• 19 hours ago
Small Town Setup S01 E01


00:00I'm in a golf cart in Peachtree City.
00:22This town loves their golf carts what would you do if you
00:26were single you're living in New York and your family and
00:29your entire hometown decided to get together and set you up
00:33on some dates when you just thought you're coming home to
00:35visit for the weekend. Victoria is about to find out.
00:43I'm Ashley Williams and this is small town set up.
00:49I'm here to help Joe and Diane find love for their daughter
00:52Victoria, she's a senior level executive who left home to
00:56to pursue her dreams in New York. She's got this tendency
01:00to put guys into the friend zone. Do you think your parents
01:02can help her with that let's find her love we're about to
01:08dive into an adventure filled with heart. Hope and a big dose
01:13of small town charm. The gruffalo family's gotten
01:16everybody together and we're hoping that we're going to find
01:19somebody today, let's hit it is there snacks there.
01:22I feel like a charcuterie board, how do you say that.
01:42Welcome to scoops are you Joe, I'm Joe are you die. Actually I
01:48I am so excited to meet you and I brought you a little gift
01:52since we're in Peachtree so this is a peach cobbler
01:55recipes. Hi, I'm Diane.
01:59And I'm Joe and where the guy follows and we're hoping to
02:02help our oldest daughter Victoria find love and
02:05happiness. I am so excited to talk to you about Victoria
02:09Victoria. Yeah, yeah, we're waiting for Mister right to
02:15commit missus right to make it all right because if you can't
02:19stand us forget about can't stand. It's a beautiful day and
02:24I feel so lucky to get to chat with you by the way I got
02:28really good at driving a golf cart earlier, I think I would
02:30fit right and you have the golf car community here when 12
02:33years old at 12 years old. Okay, so I haven't met
02:38Victoria yet can you tell me a little bit about her.
02:41Well, she's a first born and she's amazing. Yeah, she does
02:45that planning in food and wine and she's a very productive
02:49happy go get her.
02:51Victoria is used to being strong because it's her
02:55business she's been an authoritative position and just
02:592 younger sisters, but she's got such a soft side. She is
03:03very emotional, but she doesn't always show it.
03:07And she has tons of guy friends, they all love her and
03:10she puts them right in the friend zone.
03:13Victoria's like an alpha woman who's there for everyone else,
03:16but it's time for her.
03:18Basically I told her if you actually want to get married
03:21have those kids talk about time to date it's time to take down
03:24the no vacancy sign.
03:30I mean you 2 are obviously still very much married what
03:3335 years, 38 or whatever, but we met the regular way how did
03:39you meet we were at a club and he kept doing like I don't know
03:42what he was doing with his head is trying to say something I
03:44said look, I'm not much into sign language, but would you
03:46like to dance, whatever, but he was wearing plastic shoes
03:50that but sure he was what I mean you're wearing. Yeah,
03:54blue eyes and he was tall I said I'm only dancing with him
03:57anyway, she saw the potential though.
03:59And she was right. What do you think she's looking for right
04:03now in a partner like to be talking about like a star loves
04:07Ryan Gosling even like you just celebrate together. So I'm just
04:11saying a tall guy who's comfortable. She likes to go
04:16out, but she's not clubbing but she loves to go out with
04:19family and friends and we're horse racing people she enjoys
04:22dancing Broadway shows ideally be somebody that loves food
04:27have to love tomatoes. No joke that was the last time she
04:32sent a picture the other day with 9 different tomatoes and
04:34one ball. She needs to be a fan of tomatoes would be one of the
04:38main criteria made into sauce because we're telling sure.
04:42So why do you think she would find a part of potential
04:45partner here as opposed to New York, there's a certain
04:48familiarity about your hometown that never goes away.
04:52So I know Victoria had some great experiences here.
04:55Wow okay, so yeah, the bar is high. We have quite a task.
05:00Yeah, we do we really do we're going to kind of hold a forum
05:04where we work together as a community and we're going to
05:08see if love for Victoria is right here in Peachtree said
05:13it takes a village to find a man, I mean he's out there
05:17within 10 miles of you I think possible.
05:26This is what do you think not a bad place right and working
05:34A related to this is my daughter.
