Saint-Pierre 2025 S01 E08
00:00Sure, we both know Gallagher's a crook, but why do you have such an axe to grind?
00:05You really want to know?
00:06Tell me everything and start at the beginning.
00:09What's all this?
00:10Private financial records. If there's a magic bullet to bring Sean Gallagher down, it's in here.
00:15What the hell are you doing? Where are you going?
00:45Fitz! Come look at this.
01:04When was the last time you slept?
01:09Some of your Gallagher intel predates your arrival in St. Pierre.
01:14Hey, you were investigating Gallagher back when you were in Paris. Why?
01:19These invoices that I discovered connect Gallagher to a shell company, Melmoth Holdings.
01:24Isn't that the company that was trying to buy Camille Prevon's Bogland?
01:27Melmoth has history with the law, in Europe and beyond. And look at this.
01:35This is bail receipt for weapons charged against Melmoth Holdings.
01:41Look at where all the wire transfers originated from.
01:44St. Pierre. Gallagher was in deep with weapon smugglers.
01:49I've got him, Fitz.
01:54Oh, we gotta go to work.
02:07You need to see this. Over here.
02:12Bonjour, messieurs.
02:15The guys were cleaning their catch and found this.
02:18Is that a finger?
02:19Afraid so. François, he's an old friend, called me right away.
02:23Okay, which one of you let the knife slip?
02:26Y'a quelqu'un qui manque un doigt?
02:30I see it's not one of theirs.
02:35That is so gross. Like a demented case of Cinderella.
02:41The finger's a glass slipper.
02:43We just hope that Cinderella is still alive.
02:59Missing finger. Well, that really has a happy ending.
03:03Well, it could be as simple as like a, you know, boating accident or a fishing mishap at sea.
03:08Doesn't necessarily mean there's a body at the bottom of the ocean.
03:12In my experience, when something like this happens, there's always more going on than it seems.
03:16I've seen cases of murder victims having their fingers removed to make hiding the body more difficult.
03:21Or impossible.
03:22That is bleak.
03:23Natasha, what do you make of the little guy?
03:25Well, it's fairly fresh. Granted, it was in the belly of a fish in the Atlantic Ocean.
03:30Coldness could preserve a body part for up to ten days. I would say maybe a week.
03:36Removed peri or post-mortem?
03:38Well, I don't know that yet, Arch.
03:41Well, based on the coarseness of the skin, the hair, likely a male.
03:47Maybe you can lift a print?
03:49Anything to help us ID the owner?
03:50Yes, I will do all of that, okay?
03:52You know we're already at the hospital, so.
03:55So, you want to go check upstairs and see if anyone came in to have a hand wound treated?
04:00Yeah, go upstairs. The faster you go upstairs, the faster I get you answers.
04:03Got it.
04:07Excusez-moi. Bonjour.
04:10Madame Cohen, c'est ça?
04:12Est-ce que vous parlez anglais?
04:14Yes, of course. Harper, please.
04:16We're looking for assistance in a case. It's a bit gruesome.
04:20Oh, believe me, I've seen it all. How can I help?
04:23Likely a male. Anyone who's been admitted in the last week or so with a missing finger.
04:28I haven't heard of anything, but I'll have a look for you.
04:31What exactly are you thinking here?
04:33I hate to sound like you, but I have a feeling there's something much bigger going on.
04:41Okay, well, let me guess. The cases with the missing fingers for ID purposes.
04:47You think Gallagher was involved?
04:53Sorry about the wait.
04:55Your punch clock's pretty old school. Is everything still analog around here?
04:58Yeah. Back in France we can somehow centrally database 68 million people, but it doesn't quite work like that here in Saint-Pierre.
05:10Too much coffee.
05:12Oh, trust me, I get it.
05:16Wow, where do you find the time? The mobile nurses unit, right? You must be pretty busy.
05:22Not enough nurses, not enough time. But we all do our part.
05:25Nothing about any patients missing any appendages of any kind, sorry.
