Extracted S01 E02
00:00Previously on Extracted, 12 amateur survivalists
00:05with no training and nothing but the clothes on their backs
00:08were abandoned in a remote forest.
00:10Game time, baby.
00:12Where surveillance cameras filmed them 24-7.
00:16As miles away, their families watched their every move.
00:20Oh my god, she's totally being left out there.
00:22Oh my god.
00:22I cannot believe what y'all did.
00:24Does she have any experience out there?
00:25No, none.
00:26This is the water from the lake.
00:28You're not going to give me a night, wilderness.
00:30Their families fought to send them the supplies
00:33they needed to survive.
00:35Crate has to close.
00:36He got nothing.
00:38Oh, we got to take something out.
00:39By the end of day two, several families
00:42were on the verge of hitting the extraction button.
00:44I'm terrified.
00:45We have not power to go push that button.
00:47I want her to push herself.
00:48I don't want to push that button.
00:50That's not good.
00:51Don't you go out.
00:52Quit smothering it.
00:53I'm not smothering it.
00:55It's your fault.
00:55I just don't even understand what's happening.
00:58Hit the button.
00:59I'm fine with himself imploding.
01:01I'm not.
01:02Because then he's a mean.
01:03I'm not pushing a button.
01:04Press the button.
01:06I'm disappointed in my son.
01:07It's not the man I want him to be.
01:18It's the end of day two in the punishing wilderness.
01:21This is very, very hard.
01:24It's a lot harder than I ever thought possible.
01:29Several families are on the verge of extraction.
01:33Woody is sick from drinking bacteria-filled lake water.
01:37God, I wish I was out there, dude.
01:40Yeah, if I say we're fighting to get out of here tomorrow,
01:41we'll get fed up and change this.
01:43And that crushes me, dude.
01:46Ashley has been struggling to start a fire for hours.
01:49Son of a bitch.
01:52Savina is completely overwhelmed.
01:55I don't want to be scared again.
01:57I'm not going to be able to sleep at all.
01:59Are you sleeping out there one more night?
02:01And as night falls, Anthony is becoming
02:04more and more agitated.
02:06What's the deal here?
02:08I've had enough.
02:10I'm ready to go.
02:13I've been begging you all day to hit the button.
02:16So hit the button.
02:18Hit the button.
02:20Are we clear?
02:20Oh, boy.
02:22To me, the worst part is this is not a surprise to me.
02:25If I don't hear that I'm being extracted in the next five
02:29minutes, we're going to have major problems
02:31when I see you again, both of y'all.
02:32Oh, my god.
02:35It is very hard to watch.
02:37Anthony had so much stuff in the supply drop,
02:40fishing equipment, food.
02:42He was making fire.
02:43Yeah, exactly.
02:44And Megan only has a couple of matches right now left.
02:48There's no way.
02:48It's pitch black.
02:51Oh, my god.
02:53The sun is pretty much set.
02:54So you have zero time to make your decision.
02:56Make your decision now, which is press the button,
02:58because I asked you to.
02:59If they press the button, their son will be rescued.
03:02But their family will be eliminated
03:04from the competition.
03:06I'm not pushing that button.
03:08He has everything he needs.
03:09If he was actually suffering, I had no problem pulling him out.
03:12Just pisses me off, man.
03:14We all face obstacles.
03:16And we don't necessarily stop.
03:18You find a way.
03:19Hit the button.
03:20I'm very, very angry.
03:22It's unbecoming.
03:27Hit the button.
03:30Is it time?
03:31You hit the button.
03:33I'm not going to do it.
03:39He's got everything he needed.
03:41And it was wasted on him.
03:42I am disappointed at his lack of resiliency.
03:47I tried to tell him that this was not going to be a vacation.
03:50This is not going to be easy.
03:51It's going to be challenging.
03:52He's going, huh?
03:55If y'all don't hit the button, we're
03:56going to have some problems.
03:58Oh, my gosh.
03:59I swear to God, hit the damn button.
04:01I'm not going to ask again.
04:09Are you sure?
04:11This sucks.
04:21That was getting hard to watch.
04:22Yeah, it was brutal.
04:24So sorry.
04:26When he's in this head space, he just
04:29doesn't look like a good person.
04:30And deep down, he is.
04:37Can you hear that?
04:39What is that?
04:40Sounds like a boat motor.
04:42I think someone got extracted.
04:46It's hard because we're still rooting
04:47for everyone in this room.
04:48And yet, this whole game is about trying to get people
04:50out of the game so that we can go further.
04:54Anthony has been extracted.
04:5611 families remain.