05:52You know it's amazing to get so many people to show up on a
05:55Thursday hot day. People even work early, but I think you
05:59know it speaks to the town.
06:00And you know Victoria, the relationships I think people
06:04will love Victoria.
06:06Okay, welcome to the streets.
06:13We're ready to find love for Victoria.
06:20I need you Joe and I and to take it away.
06:24Thank you for showing up we're looking for a good looking guy
06:2730 to 40.
06:29Confident heart centered successful likes games likes
06:34loud Italians.
06:36Victoria's got a lot of guy friends tons of them, but
06:39they're all in the friend zone. We want her to find romance not
06:43another male friend to bring to the table because they eat a
06:47Let's find her love.
06:51I'm opening up the floor who here has an idea for Victoria.
07:01We second is this the best friends. I stand up please tell
07:06us who you have all right so I nominate so set he is 6, 4,
07:12good looking okay, he's a chef knows how to work the kitchen
07:16which I know Victoria loves.
07:18Well look at the something in the bedroom of that show.
07:20I can't have kids that they're always in the kitchen.
07:34All right I there was a name.
07:36I'm Donna I would like to nominate someone we lovingly
07:39refer to as cousin Michael.
07:43Is he Victoria's cousin, nothing.
07:46My husband's cousin okay, and I think Michael has the biggest
07:53heart I've ever known he loves to do everything you know
07:58hiking and kayaking he also got his pilot's license just kind
08:04of fun, he loved air not.
08:09Good with kids we love that we have a little nibble over here
08:12come over here Sir, what's your name Zach Isaac welcome,
08:17but you have for Victoria.
08:18One of my buddies, Karen he works in a similar field to
08:22Victoria so they have a lot of you know similarities, he's a
08:26little more on the shy side though do you think he would be
08:29able to hang with the like big personalities and the strong
08:33dynamic in this family.
08:35Well the Tory has got enough personality for both of them,
08:38but he would definitely be able to hold his own.
08:41Yeah, good.
08:52I'm a cousin, so I feel like I should be the expert on this
08:54one. So my buddy Tristan probably the best guy at all no
08:58offense to you guys, you know, the animal care specialist
09:02wizard in the kitchen and perfect high for I think
09:06they're going to hit off does he want kids, he wants a kids.
09:09That might actually be a problem. Thank you so much.
09:17Well everybody I feel really good about these options.
09:21I think the next step is they need to pass the Joe and Diane
09:26The graph was will meet the lucky nominees tomorrow,
09:28but they're only going to pick 3 and then we're going to watch
09:32Victoria go on the dates live.
09:35I think you to have your work cut out for you. And we will
09:41see you all in a couple of days to find love for it.
09:45I'm sorry.
10:03What about the story with times coming soon. I'm honestly not
10:06sure she hasn't responded to my test going to be fun.
10:10I don't think she knows what we've done obviously
10:15what I know, yeah, she needs it.
10:28At the tomato coming.
10:31She's always good. I already went into the garden.
10:35I think it was really good. Yeah, pretty good, but a lot of
10:38pepper. Yeah, that's a tomato and on the colorado says it's
10:42hot you're home for a couple of days or you want to do.
10:45Well, let's go to the market right. Let me tell you this
10:53we've been planning something for quite a while.
10:57So we have a surprise what you hear.
11:00Now I'm kind of worry.
11:08We tell you know the old expression it takes a village
11:12okay, we literally brought the village to go we think that you
11:16need love and romance and.
11:18So we contacted teachers dance people college high school
11:25neighbors, friends of friends, we love you we know, yeah,
11:28we think of these people would know you we got together at the
11:31town hall.
11:32Hope was packed 70 people back 70 people and you had friends
11:37to not that nominated some guys that we thought maybe you could
11:42What do you think what are the I don't understand.
11:55Okay, so a lot the process but that okay, so you went to
12:00people we all know that know me, yeah, I know my life,
12:03yes, and you said
12:05finally help us find our daughter someone to that's
12:12Listen, you're so beloved by so many people that so many people
12:15talking good about. Everybody.
12:18I feel like no more friends and you have to open your mind a
12:21little bit don't write them off.
