and heat
11:21makes the bees angry.
11:22Well, it's 92 degrees today.
11:23How many angry bees
11:24are we talking about?
11:25That truck was hauling
11:2622 million killer bees.
11:30Okay, ladies and idiots,
11:32heads out of your asses
11:33and extricate.
11:34Five screams up,
11:36And full PPE.
11:38I don't need any of you
11:39getting any uglier today.
11:41Copy that, Cap.
11:42Sir, yes, sir.
11:46Coming in clear.
11:52No pulse.
11:54Dispatch, the driver's
11:55a black pack.
11:56Trucking company says
11:57there should be
11:58a second driver.
11:59Checking now.
12:02Hey, hey, Natty,
12:03it's an SUV,
12:04but we have zero visibility.
12:06Driver's Julie Watson, 32.
12:08Her eight-year-old daughter
12:09is in the back seat
12:10with a severe bee allergy.
12:11She hasn't been stung yet, but...
12:12She will be
12:13as soon as we open these doors.
12:14Let's grab the CO2.
12:17I got him.
12:19We got you, sir.
12:20He's breathing, but barely.
12:29I'm out of CO2.
12:31Me too.
12:32I'm not doing much.
12:34Cap, we need more firepower.
12:36You're out of luck.
12:37Damp bugs jam the intake.
12:38Pumper can't pump.
12:40Dispatch, I need foam carrier
12:42and four more engines.
12:43On the double.
12:44Engines are en route,
12:45but the foam's in traffic
12:46and Van Nuys 20 minutes out.
12:48They put lead in their coffee
12:49over there.
12:50Get it now!
12:56No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
12:58One got inside.
12:59How did it get inside?
13:00No, don't swat at it, Julie.
13:01Stay calm.
13:02Check the air vents
13:03on your dashboard.
13:05Oh, God.
13:06Julie, close them now.
13:10Okay, they're closed.
13:12How many got in?
13:13I don't know.
13:14Uh, two or three, maybe?
13:16If one of them stings,
13:17it'll trigger an alarm response
13:18on all the others.
13:19Okay, Julie,
13:20try and keep your eye on them.
13:22But I need you to both
13:23stay very, very still.
13:24Like a statue.
13:25Okay, Rayla?
13:27Like a statue.
13:29Like a statue.
13:32He's got minimal stings,
13:34considering that I'm not
13:35getting a chest rise.
13:36O2 sets at 40.
13:37All right, checking his airway
13:38for obstruction.
13:48Found the obstruction.
13:51Sit tight, you two.
13:52You're doing great.
14:02Go away, stupid bee!
14:03Rayla, no!
14:09Julie, what happened?
14:12It stung her.
14:13Okay, we're not gonna panic.
14:14Julie, you said you had the epi.
14:16Yes, uh...
14:18I've got it.
14:19Have you ever used one before?
14:21On your daughter?
14:22On myself.
14:24Wait, you're allergic, too?
14:25The allergy's remnant.
14:27Oh, God.
14:28Oh, God.
14:29Oh, God.
14:30The allergy's remnant.
14:31Our family.
14:32Okay, careful.
14:33Julie, the pheromones.
14:34Any other bees in the car
14:35are gonna be extra aggressive
14:36right now.
14:39I can't breathe.
14:40I know.
14:41Julie, give Rayla the shot
14:42in the thigh.
14:43Quick, ouchie.
14:45Blue to the sky,
14:46orange to the thigh,
14:50Did you do it, Julie?
14:53How's your breathing, Rayla?
14:58It feels better.
15:07Did it sting you?
15:16How soon can we get help?
15:18118 patient in sedan
15:19is experiencing
15:20an allergic reaction.
15:21We need to pull her out now.
15:23Hey, red boys.
15:24Chop, chop.
15:25Cap, there's an eight-year-old
15:26girl in the car.
15:27Allergies aside,
15:28a kid that way
15:29can only take
15:3040 to 50 stings.
