• 2 days ago
00:00Joining us now, one of our favorites, River Island's gas line, all over the NBA on ESPN,
00:05Ramona Shelburne.
00:06Hi, Momo.
00:07How we doing?
00:08I did tell you they were going to get Jimmy Butler, didn't I?
00:10You did.
00:11You did.
00:12Well, you told me a year ago they were going to get somebody big.
00:16They've been star winning for a while, but I had a feeling about the Jimmy Butler thing
00:20right when they first started looking.
00:23You know, there was a game in there, but basically Miami came through town, right?
00:29And it was one of the Warriors' worst losses of the season.
00:32Remember that game?
00:35I'm sorry.
00:36It was one of the Warriors' worst losses of the season.
00:40And I was like, no, this is about to go.
00:43They're going to have to do something.
00:46You know, I mean, I think it's worked better than anybody would have thought, haven't you?
00:52I don't know what's interesting about what you're saying.
00:53If it was kind of destined to happen, then what about the Durant thing that seemingly
01:00almost got in the way of it?
01:02I don't think it would have been in the way.
01:05I think there was, you know, like, I mean, there was a way that they could have done
01:11a few different things, right?
01:13I think, I mean, not necessarily in the way, okay?
01:16I mean, I still think there was talk of revisiting Durant and there was talk of revisiting LeBron.
01:23LeBron kind of said a word that that wasn't what he was looking for.
01:27And so that didn't go anywhere again.
01:29But you know, they were big game hunting, right?
01:35They were needing to get another star there.
01:37And I think they actually got the right one.
01:39Like now that we look back on it and with the lens of he's been great for them and he's
01:43given this defensive edge and this confidence and swagger that they had sorely lacked, like
01:48you kind of can't picture any other way it could have gone.
01:52I think the Jimmy experiment has worked out so far better than any Kevin Durant experiment.
01:58And I say that with all due respect to Kevin Durant, but that would have been a circus.
02:03That would have been, that wouldn't have been good for anybody.
02:06And I don't know how it would have gone better than this is gone and they've won virtually
02:11every game but one that he's played.
02:13But when you talk about it not getting in the way, could you have seen a path where
02:18they could have done more than one big thing if they would have gotten Kevin Durant?
02:22Could they still have maybe had a path to get Jimmy Butler as well?
02:25Uh, yeah, I'm trying to remember the timing of everything.
02:29So like, you know, obviously you knew they were in on Zach, on Zach Levine, right?
02:33That was, that was something they were looking at.
02:35Vucevic was something they were looking at Durant.
02:40I think there was a little talk of can, you know, can, can we revisit the LeBron discussions
02:46from last year?
02:47And then obviously Jimmy, and it was just a question of what do you prefer and what
02:52can you get done?
02:53So those, those two questions are, uh, you think that what do you prefer comes first
02:57and what can you get done comes next.
02:59But in the end, I think it became, what can you get done?
03:04Because I think there would have been a way to get two of those players I named there.
03:08I mean, they, they had deals in place where they could have done a couple of things, but
03:12I think they made the right choice, you know, like I think the other, any other move they
03:17would have had to do would have broken up too much of the existing core.
03:21And those are important players for the, for the team.
03:23Uh, well, yeah, they've barely lost a basketball game since it happened.
03:26So it seems to be pretty, pretty good choice.
03:28Ramona Shelburne, ESPN with us.
03:30You did a big piece on Jimmy Butler before the deadline.
03:33And so with that kind of a deep dive, I wonder what you learned about him and his situation
03:39that maybe you can then apply to why it's worked so well with Golden State.
03:45So when, when I wrote the first one, um, you know, the first, I wrote two, I think
03:51I did two or three of these.
03:52I can't, I don't know.
03:53They all blend together about this point.
03:54It was such a, it was such a crazy outfit trade deadline.
03:57Um, but it was when I did the first one, um, I spent a lot of time talking about heat culture
04:03and when Jimmy was at his best for the heat, there was this sense that there was a, if
04:09you look at a Venn diagram, okay, where does Jimmy world overlap with heat culture?
04:13And it seemed like a pretty strong overlap, right?
04:16Like the things that Jimmy is into are the things that Pat Riley is into.