12:23And what could be the worst that happens you have a great
12:25time with some pretty interesting guys, yeah, you
12:29want to man you got to you got to do it.
12:31I pretty much have everything else in my life like really
12:35figured out, but like the one thing that's missing is like a
12:39partner who eventually turns into a husband like share that
12:41with and start a family which would be really nice. You know.
12:47This is crazy.
12:48A typical for the gruff little right. It's going to be a
12:53weekend to remember.
12:55Well now.
12:58She's not showing it, but she's she's definitely nervous.
13:05We finally going to meet these guys and what do you think.
13:10Well looking forward to meeting them all this must be so Sir.
13:13Things about yeah, Megan was bragging about yeah, I love
13:17Megan she comes by the restaurant all the time so
13:20you've been a chef for a long time so when the restaurant
13:22business 35. Maybe not 35.
13:27Well, I'm 39 of the 40 this really okay, you like to travel
13:31you have your passport, I do. I love to travel so tell me
13:35did you buy your forever home, I don't want to buy a forever
13:38home without a forever person.
13:40I like that. I don't know what they told you about Victoria,
13:43but she might put in the friend zone right away how you going
13:47to wow her, I'm just going to wear and wore with all the
13:50things that will be Southern gentleman do hold the doors,
13:53you know
13:54get real close with her father.
13:56You know the deal, you know the deal.
14:00Let's see if you're the one yeah, nice to meet you so Sir.
14:04Nick's calling he wants us to meet Tristan
14:07it must be just. Pleasure Joe got full. Nice to meet you
14:10just in.
14:12We're looking for romance tradition is so many things
14:15that we want for our wonderful daughter like I'm definitely
14:18looking to settle down to start a family, I mean hoping that
14:21she's open to having at least 2 children. Case got have at
14:24least 2.
14:25What's a typical Saturday with you and your friends over the
14:27day activity was the first day I'd like to go for karaoke
14:31what you'll go to so I don't stop believe it's like the
14:34I don't want to go. That's like the end of the night song so
14:38generally we will try to avoid that what you know your music
14:41it seems all of you like Broadway shows and all that.
14:46I think the last one us all was the experience maybe Michael
14:49Jackson not Michael Jordan, no no no no, but I mean if they do
14:51that I might go as well. One 2nd we've got to take the
14:54picture. He's got. Yes.
14:58All righty thank you so much and God bless him.
15:02This with the next one. Hey, I'm Michael nice. Nice to meet
15:07you. So tell us about yourself, I'm 33. Never been married,
15:12no kids out there that you want to have some yeah, yeah,
15:16How fast and Sunday, my daughter's 34, she's very.
15:20He's very ready when I got my house there a couple extra
15:23rooms. Okay, we joke that it's more of a just add wife
15:27situation. Okay, now my daughter Victoria loves
15:31traveling you have your passport. I do the passport
15:34lives right next to my pilot's license.
15:36Oh wow okay, so what about hobbies, I'm a volunteer referee
15:42for women's roller derby league.
15:46Well, I'm glad. And I was great to be I'm going to take a
15:50picture of you all yeah, and we'll see boom okay.
15:56I think it's good one. Yeah, I think he's got a good
15:58potential. Sounds good.
16:00So we're going to go in and yeah, yeah, you know we love
16:08bookshops so what yes, so Tony tells face yes, I'm 28 years
16:12old and I'm good about that is to really just settle down find
16:15my partner so what about hidden talents, I love dancing singing
16:20how about a song can you come on Tony a song on the spot.
16:23Sure hot Tony. Women love a little.
16:29The nice to be a few bars, let's see a.
16:38So what do you think I got to say I might be I might be too
16:40nervous to sing.
16:42Well that is quite a girl.
16:43Loud girl do you think that she would overshadow you maybe I'm
16:48very I'm going to be over the top 2, but also know when the
16:51kind of draw it back in and be you know somebody's partner.
16:56Can't forget my
16:58all righty thank you so much Tony's a good looking guy that
17:02I think he's got his head on this wonder about his age that
17:05may be the only a I'm current so the Irish it's actually like
17:10biblical okay, really yeah, it means battering Ram.
