Filthy Guy 1978

  • 2 months ago
English dubs.
臭頭小子 1978
00:00:00During the Yan Dynasty, one of the emperors was known as Yan San, but he wasn't very competent
00:00:09as a ruler, and as a result, rebellions broke out all over the land.
00:00:17Such a rebel was a shepherd at Chongli town called Su Yan Chang.
00:00:22His family had all been killed during the war, and Su Yan Chang was desperately looking
00:00:28for an appropriate spot to bury his father.
00:01:53Very good!
00:01:57Dirty, bring me some tea.
00:01:59Yes sir, yes sir.
00:02:06Young master, your tea.
00:02:18What are you playing at? Where do you learn to do that?
00:02:23Well sir, I taught myself. It's my own kung fu.
00:02:36You're not bad.
00:02:37Thank you.
00:02:43I can do better.
00:02:45Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh? Huh?
00:02:48Young master, you have learned since childhood.
00:02:51I have been watching you practice it.
00:02:53And I've learned some of your tricks.
00:02:55Though I'm not as good as you.
00:02:59You dare compare yourself to me!
00:03:02Reporting sir, you ordered the Wen Hu brothers to come here and they've arrived sir.
00:03:09Show them in.
00:03:10Yes sir.
00:03:15Get lost!
00:03:16Yes sir.
00:03:22Please come in.
00:03:34Wen Hu, I always like to practice fighting with my friends.
00:03:39It keeps me on my toes. It's good to see you.
00:03:43If it's practice, then I don't mind. As long as it's fun.
00:03:49Of course, it's only in fun.
00:03:54Alright, now let me show you my new crane boxing technique.
00:04:55Wen Hu! Wen Hu!
00:04:57Chen Yu Ling, that was unfair.
00:05:01He's no match for me. No one's my equal.
00:05:09Alright, if my brother fails to get better from your beating, then I'll make you pay for it.
00:05:35BELL RINGS
00:05:47BELL RINGS
00:05:53BELL RINGS
00:05:56BELL RINGS
00:05:59BELL RINGS
00:06:04BELL RINGS
00:06:15BELL RINGS
00:06:34BELL RINGS
00:06:37Hey there, he's over there! Hey, quickly, another escape!
00:08:00BELL RINGS
00:08:05BELL RINGS
00:08:07Mok Mok Cheung, this Dragon Hill may be uninhabited,
00:08:12but that's because it's overgrown with poisonous weeds. I don't like it.
00:08:18Ah, but master, so the sages have told us it's blessed by the sun and the moon. It's a special place.
00:08:25If your father's buried here, it means that one day you'll become king.
00:08:34That's just an old wives' tale.
00:08:36Ah, no it's not, it's the truth.
00:08:40The Yan will soon fall, and the Chinese will get back all their land.
00:08:47Good. If what you say is correct, and I become king, you'll be chief minister.
00:08:54Oh, really?
00:08:58However, I can't show you where to bury him. That has to be your decision alone, or it won't work.
00:09:06But why won't it work?
00:09:08Ah, because the gods will make me blind. Maybe I'll never see anything again the rest of my life.
00:09:19But provided that I am the emperor, even if you do become blind, I will see you're well looked after.
00:09:27You'll have everything that you want.
00:09:29Ah, all right, then it's a deal. And now I'll make a solemn oath.
00:09:35When the east wind blows, and the north wind snows, and the wind and the rain start again.
00:09:46Ah ha ha! That is the place! Oh yes, it's wonderful! Congratulations!
00:09:57I must be a lucky man, if I am to be king.
00:10:02Wait a minute, we haven't finished yet.
00:10:06What's wrong?
00:10:07What's wrong?
00:10:10Oh dear, damn it! Something doesn't seem to be right.
00:10:14There's a dragon there already. That means someone's got there before us.
00:10:19We better go and see who it is.
00:10:37Su Yancheng! Dirty trouble lad! How can he be king?
00:10:46Ah, officers and ministers all have to come from somewhere. If a man's worthy, he goes far.
00:10:55Anyway, it's his son who'll be king.
00:10:57Bok Mok Cheung! Get that body out of here! And bury my father!
00:11:02But sir, I can't do that. I can't interfere with the dead, or I'll be punished.
00:11:12Do you mean that I've lost all chance?
00:11:15Not so fast.
00:11:24We could try Tiger Hill, that's just as good. We'll bury him there.
00:11:29Tiger Hill?
00:11:30Tiger Hill?
00:11:31Yeah, Tiger Hill. Maybe you'll be a general.
00:11:37It just isn't fair to let that numbskull become king.
00:11:43All right, to Tiger Hill then.
00:11:49My God, my eyes!