05:29Appreciate your time. Call us if anyone happens to pop up.
05:40Jean Gallagher is no stranger to doling out harsh punishments to people who cross him.
05:45A missing finger doesn't always mean what you think it means.
05:48Except when it does. We'll know more once we've tracked his recent movements.
05:52I checked around the marina. No reports of anyone missing a finger, at least not in the past month.
05:58Nearly have a fingerprint match. Some of the ridges are deteriorated, but the pattern's still quite distinct.
06:04And any hit is seconds away.
06:10Evan Niels.
06:13I think I know that name.
06:15Evan had a DUI two years ago, pled guilty, nothing since.
06:19I thought so. We're in a highlight league. Evan was the best backcourt player.
06:25We lost touch, but he's a handyman. Local odds job guy here. He does great work.
06:31He's, you know, sensible pricing. He's got good sanding ability.
06:35Go see if the guy's missing a finger, or if there's any evidence of him swimming with the fishes.
06:40I want to be 100% sure what we're dealing with before we get the Coast Guard to start dragging the waters.
06:50About a week's worth of mail here.
06:54All addressed to our guy, Evan Niels.
06:57Utility bills. Bank stuff.
07:00Oh, look at this.
07:03This is some expensive looking equipment to just leave out on a doorstep.
07:10Is that the side door?
07:14Well, go on. You should chase after him.
07:17What? You see how fast he's running?
07:26Whoever he was, he was in a hurry.
07:28What if Evan's still inside?
07:35Nothing downstairs. He's not here.
07:40In case.
07:42You mean, if this is actually a crime scene.
07:46I'm getting real bachelor vibes. I feel like Evan lives alone.
07:49I see no photos of friends or family.
07:53Do you notice how clean the ground floor is in comparison?
07:56Yeah. The rest of the place is filthy.
08:03Laptop plugged in a socket, but no laptop.
08:06No sign of a wallet or a cell phone.
08:16These aren't readers.
08:18Look how strong they are.
08:20I'm guessing the guy can't see anything without them.
08:23So? What do you think?
08:25I think you're right.
08:27Something bad has happened to Evan.
08:32Someone cleaned the living room but missed the glasses under the couch.
08:36Which tells us…
08:38If Evan was murdered, someone cleaned up in a hurry.
08:41If we're lucky, they left behind some fingerprints, DNA.
08:44Oh, look. These are old booze crates.
08:47Back in the day, rum runners used to leave them behind.
08:50People used them to insulate their walls.
08:52Alright. Your nerdy prohibition to work.
08:55Nerdy? Actually, my daughter tells me that nerdy is now cool, so I'll accept that.
09:06Fitz, this is a nursing bra.
09:10Oh, I'm aware I've seen my fair share.
09:13I'm a dad.
09:15Yeah, but Evan is not.
09:20We should check with the neighbors, see if they heard or saw anything.
09:27Let's start there.
09:31Whatever you're selling, I'm buying.
09:33We're actually the police. And you are?
09:36Terrence Lozano.
09:37Terrence Lozano.
09:40We're sleep training our daughter. It's my wife Christina's idea.
09:45I've been there, actually, twice.
09:48Do you know your neighbor, Evan?
09:50Yeah, of course. He's a bit intense, but I have to say I really appreciate the way he helps around the house here.
09:57I work offshore on a rig, so it's really hard on my wife, especially with the baby.
10:01Have you seen Evan in the past seven days or so?
10:04No, but I just got back in town a couple days ago. Why?
10:09No one has seen or heard from him, so we're just asking neighbors.
10:13We're gonna need to speak to your wife, Christina. Ask her a few questions.
10:16Yeah, she's at a zen yoga class. One of those sisters doing it for themselves kind of thing.
10:24I'm gonna have to go upstairs.
10:26Don't pick her up.
10:30Anyone get a hit on the guy we saw running away from Evan's house?
10:33Not yet.
10:35But do you think Evan, our handyman, was, um, handy with Terrence's wife?