15:31If we pull her out
15:32in this swarm,
15:33I don't like her eyes.
15:37Damn it!
15:38Get CO2 on that
15:39till we get the water flowing.
15:45Suction's up.
15:52Blood pressure's dropping.
15:55We're almost there.
15:57All right, that should do it.
15:58Sternal rub?
16:00Willie, come on.
16:01Come on, Willie.
16:02Come on.
16:03Come on.
16:05There we go.
16:06All right.
16:07O2's set.
16:08Back to 90.
16:09I'm starting a line.
16:11Why do I taste honey?
16:21Where's my damn phone?
16:23Eight minutes out,
16:24but I'm sending a police escort.
16:25Might have it in six.
16:26No, the people in the car
16:27won't live till then.
16:28Get it now!
16:36Eddie, smoke.
16:37Smoke calms bees.
16:39Yeah, it's what beekeepers
16:40use to stop them
16:41from stinging.
16:42We get the PPV fans
16:43off the rig.
16:44We use it to blow smoke
16:45over the cars.
16:47Julie, can you hear me?
16:49They're not going to
16:50make it to me, are they?
16:51I have a plan.
16:54We're going to use
16:55that injector again.
16:56I already used it up.
16:59Yes and no.
17:00If you crack it open,
17:01we can get an extra dose
17:02out of it.
17:03Do you have anything
17:04sharp on you?
17:05I have a pair of scissors
17:06in my school bag.
17:07Good girl.
17:08Rayleigh, can you get them?
17:10Got them.
17:11Hand them to your mom.
17:12Now, Julie, carefully
17:13cut the plastic casing.
17:19Now what?
17:20You'll see a little
17:21syringe inside.
17:22Take it out.
17:23Pull up the plunger
17:24just a little bit.
17:26What am I doing?
17:35Mom, please wake up.
17:37She's not breathing.
17:39Okay, Rayleigh,
17:40your mom needs your help.
17:41Can you do exactly as I say?
17:43I'll try.
17:50Buckley, what the hell
17:51are you doing?
17:57Rayleigh, you can do this.
17:59Okay, little guys.
18:01Stay cool.
18:03Deep breath.
18:07It's in.
18:08Now what?
18:09Press the plunger
18:10halfway down.
18:13Did it.
18:18Give it a second.
18:19Nothing's happening.
18:26Mom, please wake up.
18:33She's breathing.
18:35Daddy, it worked!
18:47LAFD, man.
18:48We got you.
18:50Nice and easy.
18:51Here you go.
18:52You got her?
18:53I've got you.
18:56I've got you.
19:03Bomb's landing any second.
19:05Let's mop this sucker up.
19:07Buckley, that smoke thing,
19:09that was some independent thinking.
19:12Thank you, sir.
19:13K.P. duty, one month.
19:18K.P. duty?
19:27Is that a...
19:29It's a V8.
19:43I like this house,
19:44just not the neighborhood.
19:46I like this neighborhood.
19:50But that house is terrible.
19:52Well, we're not in any hurry.
19:54Insurance will pay for this place
19:55till the end of the year.
19:58Is that all you're taking?
19:59Just going to Arizona.
20:01I'll be back before dinner tomorrow.
20:04Why'd you say yes?
20:06Since when do you do prisoner transfers?
20:09Since this prisoner refuses to testify
20:11unless I'm the one who travels him.
20:13Maybe he knows he can trust you.
20:16Or maybe he wants to gloat.
20:18I don't mind facing the fact
20:19that he's getting an early release.
20:21You don't really think that.
20:23You said the day you found Jenkins,
20:25he seemed genuinely remorseful.
20:30You know, I used to think
20:32that putting Emmett's killer behind bars
20:34would free me.
20:36But the moment I heard Dennis Jenkins' name,
20:38I was right back there.
20:41Seeing him living the life
20:43that Emmett never had the chance to.
20:46And now he gets to go back to it.
20:48And now he gets to go back to it.
20:53Why don't you let me come with you?
20:57And have you give up show business?