04:20And they seem like a really nice blend of, if you want to call them cultures or brands
04:25or ways of doing big corporate culture.
04:28But one of the things that I thought was really interesting was everybody had talked to you,
04:32not just in Miami, but, uh, you know, close to Jimmy, et cetera, um, pointed out one thing,
04:37which is that a lot of the people who talk about heat culture, so the Dwayne Wade or
04:41John is Aslan, those guys, they were drafted by the heat.
04:45Like they came into the NBA right out of college and there, the, the heat culture became like
04:51how they became a professional.
04:53It became part of them.
04:55Whereas Jimmy was 30 when he went to the heat and he already had become a very successful
04:59player in his own right.
05:01And he had become a, he, he's an incredible worker.
05:05You guys, like, I don't know if you follow him on Instagram or if you follow, you know,
05:09his, his background.
05:10I've done a few stories on him over the years and the guys like a up at four 30 in the morning,
05:15you know, getting, you know, he's like a, you know, one of his best friends and mentors
05:19is like Mark Wahlberg.
05:21I don't know if you follow Mark Wahlberg.
05:25But like Mark Wahlberg is always tweeting, you know, like at four 30, Hey look, 4am club
05:30for it.
05:31You know, like the guy's amazing.
05:33And Jimmy, I, he did an interview once and I, you know, because I was doing deep dives,
05:37I was watching all these interviews and stuff.
05:39And he said, the reason I love Mark Wahlberg so much is that he, he, he has everything,
05:45but he works like he has nothing.
05:48And I was like, Whoa, that's pretty deep.
05:51And I, so like when you understand Jimmy, you're like, okay, there was an intersection
05:56between the two cultures, between heat culture and Jimmy culture for a long time.
06:00But Jimmy also can, can do Jimmy without heat culture.
06:04He doesn't need that to be who he is.
06:07And I think at some point they, they just kind of went on different paths.
06:09Like with, you know, he's, he, he was grown and he didn't like being told what to do or
06:14how to do it or when to show up or, you know, et cetera.
06:17And I think the reason why it works so well in golden state is like Steve Kerr's whole
06:21thing is be you, we're going to let you do you like get, you know, they had the, they
06:27have a saying like get what you need.
06:29Like they have off days and they tell the veterans, okay, it's a get what you need
06:34So we're going to trust that you know what you need and that if you need that, you're
06:37going to come in and do it and you're not going to be lazy.
06:39And if what you need is three hours at home with your family, go do that.
06:43If what you need is to go to a movie, go do that.
06:46If you need some extra cardio, go do that.
06:49And we're going to trust that you know that.
06:50And I think that's so refreshing for a guy like Jimmy who like you don't need to push
06:56You don't need to give him a conditioning test.
06:59You don't need to check his body fat.
07:01Like he's, he, he's there.
07:03Like he's not, he doesn't need anything extra or anyone telling him what to do.
07:08And I think that's why it works so well with the warriors where they, they, they're just
07:12going to trust him.
07:14Is it also because they don't have triggers that have previously set him off?
07:18And I'm thinking about Minnesota where it was maybe a younger, softer team.
07:22And then Miami where he didn't get his money.
07:24And now in golden state, you've got veterans who were hardened and grizzled and champions
07:29and he got an extension.
07:30Is this clear?
07:31Any possible hurdle, at least in the short term from Jimmy doing Jimmy things?
07:36Um, do you have kids?
07:38I have thought, yeah, three kids, two in their twenties and a baby.
07:43And so when you have your kids, like you can be like parent of the year, right?
07:47You can do all these things.
07:48Like, man, that works so well.
07:50Oh yeah.
07:52And then the next day, like it's just temper tantrum.
07:55They're just upset.
07:56It's whatever.
07:57Like I, I find like, it's not anything you did.
08:00It's like, Oh, Oh, he was just hungry.
08:03That's why he acted that way.
08:04Like, I think with Jimmy, like I, you know, because he has, this has happened now in three
08:09or four or five different places, like you'd be foolish to expect that everything's just
08:15going to be perfect for these three years.
08:18When you, I mean, I think something is probably going to go a stance at some point, but for
08:22right now and, and really because of the short term situation, yeah, I think it'll
08:27be good for awhile.
08:28Maybe this year.