00:11:50Bok Mok Cheung, what's wrong with you?
00:11:51It's my eyes. I've suddenly gone cross-eyed, don't ask me how.
00:11:57Look, I can't see straight.
00:12:01Oh, it's terrible. They're never going to come back.
00:12:05I just can't believe I am less deserving than him. I'll have to kill him.
00:12:31Brother Su!
00:12:33My God! A snake!
00:12:38It's nothing to be afraid of.
00:12:44Brother Su, you're very brave. Here, let me give this to you.
00:12:49Oh, thank you.
00:13:08Dirty Head! Dirty!
00:13:13Dirty, it's bad news. Chowder said he's going to kill you. You better run.
00:13:18Well, if he can't.
00:13:19If he says so, you better believe it. Run for it now, before it's too late.
00:13:27Stop him! Don't let him get away! After him now, quickly!
00:13:31Hey, come here!
00:13:33Get out of here!
00:13:35Get out of here!
00:13:54Hey, why do you want to fight me?
00:14:00Hey, don't make me! I don't want to fight you!
00:14:41Yes, sir!
00:14:42Don't let him get away!
00:14:45Come on, search!
00:14:46Where is he?
00:14:47Check over there!
00:14:48Come on!
00:14:49I can't find him!
00:14:50I don't care how, but you better not let him get away this time!
00:14:54A man of great power is meant to come. It's written in the stars.
00:14:58I know he's on his way. I've been waiting here for three days.
00:15:03Ah, somehow seeing you fishes made me feel hungry.
00:15:07Hey, come on, come on.
00:15:09Hey, hey, come on now, take it easy.
00:15:12Now, come on, over here, everybody. Come on, that's the idea.
00:15:14Come on, come to me, come to me.
00:15:16Come on, little fish, come to me.
00:15:18Come on, over here, everybody. Come on, that's the idea.
00:15:20Come on, come to me, come to me.
00:15:22Come on, little fish, come to me.
00:15:25Hey, come on now.
00:15:27That's the idea. Come on, come on.
00:15:48Hey, hey.
00:15:58Buddha's name be praised!
00:15:59Oh, Abbot, have some fish!
00:16:02It is forbidden to take life.
00:16:05We eat no meat. Life's too precious.
00:16:08Uh, uh, uh-huh.
00:16:13Hey, Abbot! Hey, hey, wait for me, Abbot, will you?
00:16:16Here, here, Abbot, wait for me.
00:16:19Hey, Abbot.
00:16:21Yes, mister? What do you want?
00:16:24Abbot, I'm tired of the world.
00:16:27I'd like to become a monk, too, if you don't mind.
00:16:30Are you sure that you're prepared for such an ordeal?
00:16:34Well, don't see why not.
00:16:39Don't see why not? Depends on you.
00:16:41Would it be all right if I followed you?
00:16:43All right.
00:16:44No, I don't think that we should shave your head.
00:16:47You can study first as a layman.
00:16:49Oh, thank you, Abbot.
00:16:51Don't kneel down.
00:16:54Yes, yes, Abbot, yes.
00:16:55Buddha's name be praised.
00:17:09Hurry, brother, quick, quick.
00:17:15Quick, quick, quick. Come on, come on now.
00:17:18Hey, brother, we'd better tell the Abbot about Dirty.
00:17:21He's not doing his job at all, you know.
00:17:23Oh, the Abbot will punish him severely for that.
00:17:26Yeah, come on, let's go.
00:17:38Hey, Abbott, Abbott, Abbott.
00:17:42Abbott, Abbott.
00:17:44You take a good look at him.
00:17:45He's been here all morning.
00:17:47And until now, he's not done a thing.
00:17:49You see, the place hasn't been cleaned.
00:18:05Could you tell me that all over again?
00:18:08Well, the place hasn't been cleaned up at all.
00:18:12It's in a terrible mess.
00:18:16It shouldn't be allowed.
00:18:19Yuen Chang.
00:18:21Abbott, anything wrong?
00:18:25Hello, Abbott.
00:18:31The floor looks clean to me.
00:18:38The lowest thing that a monk can do is squeal on his brothers.
00:18:45From tomorrow, it will be your responsibility to clean the floor.
00:18:50Now go away.
00:18:51Yes, sir.
00:18:57Yuen Chang, find some things to do.
00:19:00Look over there.
00:19:01That temple needs cleaning.
00:19:03See it's kept spotless.
00:19:27How come it's so dirty?
00:19:30Hey, you must have mucked it up.
00:19:33How come you're against me?
00:19:35Hey, why do you tell the Abbott, eh?
00:19:38I'll teach you to fool with me.
00:19:47All spirits of the night and the earth, I am your servant.