21:01Epinephrine and calamine lotion
21:03have been flying off store shelves
21:05all across the Southland
21:06after a long-haul truck
21:08carrying some 22 million killer bees
21:10jackknifed today just east of downtown.
21:13And we're hearing that the hives now
21:15have merged into what entomologists are calling
21:17a super swarm, 15 million strong.
21:20Our own Jackie Blanchard
21:22has been following this noisy cloud.
21:25Dwight, I'm here in Valley Village
21:27where the super swarm was last seen.
21:29Experts have been tracking the cloud
21:31on Doppler radar,
21:32but it fell off just before sunset.
21:34So does that mean the threat is over?
21:37The experts that I've spoken with
21:38told me that these killer bees
21:40don't fly after dark.
21:41So with temps dropping,
21:43it's likely that they've just bedded down
21:45for the night.
21:48Okay, we've got mushroom,
21:50eggplant and peppers,
21:52and one Denny's special.
21:54Triple pepperoni.
21:55You know, one of these weeks,
21:56you guys are going to have to let us cook.
21:58Only if you let us do the dishes.
22:00Oh, so...
22:01Gee, Mara,
22:02who's going to help me clear the table?
22:05There's my girl.
22:08Mom, Mama,
22:09we made a Lego racetrack.
22:11Then we smashed it!
22:17Are they speaking in tongues?
22:19Harry Potter spells.
22:20Chim and Mara are obsessed.
22:22So how did the meeting go
22:24with the new foster attorney?
22:27She's a real powerhouse,
22:28and she says we have a strong case
22:29to get her foster license back.
22:32And the magical words
22:33Councilwoman Ortiz
22:34have no power over her.
22:35Well, that's great.
22:36So do you have a court date yet?
22:38No, we're still in the early days,
22:39but we do have another meeting
22:40with him on Friday.
22:41Babe, we might need to push that to next week.
22:43I don't think Gerard's going to be open
22:44to me taking an hour off my shift.
22:46Your boss is a jerk.
22:48That's one word for what he is.
22:50So he punishes me
22:52for thinking on my feet,
22:54and then I hear him on the phone
22:55to the chief,
22:56and he's taking credit for my idea.
22:59Sounds like Gerard.
23:02That's great.
23:03He's going to love it.
23:04Put these on.
23:05Get in position.
23:12I'm sorry.
23:13You want the red one?
23:15Has anyone ever told you
23:17you were a vision in a cone?
23:20Hey, birthday boy!
23:23Wow, Chris, 14?
23:25It feels like you were 13 when?
23:28I miss you, buddy.
23:34Well, I heard you got my gifts,
23:35but I got one more surprise for you.
23:46Come on, really, Chris?
23:50I'm sorry, honey.
23:51I think the thing froze.
23:53Not like it mattered much anyways.
23:55It seemed like it went better
23:57than last time, right?
24:00I guess.
24:01I got a whole uh-huh out of him.
24:03Well, don't give up.
24:04He'll come around.
24:05But look at him.
24:06Look at him with his new friends, right?
24:09Who are all these kids anyway?
24:11Well, a few are from the pool club
24:13that we've been going to,
24:14and then there's Izzy and Deanna
24:16are from down the street.
24:17The pool club?
24:18Yeah, he loves the water so much.
24:20You know, your dad and I
24:21are thinking about putting in
24:22a pool of our own.
24:26Wow, great.
24:28Oh, honey, they're singing.
24:30I gotta go.
24:32Wait, can you...
24:33Happy birthday to you
24:36Happy birthday dear Crystal
24:40The party is going to be perfectional.
24:42How many RSVPs?
24:43Um, about half the list.
24:45But these influencer types,
24:46they're so last minute.
24:47They'll show.
24:53Be honest.
24:54Am I an idiot for spending
24:56my entire divorce settlement
24:57launching a boutique fragrance line?
25:00Of course not.
25:03I am so glad
25:04I didn't replace you with an AI.
25:19You're right.