08:29Um, hopefully you get all the way through next year with everybody in good spirits and
08:34good whatever.
08:35But like, you know, I mean, it didn't end well in Chicago.
08:38It didn't end well in Philly, didn't end well in Miami, it didn't end well in Minnesota.
08:42So probably not going to end well with the worries, but the question is when, so.
08:48And thank you.
08:49Thank you for a scant.
08:50By the way, I needed some, a scant.
08:52Everyone goes with a stray or a skew, but anything the warriors do or could have done,
08:59you know, he could just be annoyed with something or Steve Kerr or Steph or what, you know,
09:05who knows, but I think it's going to be good for awhile.
09:08So go with it.
09:09Well, you got it.
09:10I mean, look, I'm down here in LA, you know, it was great right now.
09:13James Harden, James Harden is killing it down here for the Clippers.
09:17You think that's going to last probably for awhile.
09:21I don't know.
09:22You know, I don't think it'll end well.
09:25There's that Stanford education on display here on 95.7 in the game.
09:29Ramona Shelburne, you're listening to 95.7 in the game, KGMZ FM and HD1 San Francisco
09:34on Odyssey Sports Station, always live on the free Odyssey app, Twitch and YouTube powered
09:38by First NorCal Credit Union for a low rate auto loan.
09:41Apply online or just ask for First NorCal Financing at the dealer.
09:44Hey Ramona, how's this Jonathan Kaminga reintegration going to go?
09:53How do you like that?
09:56You know, it's man, I wouldn't, I, it's a, that's a, it's I, I choose to look at the
10:01bright side.
10:03You have a great player coming back and you know, he's had a lot of time off.
10:07He's, you know, the, the, the serious ankle sprain he had was a grade three or something.
10:12That's, that's pretty bad.
10:14And I think it's, you know, he's, they got to take their time building him back up, but
10:19also like figuring out where he fits again.
10:22You know, it's, he, he was playing a role as their second best player.
10:25I mean, when he went out and he was, it was Steph Curry one, Kaminga two, and now it's
10:31obviously Steph Curry one, Jimmy two, or, and sometimes you could flip the order of
10:36So he's got to move down in the pecking order again, back to three or even four, depending
10:40on how other people are playing that night.
10:42I also think they don't want to take minutes away from guys who have played really well.
10:45Like I think Guy Santos is going to keep, keep playing and, and you know, he's going
10:50to have to earn his minutes, but I like he was, he was doing really well when he, when
10:57he went out.
10:58And so let's see how long it takes him to get back to that level.
11:00I just think like, it's a, it's a hard thing this late in the season, especially when you've
11:05already integrated Jimmy to, to really change how you're playing, especially when you're
11:10playing really well.
11:12Like I'm watching the Lakers do this right now.
11:14They were playing really well.
11:16I couldn't believe how well Luka fit with LeBron.
11:17And I, and I think that's mostly because those two guys are so smart from a basketball IQ
11:22standpoint, but now LeBron's out and it's like the first game they played without him.
11:26It's pretty rough.
11:27And I think it's, I was like, Oh, maybe it's not just their scheme and Luka fit right in.
11:32Maybe it's just LeBron is really good at integrating people.
11:36So maybe it'll be fine with Kaminga.
11:38He'll just slide right back in.
11:39But I think it's this late in the season when a team is playing really well, I think they'll
11:44take it real slow and he's just going to have to be okay with that.
11:48It's easy for us to say that, but he is in a contract drive right now where he's restricted
11:54coming up in the summer.
11:55But how much does, I don't think the team quote owes him anything, but doesn't that
12:00make it a little bit sticky when he comes back with 17 to play and he's going to be
12:04hungry to get that, that bag?
12:08I mean, that's the dynamic, you know, I mean, I, you know, like he, he turned down a lot
12:15of money.
12:16So you gotta, you know, you have to assume that that is still there for him on some level.
12:23I don't think he's done anything to not earn it.
12:27And as long as that's still there, whatever he turned down, then he should be fine.
12:32But you know, let's, let's see how he plays.
12:33I mean, I think there's a market for him.
12:35I think, you know, he'll have options if it's, if the Warriors go in a different direction
12:38or if they, if they don't offer the same amount or if they don't increase the offer, et cetera.
12:43I do think he has a market.