17:15So how old you and 35.
17:18Oh you look good.
17:22Where are you in your life, you know what you're looking for.
17:25I travel a lot for my job.
17:27It's hard to meet people that way what is your job by the
17:29way I work for an energy drink company so I do a lot of events
17:33for them like promotional events. Kind of similar
17:37industry that yeah, but where would you go on a Thursday
17:40like a museum I think is like great, especially if you're in
17:42our history. Let me get a picture okay, all righty boom
17:47got it. Thank you so much salute was very good to meet.
17:57We have a lot of things to discuss because there's some
17:59interesting guys we just got a surprise so all right so what
18:03do you want to do okay, so here we go, let's say
18:06so some 30 going to be 40 and I think he's very Southern
18:10general interesting and he's in the restaurant, she's in the
18:13right. Yeah, I know, but the rest I just know that he that
18:16they're going to get along it's going to be great, but that's
18:18another thing that sparked enough for them to be
18:23Tristan okay, it's possibility.
18:25Just was a nice little guy and we got along with him, but will
18:30Could be could be I don't have to see about I think okay,
18:34people are keeping.
18:36And then there's Michael he's got the House with the
18:38bedrooms, I can see right now
18:42may have to trim the beard because I know Victoria right,
18:45I mean she says she's not a big person but I think the guy
18:48shines to his beard, he's a keeper okay, okay, let's do
18:51this Tony.
18:53It's just that he is 28 and could be I think it might run
18:57over him right, I don't have to say more so okay, yeah, okay
19:03okay, Karen.
19:05Karen was an interesting. He was totally nothing like I
19:08expected. He was on 35, but he looked right at the youngest of
19:13everybody looking guy. So it's Michael that we have and I say
19:18Sosa he's it so it comes down to either Karen what Tristan or
19:23Tristan what do you think Karen
19:26forget the Tristan only because I don't think he's different
19:29from anybody else that she meets and it doesn't work.
19:32I like Karen I think he's ready and I think she is too.
19:37And I can't wait to see where this is going to go.
19:40So we're in fingers crossed.
20:02Dating in New York, I see like a lot of men that are unsure of
20:06what they want and that's annoying.
20:09Hopefully going on dates and putting myself out there I will
20:12it will be like comfortable.
20:14It has gone to a top.
20:17So excited.
20:18I don't know where I'm going haha
20:21it, I'm sure it will be a nice state, you know, I want to see
20:24happy and want to see you that 80 so it's very important to me
20:27that you just give it your best shot don't put these guys in
20:29France, okay, it feels very weird and like very unnatural
20:35to have that conversation with my mom all right.
20:39well why is emotional honey, I know I don't talk to you like
20:43this, but it's it's weird. I know your dad's the one that
20:49always says those but I'm saying it now to you okay,
20:52they have.
20:58I mean you know, I'm not the most type of like this is
21:01important to me and that too okay, I really like cherish my
21:06relationship with my mom and
21:09it's just like I know in my core.
21:16of a relationship I have with really like both of my parents.
21:36Welcome everybody from the tree said.
21:42Okay great so I am so excited as you know we all gather
21:47together here you all nominated a couple of people they were
21:50fully screened by Joe and I and we grow. They grow them for the
21:55near it down to 3 top choices and now we all get to sit
22:01together and watch the dates live.
22:07After we watch the dates will all vote on who we think
22:11Victoria should date now we're going to watch live Victoria and
22:31Sitting by the water, it's very like calming so yes, there's
22:34I was like nervous because this person going to be what
22:37are they going to look like what are they going to be
22:43Hey are you Victoria I am
22:46a great to meet you I'm like.
22:49Your parents had nothing but great things to say about.
22:53Michael just like pulls up in the golf cart with very
22:56peachy city of him, the beer like maybe shocked me at first
22:59that actually was a turnoff but I don't know if it and very
23:03good looking man, he's just as like a warm presence about him
23:06is a really nice smile.
23:08I really had to like deal with my fear of birds walking up to
23:11the lake like that on right.
23:14I guess I should say
23:16I was attacked by geese when I was a child, my aunt ran away
23:19their photos like they just like to me that he would use.
