Hi! I'm Japanese. I live in Tokyo. I add English subtitles to the Fukushima/nuclear related Japanese videos (or Japanese subtitles to the English videos) I've found on the net.
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JP Govt's "Stress Test Meeting" Interrupted: Audience's Protest and Poignant Words from A Fukushima Woman (Jan/18/2012)/大飯ストレステスト会議での福島女性の切実な訴え
12 年前
Dr. Koide's Testimony: "About Fukushima" [Part 2/2]/小出裕章・国会証言「福島」編(May/23/2011)
12 年前
Dr. Koide's Testimony: "Nuclear Energy Is An Illusion" [Part 1/2]/小出裕章・国会証言「原子力は幻想」編(May/23/2011)
12 年前
Journalists Pressed Criminal Charges Against Brainwashing Scientists and TEPCO Management (July 2011)/広瀬隆、山下俊一らを刑事告発
12 年前
The Role of Specialists: Dr. Kodama vs Dr. Yamashita/専門家の役割・児玉龍彦vs山下俊一
12 年前
Prof. Takeda's Testimony: "Japanese Nuke Plants Are Meant to Collapse"/武田邦彦・国会証言(May/18/2012)
12 年前
Anti-Nuke Parody Song of "Love Me Tender" by KAPPOGIS/反原発替え歌「ラブミーテンダー」by割烹着ーず
12 年前
FUKUSHIMA, through the Eyes of Children [Part1/4]: "How the Disaster Transformed Me"/子どもたちが見た福島[Part1/4]「価値観を変えた3.11」
12 年前
Anti-Nuke Reggae Song "You Can't See It, And You Can't Smell It Either" by Rankin Taxi/反原発レゲエ「誰にも見えない、匂いもない」byランキン・タクシー
12 年前
From Germany's HEUTE SHOW: "TEPCO Is a Criminal Company"(Apr. 1, 2011)/【日本語字幕付】ドイツTV「東電は犯罪会社」
12 年前
Young Mothers' Reasons for Not Leaving Fukushima: "Scared of Leaving, Scared of Remaining"/福島に残る若い母親たちの想い
12 年前
Dr. "Brainwasher" Yamashita Speaks 2: "I Can't Take Responsibility" (May 20, 2011)/山下俊一・許せない発言集2「責任の取りようがない」
12 年前
【日本語字幕付】CNN「チェルノブイリの犠牲者 事故から26年」/Chernobyl Children, 26 Years after the Disaster
12 年前
Stringent? Radiation Safety Standards for Food: Chernobyl vs Fukushima/日本の食品新基準値とベラルーシの基準
12 年前
What Happened to Chernobyl Children 7 Years after the Accident (1993)/事故7年後、チェルノブイリの子どもたちに何が起きていたか
12 年前
JP Govt's "Stunt" to Push for Wide-Area Disposal of Disaster Debris(Mar. 18, 2012)/細野環境相・川崎での街宣がれきパフォーマンス
12 年前
JP Govt's TV CM: "Let's Support East Japan by Eating!"/「食べて応援」CM(農水省)
12 年前
【日本語字幕付】南相馬市の除染風景(米CBS)/This Is How Decontamination Is Done in Fukushima (CBS) (Jan. 16, 2012)
12 年前
Dr. "Brainwasher" Yamashita Speaks 1: "Radiation Won't Affect People Who Are Smiling" (Mar. 21, 2011)/山下俊一・許せない発言集1「笑う者に放射能は来ない」
12 年前
2005 Interview with the Current Head of Japan's Nuclear Policy: "Nuclear Power Is Profitable"/斑目春樹氏2005年の驚愕発言
12 年前
15-Year-Old Kokoro Fujinami's Speech: "Nuke Plants Are Ticking Time Bombs" (Feb. 11, 2012)/藤波心さん「心のスピーチ」
12 年前
Restart without Safety 1: JP Govt Creates Easy-To-Meet Criteria to Restart Ooi Nuclear Plant (Apr. 5, 2012)/安全なき再稼動・大飯問題1
12 年前
Restart without Safety 2: Japan's Ooi Nuclear Plant's Insufficient Safety Measures (Apr. 9, 2012)/安全なき再稼動・大飯問題2
12 年前
【日本語字幕付】BBC「メルトダウンの内側」【Part3】/BBC "Inside the Meltdown" 3/4
12 年前
【日本語字幕付】BBC「メルトダウンの内側」【Part4】/BBC "Inside the Meltdown" 4/4
12 年前
【日本語字幕付】BBC「メルトダウンの内側」【Part2】/BBC "Inside the Meltdown" 2/4
12 年前
【日本語字幕付】BBC「メルトダウンの内側」【Part1】/BBC "Inside the Meltdown" 1/4
12 年前
Ex-TEPCO Engineer Reveals the Truths : "TEPCO Is A Terrible Company" (4/29/2011)/元東電社員・木村俊雄氏が真実を語る
12 年前