12:44It's just a question of, you know, do, do they let him get there?
12:49You know, how much financial uncomfortability do they, do they want to feel?
12:55Cause if they sign into some, to another big deal, that kind of really locks them into
13:00the team.
13:01This is a 17 game, you know, work in progress for, for everybody to see how this fits with
13:06him as the okay.
13:07Being the number three.
13:08I mean, I don't know.
13:09He, he, he showed, he can be the, he can be a, you know, top two player on a team here.
13:15And there might be some team out there thinking he can be the main guy.
13:18So, you know, it's, it's a, it's a wait and see, but that is kind of how the Warriors
13:22have done things.
13:23I think that's, that's what I always remind people.
13:25The only guy who got paid early, only guy that they paid before they had to with Steph
13:34I mean, you, you know, you can take a, some people take these disrespectfully, right.
13:40You know, clay or dream on it.
13:41Oh, is it, you know, uncomfortably you paid the door?
13:44I guess, I guess George will got paid before they had to, or Wiggins, but they, they, they,
13:50they waited a little while too on those guys.
13:51It wasn't immediate.
13:52That's kind of how the Warriors run and you know, if, if, if Curry is the only guy they
14:00worked two years ahead on or three years ahead on, can't get that upset.
14:05Ramona Shelburne ESPN with us here on weathered and dibs.
14:08Hey Ramona, let's, let's go back to Jimmy Butler for a second, but add in Steph.
14:14I think there's a perception out there that Mike Dunleavy, former teammate of Jimmy had
14:20to do some convincing for both Steve Kerr and Steph a, is that your understanding?
14:27What are you hearing and seeing in terms of how, how Jimmy has pulled some things out
14:33of stuff or how that blending is going on and off the court?
14:37So I have heard a lot of different things on this mark and I'm not sure if I have the
14:42right answer.
14:43So I, I usually like to tell you if I know something or if I don't know something, right?
14:47I've heard so many different versions of this that I don't actually know anymore.
14:52There, you know, didn't I mean there was, there was a couple of reports and I heard
14:55that stuff too, but it wasn't from sourcing that I trust.
14:58It was kind of from maybe other reporters that maybe that, that there had to be some
15:02convincing like, you know, the board met and we weren't, you know, what are you, what are
15:05you going to call the board staff, Clay, Draymond, that's like that Draymond Kerr or whatever.
15:11But that wasn't really direct sourcing that I heard.
15:14It was more from other reporters on the, on, you know, other reporting and in other places,
15:19podcasts or interviews they gave.
15:22When I asked about it, I, you know, I, I, I think, I, I think a lot of it was more Jimmy
15:30wanted to go to Phoenix like that.
15:32You know, there was a report, right?
15:33I think Brian Windhorse had something saying like, he, he doesn't want to play for the
15:37He, he, he won't discuss an extension, but I think that was more because he wanted to
15:41go to Phoenix instead.
15:43I don't think it had anything to do with the Warriors.
15:44Like they wouldn't even, that was just like a, well, don't give them another option.
15:49Um, don't give him another option as opposed to, I don't want to play for the Warriors.
15:54And then once it became clear that they, that Phoenix just couldn't get that deal done,
15:59that they just couldn't maneuver enough things around to get a deal done.
16:03Then I think he opened up and was willing to talk to the Warriors about an extension.
16:07And so he, he pretty quickly moved on that.
16:09And so what came first?
16:11Was it reports that the Warriors weren't sold on him?
16:15Or was it Jimmy sending word that he wasn't sold on them?
16:18Like what, what, what was the reaction to what, okay.
16:23And as somebody who dug in pretty deeply on this, like I only tell you what I'm, what,
16:28you know, I weigh everybody's opinions, I weigh everybody's statements, and then you
16:31kind of can see where the truth is once you hear from all different sides on this one.
16:36I felt when I talked to people, especially in the aftermath of it, that there was a wariness
16:43about, about Jimmy in the sense that, of how things ended in Miami, but they had a
16:50real level of excitement and confidence that his edge and his swagger was exactly what
16:57they needed.
16:58Like, yeah, obviously it's a, it's a risk because of how things blew up in Miami, right.