23:26So okay, give me the scoop.
23:28You know I work in cyber security I work to live I don't
23:31live to work. So I enjoy getting out actually on the
23:35lake over here. Yeah, I think when I can roller derby pretty
23:38busy. And then we actually have falcon field. I'm a member of a
23:43flying club there. I got my pilot's license. Okay, what
23:46don't you do. I'm bad at remembering the clean
23:53Okay, that's that's my week's that's your red flag. Yeah,
23:57okay, it happens maybe like 2, 3, weeks after it should.
24:05So what what took you North look I like I mean you let you
24:08know what this is like it's great. I love to hear but
24:12there's like the itch of like let's go to New York.
24:16I don't know I just want to go out I want to travel like want
24:18to go to all these like countries and be like we're
24:20going to take cooking classes here and we're going to go here
24:23they're trying to take the train to do this like we can
24:25rest one day, I guess the good news is that I enjoy traveling
24:29I'm awful planning travel and I'll be happily the golden
24:33retriever that just follows you whatever we're looking at.
24:35Yeah, like I also raising kids like having a family is equally
24:41And like just curious like how you feel.
24:43I'm 33 so not having to chase a toddler around at 40 is a good
24:53If you haven't heard the word tomato in the last like week or
24:56so like I feel like people are talking about me and to me you
24:59grow your own to yeah, the way I show people I love them is I
25:02cook for them any excuse I can to smoke a brisket or make a
25:06pastrami yeah, it's going on the smoker I don't know how to
25:09cook me. Maybe that's a second day. Yeah.
25:14Look obviously don't live here anymore. You're open to coming
25:19I would for the right person and make it make sense.
25:22It's a I don't know what I was expecting versus what it is but
25:30it was just really nice.
25:32The ducks and to close.
25:36Like you can protect.
25:38Step in if they get any closer.
25:45So cute so cute.
25:48Okay, so let's tune in to Victoria and Karen.
26:02I'm Victoria and Karen when I see Korean. He's obviously
26:07taller than me he's got a smile on his face like immediately
26:11was like OK like let's see where this goes.
26:13Ladies first all right, let's say
26:16I think concentrate, I can't even like to try to ask you
26:19millions and 10 questions like I feel like my parents probably
26:22did. Yeah, yeah, there are a lot of questions going back and
26:25forth. What you learn about your intense and deep-seated
26:29love of tomatoes so the fact that I had a red ball is that
26:32we are there anything yeah, your love of red spherical
26:36shaped things.
26:38Do you have a feeling about it. Honestly I prefer the sauce as
26:43they produce to the tomatoes themselves there.
26:46All right here we go.
26:50It's crazy. I said that golf club. Yeah.
26:54All right, I got you sour.
26:56Cheers to that.
26:59All right, I'm just like going to grill, you know you're
27:01saying you travel for work. Yeah, so I work for an energy
27:04drink company. And so I fly around to different events,
27:09it's like it's very off the cuff. But I like that I like
27:12being like thrown into the situations and just like
27:14trying to figure out stuff that isn't by fire. Yeah, I love
27:17that. Yeah, is that you like live your life though outside
27:20of work. Like do you like structure, no I chafe it is
27:23going to be out so much it does I like a plan.
27:28If you had to like picture life like
27:30you know 5 years down the road and not like job wise like life
27:34wise like what is that ideal situation. I really want to go
27:38to Japan. Yeah, because I really love like Japan, the
27:42culture and I do watch a lot of anime. Yeah, I really want
27:46to be able to plan out to work and spend a whole year there.
27:48The work.
27:58This fit somewhere in that 5 year life plan of yours,
28:01yeah, exactly yes, yeah, one of those years spent in Japan.
28:04Okay, so it's 4 of the years for other stuff.
28:09I wish they could be a situation where you could just
28:11like build save up your vacations and like add up all
28:13the weeks together until you get a whole year, but that is
28:15not how it works unfortunately to 8 o 2 K.
28:20It's twice as good as a 4, 1,
28:25yes, I can your parents and they let me in on a little
28:29trait of yours which is that you you tend to
28:33friends own a lot of people.
28:35How are we sizing up what where what zone, I am.