25:20Tomorrow is going to be flawless.
25:35Well, hello.
25:36Thank you all for coming
25:37to the exclusive debut
25:39of my new fragrance,
25:42Tori by Tori.
25:45With zingy lemongrass
25:48and hints of cassis,
25:51this eau de parfum
25:53will sweep you to the tropics
25:55and back.
25:57Who wants the first spritz?
25:59I do.
26:01And back.
26:02Who wants the first spritz?
26:06Young lady.
26:07Oh, okay.
26:08Whoever you are,
26:09you're in for a treat.
26:10What's your name, sweetie?
26:13Well, Sheila,
26:14get ready for an instant vacay.
26:18All it takes is one pump.
26:20Maybe two, just for fun.
26:27Oh, my God!
26:46Come here!
26:47Hold your cover!
26:599-1-1, what's your emergency?
27:01Bees have invaded my garden party.
27:03There's, like, a zillion of them.
27:05Ma'am, can you get everyone inside?
27:07Not everyone.
27:08My assistant, Sheila,
27:09she jumped in the water
27:10and they started hovering.
27:12And then every time she comes up for air,
27:13they sting her.
27:14Okay, they will wade over water.
27:15We need to get Sheila to the shallow end
27:17and have her stay underwater.
27:18But how is she supposed
27:19to breathe underwater?
27:20You said you were at a garden party, right?
27:22I'm betting you have a garden hose.
27:24Eyes up.
27:25We got a drowning vic somewhere to find.
27:27Oh, God!
27:28She's over here.
27:33With the rest of us.
27:37How long has she been down here?
27:38About 25 minutes.
27:39We can't just pull her up into the swarm.
27:41We got to move the bees.
27:42Smoke works last time.
27:45No more freelancing, Buckley.
27:47Get inside, give out waters.
27:48Check for boo-boos.
27:49Let the grown-ups handle this.
27:51Sir, yes, sir.
27:58Here you go.
28:02I got stung seven times.
28:05I am never going to another perfume launch.
28:07Okay, I don't care what's in the swag bag.
28:11I'm sorry.
28:12Did you say perfume launch?
28:15Who was wearing the perfume?
28:24Hey, guys.
28:25I think they found us.
28:26I think they found a loophole.
28:29Buck, where's your bingo hat?
28:30I have an idea, if I may, sir.
28:32I don't think you're going to like it.
28:34Well, you probably won't.
28:41So bees are attracted to floral scents,
28:44but others smells like banana make them mad.
28:47Well, this has both.
28:50Okay, but why does it have to be me?
28:52You're the fastest runner.
28:54You smell wonderful, by the way.
28:56Hold on.
28:57I take the bait.
28:58You dive in ASAP.
28:59Copy that, Cap.
29:02Godspeed, Diaz.
29:14It's okay.
29:15You got it.
29:16Go, go.
29:17Go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
29:20Not yet, not yet!
29:25Now, let's go!
29:31Come on.
29:32We got you.
29:45Right here's good.
29:47Looks like she's been stung a thousand times.
29:49How's her airways?
29:51As swollen as you'd expect.
29:53We're going to have to do a trach.
29:54No, no, no, no, no, no.
29:56Do a bougie.
29:57This much trauma.
29:58I don't want to cut her open unless we have to.
30:00She's Bradycardic.
30:01Her pulse is 50s and dropping.
30:05I'm pushing atropine.
30:06Oh, this bee venom.
30:09It's shutting down her organs.
30:10These stingers are releasing venom by the second.
30:13It'll take hours for us to get them all out.
30:15She'll be dead before that.
30:17Unless we can get them all out at once.
30:19How will we do that?
30:20Dug tape.
30:21They say it fixes everything.
30:35I can't believe that worked.
30:36Told you.
30:37All right.
30:38I'm inflating the cuff to turn the airway.
30:43O2 stat's rising.
30:44Pulse stabilizing.
30:48I am so sorry.
30:50I'm the worst boss ever.
