• 9 years ago
Riders of the Frontier (1939)
Approved | 58min | Action, Musical, Western | 16 August 1939 (USA)

The Rancho Grande, a Texas border ranch, cut off from the law by a gang of outlaws led by ranch foreman Bart Lane, who is holding the elderly owner of the ranch, Sarah Burton, a prisoner. Tex Lowery,an undercover Texas Ranger, rescues Martha Williams, a nurse sent for by the ailing Sarah, from a stagecoach holdup by Lane's henchmen. He later convinces Lane that he is a wanted outlaw named Ed Carter, and gains entry to Rancho Grande. But the real Ed Carter shows up.

Director: Spencer Gordon Bennet (as Spencer Bennet)

Writers: Jesse Duffy (story), Joseph Levering (story)

Stars: Tex Ritter, Jack Rutherford, Hal Taliaferro
04:50You sure went to a lot of trouble to draw a blank, partner.
04:53But I gotta hand it to you, it was kind of neat the way you slipped up on us all cold that way.
04:58Say, strange around here, ain't ya?
05:01Well, if it's any of your business, I'm from down El Paso way.
05:05Name's Carter.
05:08You don't mean Ed Carter.
05:11What about it?
05:13Oh, uh, nothing. We wasn't aiming to hurt that girl.
05:17Just doing a little job for the boss.
05:19Mark Lane, up at the Burton Ranch.
05:23Yeah, I've heard of some queer doings up that way.
05:26Well, you heard right.
05:28Say, I'll bet the boss would sure like to get a man of your caliber to join up with him.
05:38Say, could use a good hideout, Bruce Bell.
05:44Well, that's sure it. It's a good hideout, all right.
05:47Ain't nobody can get in that me and Lane don't want in.
05:52What's the boss gonna say about you letting this fella turn the girl loose on us?
05:56Uh, I reckon getting Ed Carter to join up with us will square that.
06:00Say, you boys go back and get Joe.
06:17What was you aiming to do with that girl?
06:19Oh, nothing. You see, she's the new nurse that Lane don't want.
06:23He's got one that suits him.
06:25Hey, I don't get the layout there.
06:27Is Lane sick?
06:28No, he's keeping old Sarah, the owner of the ranch, sick so she can't interfere with his personal deals.
06:34Well, I see.
06:36Say, you boys are pretty smart.
06:47All right.
07:17Mrs. Sarah Burton is expecting me.
07:20You follow the path to the road, ma'am, and the road leads right to the house.
07:24We'll bring your grip up later.
07:26Oh, it's not heavy, thank you. I can carry it.
07:55Lane must have changed his mind about having Buck take that gal off the stage, huh?
08:15I can't see what's wrong with the girl we have, Mrs. Burton.
08:19She's a trained nurse.
08:21I don't like a person. I don't like him.
08:23Uh-uh. Now, don't excite yourself, Mrs. Burton.
08:26Well, what do you want?
08:29Here's a list of the groceries that I got to get out of town, Mrs. Burton.
08:33Two bags of flowers and 25 pounds of coffee and 100 pounds of sugar.
08:39Why doesn't the stage deliver this stuff as they always have?
08:42Well, you see, Mrs. Burton, the gate is...
08:44Now, you don't understand, Mrs. Burton.
08:46The stage line has changed their route.
08:49They don't come within a mile of the ranch.
08:51Funny, we wasn't notified.
08:53We was. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you.
09:03I'm going, Mrs. Burton.
09:07Lane will pay you off.
09:11Give that list to Joe. He'll get the stuff.
09:14I'm going, Mrs. Burton.
09:16Lane will pay you off.
09:30Give that list to Joe. He'll get the stuff.
09:34I'm going, Mrs. Burton.
09:36Lane will pay you off.
09:40Why'd you give in to that old hen?
09:42That's my business.
09:44You put up at a hotel in town and stick around. I may need you.
09:47You'll get paid every week.
09:49Well, see that I do.
10:10You keep away from that house.
10:12Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
10:16I wish I was out of them gates.
10:19My mama told me so. She sure did.
10:22I wish I was chopping cotton.
10:25Boy, we sure would look good to me now.
10:37Are you Mrs. Burton?
10:43And you're Mary's daughter.
10:46I'd have known you anywhere.
10:55Dr. Dolson, this is Martha Williams,
10:58daughter of an old friend back in Ohio.
11:00Oh, welcome, Miss Williams.