28:42I know I feel like
28:46when I'm looking to like date someone like I want to make
28:50sure like we see our lives like on a similar path. And there's
28:53obviously nothing wrong with like what you're thinking about
28:56like I want to do this and I live in Japan for you, but it
28:59just seems like so off the mark of like what I pictured for my
29:04Yeah, yeah, that's kind of the vibe that is picking up in a
29:07lie. It's you know what it's nice to know the zone, you're
29:10in. Yeah, yeah.
29:17I think it was going so good and she was like
29:20well, it's not perfect so I don't think this is smart.
29:26Now we are going to watch Victoria and so sad.
29:31Ready to watch.
29:38This is been like a very pleasant experience if we could
29:42date like this from the jump. It will be a lot easier.
29:47I speak to you as well, I'm so so.
29:51I feel like. So you met my parents which is a little
29:56unorthodox way of doing this I suppose I think it's probably
30:00the best way yeah, I think I mean I think it's it shows a
30:04lot of insight on who you are I get to see like future you
30:07yeah, I was like which one is see more like what they say
30:10second combination perfect mix.
30:14I walk in and like so this is a very good looking guy happy
30:18like bright smile like immediately like good vibes.
30:23So I heard that you're you're a foodie news. Yeah, tell me
30:27like what exactly do you do so I produce food and wine
30:30festivals around the United States. So I get to travel and
30:33kind of like create those like little pop-up moments of joy
30:37for people.
30:39We got here. For you okay, so question for you yes, are you a
30:45savory are you a sweet girl.
30:49I would say typically savory but I feel that perhaps you
30:52have to go sweet okay, yeah, so it's a bunch of top and say
30:55yeah, I want to see what you got it's a better vibe than the
30:59last guy. So I don't know I've actually never done this before
31:02like look I like this obviously not French.
31:08It came out fast.
31:13So you have been and I see I like there's not many foods,
31:16I don't need to really I don't like hot dogs really I like
31:21eat a corn dog really doesn't make sense. So I don't really
31:24like suit.
31:25So I you know what you're like the second person I've heard
31:28this week say that I don't like to be hot and like super super
31:32cold outside, it's like I'm always warm okay, I want to I
31:37like to think of myself as a whole Chevrolet.
31:43So like 5 years.
31:45What is your life look like.
31:50I sacrifice the last 10 years of my life in the restaurant
31:55industry, yeah, I like my knife was my wife.
31:58You know, I just kind of realize like it's time for the next
32:06She's looking to talk to us a lot.
32:08Like that says a lot she wants to listen.
32:11I love it. I love it. I had a very specific question for you
32:16how spontaneous are you.
32:19I can be spontaneous, but I also like a plan for me.
32:23I'm not really good at planning things until we're doing it.
32:26Yeah, absolutely.
32:30So you know I've had a good day with you hopefully I feel like
32:35I'm blessed to be here.
32:37I guess what I'm trying to say
32:39is I had a lot of butterflies about this. I was really
32:42anxious. And when you walked in the door, I kind of
32:46grew calm. I'm pleasantly surprised. The brown eyes and
32:50the brown hair.
32:52You know.
33:00But on that express way of
33:02a relationship.
33:04Well, not there's exits. Yeah.
33:07And I kind of want to keep moving forward with you.
33:13Even though you seems like it's going to be a lot of fun.
33:21Thank you. I'll see you later.
33:30Everybody okay.
33:32I'm exhausted.
33:35All right. So here's what we're going to do each one of you is
33:38going to come up and he's right down the name of the gentleman
33:41that you think Victoria should choose who you would choose for
33:44her put it into the ballot box. I'm going to count them up.
33:47Okay cast your ballot.
34:03I'm picking so so they have so much in common. I think they
34:06make the best match. I'm going Michael. I feel like they had
34:10so much in common.
34:12I want so so but I think she's going to pick Michael.
34:16But I want so so I think that if she had a second date that
34:19he would learn more about her and I think it would be a good
34:22fit for family for sure.
34:26I agree. I got to go with so so I think he is a vibe and we all
34:31know Victoria is all about the vibe.
34:54I've been here helping your parents look for the right
34:56person for you.