17:04And Minnesota and wherever else, but I think they really liked him and they really liked
17:10this idea that, um, you know, defensively and like how he, how he could play off the
17:18ball and how he could play with stuff.
17:20I think they liked the idea of it.
17:22They just were, they kind of had to close their eyes and hope for the best.
17:26And it clearly has worked out for the best so far.
17:28I'm not sure if it was your piece, but some report about Draymond reportedly saying we
17:33need another blank hole in the room.
17:36And you know, that kind of seems, I don't think that was mine, but I heard that too.
17:40I mean the same quote and the same idea.
17:41And so, you know, once, once the Phoenix thing imploded and you know, Mark and I had had
17:46many discussions about it and I was hesitant wondering if he would come here and be disgruntled.
17:51But once he got his deal and it's really worked out, it can't help but think about, and I'm,
17:56I'm asking you the question, does this now make the Warriors a team with whom to be reckoned
18:01if coming to comes back and is a contributor?
18:05I mean, nobody wants to play them.
18:07They're really scary.
18:09I, if I was, I mean, I'm just looking at the top teams.
18:13Um, if I'm Oklahoma city, I wouldn't want to play against them in the first round.
18:17I'm Denver.
18:18I guess Denver has yo kids and they, they feel like he's a cheat code, which he is.
18:22Um, but then, you know, I, in other words, I don't think Denver's scared of people.
18:26Um, the Lakers don't want to play them, you know, the, the, the, the Grizzlies, the, the,
18:32the thunder, like somebody wants to play the, the, the Steph Curry, it's just like, you
18:37don't want to play LeBron.
18:39You don't want to play LeBron and Luka in the first round.
18:40Do you?
18:41I mean, you know, that's, that's, that's scary.
18:43I mean, these are two teams that made really big moves at the trade deadline that have
18:49worked out tremendously well so far.
18:51And so if I'm one of the top teams that didn't make one of those moves, I'd be, I'd be hesitant.
18:56I'd be a little nervous.
18:58Um, now all that said, we could do all of this and, and they could still lose in the
19:03first round.
19:05You get, you get yo kids in the first round and you know, he does yo kids thing, you know,
19:11that's, that's how this goes.
19:13But, um, I think that's a, they're like, you could tell me anything on how the Warriors
19:18would finish this.
19:19You could say they win the Western conference and I would say, yep, I could do that.
19:21And you tell me they lose in the first round.
19:23I, yep, I could see that.
19:25But, um, I feel a whole lot better about them because when you have the top stabilized,
19:30when you have the top two, you know, what, what, in all those dynastic years, whether
19:35it was Stephen Clay or Steph Clay and Draymond, like when you, or Steph Clay and Draymond
19:41and Kevin, like everybody else can play their role, but when you have everybody sliding
19:47up a chair, you know, somebody is asked to be a two when they're really more of a three
19:51and somebody has to be a three and they're really more like a fourth or fifth best player.
19:54Like that's when things don't go well.
19:57Ramona, uh, before you go, do you see this kind of transactional aggressiveness continuing
20:05into the off season for the Warriors?
20:09Uh, I want to say, I want to say yes, because they are always aggressive, right?
20:17They just are.
20:18It's just their nature.
20:19Have you ever known them not to be aggressive?
20:20You ever know them to be like, let's just give people some time to play.
20:23Like I, I think they're always out looking for things.
20:27Um, but I think financially it's going to be hard.
20:32Like this is kind of the swing, I mean, you know, they're paying him $50 million, a lot
20:40of other swings you can make now, especially if you want to stay under the apron.
20:44Now they do have their pick.
20:46That's one thing I think people don't realize it's like the Warriors actually do have a
20:50lot of assets.
20:51It'll be a lot of young players.
20:52They have a lot of picks there.
20:55They've done a really good job of maintaining their flexibility, but you know, giving Jimmy
21:01$55 million, that's, that's, that's a lot.
21:04It ties up your size of your money pretty, pretty tightly.
21:07No doubt about it.
21:08And then there's the comminga factor too, which we've already discussed, Hey, uh, Ramona,
21:12thank you so much.
21:13That was wonderful stuff.
21:14Did you like, what was your favorite part?
21:17Was it the askance or when I asked you guys about, you know, parenting toddlers and was
21:23it, or what, what do you like?
