• 2 days ago
Pemerintah telah menggelontorkan berbagai stimulus ekonomi di Ramadan dan menjelang Lebaran 2025. Sebanyak tujuh stimulus dikeluarkan Presiden Prabowo Subianto diyakini dapat mendorong daya beli masyarakat dan memicu pertumbuhan ekonomi.


00:00The government has launched various economic stimulus in the month of Ramadan and ahead of this year's Eid al-Adha.
00:10Yes, Mr. Mirza, as many as 7 stimulus issued by President Prabowo Subianto is believed to be able to boost the purchasing power of the people and boost economic growth.
00:227 economic stimulus in the month of Ramadan and Eid al-Adha have been issued by the government.
00:28President Prabowo Subianto has also issued 7 stimulus and must be carried out in the month of Ramadan and ahead of this Eid al-Adha.
00:36The stimulus is believed to be able to boost the purchasing power of the people and can boost national economic growth in 2025.
00:45The 7 stimulus issued by the government in the month of Ramadan and Eid al-Adha this year.
00:49First, the optimization of the distribution of food.
00:52The government will maximize the program of Keluarga Harapan, Kartu Sembako, and Gaba Petani breakfast.
00:58Where specifically for the PKK, the government is preparing a budget of Rp 150 trillion for the first stage of liquidation in 2025.
01:06Second, the stimulus for plane ticket discounts.
01:09The government provides a discount price for domestic economy class plane tickets through the PPN incentive on behalf of the government of 6%.
01:17The next stimulus is the 20% toll road tariff discount for long-distance travel during the mudik season.
01:26Next, the stimulus provided by the government is a shopping discount program,
01:30which runs from February 28 to March 30, 2025 for Ramadan and Eid al-Adha in various retail stores that are combined in Aplindo.
01:40The fifth stimulus is the Mudik Eid al-Adha tourism program by providing a tourist package.
01:46The stabilization of food prices is also included in the sixth stimulus of the government.
01:51Where the government for the month of fasting and Eid celebrates the market operations carried out throughout Indonesia,
01:56from February 24 to March 29, 2025.
02:02And the seventh stimulus is the liquidation of THRSN and private sector, which must be liquidated on time.
02:09Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs emphasized the existence of seven economic stimulus in the month of Ramadan and Eid al-Adha.
02:17It is hoped that the community can perform fasting prayers and celebrate Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr more calmly and comfortably.
02:27The government is very confident and hopes that the seven economic stimulus can boost the community's purchasing power and promote economic growth nationally.
02:35From Jakarta, IDX News.
02:38For live UN video visit www.un.org