04:58Hey, we're down to 11.
05:01Hey, thank you.
05:02Your family's extracted you.
05:03Thank you, Mom and Dad.
05:04I don't have to be mad at y'all.
05:06I'm angry, but it's not like he's a lost cause by any means.
05:12I mean, I did pretty much like everything I wanted to do.
05:16I just hope my parents aren't mad.
05:19He's 18, and he still has a chance to overcome this.
05:27He's just got to look inward.
05:31I was begging all day for somebody to help.
05:33Yeah, but your behavior, like, we didn't want to reward it.
05:36He owes us an apology.
05:38And is it coming?
05:40Don't hold your breath.
05:41I don't want kids.
05:44With Anthony gone, the families in HQ
05:47are keeping a close eye on their survivalists.
05:50This is horrible.
05:52I hope she can fall asleep.
05:54Austin, Scott, hopefully tomorrow I'll get my fire going
05:57and boil some water up.
06:00There is a part of me right now that just wants to say
06:03those horrible words.
06:05I quit.
06:06That could be bad.
06:10Woody scared us, drinking lake water.
06:15And we're going to keep a heavy eye on him through the night.
06:19If we see that he's finally going to sleep
06:21and can make it to the morning, then we can see
06:23what happens tomorrow.
06:25Hopefully this will start turning fun.
06:28But some survivalists are faring better than others.
06:31I am going to sleep so well tonight.
06:33I'm so good.
06:34Talk to us, Jake.
06:35Tell us your story.
06:37I'm so good.
06:38Talk to us, Jake.
06:39Tell us your tale.
06:40I would put Jake up against anybody.
06:43But Ryan W. is our number one threat
06:46in this entire competition.
06:48Your brother's killing it, though, man.
06:50That setup he's got right there, plus his shelter, like, dude,
06:53you are on fire.
06:55The very first day, he had a shelter that looked amazing.
06:58Jake's family?
06:59Oh, yeah.
07:00They were all like, dude, your brother's killing it.
07:02I was like, yeah?
07:03I'm worried, though, because he has a target on his back.
07:05It's hot.
07:06I wonder how many people made fire tonight.
07:08We're not middle of the pack like we want it to be.
07:11My moss bed, moss walls.
07:14Try and keep the heat in.
07:16People are going to start coming for him.
07:18Ryan spent all day today making a thermal shelter.
07:22It's crazy to me.
07:23He's a big threat.
07:25Sleeping pretty tonight.
07:30It's day three.
07:3111 families remain.
07:33Good morning.
07:34Hey, good morning.
07:35All one step closer to a quarter of a million dollars.
07:38Are they up yet?
07:39They're getting there, yeah.
07:41My guy's still snoring.
07:46I don't know if Will is anyone today.
07:49I don't know.
07:50I don't know.
07:51I don't know.
07:52I don't know.
07:53I don't know.
07:54I don't know if Will is anyone today.
07:56Maybe Davina?
07:58She hasn't bothered to build anything.
08:00Yeah, but neither has Woody.
08:02I wonder how he would do in a challenge.
08:04The challenge has anything to do with speed.
08:06Certain people like Woody.
08:08Yeah, you're right.
08:09Because he's huffing and puffing a lot.
08:10He's having a hard time breathing.
08:16Please report to the main control room.
08:20In addition to live audio and video feeds of your survivalists,
08:23your loved one's biometric data is being tracked and monitored
08:27via a smartwatch that each of them is wearing.
08:30The data is summarized into four color codes,
08:33from baseline green, indicating healthy biometrics,
08:37to moderate yellow, showing signs of decline.
08:40Elevated orange indicates that medical attention may be required.
08:44And with severe red, extraction may be necessary.
08:48Oh, boy.
08:54Oh, no.
08:55Oh, Davina's in the green?
08:56She must have got some sleep last night or something.
08:59Last night was not terrible.
09:02I cannot believe that she's been in the woods for days.
09:05With no shelter at that.
09:06With no shelter.
09:07I'm kind of in shock.
09:08Yeah, definitely surprised.
09:10Oh, man.
09:12I know I'll never take water for granted again, ever.
09:16Woody is in the yellow, but he's made it through the night.
09:19I just need something to drink so bad.
09:21Maybe we will have to extract him at some point.
09:25But not yet.
09:28Woody and Davina have made it through the night,
09:31but the inability to make fire is still troubling Ashley.
09:35I don't know what else to do, man.
09:40I'm just going to let her keep going.
09:42It's not like she's in a bind.
09:44All right, well, I guess send me a freaking lighter, please.
09:47Survivalist Robin is also feeling the pressure.