11:02I'm pleased to meet you, Dr. Dolson.
11:06Now, dear, tell me about your mother. How is she?
11:09Just fine. She sent you her love.
11:11She hopes you'll be better soon.
11:18I get weaker every time I take a dose of this medicine.
11:23Why is it?
11:25Why, that's the immediate reaction that you must expect, Mrs. Burton.
11:29In the end, you'll regain your strength.
11:31You'll see that Mrs. Burton gets her medicine regularly, won't you?
11:34The directions are on the bottle.
11:36I will, Doctor. Any other orders?
11:38No, none at present.
11:42If you'll go right back there, dear,
11:44the housekeeper will show you to your room.
11:51Goodbye, Mrs. Burton.
12:04Something slipped.
12:06Buck failed to stop the new nurse.
12:08Do you think you can handle her?
12:10Well, I don't know yet.
12:12Well, make it your business to know.
12:14Yeah, but I gotta draw the line somewhere, Lane.
12:17I remember the time when you weren't so careful to draw the line.
12:21Yes, I know. Yeah, but, uh...
12:24If I don't get results, you know what to expect.
12:29All right, Lane.
12:31That's better.
13:01I had the girl, boss,
13:03but this fella got the drop on us and turned her loose.
13:06Who is he?
13:08Ed Carter, the toughest humbree in South Texas.
13:11Yeah, I heard of him.
13:13What's he doing here?
13:15He's got a gun.
13:17He's got a gun.
13:19He's got a gun.
13:21He's got a gun.
13:23He's got a gun.
13:25He's got a gun.
13:27He's got a gun.
13:29What's he doing here?
13:31He was after the money on the stage.
13:34He's looking for a hideout for a spell.
13:36I thought maybe you could use him.
13:38Gus, do you know him?
13:40Well, we've all heard of him aplenty.
13:48Got any proof you're Ed Carter?
13:53Man in my business just don't carry credentials around with him.
13:59Put him on, Buck.
14:01I'll talk to him later.
14:05Check up on that, Buck.
14:07I'll be along shortly.
14:09All right.
14:29One time, Red.
14:47Huh. Where'd you find them, Sam?
14:50Hiding in a line shack.
14:52Claim they're duck hunters, but I think they're the law.
14:55What are you doing with them?
14:57I'm gonna pardon them.
15:04You gents are getting a break.
15:06Follow me.
15:14Now, if you can get around that bend in the road before I get you, you're free.
15:18Now start running.
15:27If there's a firefight in you, get up.
15:30What's the trouble here?
15:32Sam, what have I told you about fighting?
15:36If you stand for this kind of stuff, I don't want to have anything to do with your layout.
15:41What are you talking about?
15:43Well, tell me what you've got.
15:47I ain't got nothing to do with the way you run.
15:51Now, when I ain't got nothing to do with you running, it ain't no use to me.
15:57Where we at?
16:00Don't want to have anything to do with your layout
16:03What are you talking about?
16:05Well, they're no wings sprouting on my shoulder
16:08But I never in all my life shot a man in the back. I'm still asking what happened
16:14Who is this maverick bad man a fool with that's Ed Carter Ed Carter. Does this car what he claimed? He's Ed Carter
16:21Yes, don't you remember last week when Tony Romero passed through he said that Ed Carter was in jail in El Paso
16:27He's right about was in jail in El Paso
16:31But you know this time of year it gets kind of warm down that way
16:35too warm
16:37So I busted out and came up here
16:41For it's cooler I
16:43Don't believe it. All right. No rat holes in that new jail. Take a look at this
16:52Where'd you find this on the ground head down
16:54Where'd you find this on the ground head must have dropped it when he went after Sam. Yeah, I
17:00Pulled him off of trees as I rode north
17:14Look at your mister. Well, is you the man that killed him eight men up there in that Abilene? Hold up. That's a lie
17:21There's only six
17:27Still don't believe he's Ed Carter and what's his picture doing on that poster for day and him buck
17:32Come over to my office tonight and bring Carter with you
17:34Yeah, in the meantime get the cattle ready for an early morning start. All right, let me have that
17:55Mm-hmm. I sure wish I was out of them gate. My mama told me she showed it
18:14This bill of sale only calls for 500 head can't you send more in this rising market?
18:19I want to put a few more pounds on them Sarah
18:22There'll be more of an extra
18:49Wait, well, that's the man who forced me from the stagecoach and he's the man that stopped him
18:54Are you sure, Martha?