10:41They just had a baby in the nursing bra in Evan's room. Do you think Terrence knows?
10:47He didn't flinch at the mention of Evan's name, so if there was an affair, I mean if, I think Terrence was oblivious.
10:55Natasha, you're on speaker.
10:57I finished the finger autopsy. They, wait, do you call it an autopsy if it's just a finger?
11:02Anyways, um, contracted blood vessels reveal it was bitten off and ingested post-mortem.
11:08Post-mortem, so with that info plus everything we found at the victim's house, I think it's safe to call this a homicide.
11:15Okay, thank you, Natasha.
11:19Was Terrence lying to us, or was he actually out in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean on an oil rig?
11:25We need to check his alibi.
11:27But you know who wasn't on an oil rig?
11:31His wife, Christina Lozano.
11:41This look very zen to you?
11:44Oh, Panko.
11:46If that's your mother calling, I think you should get it.
11:48She's probably wanting to talk about the message I left her yesterday.
11:51But it's not a call I can finish now, so...
11:59Fitz, what the hell is going on here?
12:02I don't know.
12:11What the...
12:26Everyone stand down!
12:28Sorry, guys.
12:30What the hell? Simone?
12:32I run a self-defense class. Full sensory, so the women are caught off guard like in real life.
12:36And they tackled us because?
12:38We hired bad guys to sneak in. Sorry we didn't see it was you.
12:42Hey, these are trained cops.
12:45Your hard work has paid off. Good job, Christina and Rene.
12:48Christina Lozano?
12:52We need a word.
12:57What's your relationship with Evan Niels?
13:00He's my neighbor. Why do you ask?
13:04Lose something?
13:07Where did you get that?
13:09Oh, we found it. In Evan's bedroom.
13:14He must have taken it when he fixed my dryer.
13:16What a creep.
13:18It's the last time I hire him.
13:20You're 100% correct about that.
13:22Evan's dead.
13:25We spoke to your husband earlier. Terrence?
13:28The bra didn't come up.
13:30He also told us you were at a yoga class.
13:33Oh, I didn't want to tell him. I was at a self-defense class. Worrying.
13:38Are you in danger?
13:40Me? Oh, no, no, no. Not at all.
13:43Not at all. I'm at home with our daughter all day.
13:47It's just nice to feel like myself again.
13:50And I've made some really good friends here.
13:53Tell us what you know about Evan. Any details of his life?
13:58He did some work for us, but I didn't know much about him, really.
14:03Oh, there was that guy who came knocking on his door, shouting and swearing.
14:08He woke me and the baby. Evan apologized the next day.
14:11Any idea who it was?
14:13I mean, that it was the guy that was suing him? Ray Patel, I think?
14:19Evan seemed really scared.
14:25We believe Evan Nils was killed in his home.
14:28Our working time of death is last Tuesday.
14:31Forensics are scouring the scene.
14:33Luminol shows a small splatter of blood on the living room floor.
14:36They sent preliminary images.
14:37Traces of hydrogen peroxide and peroxide acidic acids were found on surfaces in the living room.
14:43The murderer was serious about trying to clean up.
14:45So you're telling me we have no body, just a finger in a nearly pristine living room?
14:49Coroner believes Evan's body was disposed of in the ocean.
14:52Do we have any suspects?
14:54Digging, to see if anyone had a problem with Evan, or if we can connect him to...
15:00Renouf? Any word on Gallagher's whereabouts?
15:04He was in Dublin.
15:05And how do you know that?
15:08I checked with air traffic control and customs and he was away during the window of opportunity.
15:13We got a lead from Evan's neighbor, Christina Lozano.
15:19Ray Patel and Evan had beef. I spoke with the jurist's assistant from the district court.
15:25Evan Nils and Ray Patel were in the midst of a civil suit.
15:28I mean, damages were pretty significant, over 200k.
15:31And according to Christina Lozano, Ray Patel threatened Evan.
15:35So they've returned, Evan let him in, things went south.
15:38He cleans up, dumps the body.