00:19:52Hey, what's the matter?
00:19:54Hercules, hurry up.
00:19:56Oh, Lord Buddha, all the spirits, come on.
00:20:00Come on, bless me that I win again tonight.
00:20:03And that everyone else loses.
00:20:20And I won.
00:20:22Lost again.
00:20:23My bad luck.
00:20:25How come that he wins every game?
00:20:27It's your fault.
00:20:28You bring it on yourself.
00:20:29You say you've lost before.
00:20:30The dice have never been thrown.
00:20:32You're what's known as a born loser.
00:20:34And you as well.
00:20:35You're always saying that you have no luck.
00:20:37And it's true, you don't have any.
00:20:39Allow me.
00:20:40What now?
00:20:41Mr. Chung said a man came here for a statue.
00:20:44And now you've lost all your money and not made the statue.
00:20:47What'll you do?
00:20:48It's too bad.
00:20:51I forget about it because we're gambling.
00:20:53What am I going to do?
00:20:55You better start now.
00:20:57We don't have enough time.
00:20:58Money has to be delivered a hundred miles away.
00:21:00Allow me.
00:21:01We have to pay ten times the deposit as well.
00:21:04What shall we do?
00:21:08Hey, I've got it.
00:21:10But you have to help me out.
00:21:12Oh, that's no problem.
00:21:13All right.
00:21:14Here, come here.
00:21:15I'll tell you how to do it.
00:21:16This is what we do now.
00:21:21Hey, I ask you.
00:21:23Who's the best man in the world?
00:21:25Oh, the gambler.
00:21:26Right, right.
00:21:27And who is the happiest?
00:21:30The gambler again.
00:21:32Oh, and since you're a gambler, you can do it.
00:21:39No, I can't do it.
00:21:41But it might not care for me anymore.
00:21:46No, I'm afraid.
00:21:47I want her to like me.
00:21:50Hey, didn't you say the gambler wasn't afraid of anything?
00:21:54Yes, but...
00:21:56If you ask me, you're destined to go to hell.
00:21:59I don't see you ever going up to heaven.
00:22:02Oh, no.
00:22:07Hey, allow me.
00:22:09Why should...
00:22:10He might not like me.
00:22:11He likes you.
00:22:13Buddha is always merciful.
00:22:18Where's the statue?
00:22:19Hey, where's the statue?
00:22:26No, no, no.
00:22:36What's the matter?
00:22:37The statue's disappeared.
00:22:40Where's Yuen Chang?
00:22:41Over there.
00:22:44Yuen Chang.
00:22:46Yuen Chang.
00:22:51Yuen Chang.
00:22:58Can you tell me where the statue is?
00:23:00The statue?
00:23:01How should I know, Abbott?
00:23:04Nobody's been in there except you.
00:23:07I don't know anything.
00:23:09Well, you should know something.
00:23:11I only told the Buddha to leave me.
00:23:13I didn't know he heard me.
00:23:16Hey, why'd you talk to the statue like that?
00:23:21Perhaps Buddha encouraged it.
00:23:24Couraged it.
00:23:26Yuen Chang.
00:23:28Never chance your luck.
00:23:30Don't abuse your elders.
00:23:32Don't take before giving.
00:23:35And don't rush into things.
00:23:38First thing tomorrow,
00:23:40you start taking Kung Fu lessons from me.
00:23:43Yes, Abbott.
00:23:59Ouchy, Sue.
00:24:00You shouldn't breathe so hard.
00:24:01It sounds stupid.
00:24:03I can't help it.
00:24:05I'm exerting myself.
00:24:07What'd you expect?
00:24:08A few little puffs.
00:24:10You sound like a pig rooting for food.
00:24:12That's all you ever do, is eat.
00:24:14What do you mean?
00:24:15Put it for me,
00:24:16a man of skin and bones like yourself
00:24:18would have dropped dead from the street a long time ago.
00:24:21You're a fine one to talk about work.
00:24:23Anyway, didn't you know it was the fashion to be skinny?
00:24:26It's high class.
00:24:28You are right.
00:24:30Enough arguing.
00:24:31We'll miss the ferry which will take the statue down river.
00:24:34All right, let's go.
00:24:37Let's go now.
00:24:46This was all your idea.
00:24:48You were the one who suggested it.
00:24:51Why doesn't I be prized?
00:24:57But what's going on?
00:24:59Where's this garbage come from?
00:25:05That's odd.
00:25:07This has all been put here by you, hasn't it?
00:25:10You're responsible for this dirt.
00:25:11What do you mean?
00:25:12But you have dirty hands and we ended up cleaning it up.
00:25:16That's odd.
00:25:18Hey, hey, hey.
00:25:22Monk, have you seen a man with dirty habits?
