• 14 hours ago
Pemerintah Kota Administrasi Jakarta Utara bersama pihak Kepolisian melakukan sidak di Pasar Waru, Kelurahan Lagoa, Kecamatan Koja, Jakarta Utara pada Selasa (11/03) siang hari. Selain memonitoring harga dan stok pangan menjelang hari raya Idul Fitri, petugas juga menemukan MinyaKita kemasan botol maupun plastik dari beda produsen yang tidak sesuai takaran.


00:05First, we have some information about our oil,
00:09where the government of Jakarta Utara Administration and the police
00:12conducted an inspection at Waru Market, Kelurahan, Lagoa,
00:15in Koja, Jakarta Utara, on Tuesday afternoon.
00:18Yes, besides monitoring the price and food stock during Eid al-Fitr,
00:23the officers also found our oil, bottle packaging and plastic
00:26from different producers that do not meet the standard.
00:34Waru Market, which is located on Jalan Raya Celinceng, Kelurahan, Lagoa,
00:38in Koja, North Jakarta, was inspected by the government of Jakarta Utara Administration
00:42and the police on Tuesday afternoon.
00:45The city government also delivered one by one
00:47the stock purchasing kiosk, such as rice, eggs, chilies, and fried oil.
00:52However, in this inspection, the city government found
00:56that our oil production, bottle packaging and plastic 1 liter,
00:59does not meet the written standard.
01:01When the inspection was conducted, our oil, bottle packaging and plastic
01:04was only 800 milliliters to 900 milliliters,
01:08different from our oil from other producers.
01:10With this finding, the police of North Jakarta
01:13will be firm on our oil production,
01:16which produces bottle packaging and plastic does not meet the 1 liter standard.
01:20The findings that we conducted, we tested samples from several companies,
01:29especially regarding the volume of the contents of the oil.
01:36And from the three samples that we tested,
01:40there was a sample that was full of 1 liter,
01:46but two samples, after we tested,
01:48the contents varied between 800 to 900 milliliters,
01:52so it did not meet the 1 liter standard.
01:55And the other one was PET, which has been investigated by Bareske Borek.
02:02After that, KASUDIN KPKP Jakarta Utara Unang Rustanto stated
02:06that the price of wood in the market did not experience an increase in price,
02:10and also agreed that until Eid al-Fitr is enough for the interest of the community.
02:14We did some monitoring,
02:16which confirmed that the price was still within the normal range,
02:22such as eggs.
02:23For eggs, when we did the monitoring,
02:26there was an increase of Rp 2,000,
02:30but today the eggs are stable at Rp 30,000.
02:35Then the chickens are almost the same as the standard,
02:41like the other normal chickens.