15:40Homicide cases without bodies are a catnip for defense lawyers. We need to find Evan's body.
15:44Double check the ring cameras on Evan's street and any CCTV.
15:47Somebody must have been in and out of that house.
15:49Fitz, you and me are on Ray Patel.
15:51Paddy, please, can you verify that Terence Lozano was on his rig at the estimated time of death?
15:56Another suspect?
15:58Well, we think that Terence's wife, Christina, was having an affair with the Vic.
16:01So Terence could have gone over and confronted Evan.
16:03Alright, let's go.
16:05Let's go.
16:24Don't even think about running again.
16:27This is a nice place.
16:29Well, the handyman messed up my roof, so I had to move in here.
16:32Evan Nils? We saw you on his property.
16:35Why did you run away?
16:37Um, Iron Man?
16:39I'm suing him for reparations, and he missed our final court date.
16:43So you confronted him?
16:45He owes me.
16:47Did you kill Evan Nils?
16:50He's dead.
16:52Look, Evan was an asshole, but I didn't kill anyone.
16:55How would that get me my money back?
16:59We're gonna need your whereabouts for Tuesday.
17:03I document everything.
17:05I ran with my running group, food prepped in bed by nine, alone.
17:09That's what we call a weak alibi, right?
17:12It is what it is.
17:14I'm in training on a strict regimen.
17:16Is your chin back?
17:21There's blood all over this.
17:25Oh, it's an odd place to keep a hammer.
17:27That's totally not mine.
17:28I have no idea how that got in there!
17:30Ray Patel?
17:32You're going to need to come with us.
17:35I'm not saying anything until my lawyer's here.
17:38And for the record, I don't even own a hammer.
17:40That's why I hired a handyman.
17:42Danny G, Mr. Patel's counsel.
17:45Anyone want to explain to me what's going on here?
17:47Ray was in possession of a possible murder weapon.
17:52Key word in that sentence.
17:54Do you guys have a search warrant?
17:56No, we don't need one when the item is in plain sight.
17:58Our own DNA will tell us very quickly if it's indeed the murder weapon.
18:02You sure you don't want to tell us anything, Ray?
18:06Mr. Patel let you into his home in good faith.
18:09This isn't a good look, guys.
18:11Who's the victim?
18:13Evan Neils.
18:15We were just in court with him.
18:17Yeah, so you'll understand our interest in your client.
18:19Besides, Ray admitted to fleeing the scene earlier today.
18:24What is the estimated time of death?
18:26Last week, somewhere between Tuesday and Wednesday.
18:29So, a week after an alleged murder,
18:32you saw a celebrated triathlete in training mode on a neighborhood jog.
18:37That's what I'm hearing.
18:39She's good.
18:41Ray has motive, means an opportunity to have committed this murder.
18:45Besides, your alibi is non-existent, buddy.
18:48The evidence is circumstantial at best.
18:51Anyone could have planted that hammer.
18:53His garage doesn't have a lock on it.
18:54And let me just ask, is there an actual body?
18:58As for motive, let me be clear.
19:01I was about to clinch the case against Mr. Neils,
19:03so why would my client risk losing out on the windfall?
19:06Our colleagues are canvassing the neighborhood.
19:09If there's so much as a frame from CCTV that places Mr. Patel at Evan's last Tuesday.
19:15That is a conversation we will have when it's not a hypothetical.
19:18We're leaving now.
19:24Danny G is a heavy-hitter defense lawyer.
19:27Why is she working a rental-gone-wrong civil case?
19:29No videos or eyewitnesses had anyone entering Evan's place any time last Tuesday.
19:34And the victim himself arrived home at 18.22.
19:37And the Coast Guard was searching as best they can. No body.
19:40If the body was properly anchored, it could be at the bottom of the ocean.
19:43If it wasn't, a week at sea with this current.
19:46It could be in Peru by now.
19:48What about Terence Lozano's alibi?
19:50His site supervisor confirmed he's been at sea the past couple of months.
19:52Can't be our guy.