00:25:25Monks keep themselves clean.
00:25:27Why ask us who's dirty?
00:25:28Unless you're implying that we are not clean.
00:25:31Oh, son of a bitch.
00:25:34What kind of a place is that?
00:25:35Why have I heard you muttering about the wretched man?
00:25:38It's ridiculous.
00:25:44Two brothers.
00:25:45The abbot wants you to come inside.
00:25:50So Yuen Chang is the man he's after. He's dirty.
00:25:53Forget it.
00:25:54Who really cares that much about him?
00:25:56Let's just forget all about it.
00:25:57We won't tell him.
00:26:00Good-bye, dear.
00:26:19Oh, that's lovely.
00:26:34Abbot, my head itches.
00:26:37It's a great relief bringing the gong.
00:26:39Yuen Chang.
00:26:44Abbot, didn't you tell me right from the start
00:26:47Kung Fu always starts with the head.
00:27:37My dirty head's much too strong.
00:27:39It can beat ten people.
00:27:43So you broke a ball like that?
00:27:45That proves you're good?
00:27:47Of course it proves.
00:27:48You're just a big fish swimming around in a small pool.
00:27:51You're not that good.
00:27:53What the hell do you mean?
00:27:56You're a nobody.
00:28:00Go on.
00:28:01Turn the child over here.
00:28:08Come on.
00:28:24Hang again.
00:28:33No, no, you can't.
00:28:36This is so I can help you practice Kung Fu.
00:29:01Yan Chang.
00:29:03A really tough fighter.
00:29:04And he got to suffer a lot.
00:29:06Oh, no.
00:29:11Yan Chang.
00:29:12You said you practiced with your head.
00:29:15Today, we'll practice with your feet.
00:29:27Don't make me do something I might regret.
00:29:31Yan Chang.
00:29:32Don't they say that all life is learning?
00:29:35So if you die, you'll stop learning.
00:29:45We're just minding our business.
00:29:48You have to sit here on your hands.
00:29:52Now, but tortoise, you can't move till lunch.
00:29:55Oh, hello, brother.
00:29:56Hey, no, you got to help me.
00:29:58Hey, hey, brother.
00:29:59Hey, don't leave me like this.
00:30:18It's time for break.
00:31:19One, two, three.
00:31:23There are three.
00:31:28Well, chief.
00:31:29Who she's seen is by far and away the most powerful of them.
00:31:32And if he's allowed to get stronger,
00:31:34he could be trying to become king himself.
00:31:39You look after him.
00:31:40After him?
00:31:41He's coming.
00:31:54Welcome, Marshal Tu.
00:31:55My honor to have you here.
00:31:57We are all servants in a greater cause.
00:32:00It's my honor to meet you.
00:32:02Oh, please.
00:32:07Sit down.
00:32:13You ask me here?
00:32:15What's your reason?
00:32:16Well now, you know the situation.
00:32:19I'm sure I don't need to explain how grave it is.
00:32:23What's on your mind?
00:32:24Out with it, lad.
00:32:27I think we need a very strong leader.
00:32:29I nominate you to be a king.
00:32:31I'm not the one for it.
00:32:34I don't want to be a king.
00:32:36I'm a simple man.
00:32:38I just want peace.
00:32:52Excuse me for a moment.
00:32:54Things are a bit hectic.
00:32:56I have to go out.
00:32:57I'll be back very soon.
00:32:58Please, go ahead.
00:33:21Excuse me, sir.
00:33:22The flag of Master Chang is flying on top of the hill.
00:33:27If the Yan Army sees that, they'll come and capture us.
00:33:31I don't trust that Master Chang.
00:33:39I'm afraid so, sir.
00:33:41I'm afraid so.
00:33:42I'm afraid so, sir.
00:33:43I'm afraid so, sir.
00:33:45He's been gone a long time, why isn't he back?
00:33:53Is it possible he doesn't mean to return?
00:33:59Chandler's already left here on a boat.
00:34:00Let's get out of here.
00:34:01Hold it!
00:34:02We're all in this.
00:34:14All of your different organizations will enjoy a measure of respect under my rule.
00:34:19Right, right, right, right.
00:34:21It's a good thing that you're on our side.
00:34:24You provide the momentum.
00:34:27Look, if I want to take this country over, I can do it any time that I want to.
00:34:36And that would be easy for a man like you.
00:34:39And I have you, Pak Mok Chun, to work out my plans.
00:34:43Just like a flying tiger.
00:34:45And why should I be like a flying tiger?
00:34:48Ah, uh, yes, uh, well...
00:34:50I'm no tiger.
00:34:52I'm a dragon.
00:34:54And Su Yao Cheng is my enemy.