09:53It's a learning curve.
09:55As you get to my age, you know, I'll be 56 in October.
09:59I want to show people, especially in my age group,
10:02don't just think you're too old to do something.
10:06I don't get it.
10:08Everything we're doing is hard.
10:10This is for you to say you get out there.
10:12That's what we coaches do.
10:13We like to bark orders.
10:15In our normal lives, I'm always the go-to.
10:19Caught in the middle between, you know, Lance and Faith.
10:24Growing up, I think, was difficult.
10:26Faith was the soccer player.
10:28Lance was the coach.
10:30And sometimes that became a little intense.
10:34So their relationship is strained
10:37because of the pressure that was put on her.
10:41It's almost like she's our best friend
10:43and we're complete strangers.
10:44That's what it feels like with us.
10:46So I'm hoping that they realize how much they care
10:50and love each other when they're not at odds.
10:55I am praying that in some weird way,
10:59this competition is going to repair their relationship.
11:02That is my hopes. That's my dream.
11:05Uh-oh, what now?
11:09It's game time.
11:10Attention, families.
11:11It is time for your first survival trial.
11:14Survival trials are competitions
11:16that give your loved ones a chance
11:18to improve their quality of life in the wild.
11:21All right, here we go.
11:22For this trial, shelter-building materials
11:24have been dropped on the far side of the lake.
11:27You must work as a team to draw plans
11:30that help your survivalists build a log raft
11:32to cross the lake and retrieve the supplies.
11:36Some supply crates have better shelter supplies than others
11:39so the faster your survivalist crosses the lake,
11:42the better the supplies they will have to choose from.
11:45They're competing for three caches.
11:49Additionally, the first survivalist to cross the lake
11:52will receive an advantage for their family.
11:55Oh, my gosh.
11:56You are responsible for designing the raft
11:59and selecting raft-building tools from the supply room
12:02that your survivalist will use to complete this trial.
12:06With temperatures in the lake at 51 degrees,
12:09they will only have one hour before risking hypothermia.
12:15Delivery drones depart in 30 minutes.
12:19Good luck.
12:20Come on, go, go, go.
12:21Look through those, because there's probably rafts.
12:24This is the boat's book.
12:25Just want to make this s*** happen, bro.
12:27This is a hard-ass challenge.
12:28Man, I'm actually feeling nervous.
12:30Water activities, I don't know.
12:32What you think?
12:33As long as it floats, that's all that matters.
12:36Jacobin just learned how to swim, like, two months back.
12:40I'm just hoping and praying Jacobin ain't gonna come.
12:42Jacobin, he's a true country boy.
12:45I go mud-riding all the time, and I'll fall asleep
12:47wherever my head lays.
12:49All right, come on.
12:50Being from Mississippi, you could throw me out in the woods.
12:53I know how to survive.
12:54Where the paddle at?
12:55At this end right here?
12:56But swimming definitely is a weakness for me.
12:59We good.
13:00I'm gonna just have to deal with it,
13:01because, like, I want that money bad.
13:03And we popping bottles.
13:05Oh, yeah, we gonna pop some bottles.
13:07We got what we need.
13:08Hell, yeah.
13:09Think about everything he needs to know.
13:11Blake works on boats every day, so I feel pretty confident.
13:13When I'm down in the Caribbean for work,
13:15I see a lot of primitive-style boats,
13:17so we're just gonna make it easy with a super simple design.
13:20It needs to just straddle it, sit there, and go.
13:23And you must cross the lake with the right supplies.
13:27Yesterday was our first supply drop.
13:30We messed it up.
13:31It's of vital importance to get shelter supplies
13:34in the survival trial.
13:36It'll probably take the longest to do,
13:38you know, because he's an engineer,
13:40but he may get across the lake the quickest.
13:42Not only do I want to prove to myself
13:44that I can do something other than
13:47turning wrenches on a truck or win a race,
13:50but I keep having this vision of, like, the winning moment.
13:54I mean, I'm competitive. I like to win.
13:56I'm going into this competition with a mindset
13:59that nothing can stop me,
14:01and I'm gonna go to the end until I absolutely break.
14:05Tools and rope.
14:06Tools right here.
14:07I made you a promise,
14:09and that promise was that I would not fool you out.
14:12I'm gonna be preening through it like I do everything else.
14:15Multiple times a day.
14:18All right, I think we're good.
14:20This went really fast. Okay.
14:30Attention, survivalists.
14:32Delivery drones are incoming.
14:35Oh, boy. I'm stoked. Finally.
14:38Report to the lake for your first survival trial.