18:56Oh, of course I am.
18:59What about it, Lane?
19:01First I knew about it.
19:03I sent Buck to meet the coach and bring her in.
19:05I didn't know he got rough with her.
19:09Why, boss, I, uh.
19:10It's too late for excuses.
19:12You're fired.
19:14Get out.
19:25Thanks, Ed.
19:27You happened along at the right time.
19:30This is Ed, Sarah.
19:31Howdy, Ed.
19:32How do.
19:33And Miss Williams.
19:36I just hired him today.
19:38I think I picked a good man.
19:45I had no opportunity to thank you this morning,
19:47but, well, I want you to know I appreciate what you did.
19:50Oh, that's all right.
19:53I think I'll do it again.
20:08I'm not firing Buck.
20:10I had to do something to satisfy those women.
20:13But I can't send him in charge of this drive.
20:17I want you to take that $5,000 head over the line.
20:20You mean $500, don't you?
20:37Sarah gets a return on the $500.
20:41You're pretty smart, Lane.
20:43Smart as a fox.
20:45Two foxes.
20:47There are thousands of head of cattle on this place,
20:50and there's nothing to stop us from getting most of them.
20:53Nice break for you.
20:54If you stick around, I'll stick.
20:58See you in the morning.
21:20Well, how's your patient?
21:22I'm worried about her.
21:25Well, I believe I can tell this to you.
21:27It's the medicine that's making her
21:28weaker instead of stronger.
21:31Well, why don't you try stopping it for a while?
21:34Give her water in place of the medicine.
21:37That's an idea.
21:39It couldn't hurt her any.
21:43Well, how's your patient?
21:45I'm worried about her.
21:47Well, I believe I can tell this to you.
21:50That's a pretty guitar.
21:53Belong to you?
21:54No, Chappy left it here.
21:57Well, he should try tuning it sometime.
21:59Heh heh.
22:04When the sun's in the west, and I lie down to rest,
22:14I cling to the rose of my dreams.
22:22Neath a blanket of stars, with a breeze for guitars,
22:31I sing to the rose of my dreams.
22:37I dream of the one love I'm longing to possess,
22:45for her love could always bring me happiness.
22:55Now my heart's heaven bound, for at last she's mine.
23:06She's been found, the rose of my dreams, is you.
23:22Ed, come here.
23:24I want to talk to you.
23:25Come in.
23:28Well, good night, Miss Williams.
23:29Good night.
23:37Getting a little sweet on that girl, aren't you?
23:38Oh, just making a little music.
23:41You call that music?
23:43Well, I guess she does.
23:45But don't let it go too far.
23:50Hey, wait a minute.
23:54You listen to me.
23:56My heart out here is a ranch hand.
23:58And I'm not going to take orders in my personal affairs
24:01from you or anybody else.
24:02That's a good point.
24:03I'm not going to take orders in my personal affairs
24:05from you or anybody else.
24:06That's not an order, Ed.
24:08We have work to do and no time.
24:09And another thing, about them locked gates out there.
24:13I'm going in and out of this place
24:15whenever I feel like it.
24:17That's all right with me.
24:19Now you turn in and I'll see you in the morning.
24:33Miss Williams, in protecting a large ranch like this,
24:37I'm obliged to hire some very tough men.
24:41And I wouldn't advise a close friendship with any of them.
24:44Are you referring to Ed?
24:46Yes, and all the others.
24:48But Ed's so nice.
24:51Look at that.
24:58Not so nice, huh?
25:00Not so nice there, eh?
25:02I understand.
25:05Well, thank you.
25:06And I'll be more careful in the future.
25:09Excuse me.
25:10Good night.
25:17Counting all yours, Mr. Buck, you can put in your pocket.
25:20You know, you're wrassling around no saddle roll.
25:22Yeah, I reckon you're right.
25:25It's the women, Chappie.
25:27The women gets all my money, but I sure
25:29count on saving something out of this next shipment.
25:40Where are you going?
25:41I'm pulling out of here.
25:42You fired me, didn't you?
25:44Well, didn't you see me wink?
25:46Sure, but I figured you got some dust in your eye.
25:48You would.
25:50Now, on account of what happened,
25:51I can't send you any more money.
25:53I'm going to have to go to the bank.
25:54You're going to go to the bank?
25:55Yes, sir.
25:57Now, on account of what happened,
25:58I can't send you in charge.