19:54What are you thinking?
19:56Ray Patel. Say he takes the hammer, he bashes Evan Neal's head in.
20:01Is he stupid enough to leave the bloody murder weapon in his own gym bag?
20:06In my experience, when a suspect comes in this hot.
20:08Feels like a frame job.
20:10So, Occam's Razor says the simpler of two competing theories is usually the right one.
20:16Rid of Occam's Razor? I don't, I have no idea what that is.
20:19Keep things simple. Ray is as simple as a case gets.
20:23Evan's financials.
20:25He was in arrears on his house.
20:27He was going into foreclosure?
20:29Until a couple months ago when he suddenly started making cash deposits into his account and his mortgage payments restarted.
20:36But handymen, they get paid cash, so it's common, no?
20:39True, but I spoke to his bank manager.
20:42Evan asked if they do appraisals.
20:44He had some high-valued items he wanted to move.
20:47What kind of items?
20:49He never made it back in.
20:52So probably still at his place.
21:04Arch, the booze crates. I know, I know.
21:07Just hear me out.
21:09Back in the day, people would leave access points in them.
21:12So they could stuff them with paper, insulation, that kind of thing in the winter.
21:17Great place to hide something.
21:25Well, something finally came from your rum-running obsession.
21:35What's he doing with all this?
21:41Some of them look new.
21:43Okay, so theft? He was stealing from his clients?
21:46If he stole the wrong thing from the wrong person...
21:52Look at this ring.
21:56I saw one that matches it.
21:59You know where?
22:02Where was it?
22:04Evan's. Another theft from you?
22:07My bra and my wedding ring. This guy's a serious problem.
22:12Babe, are we out of wipes?
22:14Top of the lighting closet.
22:16Recognize any of these?
22:26No. No, I don't think so.
22:31What if we told you that we had access to Evan's doorbell cam? How would you react to that?
22:40Will we see your late night visits while your husband was away?
22:46Please, keep your voices down.
22:52It happened once.
22:54Okay. We had flirted a little bit and I snuck over there one night.
23:00While my daughter was asleep, I brought her monitor with me.
23:03And as soon as she woke up, I threw my dress on and I went back home. I must have left my bra then.
23:09If evidence points to your involvement in Evan's murder, Terrence will find out.
23:16There was one stupid mistake.
23:26Do we have Evan's doorbell cam?
23:28Oh, I don't even think he has one.
23:31Oh, sneaky sneaky.
23:33I did undercover for a long time. I know how to pull a bluff when I need to.
23:36Learning more about you every day.
23:39Saint Agatha. The patron saint of...
23:47The inscription's a K.
23:49You think Nurse Gohans?
23:52How many Nurse K's can there be in St. Pierre? If it is her, that means Evan's stealing from Harper too.
23:59The forensic report tells us that the cleaning agent used at Evan's was some top shelf stuff. Hospital grade.
24:07Something else to bring up with Nurse Gohan.
24:17How did you...
24:19Evan Nils had it. Along with a number of other keepsakes he apparently stole.
24:24Scroll through there. See if there's anything else you might recognize.
24:31No. None of this is mine. Just my Saint Agatha. Thank you for finding it.
24:37I thought I'd never see it again. It was my grandmother's. She was a nurse too.
24:42Evan must have stolen it when he put up my shelves.
24:44So you've arrested him?
24:46Remember that finger we found from earlier?
24:49That was Evan's?
24:51He was murdered.
24:53The killer used an industrial hospital cleaner to wipe up the scene.
24:57So you think I killed him? Because he stole my necklace?
25:01Well, not just any necklace though. You said it represented your family legacy.
25:04Yeah, but I wouldn't kill anyone over it. Besides, I was on the clock last Tuesday.
25:09Great. And I'm sure your time card will reflect that. Have a nice day.
25:16What was that? I had more questions.
25:19We didn't mention the day that Evan went missing.
25:22But the harper said Tuesday. Nice catch.
25:26You're not as good as me.
