Spectrocoin.com imitated a transfer of 64 BTC and then removed 24+ BTC more from my account balance

  • 8 years ago
Spectrocoin faked a transfer to 64 BTC address of my broker, did not inform me of that and kept getting funds in normal mode.

After some time Spectrocoin removed my 24+ BTC from the balance.

I tried contacting Spectrocoin operators via live chat and Skype. Once I start a conversation, their operators ask my username and when I tell them, they do not reply back. I tried submitting tickets to their Support Center and writing emails. The same thing here. They just do not respond.

My money are in possession of Spectrocoin for more than a month. In the meantime, BTC exchange rate significantly dropped down. I was supposed to sell bitcoins, now buy them again and earn ~$10000. I assume Spectrocoin administration did the same.
I am ready to provide video captured before account was blocked, all records of my phone calls made to Spectrocoin office, screenshots and other data.

I am calling out a Spectrocoin representative for a public discussion so he could explain this undue behavior. I demand paying me back my 90+ BTC and 15 BTC more as a recompense of the profits lost through the fault of irresponsible actions of Spectrocoin administration.
