KKK Chapter Plans To Hold Donald Trump Victory Parade

  • 8 years ago
A Ku Klux Klan chapter has announced plans for a parade to celebrate Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election.

A Ku Klux Klan chapter has announced plans for a parade to celebrate Donald Trump's victory in the presidential election, reports WGN.
It will be held on December 3 in North Carolina, according to the website of the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
The webpage includes a photo of the new president-elect along with text "TRUMP = TRUMP'S RACE UNITED MY PEOPLE."
Days before the election, the official newspaper of the KKK had endorsed Trump, but as CNN reports, "Trump's campaign quickly denounced the support from the newspaper, calling the publication 'repulsive.'"
Early this year, David Duke, the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, encouraged his members to vote for Trump.
In promoting the Trump campaign, Duke warned voters that the failure to go with the GOP candidate was, “treason to your heritage.”  Following Trump's victory, Duke tweeted, “This is one of the most exciting nights of my life...Make no mistake about it, our people have played a HUGE role in electing Trump!" 
