• 7 years ago
According to the National Park Service, somebody armed with a can of red paint sprayed “f**k law” onto one of the pillars at the Lincoln Memorial.

The Lincoln Memorial is a popular Washington, D.C. attraction, and, sadly, vandals are among its many visitors. 
According to the National Park Service, somebody armed with a can of red paint sprayed “f**k law” onto one of the pillars at the memorial, reports WUSA.
WRC notes that the damage was discovered at about 4:30 on Tuesday morning.
Efforts are already underway to remove the paint, but how long that will take is unknown. 
Given the delicate nature of the stone, cleaners must be applied gradually and their effects assessed before additional passes can be made. 
People with information about the vandalism are asked to report it to the U.S. Park Police. 


