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General Hospital (March 10th 2025) FULL 1080p HD


00:00that's it you've decided that you know best you're willing to stomp all over other people's
00:07lives regardless of the consequences the only consequence will be dante knowing he has another
00:12son some and then what think of somebody other than yourself for once lulu's telling dante
00:20will blow up a lot of lives how will him knowing this make anything better for anyone
00:26dante's life will be better once he knows the truth what
00:33when i found out about charlotte my whole world changed that was a
00:37completely different situation lulu charlotte was still a child when you found her my child
00:44my son is legally an adult by now he's lived an entire life without me or dante he might
00:50not even know he's adopted and what if he does what if he wants to know who his birth parents
00:56are and and why they gave him up i would be the happiest day of my life if he showed up
01:03on my doorstep and asked why maybe he wouldn't hate me maybe he'd want me to be in his life
01:14then tell dante and make it happen no because it's the child's choice not mine not dante's and
01:23certainly not yours and if i tell dante you know he would move heaven and earth to find his child
01:29yes he would because dante is a wonderful father any boy would be lucky to have dante in his life
01:39so give him that standing please admit he's the father what if i won't
01:54are you saying that you would lie and say dante wasn't the father i'm saying i would do anything
02:01to protect my son's happiness don't pretend you're doing this for your son you're doing it for you
02:07you don't want dante to know because you don't want him to hate you you're right i don't but if
02:12i had to choose between dante's happiness and my child's i would choose my child's any day
02:17and i know that you would do the same damn thing you have no idea what i would do
02:23and only someone as arrogant as you would pretend that they do you have always been so threatened
02:29by my relationship with dante even when the two of you were solid you mean when you couldn't break
02:33us up ask yourself one thing will exposing me to dante and telling him the truth be worth hurting
02:40him i'm not hurting him you are how how can dante miss his son he doesn't even know he has
02:46how convenient for you it's not it's agony and if you tell dante that i got pregnant that summer
02:58and gave up our child then you will be subjecting him to the same
03:02agony that i have been living with for 21 years
03:08and you know that dante will turn this world upside down trying to find our son
03:15just like you are for charlotte and where will that leave rocco rocco knows i love him just as
03:23much as i love charlotte rocco knows that his dad is there for him but if he starts
03:29searching around for our child rocco will have been abandoned by both his parents
03:35don't you dare throw my son in my face someone has to
03:43rocco may be your son but i live with him i see him way more than you do
03:48and when you went off to prague he was afraid and hurt he finally had his mom back
03:55and the first chance she got she up and left him again that's low but not wrong
04:04you're using my kid to justify your lies your son is lucky you gave him up if you can use
04:14someone else's child against them then it's a good thing you're nobody's mother
04:26i am a mother i went through 12 hours of labor and then gave my baby
04:36to some stranger from an adoption agency i couldn't even let myself hold him
04:44i didn't even know if it was a boy or a girl until you told me
04:54i'm sorry about that
04:58i assumed you knew probably also said it was easy for me but it wasn't
05:07i loved my baby
05:08me with all my heart and i still do and i have to believe that giving him away
05:21gave him a better life
05:27don't you want to know for sure
05:32more than anything
05:33i'm sorry
05:38but not at the expense of his happiness
05:42or peace
05:45even i'm not that selfish
05:49look if he wants to find his birth parents he will
05:57in the meantime lulu please
06:00i am begging you leave it alone
06:10so what are you gonna do
06:16i don't agree with any of this
06:20but i don't want to be the one who blows up dante's life
06:24or your child so you're not going to tell dante
06:30no i'm not going to tell dante
06:36i still think that he should know but i think you should be the one to tell him
06:44i made my choice years ago i just
06:48i need the past to stay the past
07:01you should know i never would have found out about any of this
07:06if your mother hadn't talked to my uncle martin so the secret of yours it's not the past
07:15that's now believe me i know
07:52maxie it's me i need to talk to you
08:03hey oh hi brooklyn i was down at the crypt with your granny and drew it was
08:15um i got you text
08:22you're upset what could i do to help bet i'm upset how much haven't you told me about my baby
08:43daddy mother we uh we have a situation but rest assured as long as there is breath in my body i
08:50will protect our legacy i will not allow drew to take anything from this family to listen to me i
08:59strongly advise we wait no time like the present put it up what well that is a thing of beauty
09:08i appreciate you making it happen so quickly martin yeah well now that i have we best make
09:12sure we can back it up henry better get busy i just wish i could see tracy's face when she finds
09:20out what's going on
09:28what what is this that is an official notice stating that this building has been seized and
09:34must be vacated you're both trespassing where's my security well they had no choice but to let
09:39us in we've got a court order can i see that court order so i can figure out who to have