00:34:56I want you to make sure you get him for me.
00:34:59I want you to bring him back here.
00:35:02And you had better not fail.
00:35:05It is vital that I stop that dirty fool.
00:35:20Hey, he's coming, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
00:35:49no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:35:57No guarantee that I'll let him rot here.
00:36:35I mean, the Abbot must like you, Allah..
00:36:40Oh, Oh, Oh...
00:36:41Okay, uh...
00:36:44And Chang?
00:36:45What's the matter?
00:36:46You afraid to fight with me?
00:36:52Big brother.
00:36:55Oh, brother...
00:36:56That's a big pill!
00:37:00Brother, that's a bit too hard.
00:37:10Mother, get him!
00:37:27Brothers, don't go away so soon.
00:37:47Oh, brother, brother.
00:37:49I can't do it again.
00:37:51But it's going to be great.
00:38:00What are you doing here?
00:38:21Dirty, can't you see?
00:38:22We're all Imperial soldiers.
00:38:24Part of the Palace Guard.
00:38:26Yes, I know.
00:38:27Yes, I know.
00:38:29We're ordered to transfer a prisoner.
00:38:31We want to take a rest here.
00:38:32Dirty, you better get some food for us.
00:38:36Hey, who is your prisoner?
00:38:38That's none of your business.
00:38:41If you want me to get food, I think you should tell me.
00:38:44I'm warning you.
00:38:46Keep your mouth shut.
00:38:47If anything goes wrong, I'll hold you responsible.
00:38:51Who is that?
00:38:51Who would dare kill people in front of Buddha's statue?
00:39:01Buddha show him no mercy.
00:39:04Tell him they're not welcome here.
00:39:10Didn't you hear that?
00:39:11The arbitrary to clear out and don't come back here.
00:39:14What are you waiting for? Get out.
00:39:17You really want to know who's a king?
00:39:20Of this country.
00:39:21You still want me to leave here?
00:39:24It's your Mongol lesson.
00:39:25Get him.
00:40:19I am.
00:40:28Yanshang, leave me alone.
00:40:30Open the prison card quickly.
00:40:32I know who the prisoner is.
00:40:33It's the marshal.
00:40:34Kushi Sen.
00:40:36Kushi Sen?
00:40:45Marshal Ko, you're right.
00:40:47Thanks a lot.
00:40:48Abbott, sorry to trouble you.
00:40:52Marshal, don't be formal.
00:40:54You had better leave here now.
00:40:58Abbott, are you alright yourself?
00:41:00I'm fine.
00:41:01Marshal, please.
00:41:03Mister, what's your name?
00:41:05Su Yanshan.
00:41:06I will pay you back one day.
00:41:08Thank you.
00:41:14Abbott, Abbott.
00:41:16I kill people. Please forgive me.
00:41:19It happens in war.
00:41:22It's hard for us to avoid it.
00:41:26Death comes to all of us.
00:41:29There's no escape.
00:41:32Abbott, you're badly hurt.
00:41:33Let me take you away for a while.
00:41:36Forget it.
00:41:38I'll be alright.
00:41:40I have lived a full life, my boy.
00:41:43It doesn't matter to me when I die.
00:41:46Abbott, you got to stay alive.
00:41:49Listen now.
00:41:51The people suffer.
00:41:54These are hard times.
00:41:57It's your responsibility to help.
00:42:00But I cannot leave you, Abbott.
00:42:03You will be a hero.
00:42:05You will be a hero.
00:42:09It is the will of the Lord Buddha.
00:42:23Come along now, move along.
00:42:25Hurry up.
00:42:27Next one, come on.
00:42:34Move along there.
00:42:38Next one.
00:42:40Next one.
00:42:43Not him.
00:42:48Next one, move along.
00:42:50Next one.
00:42:53Move along.
00:42:56Hurry along there.
00:43:01Next one.
00:43:06Hurry up.
00:43:07Next one.
00:43:09Next one.
00:43:10Next one.
00:43:12Right, that's enough.
00:43:18You brought in hundreds of dirty men.
00:43:20But you haven't got Su Yun Shang.
00:43:22And without him,
00:43:23this exercise is a complete failure.
00:43:27I heard that Su Yun Shang was still at the temple.
00:43:30And why didn't you get him?
00:43:32I have been to every single temple.
00:43:35And you didn't find him?
00:43:41You're all idiots.
00:43:42You're an idiot.
00:43:44You're an idiot.
00:43:45Yes, yes, I'm an idiot.
00:44:05Hurry up.
00:44:33I got him.
00:44:34You got eyes, can't you see where you're going?
00:44:37Just two.
00:44:39Both in my face, but none in my back.
00:44:43Yellow banana.