26:00So I'm sending Ed along.
26:01But I want you to keep a close watch on him.
26:03You'll get my same split?
26:05Sure, don't worry about that.
26:07Say, Sam's on the gate tonight, isn't he?
26:11Well, come on.
26:12I want to talk to him, too.
26:15Here, Chappie.
26:25You give that Dodge Winan weatherwock
26:26permission to go into town?
26:28I gave him permission to go through the gate.
26:30Why do you suppose a man hiding out
26:32wants to show his face in town?
26:33Darn if I know.
26:35Well, we'll ride after him and find out.
26:36Come on, Sam.
27:54Come on.
27:56Let's go.
28:21Rip it down.
28:24I'll get inside.
28:54Sit down.
29:22You got any more of these?
29:24Well, get them and tear them up.
29:25Come on.
29:26Before he sees the spy on him.
29:27Oh, uh...
29:52Oh, I'm sorry, Bob.
29:59Three fellows followed me in from the ranch and were watching.
30:04I had to pull that stunt on them.
30:08Tell the truth.
30:09I thought you'd gone crazy.
30:10Hey, those posters sure work, Bob.
30:14I thought for a moment you were going to beat them.
30:19I just wrote in to tell you that I'm leaving in the morning in charge of a trail herd
30:22from the ranch.
30:23Selling them?
30:24Practically stealing them.
30:26I hate to do it, but it's the only way that I can get positive proof on Bart Lane.
30:31And it's about time.
30:32Two men I sent in there the other day haven't reported back.
30:36They won't either, Bob.
30:38I saw what happened to them.
30:42That makes more than ten men that have disappeared in that ranch in the past year.
30:47You've got to head this thing off, Tex.
30:50Lane's chickens are on the way to roost.
30:53Right now.
30:54You think your plan will work?
30:58Well, I thought from the head off there's no other way.
31:00We'll just have to trust the luck.
31:02You're the doctor.
31:03I'll be ready.
31:04Goodbye, Marshal.
31:17Oh, Martha, get my book and glasses.
31:42Miss Williams.
31:45We're leaving on the trail drive.
31:51I just wanted to say goodbye.
32:02What do you reckon, Miss Saylor?
32:04Maybe she's like me.
32:05When she don't like people, she don't like them.
32:09Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm leaving.
32:19Here are your papers.
32:21This is the bill of sale.
32:28And this is the address of Amos Mosley, our wildcat buyer.
32:32Here's the name of the banker to contact.
32:36All right, Mr. Lane.
32:41The cattle are moving already.
32:42You'd better hurry to catch up.
32:44So long.
32:46Good luck.
33:05Good luck.
33:35Good luck.
33:36Good luck.
34:05He smashed me when I wasn't looking.
34:17And if Lane hadn't stopped us, I'd have took that hombre apart.
34:20Why don't you tell him instead of me?
34:23I'm going to when he comes back from night hawking.
34:32There he is.
34:33There he is.
34:34Why don't you tell him now?
34:41Well, this will soon be over.
34:42You ought to hit Galeville sometime tomorrow.
34:45We haven't lost a steer on the way.
34:50I do understand.
34:51Suppose you play us a piece while I go get you all something to eat.
34:55Well, I'm not hungry.
34:56All I want is a cup of coffee.
34:59Hey, Jackie.
35:01When did you ever get a good-looking guitar like this?
35:04Miss Bird bought me that for Christmas.
35:13Say, believe I'll take a cup of coffee myself.
35:15Make him yeller.
35:18Go ahead.
35:19Make it yeller.
35:24Color don't make any difference.
35:27Take you, for instance, chappy.
35:29Your skin's dark.
35:31But your heart ain't all shriveled up like somebody I know.
35:36Sure enough.
35:39You see, chappy, it's like this.
35:42Some people are like your guitar.
35:45Empty heads.
35:49Born with a discord.
35:52Others are decent and fine.
35:56In harmony with the world.
35:59You sure do know the human race.
36:03And music, too.
36:06Thanks, chappy.
36:09Say, how'd you ever get the name of Chappy?
36:13Well, you see, Miss Ed, it's like this.
36:15Everybody in our family is named after somebody in the good book.
36:20So the first name they come to was Chapter One.
36:23That's me.
36:24Chappy for short.
36:26You got any brothers or sisters?
36:28Yes, sir.
36:29We are nearly up to the Twelve Apostles right now.
36:33At the last report.