14:42Hell yeah.
14:43Let's freaking go.
14:44See you at the trials.
14:52All right, we are heading to the lake for the first trial.
14:58As the survivalists arrive at the lake
15:00for their first survival trial,
15:03they'll each find the crate from their loved ones.
15:06All right, let's see what's in here.
15:08Inside are the tools and instructions they'll need
15:11to build a log raft...
15:13A paddle, yes.
15:14...which they'll use to race across the lake
15:16and retrieve shelter supplies.
15:18The best shelter supplies
15:19are given to the first people to get across.
15:21Think about that.
15:22Keep your raft simpler.
15:23If you let your boat sink,
15:25you'll have to swim and pull your boat.
15:27Hold your body up a little
15:28so you're not so tired swimming.
15:30Come on, V.
15:31Davina has not built a shelter for some reason.
15:34Use your imagination, unlike your shelter.
15:37So this trial is, like, huge for her.
15:40I have no idea what I'm doing.
15:43Four logs.
15:45This challenge is gonna be extremely difficult
15:48depending on how wet and cold they get
15:50and how long they're exposed to the water.
15:52It's dangerous.
15:53Ooh, it's cold.
15:56There it goes, there it goes.
15:57My support system back at headquarters
15:59did say four logs for the raft.
16:03My big butt might need five, I don't know.
16:06He's doing our whole entire boat instruction.
16:09Hey, first one in the water.
16:12Let's go!
16:14Let's go with drill!
16:16How did he do that already?
16:18This is where her competitiveness comes out.
16:20He knew it needed to get done, and he just did it.
16:23I'm really hoping that he has enough energy
16:25to fuel himself to the other side.
16:28Knock on wood.
16:31There he goes.
16:33Woody and Ryan W's simple raft designs
16:35have given them an early lead,
16:37while the rest of the survivalists are still on shore.
16:40I'm not gonna do it.
16:42Let's have the freaking swim.
16:44Wasting precious time and energy
16:46they'll need to complete the trial.
16:48Oh, well, he's still sawing.
16:50He's been sawing and sawing and sawing.
16:53Oh, crap, it's not gonna work.
16:56This one needs to go.
16:59Come on, son.
17:01I guess I shouldn't have made it too technical for him.
17:04And then we messed up on the first original supply drop,
17:07so we might be going home.
17:11Think, Robin.
17:13Why do you feel like you have to follow the schematic?
17:15Why are you getting mad at her?
17:17I'm not acting towards her, just mad at the situation.
17:19Always have to do things the hard way, huh?
17:22When I'm wanting you guys to do good, I just get intense.
17:25It's like, if you ever have a kid, you'll see that.
17:27You realize you were my coach, and I know exactly how you act.
17:30You'll forgive me sooner or later.
17:32Woody's simple raft has given him a big head start.
17:35He's halfway. He's dying, though.
17:38Oh, no.
17:40But Ryan W is closing in.
17:42Let's give the best shot that we have.
17:45And more survivalists are diving into the race in hot pursuit.
17:49Haley, go.
17:51Haley, yeah.
17:53Oh, it's freaking cold.
17:55You can do it.
17:57Ah! I'm doing it.
17:59No, I'm not. I'm stuck on shore.
18:03All right, it's time to move you up.
18:05It's going to be a cold swim.
18:11He's in the water.
18:13Oh, these guys could be in trouble.
18:19Everybody in the water is subject to cold.
18:24I don't think he wants to get in the water.
18:27I have to swim.
18:31This is way too far.
18:34Takes so long.
18:41Yeah, he's almost there.
18:58Winner, winner, chicken dinner.
19:01I needed that.
19:03I felt good.
19:05The past two days, Woody scared us a few times.
19:08We talked about extracting,
19:10but we know that this is going to be huge for his survival.
19:13Oh, man.
19:15By crossing the lake first,
19:17Woody has an advantage for his family in the next supply drop.
19:20Oh, man, this is huge.
19:22He also gets first pick of the shelter supplies
19:24and picks the best package,
19:26with large tarps, rope, and a bonus item for warmth.
19:29What's he got on him?
19:31A fair skin.
19:33He's going to definitely sleep good tonight, that's for sure.
19:36We hit ground!
19:38Here he comes, here he comes.
19:40Okay, that was fun.
19:42Hey, honey.
19:44Woody and Ryan W make the long trek back to camp with their supplies.
19:48The other survivalists still battle out on the lake.
19:51Oh, God.
19:53Oh, my God.
19:55Yeah, Megan! Whoo!
19:57Go, girl!
20:01You got him, boy G!
20:05Come on, girls!