00:44:45Strange dead man there.
00:44:47I know.
00:44:50I've seen him somewhere before.
00:44:58Now what the hell is the matter with you?
00:45:00I'm sorry.
00:45:01I'm sorry.
00:45:08That is the man.
00:45:11Hey, wait for me.
00:45:14Wait for me.
00:45:16Are you Dirty Hand Su?
00:45:17Are you OK?
00:45:20All right, all right, here we are.
00:45:38Be careful.
00:45:40Don't get things so muddled up.
00:45:44If I should get hold of your clothes by mistake,
00:45:47I shall keep them next time.
00:45:49Do you understand?
00:45:53Yes, thank you.
00:46:02There's no way you can become a monk.
00:46:04So what do you intend to do?
00:46:06I'm going to join up with Marshal Koo.
00:46:08Koo, she said?
00:46:10Yeah, but I don't know where to find him.
00:46:16I know.
00:46:21And I know.
00:46:28Brother, let's go.
00:46:30Come on.
00:46:34Koo, she said?
00:46:36He's the number one target of the Yan.
00:46:37It's dangerous.
00:46:38They have soldiers out looking for him everywhere.
00:46:41Is he against the Yan Kingdom?
00:46:43Oh, he's a rebel.
00:46:44He fights for the people.
00:46:45He wants to kick out the Yan Dynasty.
00:46:47Oh, I'm going to have to join him.
00:46:49Oh, are you sure?
00:46:51Yes, I'm sure.
00:46:52I have no doubts.
00:46:55Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:47:00Hey, good.
00:47:01As you're a hero,
00:47:02I respect you, I admire you.
00:47:04I want to follow you.
00:47:19You're really very good.
00:47:21Brother Su, if it's all right,
00:47:23I want to follow you.
00:47:24Ah, so it's you again.
00:47:27I'm known as a little beast.
00:47:33Dirty head.
00:47:34Your kung fu is really very good.
00:47:38I want to go with you.
00:47:41Brother, those two fellows are really up to no good, I'm sure.
00:47:45Why are you always following him?
00:47:47Do you know?
00:47:51We're all the same underneath.
00:47:53We're all brothers in life.
00:47:56All right, let's go together.
00:47:59Hey, wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:48:07Reporting, sir.
00:48:08We have intercepted an important message.
00:48:13Get out.
00:48:18Hey, boss.
00:48:20We found out where Sir Lien Chang is.
00:48:27Dirty head.
00:48:29You will not get away from me this time.
00:48:33I'll show you.
00:48:47Well, now, you are eating that pigeon all by yourself.
00:48:51Brother, Little Swallow, quickly come over here.
00:48:54Come and join us in some pigeon.
00:48:56Hey, shut up.
00:48:57You got a big mouth.
00:49:00Have some consideration.
00:49:01Only one pigeon between four. I'm only gonna have the bones left
00:49:18Why not? Why were you trying to keep it on yourself?
00:49:23This is odd if this pigeon has a letter tied to its foot. Ah
00:49:27Where is it?
00:49:29The letter it's in the feathers. I'll get it. I'll get it. I'll go with you
00:49:52What do you want here I was kind of wondering if you're gonna join up with the rebels if so, I'd like to
00:50:01Yes, that's what we're doing
00:50:03Our chief is one of the rebel leaders around here and he'd like to be a friend
00:50:08So he asked me to come and invite you to visit his place
00:50:12That's rather strange. Why did he send a letter? And why have you brought so many men along with you?
00:50:23Every one of them's a rebel and we're here to welcome you
00:50:27May I know what your chief is called and you'll find out soon enough
00:50:31But why can't you tell me his name now and the chief prefers to surprise you?
00:50:35You'd never guess who he is
00:50:37All right. I'll come with you
00:50:40Brother should you go? I don't think you should go either and we have no idea who they are
00:50:46If you wanna catch a fish you have to cast your rod only a coward sits around on his I'll go with you
00:50:52I want to go too. I like to go fishing. I
00:50:55Want to go with you, huh? Let's go
00:51:05Come in
00:51:11Hmm I've got a funny feeling
00:51:17Hey, do you know why he invited us all to come here for all I know he wants brothers who to be his new
00:51:24Son-in-law, huh? Really? Well, if that's true, then I'm lucky
00:51:29You fool you're too easily taken in
00:51:47Well, I never thought I'd meet someone ugly
00:51:53Oh brother, he's looking at you. Nah, I think he's looking over there
00:52:00All right, so he's a cross-eyed squint. So only he knows who he is really looking at right now
00:52:43You're so surprised
00:52:46Dirty head you have gone and walked right into our little trap
00:52:52You are going to get yourself killed today
00:52:58Young master
00:53:01Everyone dies sometime
00:53:04However, we fight for the same cause I still don't understand why you do this
00:53:09What is it that you've got against me? Why do you want to kill me?
