Dog-Sized Dinosaur Said To Hail From 'Lost Continent' Of Appalachia

  • 9 years ago
A small, horned dinosaur was recently described for the first time; leptoceratopsids is believed to emanate from present-day eastern North America.

Long gone, but still being discovered, dinosaurs have a way of holding our attention.

A recent addition comes from the so-called "lost continent" of Appalachia. 

According to the University of Bath, the extinct reptile was a horned creature, said to be, "about the size of a large dog."

A smaller cousin to the Triceratops, it ate a plant-based diet and had a beak-like mouth. 

Dr. Nick Longrich, who described the new dinosaur, noted, "It seems that animals in the eastern part of North America in the Late Cretaceous period evolve