20:07Yeah, Ashley!
20:12You got it!
20:14Only three survivalists remain.
20:16Damn, that's cold.
20:18Come on, bro.
20:20As daylight fades and the temperature drops...
20:22Boom, boom, boom.
20:24...it is vital that they make it to the other side
20:26to gain what few supplies remain...
20:28She's so close.
20:30...or risk facing another night without shelter.
20:32Them boots are killing him.
20:39Mini hug, mini hug, mini hug.
20:41Just a shoulder hug.
20:45Give me some shoulder hug. Nope.
20:47I do not want to get soaking ass wet.
20:49Terrence and Nookie, I can't go.
20:51Oh, my God.
20:53Man, you gotta be kidding me.
20:55Whatever is over there would have been nice,
20:57but literally watching somebody still swimming,
21:00I don't even know where the hell he's going.
21:03Don't stop. Come on.
21:09Holy crap.
21:12Ryan H. has spent over 30 minutes in the water.
21:16He's wore out.
21:18His risk of hypothermia increases with each passing second.
21:22I don't even think he can kick his legs anymore.
21:24He's shivering like crazy.
21:26God, look how his hands are shaking.
21:28He's shivering like a leaf.
21:30I don't know if he's gonna make it, Dad.
21:32Please just get him to shore, Lord.
21:34Please just get him to shore.
21:39Survival state downgrade.
21:41That sounds negative.
21:43He's just exhausted.
21:45He's been in the water so long.
21:47He's not even halfway across.
21:49Oh, my God. Come on, Ryan.
21:51Come on, Ryan. Keep kicking.
21:53He's gonna be distracted.
21:55Ryan H. is stranded in the middle of a massive, frigid lake,
21:59and it's unclear if he'll be able to make it back to shore.
22:02He's stronger than you think.
22:04Yeah. I'm not tapping out.
22:07I'm tired of kicking, and I'm cold.
22:12Dad and I promised that we would not extract him,
22:15but when he was ready, we did.
22:17I'm not tapping out.
22:19I'm not tapping out.
22:21I'm not tapping out.
22:24I would not extract him,
22:26but when he was ready, he would let us know.
22:29So I've got to keep my promise to him
22:31that I'm gonna see him through and support him
22:33as long as I can.
22:36It's just hard to hold it together
22:38and make it that much further, so I'm calling it quits.
22:41Take a loss.
22:46On the verge of hypothermia and unable to push on,
22:49Ryan H. has no choice but to turn back
22:52supplies. It doesn't matter how old you get, it's our only child and I don't like
22:58to see my baby hurt. You have a strong boy, that is for sure. Thank you. So strong.
23:05The other survivalists have trekked back to camp carrying their shelter supplies.
23:10I'm back and what I got was pretty fabulous. So happy.
23:17Look at this. Oh my gosh, it is a bear skin.
23:24He's gonna come out of the woods with a bear skin on. Oh man, this is huge.
23:31It was a long way across that lake. I just said this is like a police call. I'm just
23:35thinking of it like there's somebody else on the other side of that lake that
23:38needs help and they just called 9-1-1. If I don't get to them, they ain't gonna make it.
23:43I am a retired law enforcement officer of almost 20 years. You know, being a cop, I
23:50was always the one that showed up to help. I think maybe it'd be a nice
23:54change to let go of the reins and say you guys are gonna take care of me.
24:00Blake, Colin, you guys hit a home run today. Good instructions, good supplies, good
24:05everything, man. Thank y'all so much. The survivalists who received new supplies
24:11get to work revamping their shelters. This just reminds me of home. What Jacobin
24:17makes do without. This is what the clothes of defeat look like. Man, I'm upset. I'm gonna be
24:27honest with you. Everybody got in the water. I saw mine wasn't floating. I
24:32didn't want to risk it. Man, you done let these old land people outsmart you. Man,
24:37I'm smarter. He just is. He's scared. After failing his first survival trial,
24:42Ryan H has finally made it back to shore. I'm alive. It's cold. It's like really
24:48cold. Can't feel my hands, can't feel my toes. I'm having feet cold tonight and ain't got no
24:54fire. You know how long it takes to warm up after a ice bath? Yeah, and it's getting
24:59cold. Like, they're gonna lose sunshine. Babe, we gotta figure something out. Ashley has been
25:10trying to prove to her fiance and future father-in-law that she's a worthy outdoors
25:15woman. But she hasn't been able to start a fire, preventing her from being able to
25:20boil water to make it safe to drink. Okay, I'm officially out of water. So I'm stuck
25:26drinking bacteria-filled lake water. Please, let this work. Don't make me stay out here with
25:34diarrhea. Austin and Scott both know how determined I am. They both know how resilient I am. I'm gonna
25:42try to filter it with sand. I've survived poverty as an adult, a single mom, and going back to
25:51school, becoming a teacher. All of it required me to learn from the situation, adapt, bear down,
25:58and push through. What is she doing? I think she's trying to use her shirt to filter. I'm so
26:03dehydrated. I can't go the night without drinking water. So I feel like this whole experience is
26:08just a way for me to prove myself. Please don't have bacteria in it. I don't wanna be sick. As night
26:20falls and temperatures drop, the survivalists who completed the trial have a huge advantage over
26:26those who did not. Ryan H. is especially vulnerable. His camp is equipped with just one sleeping bag,
26:34and without fire, he has no way to stay warm. I'm worried about hypothermia. Without supplies,
26:44it's hard to get your body temperature warm. We don't know if they'll make it through the
26:50night. Being damp and wet, Ryan could be medically extracted. Mom, dad, my heart rate's really slow.