00:53:13All right
00:53:15If you don't know then I'll tell you why you're gonna die
00:53:22All right
00:53:23If that's how you feel if you don't wanna be friends, then I guess we'll have to settle for being enemies. Shut up
00:53:31dirty head
00:53:33You and I just don't compare
00:57:21Girls very pretty
00:57:26Good you're gonna stay here. You can become my ninth wife
00:57:43Now that Chan has captured a little bait and has found out she's a girl he'll force himself on her we must say
00:57:49That's not easy we have to use tricks
00:57:53Well, you always were one to use sly tricks
00:57:58My friend I've more tricks up my sleeve than you think don't be surprised by what I do
00:58:05My friend I would like to see one of your tricks now good
00:58:19You already said then no, I didn't you didn't eat it why'd you not I thought I did here
00:58:29Maybe I didn't they'll swallow will dress up as a girl to try and get little payout
00:58:33We'll have to be very careful though. Do you understand? Yeah, I'm not gonna do it. I'm a man
00:58:38How can I dress up as a girl? Don't be silly. Hey
00:58:42You look as if you can pass for a girl brother. Don't say that
00:58:48Brother, look at him. Don't say that. Hey brother
00:58:53He really does look like a girl doesn't he I could fall for him myself
00:58:59Okay, you're gonna disguise yourself as an old man and go with her yes
00:59:46Hey, you better listen to me my girl, I'll punish you and there's a good girl
00:59:56Grandpa's a bit funny in the head. He tries to beat me. If you meet someone with a pot mark face, it usually quietens him down
01:00:16You say I'm ugly
01:00:19It doesn't matter does it you see he's a little bit bar me not smart like you
01:00:34Hey, why don't you go and let him touch you anyway, you're a man now, but I'm not I'm a girl
01:00:40Hey, but it's only a disguise now call it
01:00:47I'm gonna have to punish her. Hey, go on. Why don't you let him kiss you?
01:01:02What's wrong you refuse he's calling for you go
01:01:06I'm telling you
01:01:18Kiss me here if you like
01:01:30Mister we brought some flowers for the bride. We'll take them through now
01:01:37Thank you, mister
01:01:41That's a good girl
01:01:49Can you fortunately you're a man otherwise, I'd be very jealous
01:02:05Thank you, thank you
01:02:24My granddaughter is waiting for you inside
01:02:41Amos what's the matter?
01:02:55Right, right, yeah, she's still in the room. Are you sure? Yes
01:03:16Come the bridesmaid is so beautiful. Why haven't I noticed her?
01:03:43You're a good girl
01:03:45Grandpa loves you
01:03:47Stupid old fool brother. He's mean to me
01:03:50He told pop my turn to kiss me. I had to wash my face so many times, but I'm still feeling sick
01:03:57How am I gonna punish him? You asked me? No
01:04:02As long as it's only men kissing I don't see what harm's done. You don't like me. Do you?
01:04:07Huh? I did when you had disguised as a girl, but not as a man. Oh
01:04:13Who says I look like a girl who you mean you don't like me
01:04:22He's a perfectly normal woman why not take her why poke fun at me what's the big idea
01:04:31Brother let's stop the teasing. They don't pay whatever you say
01:04:37I said what right that you were really a woman. This guy's is a man
01:04:46To tell the truth, I'm the daughter of Marshall cool
01:04:51Who she's in my god, that's terrible you've been with us so long and we never knew who you really were
01:04:58That's it. Masha. Who sent you the marshal said that he had saved his life for him. He asked me to look after you
01:05:04I see. Where's the marshal now?
01:05:07Over the other side of the hill. We will come down to the Chang River. My father has his army camped on the riverbank. Oh
01:05:18Dressed up as a girl. I feel rather attracted to you
01:05:24Do you mean you've forgotten the little girlfriend you used to have with a ponytail
01:05:34You shall put our picture let's sing out loud
01:05:38Come on, daddy. Have look at me. What do you want?