25:28Yeah, you're right. I'm usually better.
25:31Let's go check her alibi.
25:43How can we help you?
25:45Is it true? Evan was killed?
25:47We can't disclose any information about an ongoing investigation.
25:50He left his tools at the motel.
25:54He did odd jobs for me. I've heard the rumors. Evan wasn't a thief.
26:00These are used for installing electronics, like security cameras.
26:06Oh. I could use these.
26:10No. Put it back.
26:13Did Evan install cameras at the motel?
26:16Our motel isn't exactly high tech.
26:19There was that box of surveillance equipment on Evan's doorstep.
26:22Where did Evan work last?
26:24Minor repairs in room 209. Be my guest.
26:36Everything looks on the up and up.
26:39All right. Let's try something else.
27:05Take a look.
27:19He had a camera in this motel room?
27:21Ah, Evan. What were you up to?
27:24And is this what got you killed?
27:31So, Evan was a thief and a dirtbag.
27:33Definitely a dirtbag.
27:35He had a large cloud-based video storage subscription, which I've gained access to.
27:40Look. These are all from individual video feeds.
27:45Looks like Evan installed cameras in his clients' homes.
27:48What, you think you know a guy?
27:50Evan was spying on people.
27:52Faking a neck injury.
27:54Watering down the leaker?
27:56Arch, just look at the dates on those deposits in comparison to the dates on these videos.
28:04They are within days of each other.
28:07Evan was spying and extorting.
28:09The videos started soon after Evan got notice that the banquet foreclosed on his house.
28:14The valuables we found were not stolen. They were payoffs so Evan wouldn't release the videos.
28:19That's some motive to kill.
28:21All right. So how do we narrow down our suspects?
28:23Patty, can you check and see if there's a file there for Harper Cohen?
28:28She just happened to know the day Evan was presumably murdered.
28:30The files aren't named. I still have many more to go through, but let me see.
28:40Stop, stop, stop.
28:42That's Ray.
28:44Question. Are steroids legal in St. Pierre?
28:48Absolutely not. Especially in competitive sports.
28:51So it looks like Mr. Iron Man has a motive after all.
28:55Evan sure as hell tried to extort me, but I called his bluff, turned the tables on him.
29:02Told him I'd report him to the police for secretly videotaping me using growth hormones.
29:05Which is a banned substance.
29:07Look, I'd maybe get a slap on the wrist if it made it into the official's hands. Worst case.
29:13That's why you were at Evan's. You were trying to find the tape.
29:16That's exactly why. Maybe.
29:18But, like my lawyer said, leave nothing on me. And this isn't worth killing for.
29:26Now, do I need to call her to come down here?
29:29As you would say, I am not feeling it.
29:32Yeah, Ray's guilty of enhancing his performance, but I don't think he's guilty of murder.
29:35So who secretly Evan uncovered that was worth killing over?
29:48Something I want to ask you about your mother.
29:51Okay, guys. I went through all the tapes.
29:53What people get up to behind closed doors is... yikes.
29:58Please tell me Evan didn't record their one night stand.
30:02One night? Hardly. I mean, the guy has videos of him and Christina going back for months.
30:10Christina's alibi always felt weak to me.
30:12Trust me, there's a lot you can get up to while a newborn is sleeping.
30:15And if they were truly together, she could have been back and forth to Evan's place all the time without anyone noticing.
30:23But is she strong enough to move a dead body, though?
30:26She had an easy enough time dropping you.
30:31But you're right. I don't think she could move a dead weight.
30:37She was working with someone else.
30:39Paddy, show us more videos.
30:42No, leave that raw.
30:44Stop it.
30:47That's Harper Cohen.
30:50Zoom in and play it.
30:54And those aren't over-the-counter meds. Harper was stealing drugs from the hospital.
31:00Those two have been lying to us from the start.
31:03It's time to bring these women in.
31:06Years of undercover work.
31:08Mostly working with drug addicts.
31:13I can spot one when I see one.
31:21You see any drugs?
31:29You're at 50.