27:01It's day four. Man, it got cold. The survivalists who successfully completed
27:19yesterday's survival trial weathered the cold night in their improved shelters.
27:24Look at Barry up there hanging around. Barry, you were good to me last night, bud. Those that
27:32failed to get shelter supplies in the trial are one step closer to extraction. Look, Rog. We got
27:39some action there. We made it to another night after a defeat. Everything got wet. My shoes,
27:47I'm still soaking wet. We went into hypothermia yesterday, and we're still alive for now.
27:54He physically exhausted himself a good bit yesterday in the water. He stayed there a
27:59little bit too long. Hopefully, good Lord willing, we can get some stuff to make a fire with. That
28:04would be his defeat right now, just not being able to dry out. The cold isn't the only challenge
28:10facing the survivalists. They each burned more than 3,000 calories in yesterday's trial,
28:15and many are overwhelmed with dehydration and hunger, like survivalist Megan. I've had no
28:22real food. I need water. You hear her stomach. I'm not just being dramatic. Like, I am the
28:33happiest person. I have such a rewarding life. In the outside world, we have so much going on. Like,
28:41I mean, I just got married. We just bought a house. We want to have a family, so it's like,
28:46this is the last thing that I feel like I'll get to do by myself. And it is a cash prize,
28:53and that's going to help what's next in life. Just hang in there, girl. Dad, I love you. Abby,
28:59I love you. But y'all, the essentials, a fire starter so I can boil water. She's starving.
29:05She's tired. She's dehydrated. Oh, boy. Get her that damn supply drop. Agreed. Man, my stomach
29:15is hurting. You should be boiling water. He's being smart. Okay, good job, honey. Boiling remains
29:28their only way to get clean drinking water. Doing good on water, which I'm going to start
29:34boiling some more right now. He's just having the time of his life, dude. And many survivalists are
29:39struggling with their fire-making tools. I just want light. Come on, don't do that. I'm
29:52hoping we can get Flint today, because he's not doing well with the bow drill. As the day
29:59progresses, survivalist Rose starts to run out of her limited supply of matches. Come on,
30:07Rose. You've got this, girl. I wasted a match. I'm more mad that I wasted a resource, you know?
30:16I need clean water so bad. I'm not saying that I could do any better, but if somebody gives you
30:23matches, literally matches, and wood, you can start a fire. For Ashley, the consequences of
30:34not having fire to purify water are severe. Gosh, I'm feeling so horrible. I'm going to be sick to my stomach, and I can't really see it, like, going away anytime soon. I want to make it through to the end, but in this moment, I don't feel good. I think I was okay until having diarrhea.
31:01I'm not trying to make excuses, but I can't even drink water the way I know I should.
31:10I need help, man. I'm really trying not to freak out right now. I just want to go home.
31:27Too bad. Oh, I could really use your words right now, Austin. It's showing she's in the orange, but that's not really concerning me. If she asks for an extraction, she's not going to get it today. She's got to dig her heels in, grit her teeth, and get through it. It is definitely not the end of the world. I'm sorry.
31:56God, dude. That was horrible. Watch.
32:07I wish Ryan had a fire so he could dry his boobs.
32:12Attention survivalists and families, a supply drop is imminent. Always excited for a supply drop. It's like Christmas.
32:20There are five items available in the supply room. A ham sandwich, cans of peaches, hygiene supplies, a ferro rod for starting fire, or a propane stove for those struggling to procure a flame.
32:37Families in HQ, you must pair up with another family and split the items between you.