01:05:46And I say you want me you feeling shy my face is red I can hide the way I feel
01:06:00Think you cannot
01:06:18You're not just ugly you're a fool
01:06:21Haha, you're right there chief. My face is so full of pop box that I am ugly. It does make me look like a fool
01:06:31You're a good for nothing except that you do know how to flatter Oh
01:06:38Flattery is a hard art to acquire
01:06:40Bastard, what kind of art is that? Oh, right. It's an art best left to bastards to practice
01:06:49I'm surrounded by useless fools. Oh, let's see. And Chang is assisted by smart minds
01:06:56If I don't get rid of him
01:06:59He'll become even stronger than me. Yes
01:07:06Here's my honor stop anything else put all men on catching him
01:07:40Hey, you're right
01:07:52Do you have a steady girlfriend
01:07:56Why do you have
01:07:59Not at present
01:08:01In the future. I don't think so. But why not? You don't want to be lonely
01:08:07Yeah, I can't stand women because they're so fussy. Oh
01:08:13They're fussy are they and you can't stand them
01:08:16Yeah, they argue they shout they run they fidget. They always talk
01:08:22They don't sleep give orders. They scold you
01:08:27Make you do one thing and then make you do another
01:08:32But you're not a woman. So, how can you be so sure of what a woman thinks it does this?
01:08:38Ah, so I see now your mother originally came from a car. Why do you always tease me?
01:08:43Oh, why do you always insult go?
01:08:48But I never insulted you so why did you start insulting my mother like that? I feel like it
01:08:53That's all I say what I want to say. How can you be so unreasonable?
01:08:56I'll get you
01:09:05Keep your voices down you're disturbing everybody
01:09:41It's a new land had decided on this spot and had his men make an ambush we couldn't get out of here
01:09:50But I only said hey, hey this mountain is deep
01:10:00Yes, there's something going on don't get so nervous you make a scare
01:10:36All right, you're gonna have it your own way
01:10:39But I I know of a way to get out of here. Huh?
01:10:44What is that? Go on? Tell me
01:10:47Just strap on some wings fly
01:10:50That's all right for you to swallow to be it's all very well for you, but I'm not like you I can't fly
01:10:59Dirty head you're not gonna get away this time. Even if you did have wings
01:11:07Young master
01:11:08We're all rebels against the crown on the same side
01:11:11So why do we have to kill each other you are merely a low-class peasant how dare you talk to me as an equal?
01:11:24Well, if that's the case, why are you so eager to kill me if I'm dead why do you bother with me?
01:11:30Cuz I won't feel good until you're dead. I vow to kill you and kill you
01:11:36I will right the chief is gonna kill ya
01:11:40It's a big country plenty of room for both of us. We've nothing to fight about unless you are afraid of me
01:11:47afraid of you
01:11:50How could I be afraid of dirt like you? Huh? You don't seem to understand. I'm no ordinary dirt
01:11:55You're not gonna find me. He's in a fight shithead. I could take you anytime
01:11:59I could take ten of you with one arm tied behind my back
01:12:08He's got a big mouth, but it's a lot of wind he's afraid if he wasn't afraid he wouldn't have come here alone
01:12:14Look how many men he's brought with him. If he was alone, you could defeat him easily. All right, I'll fight you on my own
01:12:24You go to hell you mean that he's better than I am
01:12:38I'm gonna show you a thing or two. You're in for a big surprise. Hey, you just stay back here and watch
01:12:51Was good
01:14:14Can I do for you
01:14:45I have some urgent business with him. But what is so urgent miss? What is the problem?
01:14:53Please miss you can tell me you have come to the headquarters of the rebel army. I am marshal kushi said
01:15:03Marshall I have a message for you from your daughter much onion right now. She's still on the mountain
01:15:08She's with so young Chang waiting for you. Oh
01:15:13He finally found
01:19:30What the hell's going on all my cows have gone crazy what's going on?
01:22:16Jenny we've both been badly hurt, but I hope we will stay together
01:22:25Yes, do you love me ah, I hope you won't look down on me cuz of my dirty head I
01:22:31Think you have a lovely head and I think you have a lovely smell too. Oh in that case. We should be engaged
01:22:52Really are a stupid fool, what's the matter now?
01:22:56It's swallow he suddenly become a woman and she's fighting up on the mountain and killing everyone. Ah
01:23:04You better wait down here I'll go and see
01:23:42Said stop fighting
01:23:54Marshall I'm sorry. I behaved like such a fool, but no one seemed to be listening
01:24:04Little swallow, please stop fighting
01:24:42Give me my shoes
01:26:03Never fight with girls, so I had to let her go, but don't you know who she is?
01:26:23Why do you think why do you want to kill Marshall Coons? Thank you brother, sir
01:26:28My mission's completed
01:26:30I've done what I set out to do
01:26:35Little swallow little swallow brother
01:26:39She brother she was secretly sent here by young Imperial agents to assassinate the Marshall, huh?
01:26:46How do you know
01:26:48Till last time we caught those pigeons. I I found a written message only now I realize the note was for her
01:27:05It showed you read out to overthrow the crown
01:27:12That who she sent I
01:27:14Soo Yan Chang took over command of the rebels and defeated the enemy and became the first main Emperor Ming Taishu