36:38Say, chappy, as we rode up while ago,
36:40I heard you playing the Bol' Evil song.
36:43The Bol' Evil.
36:44You like that?
36:45Yes, sir.
36:46That's my favorite.
36:50Look here, Miss Ed, does you like it?
36:55Let's go.
37:02For the Bol' Evil lamb,
37:04a little black bug come from Mexico, they say.
37:07Come all the way to Texas
37:09just looking for a place to stay,
37:11just looking for a home.
37:13Just looking for a home.
37:16Now the first time I see the Bol' Evil,
37:18he was sitting on the square.
37:20The next time I see the Bol' Evil,
37:22he had all his family there
37:24just looking for a home.
37:26Just looking for a home.
37:31Now the farmer taking the Bol' Evil
37:34and he put him in the hot sand.
37:37The evil said this is mighty hot
37:39but I'll stand it like a man.
37:43This'll be my home.
37:46It'll be my home.
37:49Now the farmer takes this Bol' Evil
37:52and puts him in a lump of ice.
37:55The Bol' Evil said to the farmer
37:58this is mighty cool
38:00and nice.
38:02It'll be my home.
38:05This'll be my home.
38:09The farmer say to the evil
38:11what make your head so red?
38:14The evil say to the farmer
38:16it's a wonder I ain't dead
38:18just looking for a home.
38:20Just looking for a home.
38:23Now the muncher got half the cotton
38:25the Bol' Evil got the rest.
38:27He did.
38:28He leave the farmer's wife
38:29with one old cotton dress
38:31and it's full of home.
38:33It's full of home.
38:36Now the farmer said to the muncher
38:38we is an awful thing.
38:40The Bol' Evil ate up all the cotton
38:42and left us only a stick.
38:44We got no home.
38:46We got no home.
38:49Now the captain say to the missus
38:51what do you think of that?
38:53The Bol' Evil done made a nest
38:55in my best Sunday hat.
38:57Gonna have a home.
38:59Gonna have a home.
39:02Now if anybody should ask you
39:04who it was that made this song
39:06just tell them it was a dark complexed fella
39:09with a pair of blue duckies.
39:10Oh, they got no home.
39:12Got no home.
39:13They got no home.
39:16Now the Bol' Evil say to the farmer
39:18you better leave me alone.
39:20I done ate all your cotton
39:22and now I gonna start on your corn.
39:39No lane here to stop you now.
40:48That Bol' Evil has done found a home.
40:53You see Mrs. Burton
40:54I was right about that medicine.
40:55Look how much better you are
40:56since you stopped taking it.
40:57I'll soon be riding the range again
40:59see what's what.
41:02I don't know what I'd have done
41:04without Lane during my illness.
41:07Guess I better talk to him
41:08about firing that quack doctor.
41:10I'll wait until you're better Mrs. Burton.
41:11Then you can do it yourself.
41:13Maybe you're right.
41:33Ed sent me on ahead
41:34to tell you we got through
41:35without losing a single steer
41:37out of the 5,000 head.
41:39Did you have any trouble?
41:40Oh, a fan flared up
41:42and Ed had to take him apart.
41:44Ed's a good man.
41:45Glad I got him.
41:46All right Boney
41:47start checking up on the next bunch of cattle.
41:49All right.
41:52Aren't you a little afraid
41:53about taking on new men
41:54just at this time Lane?
41:56Not in this case.
41:58There's a reward hanging on Ed's head.
42:00I can turn him in at any time.
42:03And don't forget he's got about 40,000
42:05stashed away from that last bank robbery.
42:07Oh, I never thought of that.
42:09Now about the old woman.
42:11She's getting better every day.
42:13I'm not going to talk to you again about this.
42:16I give you my word Bart
42:18that I'm doing everything I can.
42:20Say, are you sure that...
42:27So, you're in on this too.
42:29Get off of the ranch.
42:30Both of you.
42:31And don't dare come back.
42:33You're a little too late Sarah.
42:35I'm running this ranch
42:36and giving all the orders around here.
42:38Not anymore you ain't.
42:39I'm calling in the Rangers.
42:40No one goes in or out of this place
42:42without my say so.
42:51Open up these gates.
42:52I got business in there.
42:54What do you want?
42:55Black Watson sent me to see Bart Lane.
42:57Do I get in or don't I?
42:59I'll take you to Lane.
43:19Nobody leaves this ranch without my permission.
43:22Get it?
43:28Come on.