30:52Oh, you'd be surprised.
30:54Mike, wait.
30:55What's her hold up?
30:57Almost done, Cap.
30:58Hey, you ready?
30:59For what?
31:00For Monty.
31:01Who's Monty?
31:03Monty Moore.
31:04Beekeeper to the stars.
31:06Dispatch sent me.
31:07Arms up, please.
31:08This won't hurt a bit.
31:09It shot before.
31:10I'm pretty sure I can handle this.
31:11I was talking to the bees, sir.
31:21A couple more.
31:24Got him.
31:27That ought to do it.
31:29That's it.
31:30You beat the bees.
31:31Well, I got about one or two hundred thousand in here.
31:35Just 14.8 million on the loose.
31:40Great news, Cap.
31:41Patient is stable.
31:42We'll hit up the OR for observation, but...
31:44we got her out in time.
31:47You want a trophy?
31:49Get in the rig.
31:55Let's go.
32:08I wanted you to know that I never forgot about him.
32:11I never forgot about what I did that night.
32:13Me neither.
32:15You spent months afraid you'd be recognized.
32:20I spent years searching every face I saw.
32:24Wondering, was that man the one?
32:27Was his face the last thing that Emmett saw before he died?
32:33They have no idea what decades of not knowing does to a person.
32:40Standby for open on grid three.
32:42Overwatch, open on grid three.
32:44Grid three, open up.
33:01Get changed.
33:02We got a flight to catch.
33:13Thank you for coming to get me.
33:16I appreciate you saying yes.
33:20I assume you're wondering why I asked for you.
33:23Crossed my mind.
33:26Two reasons.
33:29First, I wanted you to hear from me.
33:34That I made a deal.
33:36That I was going to make a deal with you.
33:38I wanted you to hear from me.
33:41That I made a deal.
33:43That I'm getting out.
33:46I'm going back to my family.
33:50And I don't know if I still owe a debt to society.
33:54But I know I owe one to you.
33:56And I owe one to Emmett's mom.
33:58Please stop.
34:08What? What's happening?
34:10Looks like we're getting pulled over.
34:15Don't stop.
34:17Don't stop. Don't trust this.
34:19I mean it.
34:21Whoever it is, they're just going to try and take me from you.
34:25Prismage Paranoid, Dennis? Relax.
34:28Call it in. Please.
34:39No bars.
34:41Sit tight.
34:49Athena Grant, LAPD.
34:51Sergeant, sorry to rush up on you like that.
34:54Was worried I wouldn't catch you.
34:56Fredericks, U.S. Attorney's Office.
34:58Fredericks got orders to take custody of your prisoner.
35:00Our office would like to depose Mr. Jenkins for you.
35:03Flies off to La La.
35:04You don't say.
35:06That him there?
35:07Yeah, unless I picked up the wrong prisoner.
35:10You got paperwork?
35:16Makes me sick.
35:18Cutting a deal with a cop killer.
35:21Son of a bitch should rot for life.
35:26Well, alright. Looks official, alright.
35:29Just one problem.
35:32No one sent it to me.
35:33Well, it's hard to get reception out here.
35:35Probably come through when you get into town.
35:37Well then, I better get back on the road with him.
35:40My state. My jurisdiction.
35:43My prisoner.
35:45I signed for him.
35:52Hey, I don't have time for this.
35:54Like you didn't have time to put the right state seal on that forgery?
36:04Hands on your head.
36:09Who are you?
36:11What do you want with my prisoner?
36:15You're not gonna tell me?
36:20You ever seen Thelma and Louise?
36:24Don't worry.
36:26As soon as I get service, I'll call in and let them know that you're out here.
36:30Or maybe I'll wait.
36:33Till we get to Lala.
36:37The second reason I asked for you to pick me up is because you're the only cop I can trust.
36:42Someone wants me dead.
36:45They're gonna have to get in line.
36:57I don't think anyone else followed us here.
37:00How many people knew you were coming to get me?
37:01More than two.
