Monowi, With A Population Of One, Is The Smallest Town In America

  • 6 years ago
Monowi, Nebraska, with a population of 1, is the smallest incorporated town in America and the only to have just a single resident.

Monowi, Nebraska, with a population of 1, is the smallest incorporated town in America and the only to have just a single resident, reports the BBC. That person is Elsie Eiler, who became Monowi's sole occupant when her husband Rudy passed in 2004. Since, she has served as the mayor, treasurer, librarian, and clerk while working 12 hours a day, six days a week at the tavern she owns. Eiler is also the town's only taxpayer, and keeping the water running and the three street lamps lit costs her about $500 a year.  Monowi has always been a small town, but decades ago it did have a population of roughly 150.  Over the years and as farming jobs were lost to automation, its residents have moved elsewhere.  While Eiler is the only person that remains in the town, she says she's far from lonely, as her tavern draws many visitors from nearby areas, notes Refinery29. "It's like one big family. There are fourth-and fifth-generation customers coming in," Eiler told the BBC. "It's pretty neat when the people you remember as babies are now bringing their babies in to show me." 