09:47removed from the bench by all means i'm not wasting my time with you i'm calling the police
09:58go ahead not gonna do you any good though the law is on our side what's the you can't have us
10:06removed tracy because we like that crypt are on public land i beg to differ i'll have my
10:14surveyor clear this up you over there not you henry this is henry he is the county surveyor
10:22as the congressman of this district i was able to get somebody down here really quickly to protect
10:26the public's interest you don't care about the public all you care about is throwing your weight
10:31around that's your mo tracy you quarter means you make me sick yeah we quarter means of which you
10:40are not one you always think that you can do what you want i mean edward had how many acres
10:45really and yet he had to steal public land because why he just loved this view it really
10:50is a lovely view who cares this land abuts acres and acres of public land we're not disturbing it
11:01why would we that conservation area is protected which means the court remains can't take it just
11:06because they want to so i don't care who this time hey leave the old lady alone
11:17old lady you need to back off okay the quarter mains have appropriated public land and tracy here
11:25continues to interfere with county business and she's very close to a class d misdemeanor
11:30this is the quarter main estate yes he knows full well it is not all of it the mausoleum
11:35right here is over the property line and is on protected land mausoleum so people are buried
11:42here exactly and these gentlemen want to deny me access to my parents final resting place
11:49because edward quarter main was edward quarter main saved my life
11:55and you rescued me from kidnappers i did emma i did now you want to remove her father the man
12:03who saved my life from his final resting place they do listen i'm congressman drew quarter main
12:09kane drew kane you will never be a quarter main so you're not even a cop you're nothing but a
12:18petty congressman there's no police here oh well in that case none of you have jurisdiction here
12:24in fact you're trespassing they are and i am calling the police no there is no need to waste
12:31the station's time and why would i call the station i have a direct line to the police right
12:37here ned you you already give a lot of money to a lot of different wonderful causes well i would
12:44have been thrilled to support geo yes i know you're a very generous man but sonny didn't grow up with
12:52the same things you grew up with he didn't have any family or support he wants to make sure that
12:56geo isn't gonna struggle the way he had to and look i know how you feel about sonny but he has a
13:03good heart well now that geo is living here the quarter mains can support him financially okay
13:09well that is up to geo and clearly he chose sunny and lotus geo i'm in here hey honey what's wrong
13:20good ned you're here too truce at the crypt so is tracy
13:32chase finally arrest these trespassers please if anybody's trespassing it's the quarter means
13:38and this man right here he can prove it and you are henry evans county surveyor and yes
13:44my preliminary calculations indicate a significant portion of this building
13:49extends beyond the quarter main property line and my surveyor assured me that that crypt is
13:54fully on our property how much you pay in your surveyor i don't know drew how much are you paying
13:59yours this man works for the county drew to save the performance there are no cameras here but when
14:04there are cameras here i expect you to have a single tear right here so what you're saying is
14:11that the keys have to tear down their family crypt of course not they can move it so it's no longer
14:16infringing on public land i am not moving my parents remains the thought of it is obscene
14:23what difference does it make if one little corner is over the line because it's protected
14:27conservancy property it's illegal to build on it and this is really all about your last name
14:32yeah that and that he hates this family oh so you're abusing your power in office got it
14:40congressman shouldn't you be helping your constituents instead of traumatizing them
14:45by digging up their beloved parents you seem very civic-minded and i applaud that but you are
14:54on the wrong side of this tracy is not some downtrodden member of the public she is an
15:00entitled bully who expects to get whatever she wants says the man who is using his public office
15:06to retaliate against the family who threw him out well it sounds to me like emma has a good point
15:12you've only been in congress what a few months which is interesting because congress is in
15:17session right now and yet you're still here your vote's in action poor charles well there has to
15:24be bigger problems facing your constituency than what a property loan when a problem was brought
15:30to my attention i see it through lois you were there when alexis and martin tried to work this
15:34out oh yeah no i'll never forget it it was the day that tracy was willing to bend yet here you are
15:42pushing it i'm just following the law your surveyor just said that his findings were
15:50preliminary which means you got the order without confirmation to seize the building
16:03deputy mayor ashford you really didn't need to concern yourself with this actually jordan is
16:08here as a favor to me i saw her negotiating skills firsthand when i was mayor she was the
16:13police commissioner and i thought that she could just help us keep the peace right well i'm sorry
16:17that net dragged you into this there's really nothing to negotiate here the quarter main