37:03Are they gonna be waiting on us when we get off that plane?
37:05No, they're not. We're changing flights. Come on.
37:08Hey, wait a minute. You don't think this looks strange?
37:15You happy now?
37:21To LA? I don't have anything.
37:23Burbank. Long Beach. We're not picky.
37:26I have a flight to Honolulu with a stopover at LAX, but...
37:30It's tight. You may not make it before the doors close.
37:32We'll take it. And I'm checking the firearm as well.
37:37Said his name's Fredericks, U.S. attorney.
37:39He give a first name?
37:41He's tried to shoot me before we got to that.
37:43Elaine, somebody does not want this man appearing before a grand jury.
37:46And you left this Agent Fredericks in his car's trunk?
37:49Left on the side of the road. I imagine he's pretty toasty by now.
37:52Send me the location.
37:54Speak to someone at Phoenix PD. Make sure they get him out and hold him until we can figure out what's going on.
37:58Get yourself back to LA in one piece.
38:00Okay. I'll call you when we land.
38:02Who's that?
38:04The captain.
38:09Hollywood glamour, eh, Captain Nash?
38:14It's pretty hard to complain.
38:17And yet something tells me you'd rather not be here.
38:20Well, I was assigned here, so I'm on duty.
38:22Fire departments run out of fire stations.
38:24Something like that.
38:26So the, uh, Grips, they tell me that you're a bit of a hero.
38:30Sunken Ferris wheel, or was it a cruise ship?
38:33Well, both, actually.
38:35So the rumors are true. You're an LAFD legend.
38:39Civil servant, still am.
38:41You know De Niro? He trained with the real Jake LaMotta for Raging Bull.
38:46I've never actually seen it.
38:48You're my LaMotta. Captain Nash, I'm gonna stutter you tiptoe.
38:54Because from where I'm sitting, your job's the glamour one.
39:09I think I finally got all the bee guts off the windshield.
39:12Same with the gauges. Oddly, I crave honey.
39:16Think we'll have to do it all over in 20 minutes?
39:19The heat should make them fly higher.
39:21Maddie said dispatch hasn't gotten a call in hours.
39:25Wow. Do those guys ever take a hammer break?
39:29Yeah, but only when they pick up the saw.
39:34You missed a spot.
39:38Uh, where?
39:42When you're done, I want to lick the bumper and taste chrome.
39:48Yes, sir.
39:50Is this because of my perfume idea?
39:53No. It's because you jump chain of command every damn call.
39:57You think you're something, huh?
39:59With your tattoos and your broody little pout.
40:06Uh, my pout, sir.
40:10Four decades in the fire service, you think I don't know what insight you have?
40:14I don't know.
40:17Four decades in the fire service, you think I don't know what insolence looks like?
40:21Do I need to remind you who's captain of this firehouse?
40:25I'm shocked you haven't washed out.
40:28You disrespectful.
40:30Is your skull too thick for that to sink in?
40:33Disgrace to the uniform.
40:35Do it again.
40:36Fall in line, bucko.
40:38You're gonna be in for a while.
40:40What the hell are you doing?
40:42You gotta stop letting this guy get under your skin like this, Buck.
40:43Get out of the water.
40:44What's the matter, Buckley?
40:45Do it again.
40:46Want me to pat you on the back like your daddy?
40:49Do it again.
40:58You saved him.
41:01You made me kill them.
41:03Get the leads on him.
41:04I'll get the light back.
41:16You sit tight.
41:18I'm gonna talk to the captain.
41:19Make sure LAPD is at the gate for us.
41:24Ma'am, we just began our descent.
41:26If you could retake your seat.
41:27I need to speak to the pilot.
41:28It's urgent.
41:30I can't let you in there.
41:31The phone is fine.
41:36This is Captain Dominguez.
41:37Captain, there is a police surgeon here who'd like to speak to you.
41:41All right. I was coming out anyway.
41:42Left turn 30 degrees, and...
41:45Pull her up.
41:46Pulling up.