31:31You're fidgeting.
31:34Your general state of anxiety.
31:38You're doing them for something.
31:41We know you were stealing meds from the hospital. We saw it on Evan's videos.
31:46And you're saying I get the medallion.
31:51That was worth more than you let on.
31:54Did you use it to pay Evan off?
31:56I'm guessing you work with the medical mobile unit.
32:00That must be how you got your pills.
32:02Because you would be able to get a prescription that would raise a flag at work.
32:07I'm not saying anything.
32:11Were you aware that Evan was recording your encounters?
32:18Not until much later.
32:21That must have been a long time ago.
32:23Until much later.
32:26That must have been hard.
32:28Of course.
32:30Like at first we were just a situationship.
32:34But then it grew, you know. I was lonely.
32:38And Evan was sweet.
32:40Until he wasn't so sweet.
32:45You offered an alibi for the night of Evan's murder.
32:50How did you know it was Tuesday?
32:51I was guessing.
33:01Your time card shows that you punched in that night, but no one saw you on your shift.
33:17Why am I looking at this?
33:19Christina Lozano.
33:21Both of you have been cagey with us from the start.
33:26You were both being extorted by Evan.
33:29He had videos. Could have ruined your lives.
33:33When I ended it, he wouldn't accept it.
33:38I love my husband. I do.
33:41So the extortion began.
33:45Evan was going to send the videos to Terrence.
33:47So what? You tried to pay him off?
33:50First my ring.
33:52But that wasn't enough for Evan.
33:54The money.
33:56I didn't know what to do.
33:59I felt like I was going to lose my husband.
34:03My family.
34:05My life.
34:08As disgusting as what Evan did.
34:12What you're describing, Christina,
34:14is a clear-cut motive.
34:18She is in the next room with my partner right now.
34:21She's telling her side of the story.
34:24If the two of you killed him,
34:27now's your chance to tell us yours.
34:32We barely know each other.
34:35You're not saying anything else.
34:38If neither one of them are talking,
34:41we can only hold them for a couple of hours.
34:42We need hard evidence.
34:44What about the others?
34:46There are a lot of other victims
34:48who may have wanted Evan dead.
34:50No, there's something there with Harper and Christina.
34:53And we think we have a theory on how they moved the body.
34:57Harper works with the mobile nurses unit.
35:00Their vehicles are equipped with wheelchairs.
35:02Believe it or not,
35:04they both deactivated their socials last Wednesday.
35:06Not suspicious at all.
35:08Well, they do live pretty close to each other.
35:10Check the stores. Any CCTV?
35:12And anywhere else they might have crossed.
35:14When I was with Harper just now,
35:16she had these bruises on her arm.
35:18They looked a lot like this.
35:22I know where you got those.
35:27Do you recognize this woman?
35:29Does she take your class?
35:31Yeah, it's Harper.
35:33Does she spend much time with Christina Lozano?
35:35Yeah, two of the three amigas.
35:37Wait, what?
35:40They've been friends since high school.
35:42They kind of took Christina under their wing
35:44when she started coming here after the baby.
35:52Christina Harper.
35:54Danny G.
36:02Your client's no longer a suspect.
36:04Thank you. He's had enough of this.
36:06It's a breach of conduct for a lawyer
36:08to sleep with a client.
36:11You're this big, hot-shot, successful defense attorney.
36:15We were thinking...
36:17If you were involved in the murder,
36:19you'd be an expert on how to get away with it.
36:22Is that all you got?
36:24An illegal recording that's inadmissible in court?
36:27And a guess that I'd be good at it?
36:30We know how close you all are.
36:32And what you could lose
36:34if Evan's extortion videos came out.
36:37You're self-defeating.
36:39Your self-defense instructor told us
36:42how helpful you were to Christina, you and Harper,
36:45getting her through a real tough post-partum.
36:47Your bank records show you paid for two stints
36:50at a rehab clinic.
36:52But you were never a patient.
36:54Harper Gohan was.
36:56So were friends.