43:40Black Watson sent us in Lane.
43:44Black told me you had a man here
43:46that calls himself Ed Carter.
43:48Is that any of your business?
43:51When that happens to be my name.
43:54Well, somebody's lying.
44:00Just about what I expected.
44:02You know who this fellow is?
44:04That's Tex Lowry, the law man.
44:06I know because he's the only man
44:08that ever put me in jail.
44:10Well, I'm not taking your word for it.
44:12But if Black Watson knows this man,
44:15I'll get proof from him.
44:16Black knows Tex all right.
44:18Gus, ride over to the border
44:20and have Watson verify this.
44:21And hurry up.
44:23And hurry up.
44:36Watching us like as if we were criminals.
44:38If Lane hadn't taken all the guns out of the house,
44:41I'd have given them something to remember.
44:45I told you to keep them in the house.
44:52Lock that door.
45:07Speedy trip, Ed.
45:08Good work.
45:09Buck, you and Sam come into the office.
45:12The rest of you go to the corral.
45:23A lot of cattle moving now, boss.
45:25Sounds good.
45:26Yeah, we got top prices.
45:30Ah, I see you got cashier's checks.
45:34Never know what'll happen.
45:36Good idea.
45:37A crooked buyer might have hooked us
45:38and we'd have no comeback.
45:40Hey, me and Sam got some coin
45:42coming from the last deal.
45:43Can we get it?
45:45I'll take care of you now.
45:46Well, I guess I'll go and unsaddle.
45:48Nothing else, is it?
45:49Not now.
45:50Go ahead.
45:52Go ahead, Ed.
46:08That's Tex Lowry or I'll eat my hat.
46:12Well, Chappy, there sure have been
46:14plenty of rumblers around here since we was away.
46:16Meaning which?
46:18Some of them showed up claiming to be Ed Carter.
46:20Of course, we'll know for sure
46:22when Gus gets back from the border.
46:24And besides that, they got old Sarah McGill
46:26held prisoner up at the house.
46:28My goodness.
46:38Uh, Mr. Ed, there's another Ed Carter
46:40that showed up on this ranch.
46:42And he got Miss Sarah and that other lady locked up.
46:45And he's got a lot of money.
46:47And he's got a lot of money.
46:49And he's got a lot of money.
46:51And he's got a lot of money.
46:53And he's got a lot of money.
46:55And he's got a lot of money.
46:57And there's one lady locked up.
46:59I feel in my bones that that won't be trouble.
47:03Thanks, Chappy.
47:05But how did this picture get on that poster?
47:08Oh, Gus ought to be back any minute now
47:10and that'll settle this argument.
47:13Open up. It's Gus!
47:27You mean the picture on the poster is Tex Lowry?
47:29Yeah. Black Watson knows him well.
47:31And this is Ed Carter.
47:33Blackie sent him up here.
47:35I've been waiting for this chance.
47:37Hold on there.
47:38He's mighty dangerous till you get that gun off of him.
47:41We've got to make it look accidental.
47:43Like all the others.
47:44Why not pardon him?
47:46Blackie's just another trespassing duck hunter.
47:48Fox, we'll meet you back at the bunkhouse.
47:50Get some men.
47:51All right.
47:57♪ In gambling and stealing
48:08♪ In thousand cattle rearing
48:15♪ Rearing
48:20♪ And now...
48:23So, what are y'all trying to do?
49:53Where did he go?
49:54Nobody got by us.
50:40Get set!
50:48Give the signal, Marshal.
55:45Come on, get up! Get up!
55:47Get up, come on, get up!
55:50Get up, you bastard!
56:01What are you going to do?
56:03I'm going to give you boys a little dose of your own medicine.
56:07I'm going to pardon you.
56:09Now if you can get around that bend before I shoot you,
56:12you'll be free as a bird.
56:14You're a law officer, you wouldn't do that.
56:16You're a foreman, chap. He told me plenty.
56:43Sorry, I'm not your foreman.
56:50Lane's going to jail.
56:52And here's your money from the last trail drive.
57:05We rounded up all that wasn't laying flat permanent.
57:08Well, that's fine, Marshal.
57:10Here's a couple of more for your collection.
57:12Thanks, Tex. Nice work.
57:15Come on, you crooks.
57:23Tell me something.
57:24How did you picture get on that poster?
57:26Oh, that's a secret.
57:28I'll explain it to you sometime.
57:37Come and get it before I throws it away.