21:25Those are my top two because I love words and I'm rolling with a two and a half year
21:28old right now and we're on a six day wind streak where breakfast and dinner, we haven't
21:33thrown food and we haven't thrown ourselves on the floor.
21:36So right now, Ramona, we're feeling like parents of the year, but as you know, the young one,
21:41they'll turn on you now.
21:42They'll turn on you.
21:43And it's not even, you know, like the biggest thing you learn with kids is like, it's not
21:48everything's a stage.
21:49It's not me.
21:50I'm not, I'm not, you're never as good as you think you are and you're never as bad
21:55as you think you are.
21:56That's what I needed to hear today.
21:57Ramona, how old are your kids now?
21:59How old are they?
22:00Six and two.
22:01Six and two.
22:03So you've got, you've got young players and all your picks as well.
22:06So it's possible that you could trade them in the off season.
22:12Oh boy.
22:13I mean, it's, and I got two boys too.
22:15So that's a, that's a, let's put it this way.
22:19The best investment I have ever made as a parent is buying a giant trampoline for my
22:25Oh yeah.
22:26Oh my God.
22:27We got that advice two days ago.
22:28I have a two and a half year old daughter who all she wants to do is jump.
22:30It's a babysitter.
22:31It's literally a babysitter.
22:32Get the good one.
22:33The one that has, I think it's a spring Cree and it's got like the, the, the, the net around
22:41And it's like the one they have at those play places.
22:42It's a little more expensive than the ones you find on Amazon, but it's so worth it.
22:45You can flip up that net and be like, see you later.
22:48That is great advice right there.
22:50Ramona Shelburne for NBA takes and trampoline resets.
22:54That was dramatic pauses, which was my favorite part.
22:58Very, very thoughtful.
23:00Um, you like the dramatic, but I don't know what I will or I wasn't going to say something
23:05I was debating whether I was going to give you a women's basketball answer.
23:08Oh, um, I, I, I mean, I think the aggression you will see from that franchise is going
23:14to come with the Valkyries.
23:18Well that makes sense.
23:19That makes sense.
23:20They got their hands tied behind their back with this, the stupid way that they set them
23:23You know, the fifth pick and the draft and the, you know, the, the new CBA, but as soon
23:27as there's a new CBA where they can actually make some moves and soon as they can, they
23:32can really, uh, get light years ahead on everybody.
23:34I think they will.
23:35Well, Angel Reese is going to be sitting out with that new CBA as she said.
23:39So maybe, uh, maybe they acquire her.
23:42Listen, everything's on the table.
23:45There's a will, there's a way.
23:46And I think they, they, they certainly have the will.
23:48They definitely have that.
23:49As soon as they can change that, uh, cockamamie rule about having to be what, 20 years old
23:54before you get drafted because Juju would probably be number one overall this year.
23:59But she makes more in college now.
24:00Great point.
24:01That's a very good point.
24:02Ramona Shelburne, ladies and gentlemen.
24:03All right.
24:04Well, we're sitting here watching Stanford play Cal in North Carolina while we talked
24:10to you, Ramona.
24:11Oh, it's a classic ACC matchup.
24:12There's nothing better.
24:13Nothing better.
24:14Oh my God.
24:15I know.
24:16What are we doing?
24:17Oh, by the way, shout out to K-Pay.
24:20I know this card following a legend like Tara, but she's going to get everything on track
24:23and, and just give her one more year, one more year to figure this out.
24:26And we just saw UCLA and USC in the big 10 championships.
24:30So everything's making great sense.
24:32What are we doing?
24:34What are we doing?
24:35I don't know.
24:36I don't know.
24:37But Stanford's up six.
24:38So, uh.
24:40We got Lauren Betts down here on UCLA and I'm like, wasn't she a Stanford kid too?
24:42She was a Stanford kid.
24:43What are we doing?
24:44All right.
24:45Well, we'll, we'll, we'll let you watch the second half of this classic matchup.
24:48Um, but, uh, but thanks Ramona.
24:50Thank you so much.
24:51Oh, I'm watching O'Keefe and Boston right now.
24:52Okay, good.
24:53That was a good game.
24:54That one's really good.
24:56That one's off to a really good start.
24:57All right, Momo.
24:59Okay, boys.
25:01There she goes.