36:58That is not a crime.
37:00Your phone records.
37:02Have a look.
37:04Hundreds of calls. Hundreds.
37:06Between you, Harper, and Christina
37:08about Evan's murder.
37:10And nothing on the night of his death.
37:12Because you were together.
37:14Circumstantial evidence
37:16to pin a homicide that you can't solve
37:19on three innocent women.
37:21It's classy.
37:23What about Harper's mobile medical vehicle?
37:26It's being processed.
37:28You should sit tight.
37:30Wait for the results.
37:39Evan's DNA was found in Harper's medical vehicle.
37:43His hair. Traces of blood.
37:45They were still all in on it together.
37:48I know it.
37:51It was me.
37:53I acted alone.
37:55I'm ready to confess.
37:57What are you doing, Harper?
37:59Stop. I'm confessing,
38:01but you need to ask her to leave.
38:03Harper, now. Please.
38:04Keep Ms. J in custody until further notice.
38:07Okay. Okay.
38:10Why don't we have a little chat?
38:14It was me. I acted alone.
38:17I refused counsel.
38:19Evan had tapes of me stealing drugs.
38:21He was blackmailing me and my friends,
38:24and it had to stop.
38:26I went to his place, tried to reason with him.
38:28I offered him access to the hospital pharmacy.
38:30He was interested, invited me in.
38:35But he suggested a different arrangement.
38:42He turned his back, and I drank his drink.
38:50I thought I'd grab all the evidence he had on us.
39:00I didn't account for his cloud storage.
39:05I guess I didn't give him the correct dosage,
39:08because he awoke.
39:16He came after me.
39:18He was ugly and scary.
39:21I grabbed the closest thing at hand,
39:27and I bashed his head.
39:34It was all so fast, so unplanned.
39:37And then I had to work fast.
39:39I put him in my car,
39:41and I grabbed the cleaning supplies,
39:43and I cleaned up all the blood.
39:45And then I dumped his body in the ocean.
39:47Laptop, hard drive, too.
39:52And that was it.
39:55Why did you keep the murder weapon?
39:58Framing Ray Patel was my plan B.
40:00When you came and you asked me questions,
40:02I got scared, and so I hid.
40:04The hammer in Ray's garage.
40:06Everyone knew Ray and Evan hated each other.
40:10It's a great story, Harper,
40:12but we don't believe that you did this alone.
40:17You can believe what you want to.
40:20You're seriously willing to
40:22throw your life away for these women?
40:35She's protecting them.
40:37Christina keeps her family,
40:39Danny, her career.
40:41Harper has a chance
40:43of getting clean inside, maybe.
40:45It's okay.
40:47A scumbag spends eternity
40:49at the bottom of the ocean.
40:52Maybe it's a kind of justice.
41:05Sometimes these women's are hard,
41:07but thanks to Harper's directions,
41:09we now know where to search for Evan's body,
41:11though I'm inclined to leave it in its watery grave.
41:13He had those women?
41:15Their bond?
41:17Would you help a friend bury a body?
41:19Patty, what are you trying to tell us?
41:22Not me.
41:24No, none of my friends are worth my freedom.
41:27Yeah, I remember that.
41:29Yeah, yeah, we'll be sure to tell your friends.
41:32I don't know.
41:34Depends on the friend.
41:46Un autre verre, s'il vous plaît.
41:48You, uh,
41:50you had a lot of texts.
41:54Your mom must really want to speak to you.
42:02I saw a photo of your mother.
42:05In with all your Gallagher files.
42:09Was she involved?
42:14Gallagher is the reason why my mother
42:17served time in jail.
42:19He loaned her money for her business
42:21and it turned out to be dirty.
42:24She was too afraid to turn him in.
42:28So Gallagher's criminal shit
42:31cost your mother her business and her freedom.
42:36That's why I'm going to take him down.
42:38I told her
42:40I'm going to get her the justice she deserves.
42:47Let's nail that bastard.
42:58Oh, my darling.
43:00What have you done?