34:58You and I are going to be for I don't want to be presumptuous
35:01what we're like in the same vibe so I feel like you're my
35:03kind of girl right.
35:06Good. The world is the weirdest thing you've ever done.
35:10I say I'm like a planner but I think like I'm open to like the
35:14possibilities in a way that maybe I wasn't before.
35:17If you could have your friends and family screen your dates
35:21ahead of time that you have a higher success rate absolutely
35:24what I'm doing hasn't worked yet.
35:26We want you so badly to be happy because I see your life
35:31and I go she deserves love like it feels like it's time and it
35:35feels like you've earned it. Thank you.
35:38I like held a mirror up to myself this week and I learned
35:41that doesn't have to be perfect to be wonderful and like do
35:44things scared because if you're not doing that you're you're
35:47you're letting yourself down.
35:50Do you know right now who
35:54I mean it's one day to add honestly like yeah, what you
35:58don't know what you don't know and like that's the point of
36:01dating totally okay, so we're going to find out tonight when
36:05we gather together who the town picked your parents picked and
36:09then all of us are dying to know who. This can be
36:13interesting I can't wait it's going to be really fun. Let's
36:16do it.
36:24And with my eyes closed.
36:31See all the people love Victoria is this great come on.
36:35I can't believe all these good people keep showing up.
36:39Okay, welcome back everybody was so excited.
36:46I'm so sad to have to put my my golf cart away.
36:50I don't want to give it back it feels like a part of me now so
36:54I've so enjoyed being here. Thank you guys.
36:59She has come a long way this week.
37:02It's been right from where she started. Agreed to this is
37:07amazing. Yeah, we love her and we want to find love so we'll
37:11see what what happens.
37:17We've got to bring out the woman of the hour.
37:24All right.
37:38So the entire community we all got together.
37:42And we watched your dates like.
37:48We had so much fun, what is it like for you to now looking
37:51in your community in the eyes and you know to see this
37:55firsthand okay, this is wild you guys I think everyone knows
37:59that this is so unlike me, but everyone like showed up and
38:03showed out and obviously thank you to my parents for like
38:06us doing this and like coming along on this like why the best
38:10we love you. I mean like they're down for a lot they're
38:13down for a lot of things.
38:15This is like another level.
38:17I do have the results of a poll that we can talk to the
38:21community all decided that the person that they think is the
38:24perfect fit for you is.
38:32But on that express way of
38:34a relationship.
38:36Well, now there's exits. Yeah.
38:39And I kind of want to keep moving forward with you.
38:43I would like to tell you my hand okay, Joe and Diane you're
38:47loving parents have selected for you.
38:52I call I like my.
38:56The way I show people I love them is I cook for them any
38:59excuse I can to smoke a brisket or make a strong. Yeah,
39:03that's a second day. Yeah.
39:06All right so is it possible that you have potentially found
39:11somebody that you want to continue getting to know.
39:14Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, absolutely.
39:21I know there's one I'd like to get to know more.
39:26I'm nervous and it's not even for me.
39:29Are we ready. We've been ready for a while.
39:31Haha yeah.
39:42The person that shows in is good.
39:45This be the.
39:52Maybe they know about.
40:01I go I go I go.
40:14How does this feel to you right now.
40:16Definitely not normal. But after you have our
40:20conversation, I knew their daughter was going to be
40:21wonderful and the day was really a great time, you know
40:24being able to hold a conversation and not have to
40:26like sit there and stare at each other, although it's not
40:28a bad view.
40:29So what do you think is sort of the next step here.
40:37I think a date to.
40:42I'm certainly looking forward to playing those board games
40:44together and trying some of the tomatoes I've heard so much
40:47about maybe maybe starting a second garden down here in my
40:54I like it.
40:55Thank you all so much for coming we wish them all the
40:58best and all of the love and luck in the future.
41:06The whole time everyone's like what are you looking for like
41:08what is the perfect person like I don't know how to explain it.
41:13I just feel like people have an energy and a personality and
41:18that's what I got from you.
41:20Maybe she's the one.
41:23So we have in the golf cart and the rest of our careers.
41:26Yeah, it's right over. Yes, all right come on.