32:43Damn. Because Woody won the last trial, his family does not need to negotiate and can enter the supply room now to choose any three items they wish. Everyone else must pair up with another family and pick negotiators. Good luck.
32:59Maybe we need to strategically pair up with teams that don't need the same as us.
33:03Are you pairing up with us? No, not at all. Okay. Good. We're good. Let's go.
33:09The Thomas brothers, they are jokesters. They don't take anything too serious.
33:13What do you guys need? A can of peaches.
33:15I'm confident that we are going to be able to take advantage of them and get Hayley exactly what she needs.
33:21He needs to start a fire. Me too.
33:23I think I work well under pressure. Much better than I do.
33:25Are these items? What do you think? What do you think? What do you think?
33:29Oh, man. It's a huge advantage that we didn't have to go against another family to fight for supplies for Woody.
33:36As long as we give him the tools to succeed. We're going to go Flint for sure.
33:40He's been talking about how hungry he is every single day and he can ration the peaches.
33:45This is short term, but it's really going to give him a morale boost.
33:48All right, let's do it.
33:50I'll be disappointed if I get hygiene items because I want food.
33:54You hear ham sandwich and it's like, I would put that away. But then it's like, how far does that go? Right? It's a one time thing.
34:03Our strategy for Hayley is longevity.
34:06I think top of the list would probably be ferro rod.
34:10Right now, the priority is a ferro rod. Give her endless amounts of fire and something that's going to last for a long time.
34:17Like the peaches, because we're here to stay right now. We're not going anywhere.
34:21Both of these are amazing. And he's having trouble starting a fire.
34:25Just one light. So that would save both of them.
34:28Good job.
34:30Then I needed to obtain the more powerful food.
34:33We have a ham sandwich, like a ham and cheese with a little bit of aioli, perhaps a provolone and some lettuce on a tomato.
34:41Like you made that before.
34:44I think whoever gets the sandwich gets the toiletries.
34:48I think everybody want to burst their teeth.
34:50If you want this, you can have this.
34:52OK, well, we're going to put this over here.
34:54If you throw in a little something, make them feel special, make it feel like you're doing them a favor.
34:59They're going to think whatever they're getting is much better than it is.
35:02And maybe you'll walk away with the prize after all.
35:04Would you be OK with the sandwich?
35:11It was so simple. They were happy with that because they got more items, but we got the more powerful items.
35:17Not all of the survivalists need the same items.
35:21No ferro rod. Don't need a camp stove. You need this.
35:24Are you sure? OK.
35:25And their family members use the negotiations to form relationships instead.
35:30This is good for starting fires, too.
35:31I decided just to give it to her because they kind of owe us one now in the long run.
35:35Takes kind of the target off of us, which is really nice.
35:38Yeah, because he was only one of two competitors that had a fire.
35:41For others, the negotiations are more cutthroat.
35:44If I can get the ferro rod, I really need that.
35:47You know what the flint looks like, Helen?
35:49I know what it looks like.
35:50OK. We need to be ruthless.
35:52We're going to have to start being a little more aggressive in our play to help push Robin ahead.
35:55Being nice is only going to get you so far.
35:57She tried twice to start a fire, and she just couldn't.
36:00I am super defeated right now. Give me the ferro rod.
36:03So I would want to select this.
36:05They both need fire. I'm taking the flint.
36:10I'm definitely in this for my mom and her alone.
36:13I don't know if Megan would know how it would work.
36:16She can figure it out.
36:18She would love toilet paper, too.
36:19I'll take the toilet paper.
36:21Are you fine? Because I'm fine with this.
36:23I'm a southern gentleman, but, you know, looking back, it did not go as expected.
36:32Ashley needs fire so she can boil water, but that propane is only going to last so long.
36:40And we need fire for sure.
36:42I would love to have a propane stove.
36:44But I've also been asking for that, and if other families are watching, then I'm sure that they negotiated against it.
36:49If he wants that, I'll take that.
36:51Easy fire.
36:52He's got wet boots. That's an easy way to start a fire.
36:55So bam and bam.
36:57Fire is important for her, but I don't want her getting complacent.
37:00You want the backup? I'll be happy giving you that fire.
37:03I guess.
37:04Ashley's got a ferro rod, and in the long game, that's going to be your best friend,
37:08your most consistent means of making a fire.
37:10I don't want her learning any other way.
37:12I feel good about giving Ryan both sets of fire, and maybe it'll come back to bite me in the ass,
37:17but I fell for him. He swam with his boots.
37:19How was that, all right?
37:20I got the toilet paper, toothbrush, and toothpaste, and three cans of peaches.