16:20crypt is partially on a protected conservation area and the law is the law and i'm sure you got
16:25better things to do hmm then why was martin so willing to drop everything if i allowed you to
16:32retain the quarter main name what busted i do believe you referred to that meeting earlier
16:40lois was a witness drew i understand you feel provoked but if you move forward with this you
16:47will be using public funds to fight a personal battle and that's not who you are what do you
16:53think tracy am i drew cane or am i true quarter main you can call yourself drew smith for all i
17:02care you'll never be a quarter main if that's your choice and if your decision is based on
17:07hers it just proves that you're abusing your power in office for the purpose of petty revenge
17:13how to recall a congressman like her grip me too hey stop that hey that is assault chase
17:24assault tracy sir do you wish to press charges
17:34yes you wouldn't dare i'll forgo the handcuffs tracy quarter main you are under arrest for
17:42assault the rights remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you in court of law
17:54so for first impressions they're right men on the security one guard in the gatehouse one guard
18:10patrolling the area i mean there's too much area for one person to cover okay any sign of charlotte
18:15nothing i mean we traced the phone back to this house but but that's all maybe they ditched the
18:19phone and went into buenos aires no no the curtains may be drawn but there's
18:24there's definitely movement inside there i saw it well how much like you know minimal
18:31look i know valentine if he and charlotte are in there they're alone
18:45charlotte get away from the window come on you know better than that i know i'm sorry but
18:54something's up i don't like it here how long do we just stay not long thank god
19:02where are we going not we my petite you it's time we say goodbye the guard on patrol should
19:11pass us in five that's gonna give us a 15 minute window to get in get charlotte and get out
19:16it should be it should be an easy job yeah it's too easy something's wrong
19:24i'm not leaving you this is my fault i should have made you go with your mother back in prague
19:32no we're a team we are a team we're a good team but i'm being selfish because it's dangerous for
19:40you to stay with me so you're gonna do what just send me on a plane back to port charles
19:45so no i've texted rocco pretending to be you lulu will see the text and use it to track us down
19:54she's probably already on her way
20:01charlotte you miss her don't you
20:05i really do but i don't want to leave you
20:10do you think the the more security valentine had the more attention he'd get yeah possibly
20:16and after he attacked brennan he had to know that the wsb would double down on their efforts
20:20to find him possibly put a kill order out on him too bad they weren't better at it
20:29something else to consider is that charlotte told valentine that she was meeting lulu in prague
20:35charlotte told valentine that she was meeting lulu in prague so it passed his prologue valentine's expecting us
20:46he's expecting someone
20:50we got a vehicle there haven't been any in the past hour
20:55that means the bureaus found valentine okay we gotta make a move now
21:00after all of the running and hiding we've done you're just you're just letting mom find us
21:04you deserve a better life than this no i deserve to be with you i need you to trust me this is for
21:10the best there's a kill squad right behind us take charlotte and go go now
21:22all right you let me handle this okay under no circumstances all right your weapon i won't
21:26unless they give me reason to just maybe not look for one how about that yeah
21:31this is anna devane police commissioner for charles new york don't shoot where is valentine
21:40cast a dime he just left you missed him get down on the ground search the house but wait um before
21:47you do that you should call jack brennan tell him that you're with me and he will give you your
21:53orders jack brennan's not running this up
22:03look now that you found me your mission has changed you know you need to talk to brennan
22:08stop moving
22:09you okay yeah you yeah i don't know where valentine is he and charlotte probably long gone
22:24not this time
22:27hello anna
22:31thank you for taking care of the wsb i was expecting lulu you know about the text i sent
22:37the text i need charlotte to be safe i'll be safe with you when the kill squad doesn't check
22:45him they'll send another one why are you here where's my mom we'll explain everything on the
22:55way i don't want to go with you can you come with me i promised rocco i'd bring you home
23:01that's what's gonna happen
23:25i feel like that's the last time i see my daughter
23:31it doesn't have to be why don't you come with us
23:37let me bring you in
23:43wait did you take me out of there because anna's gonna kill my father
23:48no hannah wouldn't do that she came all this way to bring you home and knowing her she's
23:53gonna probably try to save her father too you always come through for me don't you
23:58don't remind me of that we get to say goodbye i'm glad
24:06doesn't have to be goodbye
24:11why don't you come back wait i i can we can make a plea deal
24:18i know too much
24:21i tried to kill jack if that bridge wasn't burned already
24:25you and i both know the wsb is not going to let me live
24:29but if charlotte is safe then i'm free to do what i have to do valentine just please
24:38don't throw your life away
24:42the time when you thought you loved me
24:47those were the best months of my life
24:50i didn't think i loved you
24:54i loved you
25:00a part of me always melts
25:04thanks for that
25:08take care of charlotte for me