37:26There was another ferro rod in there, and there was a little propane, but just the thing.
37:32No gas?
37:33No, there was gas.
37:34No way to light it, though.
37:36There was matches, but I let him have that.
37:40Tough love for our family is pretty natural for us because that's the way I was raised.
37:45That's the way I was raised.
37:46It's the way I raised Austin, but I think that was a mistake.
37:50She can get fire going.
37:51She don't need that **** propane.
37:53We need to focus on Ashley's needs.
37:56She had a tough morning.
37:57It was hard to watch.
37:59It was a good call.
38:00She's going to be just fine.
38:07Attention, attention.
38:09A supply drop is imminent.
38:12Please go to your drop zone to receive your crate, which contains the items your families
38:17have negotiated for you.
38:19I'm ready to see what y'all negotiated for me.
38:24You know what would be cool?
38:26Is if you could get me a propane stove.
38:30Can you hear it?
38:31Oh, yeah.
38:32Some families were able to negotiate big wins for their survivalists.
38:38It's a rod!
38:40The prize possession.
38:43I feel good knowing that my mom exactly got what she needed.
38:50Can I have a fire?
38:53Oh, my gosh.
38:54Must be eating immediately.
39:00Oh, wow.
39:01But not every survivalist was a winner in the negotiations.
39:05I would assume that would be pretty hard to convince somebody to give me a propane stove.
39:10I'm sure you tried.
39:12Today is definitely colder than the other days.
39:15As the cold front moves in, the amateur survivalists' need for fire becomes even more urgent.
39:24That's so good.
39:25Fire is key in this game.
39:26Fire is warm.
39:27Fire is food.
39:28Fire is everything.
39:29Thank you for my magical tool.
39:33Man, that sucker puts out some flame.
39:38Come on.
39:39Come on.
39:40This is so nerve-wracking.
39:41Let's go.
39:43What's up with the fire?
39:46Mission accomplished.
39:47We were so stressed that he was drinking the lake water.
39:50He got his first fire going, and now he's able to boil clean water.
39:53That is just massive.
39:55Oh, my God.
39:58Have you seen it?
39:59How far?
40:00Man, she got it.
40:01Oh, there you go.
40:03There you go, kiddo.
40:08I think it'll be game on for him after this.
40:13What am I doing wrong?
40:15He's wasted three matches.
40:17Why can't I figure this out?
40:19She'll figure it out.
40:20If she doesn't, Kelsey, there's nothing we can do.
40:24What am I doing wrong?
40:25Is she lighting something?
40:26What is she trying to light?
40:28I'm done.
40:30Come on, baby.
40:32Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
40:38She's got it.
40:39She's got it.
40:42That's what I'm talking about.
40:47No, don't.
40:48No, no, no, no, no.
40:51Don't you go out.
40:53Save it, Ashley.
40:58This is so frustrating.
41:01It pisses me off.
41:02It frustrates me that she can't make a fire.
41:08Attention, families.
41:09Tomorrow, you will be able to help your survivalists get food,
41:13but they will need fire in order to cook it.
41:18Are you kidding?
41:19I'm done with this.
41:21The game of survival is about to intensify.
41:25Family bonds will be tested.
41:30Alliances and rivalries will be critical in the days to come.
41:35Oh, my God.
41:36It's going to get so hard, because you know what?
41:38Ultimately, everybody is in it for their person out there,
41:42and I'm watching my back at this point.
41:45Coming up on Extracted...
41:47I'm a little lost.
41:48...the families help their survivalists get food...
41:51This is stupid.
41:52I don't know what kind of map you were looking at.
41:54...and test the limits of their hunger before their resolve runs out.
41:58What the f*** is that?
41:59The heart.
42:02What is happening?
42:03I think I'm going to throw up.
42:05And relationships are strained.
42:07I just want Mom back.
42:08I just want to be with Mom.
42:11Do we look like the bad guys now?
42:14I feel so lied to.
42:15We're not built for this.
42:16As the game of survival gets even tougher.
42:19I feel like I'm about to pass out.
42:21The girls need more than the guys.
42:23Jacobin is in a way better state than my dad, though.
42:25I don't agree with that.
42:26Okay, we're about to lose a box.
42:28Wait, that's the extraction.
42:31I ain't gonna be nobody to stop,
42:33because I'm not going to fake this s***.
42:35This is a game.
42:36I know it's a game, but there's a time to play, and sometimes...
42:38I ain't playing, I'm telling you.
42:44The danger is high, and the rescues will have you on the edge of your seat.
42:47Rescue High Surf starts now.
42:51Rescue High Surf starts now.